
The Elites (The sorcerer the guardian and the girl)

He appeared in a blink of an eye. I didn't see him when my eyes were reading the dress code and the people. Either he fell from the sky or just teleported here. As soon as my eyes landed on him, they widened at his aspect. He was wearing complete white which was complementing his silver silky hair. He gleams like shiny white armor. My eyes followed him, as he was getting closer in my direction.

ErzaLockhart_8373 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 3

Exactly in front was a whiteboard and a faculty platform. To either side, right and left were benches arranged one after another in an upward manner, for backbenchers to have a proper view. There were fewer students in the class. Some were already seated and some were entering just like me. Finding the second row empty in the left column, I went there and sat on it. My happiness was on cloud nine and I was nervous at the same time. I couldn't believe I was finally here. Dreaming about it since I had my senses. Taking deep breaths, I was calming my pounding heart.

A sudden movement of the bench made me attentive when a girl sat next to me. Slowly, I turned my head in her direction. I am not a person to initiate a conversation, especially here in this school where everyone is of high status. I couldn't dare to conversate. We might not even have a common topic to talk about. As soon as my eyes fall on her, I began to notice. Her hair was dyed red. She applied red lipstick too. Even with the strict rules, there's no restriction on fashion here. With her hand, she tugged her hair back of her ear, which made me notice her pierced ear and a shiny ear-top in it. The next moment, she tilt her head in my direction, startling me with her actions. I gasped and straighten my head, looking down at my lap.

"Hi!" She said in a jolly manner.

Raising my eyes, I slowly faced her. With a curt nod, I replied to her 'hi'.

In response, she gave a confusing look. "Aa...em, can't you talk?" She asked.

"No. I can." I said in a quick manner before creating any misunderstanding.

"Oh!" She smiled. "Looks like you are new here." She then stated.

"Yes, I enrolled this year and today is my first day," I said.

"Welcome then," She said.

I never thought It would be easy to talk to someone. Always being alone and restraining yourself from people. I don't know how it feels to talk to new people. There's only one person, I ever talk with. He's someone that is close to me. He might be at work right now. I can't wait to tell him that I finally made it here.

"Hello." A waving hand broke my thoughts. I was expecting it to be the same girl who just talked with me. But no, it was not her. This was a boy who was sitting in front of me. He was turned back.

I got attended by her hello and wave. "hello." I replied in a low voice.

"I like your hair." He said the next moment of my hello. My brows knitted on their own by his words. I could someone tell such a thing at the first meet. Not even a meet, just after first hi.

"Oh yes, I agree," The girl next to me added.

I then faced her and the boy. I don't know what to say. Everyone made fun of my hair at the orphanage. But here, the first compliment I got was on my hair.

"Where did you dye it?" The girl asked. "I am thinking of changing my hair color," she added.

Before I could open my mouth to tell them it's not dyed, it's natural. An alarming sound rang and a lecture entered the class.

We disciplined ourselves and gave our attention to him.

Keeping his tablet on the desk, he faced us. "Welcome everyone. Most of you have been promoted from high school of the elite to college. But some of you are newly enrolled here. I believe, who knows the protocols of elites might teach the one who doesn't know them."

He then turned to the whiteboard and wrote something. Standing aside, he gestured his hand towards the board.

There were four columns made on the board, each column has options such as 'Painting, clay modeling, swimming, and archery, respectively.

"So." With a click sound, he closed the cap of the marker and faced us. "These are the indoor and outdoor electives that you have to choose from. Along with your classroom teacher, I am your electives guide. You people have 24 hours, think and tick in the schedule we gave you. Hand me the schedule tomorrow at the same time."

One boy raised his hand in the middle, gaining everyone's eyes. "Can we choose both outdoor options?" He asked.

This question was reasonable. I didn't think of it. There are people who are introverts and extroverts.

"No." The lecture said. "One should be indoor activity and the other should be outdoor."

Exhaling in disdain the boy sat back on his bench.

"Seems like you are the newcomers." The lecture said.

With confidence, the boy gave a curt nod along with a loud yes.

"And if I am not wrong, you are the inter-school swimming champion of your school." The lecture said.

"You are right." The boy said dramatically.

Even the newly enrolls are all kinds of specials here. I feel so low among them. If they ask me where am I from, What should I say? I have so school background. I gave the entrance exams and qualified here. If they got to know that I am an orphan, I don't know how will they treat me. I should better hide my identity forever or at least until I am graduated from here.

Opening my eyes, I exhaled a deep breath. I didn't know when I closed my at in nervousness.

"Well then, let's talk about the main subject of your courses. Physics." The lecture said, gaining the attention of all the students.

The first period went by, with some basics of physics. It was something new for me, I learn that it looks pretty easy when someone else teaches you. Learning all by yourself is ten times harder than being taught by some expert. The basics that we discussed today are all I read about in a book. The next class soon started after the first ended, and it was the language one. I choose French as my second language. It is widely used in all the counties after english.

The students who choose other languages apart from French were supposed to go to a different class. Whereas we were a dozen of students who remain in the same class. Students at the back benches came forward. The girl beside me probably took some other subject. And now the boy who's champion in swimming was sitting beside me.

Without looking at him, I was concentrating on our female French lecturer. I don't want to face him. If by chance, any conversation starts, we both being newcomers might end up asking about each other background, which I couldn't speak about. I was waiting patiently for this period to end. Lifting my hand, I looked at my wristwatch. There were more 10 minutes remaining before this class came to an end.

"Hey, I know the same watch." The boy sitting beside me finally spoke, making my heart skip a beat at the very moment. I didn't dare to answer him or face him.