
The Elites (The sorcerer the guardian and the girl)

He appeared in a blink of an eye. I didn't see him when my eyes were reading the dress code and the people. Either he fell from the sky or just teleported here. As soon as my eyes landed on him, they widened at his aspect. He was wearing complete white which was complementing his silver silky hair. He gleams like shiny white armor. My eyes followed him, as he was getting closer in my direction.

ErzaLockhart_8373 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 2

"I told you, I am quitting this job this year," Skye said.

Blake stood up from his dean's chair. Giving a long glare to silver, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

"So, as the year begins you start again," Blake said.

"Then why don't you just free me from this." Skye took a step towards the table in between them.

Turned to face Skye, blake returned to the table, where he was sitting first. He picked up the glass with half-filled red liquid and raised it to his lips. Gulping a sip, he met Skye's eyes with his narrow one. "You know, I can't." He said.

Sighing, Skye ran his hand through his hair and turned around. He then began to walk towards the door to leave the office room.

"Aren't you gonna argue more?" Blake raised his one perfect sharp brow.

Skye looked at him through his shoulder. "Will my argument end up in my favor?" He asked.

"Probably not." Blake shrugged his shoulders.

"Then there's no point," Skye said in a lame manner. "I feel this will be my last year." He murmured.

"I heard you. You know how my ears work, right?" Blake said in a jolly manner. "Better luck next year." He added with a wink.

Skye shook his head in disdain and opened the door to leave. He shuts the door behind him, following the corridor, he took downstairs. While walking down, his heart felt a sudden ache for a fraction of a second. He knelt on his one knee, unable to bear the sudden pain. The next moment he placed his hand on the floor to support his form from falling and the pain was gone. Taking a deep breath, he stood on his feet and leaned back on the sidewall. Confused, he ran his hand through his hair.

'What was it?' He thought.

Rubbing the back of his head, his eyes fell on the wristwatch. "Damn it!" He whispered. It was 8:20, and should be on the ground right now to open up the door at sharp 8:30. His conversation ate all of his time. Not to break the rule and the reputation of the college, he decided to take a shortcut. Within no time, the white smoke formed around him, engulfing him in its embrace, then slowly he began to fade away and vanished along with the smoke in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, he was on the ground, appearing from nowhere. Everything happened in a swift moment that no one can tell when and how he was there along with everyone else.

The girls who were near and around him were in awe, giving no thought to his sudden appearance. Whereas boys were pretty confused. Most of them have eerie thoughts about him. He's the hot topic in the whole college for his mysterious aspect. Apart from being appealing, it was rare to see the guardian from a closer distance. Though he comes twice every day for opening and closing the door, no one dares to raise their eyes and see him directly from near. Whoever whishes to see him, either eye him secretary from the sides or some give him short glances. His aura was high enough for anyone to even look at him.


Violet Redwood

My eyes couldn't move from what they were gazing at. His sling-back silver hair was shining as he walks, leaving some strands on his pale forehead. His eyes were blue as the sky and lashes white as snow. His eyebrows, straight and sharp, as if sketched with a dim pencil. His sharp nose shimmered under the sun's rays. And his pale lips complement the rest of his features. He looked like a character drawn with a pencil. Except that he walks and was getting closer to me.

The realization of his existence brought me out of my stare. And till then, he was two feet away from me. I quickly stepped aside further, to let him do his work. As soon as I cease myself from being his hurdle, he walks past me. My eyes were admiring how his hair flew by the kinetic energy of his walk. Gravity has no effect on his hair, I thought.

While he was unlocking the door, my eyes examined his dress. His trousers were while, above it was a bluish grey shirt, whose hem was in a V cut. His belt, tie, and boots were dark grey. Above his whole form, there was a long white coat with folded cuffs and white gloves.

The click sound of the door being unlocked took all of my attention. I was no longer inspecting the guardian. Now that the door was opening up, he has my least interest.

Pushing both sides of the double door, he flew open it, mesmerizing me by its beauty. The inside floor was of white marble, which shows a better reflection than a mirror if you look down. The reflection of the exquisite chandelier made me raise my head to the roof. It has gorgeous colors and decorative designs of flowers with candles hanging from the petals.

The enormous corridor was sparked by the lights and sun. There were small lanterns held on either side of the classrooms. To the right was the head office. I took my way directly to the head office. Before exploring any further, I decided to give the order for my dress and books.

The simple door of the office was made of carved glass. I couldn't be more surprised today, the college was far more than my imagination. A female head was sitting behind the desk. I went and introduced myself.

"So, you enrolled this year." She adjusted her glasses and check my name in the system. "Oh! There you are, miss Violet Redwood." She added and displayed my information on the big screen behind her. "Give your biometric." She gestured her hand to the side of the big screen where a fingerprint scanner and retina scanner were fixed. I walked towards it and gave my thumbprint and scanned my eyes.

"Verified." A female voice in the room echoed.

"Well, you will get your dress and other resources within three days. Welcome to The Elites." The female head said, handing me the schedule of my classes.

Taking it, I go through it once. In total, I have 8 subjects, along with electives. There were two boxes left blank to fill in the electives. Once I choose them, I will get a final revised schedule.

"Submit it while returning from the classes." She said.

I gave a curt nod and came out of the office. My head was bent down the whole time reading the classes, the floor, and the location of the dorm. My room was on the 2nd floor, 4th room, 204. The building of the dormitory was a different one. Which is behind this one. But the entrance to it leads from this.

Raising my head, I looked at the corridors to make a turn. I was searching the corridor that leads to the dormitory. And then the clock struck 8:55 with an alarming sound of the class beginning. Folding the paper, I rushed to the first floor, where my first class was. I hate to be late for my classes. It was the second class adjacent to the stairway, which didn't cost me time to search. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my form, placed the paper in the pocket of my dress, and stepped into the class.