
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 18: Old Enemies

I sang the song of healing slowly. The a little more until eventually I got to my normal voice. I was able to sing but the magic seemed like it was gone. I was a little bummed but it was fine. "Ok now that you finished the song how do you feel?" "Healthwise fine. The magic is gone though. So I'm bummed. It was worth it though. I did what I had to do. Other people at the time were in a dire situation because of me. I just hope I never loose the power to speak to animals or heal. Those are my most treasured ones." "I will stay here one more night in case you need me ok? I hope you enjoy the festival tonight." "Thank you sir."

I sat on a stump looking bummed. Kion and my brothers came over. "Hey guys. Did you come over to try to cheer me up?" "You know us sister." Said Leo. Then Kion said, "Want to touch my ears? Will that cheer you up?" "Hehe I thought it bugged you?" "It does but if it will cheer you up I'm willing." "No I'll be ok. It will just be awhile before I get used to the feeling for no singing power." "Ok well what do you want to do then?" said Kion. I want to go to the lake for some reason." "Maybe its because it reminds you of Sea and Cove." "Yeah maybe." Mom and dad went home and I went over to the lake with my brothers and Kion.

"Oh Hey Rhylie your back!" Said my bird friend. "Yeah I am." "You don't look too happy what happened?" I lost the magic in my singing at least I can still sing though." "Oh I'm sorry Rhylie." "Its fine. Tell the others if you want. They will find out soon enough." I took off my sandals and stuck my feet in. I shouted to let the creatures know I was back. "I'm back friends!" They all came swimming back.

"Is it true Rhylie? You lost the magic of your song?" "Yes its true. My voice is still the same when I sing just no magic with it." So I visited with my friends a little with my brother and introduced Kion and they had a ball.

That night my brothers, Kion and I were getting ready for the festival. I wore my warm clothes it was going to be chilly tonight. "Ok lets go guys." I said. "Boys stay with your sister please don't run off ok?" "Yes mom." They said in unison. "Hehe. You boys never change." So we walked to town and played some fun games and rode on some rides. Kion and my brothers were dragging me around. "Ok ok boys. It looks like its almost time for the fireworks." "Oh yeah. You will like them." Said Tyson. "I know a perfect spot." I said. I found a tree with a good view. Kion got on now problem along with Leo. Tyson had trouble so Kion helped him up. "Thanks Kion." "Sure." So we watched the fire works and I saw Kion's reaction and he was shocked. "Woah Awesome! I've never seen them before. They are like flowers in the sky." "Yeah that's what I thought when I first saw them here."

After awhile the fireworks were done and I hopped down and made sure everyone else got down ok. "Do you want to play more or head home?" I said. "We can play for a little bit longer then we can head home." Said Kion. The boys agreed. "OK I will sit here you boys stay where I can see you ok?" "Yes sister." Just as I sat down I sensed something. "Boys come here now!" The boys came running but Kion didn't. "Where is Kion boys?" "We don't know we thought he was behind us." Said Leo. "Dammit! Boys I will take you to the Entrance you go home and tell mom and dad what I'm doing ok?" "OK." Said Tyson. I guided them to the gate and they went home.

"Where the hell are you Kion! I'll ask some animal friends." "Hey have any of you seen a child with dog like ears and long red hair?" "Yeah a group of men took him to the cave in the forest." Said a bat. "Thank you." I rushed to where the bat told me he would be.

I went slowly into the forest once I got closer. I heard some noises coming from the cave. I listened carefully. " Cough Cough you'll never find her!" "Oh really?" Then I heard a kicked. I went in and yelled, "Leave him alone! Its me you want right?! What do you want from me. I just returned so I couldn't have done anything. If you want the power of my singing, I'm afraid to tell you the power is gone. I can still sing but since the clearing of the fog my powers disappeared with it. So go tell your boss what happened. Tell your boss I can prove it if he wants. Just come find me. Leave my friends and family of it. That includes him and the animals. For my friends. You already know my family." "Fine! We will let him know then." So they left and I ran to Kion. "Hey you ok? Don't move let me heal you first." I put my hands on his wounds and a green light appeared letting me know it healed. "OK how do you feel?" "I'm fine but what about you?" "What do you mean me?" I looked at my side and it was bleeding. "Its just a scratch. I can't heal myself but the doctor is still here. Kion go on ahead I may be awhile getting home ok?" "No I can't leave you. Not when your this hurt." "I told you I won't die easy ok? Trust me." Kion did as he was told and I fell to my knees once he was out of sight. "Dammit! They had poison it them." I ran as fast as I can. I knew the poison would spread but I had to get out of town.

I barely made it home but I collapsed in front of the house. Kion must have sensed me. He came running out. He saw me laying there. "Someone get a doctor fast!" said Kion "I'll call him right now." Said Father. "Hang in there Rhylie. You'll live. You said you wouldn't die! Please live." I closed my eyes.

The doctor came by and checked Rhylie's wound. "She has a fever. She has blood coming out of her mouth." He lifted her shirt. "Damn! I thought so. You there. Kion right?" "Yes sir." "You know what those demon flowers are right? Do you have some handy?" "What part of the flower do you need?" "I need the seeds. I need to put the seeds into the wound." He took them out of his pocket and gave them to the doctor. Rhylie groaned in pain. "Argh. Ha….Ha….Ha…Ha…." "OK now that they dissolved lets get her somewhere clean and clean her wound." Kion helped carry Rhylie to her room. "Here you go." The doctor cleaned the wound and wrapped it up. "What happened to her?" Then Kion explained how he was kidnapped and how she probably got scratched by the one who kidnapped him. "I see. Well she is strong. She will probably wake up in a day or two. I will stay her until she wakes up ok?" "Thanks doc." Said Kion.

2 days later Rhylie woke up wondering what happened. Kion was sitting next to her. "Hmm. Kion?" "Your awake thank god. I'll be right back I will tell your parents." He went out and told my parents and came back. After awhile the doc came in to check on me. "How you feeling Rhylie?" "My body aches." "Yeah it will for a few days you must have ran for the poison to get so far." "Yeah I had to get out of there. I would probably have been captured if I stayed." "How is your voice doing?" "Oh fine. I was able to sing for my brothers to sleep. Thank you doc." 'Ok well I will be going home now. If any complications happen take her to a healer. The poison is dissolving. Take it easy ok? Take it easy on that voice too." I nodded. Then he left and headed home.

A Few days later I was able to get and move around. "Ah finally. I'm going to the forest mom and dad." "Ok Rhylie take Kion and your brothers." "Yes mom." They followed me to the forest and I sat on the bench I made. "Oh there are ayakashi here too? Cool. There are more everywhere. I wonder why they choose to live here?" "I Don't know but One of the animals look like they want to talk." The squirrel turned human and said, "Kion is that you?" "Yeah should I know you?" "You were little so you probably don't remember. I was a good friend of your older brother. My name is Duke." "Oh so your Duke. My brother told me about you. Do You know why all the ayakashi are living here instead of the village?" "So Jojen didn't tell you. (Sigh) There is no more village. It was destroyed before you came here." "What? Did anyone survive?" "No what about Little Anna and her brother. Skye and his little sister." "Relax Anna and her brother are here. Ask for Skye he didn't make it. He protected his sister. There weren't many survivors." "Who did this!" Duke looked behind himself and then looked back at Kion. "It was the Rouge elves." "I knew it." Said Rhylie. "When I heard about your parents I wasn't sure. I didn't want to get your hopes up. Thank you Duke. Kion Boys lets go home I will drop you boys off. Kion and I have some place to go." "Be careful. Don't get killed ok?" Said Duke. Kion nodded. Then he headed back. "Mom dad were home. I'm just dropping the boys off. The Rogue Elves are back. I will not let them reach ours. They just finished burning down Kion's village. "Oh no. Rhylie take some knights." "No dad. I can handle them with Kion. I will be fine." At least take 1 or 2. "Fine! Then Aries and Rocky." When got at the gate and they were waiting.

"Lets go. Kion. What's the next village closest to yours?" The centaur village. "Oh Shit! NO time for resting. I know you knights can handle it but Kion if you need to rest hop on ok?" "Yeah sure." "Please let us make it in time! If they kill any one of them I don't care. I will kill every single one of them!"

We were halfway there and I noticed Kion was lagging. "Kion hop on! Can you do it while we are running?" "Yeah!" He hopped on and we continued running.

We finally made it to the gate. We saw the Rogue Elves. "OK here's the order. Knights fight the ones at the gate. I'm sure there are more inside hiding in the village. I will let the Elder know." "Right." They both said. Kion and I went to the elder. "Sir its me Rhylie. You are under attack by the rogue elves. You better sound the alarms now!" "Yes right away." They rang the alarms and everyone hid. I got further in and sensed them. Kion you get them around here. I will get the others over there. Then that all of them." "Ok sure." I ran off and Kion started fighting. After awhile I did too.

"Why the hell are you destroying these village's!" "You wouldn't understand! The villages we destroyed were the ones that made us rogue." "How many did you destroy?" "About 2." "I won't let you make it 3!" I killed everyone on my end. Then checked to see how Kion was doing. "Hey Kion need help?" "Nope killed mine off." "I hope the knights are ok. Lets hurry."

We got to the gate and the knights were having some trouble but were still alive. He jumped in to help and were dead in second. "You guys ok?" "Yeah we are fine." The Rocky saw an arrow headed towards Rylie and Kion. "Rylie! Kion! Watch out!" The arrow headed towards Kion and I blocked it so it hit me. "Take the arrow out Kion. I won't bleed. I promise." He did as he was told and I ran after the guy. I barely made it in time to kill him. "Finally dead." Then I fell from exhaustion. I was still awake but couldn't move for awhile. Kion and the knights came running over. Prince saw and came running as well. I tried to get up but couldn't. "I'm ok guys. I'm just a little tired. I may be bruised from the arrow. Is everyone ok? No one died right?" "No they may have got hurt not one had serious injuries." Said Prince. "Oh thank God. Let me lay here a minute. I'll be ok pretty soon." I closed my eyes and rested a little bit.

An hour later Rhylie woke up still in the field with the same people around her. "Oh sorry. I dozed off to long. I should be ok now." I got up but my back still hurt. "Hey can one of you check my back?" Prince went behind and lifted her shirt. "Yeah its bruised alright." Said Prince. "Did any of you knights get hurt?" "Nothing serious." "Good." So we headed back into the village and I went back to the elder.

"Hey elder. Everything is over. Its fine now." "Thank you Rhylie. How are you all?" "I'm a little bruised otherwise fine." At least I though until I walked out and my right leg was starting to feel numb. "Hey something is wrong with my leg. I thought I dodged it. Damn! Luckily it was in my leg only. It won't spread anywhere else." Prince and one of the knights helped me to a healer. Looked like they were busy so they sat me done next to the building. Kion checked my leg and saw where I was scratched. "Its not bad. Its not enough poison to kill your leg. It should still be treated. Luckily I know how. I will use my powers so its quicker." He sucked most of the poison up with his hand then he healed my wound. "Thanks. I just wish someone could heal my back." "Oh I can do that too hang on. Turn around." I pulled up my shirt and he healed me. "Much better thanks. So you can heal too?" "Well I'm starting out. I can heal minor injuries." "Hey Prince is it alright if we stayed at your place for the night? We have to head home tomorrow morning." "Yeah of course." "thanks."

The next morning we headed back home we didn't rush since we weren't in a hurry. When it was time to rest we rested. Then we finally made it home.

"Hey I made it home. Is anyone home?" I said. "Rhylie! Thank God your ok!" "Yeah I'm fine. Mom. Where's dad and my brothers?" "Oh they are in town shopping. Mom I'm going to rest I am tired. Kion just do whatever ok?" Then I went to bed and crashed on my bed.