
The Elemental Sword

As he was exploring some underground ruins our protagonist finds himself in a live-threatening situation, as he somehow manages to make it out alive. For this troubles he is rewarded a strange blade which links itself to his body. With his newly acquired item he decides to investigate similar ruins and sets out on this new mission.

Filipe · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

The Bandit Leader I

The brute then rushed in once more. Aster knowing he couldn't really block those attacks effectively decided to focus on dodging. As such he sidestepped the down strike the brute had swung at him while rushing in. Thankfully what the brute had in power he lacked in speed. Before he could hit him however he was forced to raise his sword to block the arrow that was now being shot at his head. The moment the arrow hit Aster was forced to take a couple steps back due to the impact but it was enough of a time window for the brute to swing his longsword once again at him.

He still opted to dodge but this time a cut had appeared on his face. He backed away while still facing the two of them and keeping his guard up.

His vision was starting to get a bit blurry, and he could barely keep the flow of aura in this sword, his body felt sluggish and the wounds at his arm and shoulder were still bleeding.

'Guess I can't delay it anymore.'

While keeping his right arm raised and sword at the ready his left hand went into a pouch in his attire and took out a white colored crystal before putting it into his mouth.

The other two had kept their guards up as they couldn't see what he was taking out before letting them down once he placed it in his mouth both assuming it was some sort of painkiller.

After excluding the possibility of it being a weapon of sorts the brute once again rushed in doing yet another down strike at Aster. Aster once again was forced to dodge the attack as well as the followed up arrows that were aimed at his vitals, none of them managing to land a hit. As the fight progressed surprisingly, Aster's movements regained vigor and were becoming more sharp and fluid, while his wounds stopped bleeding. The brute in contrast was starting to show signs of fatigue from all the attacks he was trowing at Aster while the archer's shots were getting more spaced apart and weaker.

" What the hell are you waiting for? Just finish him off already, he is clearly not getting tired from your pathetic attacks. " Yelled the archer his face clearly showing sings of annoyance.

The brute didn't say anything although his expression turned into one of frustration and annoyance from the archer's words.

He took a look at Aster and griped the long sword in his hand. His aura flowing much violently than before.

Aster was quick to notice this change but nonetheless he was still caught of guard when the brute rushed at him with a speed much greater than before. Aster was again forced to block to avoid the strike and the extra momentum made him stagger while being pushed back. The brute didn't let Aster recover as he once more struck at Aster and kept striking, forcing him back over and over again.

" Just fall already! "

Even thought he was being pushed back Aster was still blocking every single strike the brute threw at him. But even thought he managed to hold his ground he was everything but calm.

'My arm is getting numb, if he keeps going like his I'm gonna give him an opening soon. But I can't shake him off.'

Aster was running out of options and soon started to glance at his hands thinking...

Before he could make a decision, a guard suddenly rushed towards the brute his sword thrusting towards his head.

"Piss off will you!?" Said the brute while swinging his arm towards the guard. The arm landed right on the guard's stomach making him empty his lungs while he was launched about 4 meters (13 ft) across the cave.

"You idiot!!!" Screamed the archer.

Before he could fathom what the archer meant he saw a blade at the corner of his eye. He immediately tried to strength the aura around his neck but it was too little to late as the blade cut him leaving behind a cut from his armpit to his chin as he dropped to the floor.

On the other side of the blade was Aster who after finding an opening did his best to end the match in one move.

The brute stayed conscious however, but instead of getting up he simply placed both his hands on his neck doing his best to stop the bleeding.

Aster's eyes moved to the guard who was now trying to get up while coughing up, but eventually stayed near the ground knelling while using his sword as support. Seemingly unharmed except for some heavy bruises.

Aster gave the soldier a faint nod seeing as he couldn't really talk and proceeded to glance at the archer who had a much different expression compared to the one at the beginning of the exchange.


Aster however didn't care and simply rushed forward lowering his sword and sprinting towards the archer. The archer tried to send a couple arrows at him, but they were easily sidestepped barely managing to slow him down.

As Aster made his way closer the sadistic smile could no longer be found and instead a face full of fear could be seen growing more and more twisted.

When Aster reached him he could barely react as a fist landed on his face breaking his nose and teeth and putting him unconsciously on the spot. Taking a moment to breath Aster looked around the cave where he could see that most bandits were now incapacitated although the guards were only fairing a bit better.

Before he could rest however his eyes landed on two figures, and he quickly rushed forward.



At the beginning of the fight:

The commander had just blocked an attack from one of the Bandit Leader's daggers, but he simply twisted his body and aimed his other dagger at the Commander's neck thrusting it forward.

He moved his neck to the side and managed to dodge the attack.

The Leader followed up by aiming his other dagger at the ribs but the Commander swung his sword horizontally forcing him to back away. Yet right after the tip of the sword moved past his torso he once again dashed in.

'This fucker is fast.'

All he could do was raise his sword forcing the Leader to aim for his side. He dashed past the Commander leaving behind two cuts on the side of his torso while he positioned himself behind the Commander and readied a blow to his back.

The commander swung his sword as he turned around yet all it managed to do was force the leader to duck while he once again left two cuts on the commander's leg as he dashed past him. The two daggers cut past his cloth and flesh like a hot knife trough butter the aura the commander was surrounded in barely doing anything.

He gritted his teeth and turned around doing his best to ignore the pain.

The Leader had an emotionless expression on his face, he didn't even seem to have any join from the two attacks he just landed.

'Keep calm and keep your eyes on him.' Thought the Commander to himself.

The Leader once again rushed in thrusting a dagger towards the commander. This time the Commander dodged the dagger and thrust his sword at the Leader. The Leader not having any leeway do dodge raised his dagger and blocked the tip of the blade, being pushed back due to the maneuver.

Yet it took but a moment for him to recover as he once again rushed in this time swinging both daggers horizontally and forcing the command to block. As he did he could feel his blade give away. Not due to strength but due to the sharpness of the attack. He pushed the Leader back but as he looked at the blade he could clearly see a dent on it.

'Shit... if I take those attacks head on I will just have a stick in the next minutes.'

However, as yet another attack aimed at his neck was lunched he threw those thoughts aside and blocked the daggers once more.

'Better not have a weapon and have a HEAD!!!'



As the pressure kept increasing he was forced to block less and less and instead tried his best to dodge the Leader's attacks. Nonetheless, the increasingly amount of cuts appearing all over his limbs and torso were a clear indication that it was not an easy thing to do.

The wounds just kept increasing while his energy reserves were running low. The leader had slowed down but the Commander had slowed down much more.

He was barely conscious and even thought he had managed to force the Leader to use most of his energy he failed to land a single blow.

'So... this is how I die.' He took a quick glance at the cave. 'At least it looks like we have the upper hand... not sure if we can win after I go down thought...'

Afterwards a smile appeared on his face.

"Well come on you piece of shit, is that all you got... *panting* I ain't going down that easily." He taunted while looking at the Leader.

He was tired and you could see his ragged breath, but he still had the same emotionless expression as before. At least until the Commander's words landed on his ears. This expression then changed to a more serious one.

The commander then proceeded to use all his remaining energy unleashing his aura as much as he could and rushing in raising his sword and preparing to swing it downwards.

The Leader simply charged forward, one if proficient enough could see his daggers being surrounded by much more energy than before as he clashed with the blade now moving towards him with one of his daggers.


The dagger sliced right through the blade as it was coming downwards. The Leader followed right after by aiming his other one at the Commanders head.

As the dagger approached the commander's head a sudden felling came over the Leader who instinctively retreated his dagger and placed both of them in front of his chest in an X shape.


The tip of the blade landed on the intersection as the Leader was pushed back feet sliding on the ground from the sudden impact. When he stopped he took a look at his new opponent but his expression turned to one of confusion when he saw Aster as the attacker.

The Commander had a smile on his face, but he had reached his limit so all he could do was mutter a couple words of encouragement before passing out on the floor.

"Fuck him up..."

Here you go. Sry for the late chapter but couldn't post it yesterday. The next one is tomorrow for sure so stick around.

Ty for reading.

Filipecreators' thoughts