
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Chapter 9 - How it All Started

Black Market's Entrance 

12th Flamisember, Year 10840

THE mere mention of the Black Market was enough to strike fear among the people of Estola, particularly those who considered themselves holier-than-thou.

It was a place where the residents of the Waste District visited, either to work or sell the items they had gathered from the colossal piles of garbage.

Despite the shady environment, the residents of the Waste District, the lowest of the low, were beyond reproach. An unwritten rule hung over them: 

"If you mess with the Waste District's residents, you'll be gone quickly!" 

It was a concise statement, but it carried a lot of weight. No one dared to challenge it, although from time to time, newcomers arrived and acted as if the warning did not apply to them.

But here's the reality - their fate was sealed within 24 hours of causing trouble. How they met their end remains a mystery. There were no visible signs of a beating or anything of the sort.

That's why, five years ago, Elion, Laxus, and the absent Kael dared to dip into the Black Market whirlpool.

"Hey, Laxus, do you remember why we started all this?" Elion asked as they approached Catheline's shop, trying to spark a conversation.

"Of course, that's something I could never forget," replied Laxus, a smile appearing as memories rushed back.

"Huh? I don't think I ever heard how you guys began," Kael said, excitement lighting up his face.

He was eager to learn the starting point that brought them together. Laxus and Elion exchanged knowing smiles, their minds revisiting that crucial memory.


Waste District 

7th Aquember, Year 10835

Elion and Alexa had lived in the Waste District for a month together with Laxus and Wendy.

Thankfully, Laxus, an Elementalist, had managed to secure an old house for them from the days before the new residential area in the Royal City of Estola.

The house stood firm despite being abandoned for years, and no one dared to dispute Laxus's claim.

However, their newfound home wasn't immune to nightly attempts at robbery, and they had to take turns guarding it every night.

During the day, they worked as laborers in the Black Market, but the wages barely covered their basic needs. They constantly struggled to find enough food to eat, often scavenging through city trash bins. Alexa and Wendy even fell ill from eating contaminated food.

One afternoon, Laxus approached Elion for a solution as their situation became increasingly dire. They struggled to survive and needed a more viable way to meet ends.

Fortunately, Alexa was proficient in Basic Combat Arts, which enabled her to handle the ordinary thugs they encountered during the day, freeing them up to work.

However, they needed a more sustainable source of income to stay afloat.

"Elion, we can't keep going like this," Laxus shared his concerns with Elion, his forehead creased with worry. 

Elion responded, "I understand. I'm just as worried about Alexa and Wendy's health. They have ended up at the Medical Center so many times due to food poisoning."

Laxus bore the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. "This is risky for all of us. Besides, we need quality food to get stronger. All our training won't amount to much without nutritious meals."

Previously, he only had to worry about Wendy, but now he felt accountable for three lives. Thankfully, Elion's intelligence, expertise, and power were an immense help to the group. He was an excellent ally in battles, which consoled Laxus.

"Should we consider trading in the Black Market, Elion?"

"Do you even know what they sell there?" Elion inquired, realizing Laxus might only have a basic understanding beyond training, fighting, and being strong.

Laxus took a moment to reflect on the various things he had observed while wandering around the Black Market. "I saw all sorts of things there, from Elemental Beast parts to electronic components, jewelry, pawn shops, and... I think that's everything."

Elion nodded slightly before asking, "Have you ever wondered why they called it the Black Market?"

Laxus shook his head quickly. He had never been interested in the market's specifics.

"What you just mentioned is merely the tip of the iceberg regarding what they trade there," explained Elion. 

Elion got up and looked at Laxus, who appeared perplexed. "The real business in the Black Market revolves around stolen things. Items are sold without regard for where they came from or why the seller has them. Traders keep their sources of stolen goods confidential." 

Laxus nodded repeatedly, but no one knew whether he comprehended the full implications of what Elion had just revealed or if he was merely pretending.

"Then they sell these stolen items in the Black Markets of other cities or empires, so they don't get into trouble later," Elion clarified.

"Stolen stuff..." Laxus thought about it this time, taking in all the new info that Elion had just shared.

"More than a hundred percent profit. Only the risk..." mumbled Laxus. Elion looked at him, trying to figure out what was on his mind.

"What do you think would sell like hotcakes around here?" Laxus suddenly asked.

Elion considered for a moment before responding, "I think items related to elementals, artifacts, gadgets, and jewelry would likely capture people's interest and become popular sellers."

Suddenly, Laxus clapped his hands loudly, causing Elion to jump out of his thoughts. "I've got it! Have you ever heard of Robin Hood?" Laxus asked with excitement.

Elion nodded in agreement. "Yes, I have. Why do you ask?"

"Because we're going to be the Robin Hood of Estola!" Laxus declared, his face beaming with enthusiasm.

"Huh?!" Elion exclaimed, surprised by Laxus' sudden announcement.

Laxus grinned widely, a sight Elion hadn't seen in a while. As time passed, Laxus became more serious, possibly due to the weight of his responsibilities.

"Later, I'll share my vision with you. Then, I'll leave the smart stuff to you, the wise one," Laxus suggested. 

That night, they stayed up, keeping a watchful eye on their home. Laxus shared his plan with Elion, which was relatively straightforward - to sneak into the homes of the elites mistreating the Waste District residents and take things that could help those in need. 

Many people from the Waste District worked as laborers for the elites. Still, they were poorly paid and had to endure harsh working conditions.

Laxus believed that by taking things from the rich, they could help the poor and bring some justice to the community.

Some wealthy individuals or the elites included normal humans or lower-level Elementalists who held government positions that did not require elemental abilities.

These individuals needed help to manage their households effectively, so they opted to hire assistants to ease their load.

Unfortunately, they could not afford to pay high wages. Consequently, only individuals from the Waste District were willing to work for low pay.

"Do you have a way to differentiate the good from the bad among the elites?" Elion asked Laxus, hoping for a well-thought-out response.

"Well, that's up to you, Elion. Your wisdom exceeds mine," Laxus responded with a smile.

Elion shook his head, already expecting this response. Laxus had a big idea but needed a detailed plan. However, that was fine for Elion. He could devise a strategy for their 'mission.'

"Okay. The easiest way is to categorize the bad guys based on the nature of their wrongdoing. For instance, we can separate those involved in corruption, human trafficking, and other heinous activities," Elion suggested.

Laxus agreed with Elion's categories, realizing their importance. "But how do we gather this information?" Laxus inquired.

"Easy. We need to hack the system to find news the government is hiding. Also, we can target the Security Force's crime reports, especially if it involves the elites and the residents of the Waste District," he said, his eyes fixed on the horizon as if he was already working on a plan.

"So, you need a computer?" Laxus asked, trying to understand hacking, data, and systems. 

Elion thought for a moment. Getting a computer was a challenge in itself. The cost alone could keep them going for two or three months.

Laxus knew what Elion was thinking. After a brief pause, Laxus offered to help by suggesting, "Don't worry. If I get a broken computer, can you fix it?" He knew Elion was brilliant and thought fixing a computer would be a piece of cake for him.

"Broken computer?" Elion believed that even building a computer was feasible if he had all the parts required, and he was equally fascinated by Laxus's idea.

Laxus's talent for troubleshooting was honed by his life in the Waste District, and this quality impressed Elion. 

"Amazing! That is a good idea, Laxus!" said Elion, clapping Laxus on the back in a friendly manner.

Elion was confident he could create a functioning computer using the broken computer and its components. He also knew how to convert Laxus's elemental power into electricity using readily available materials.

Laxus smiled broadly as he was proud to contribute his intellect instead of physical strength. Something he rarely did.

He replied, "Alright! Let's go to the electronic waste section tomorrow morning. There must be something worthwhile there," he said with enthusiasm, eager to escape the difficulties of their current lifestyle.

Their objective was clear: to improve their circumstances without causing harm or resorting to violence.

These two young individuals had aspirations beyond their present struggles.

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