

After identifying the black key, Nero took his time observing the image of the sword. The first thing he noticed was that the sword was too large to be a typical single-handed sword, but not enough to be a double handed one. It was not easy to estimate through a picture alone, but it seemed like it was approximately 100 cm (39 inches) long, blade and handle included.

The majority of the blade was without embellishments, but the base of the sword, where it connected to the handle, there was a great deal of artistry, all around the black key, but never touching it.

The decorations were of gold, while the sword and handle themselves were silver, which brought a great deal of attention to the black key, which was not a good thing for Nero.

"It gets worse," Gabriel said, and showed him another picture. It was still the same sword, but from the other side, which clearly had an empty slot for the black key, but no actual black key.