

Two weeks later

The rebellion was over. With the Lannisters attacking Kings Landing and Jamie Lannister killing the king earning the moniker of Kingslayer.

The city was sacked. Women raped, men and children killed. Baratheon ascended the throne on the blood of his kin. Many whisper behind his back rather unpleasant titles.


Oath breaker.


But we can't take away from the fact he deposed the Targareyans. The era of the dragon is over for now…

Risen from its ashes is the era of the stag.

After my conversation with Rhaella two weeks before in two days time she and the royals with part of the royal fleet set sail from Dragonstone.

Last time we heard of them was news that they had sailed past Pentos. Baratheon was incensed. Likely feeling that challengers to his throne were still alive amd well.

Rumors were abound that he ordered Dorne to send Princess Elia and her children to the Red Keep but was debuffed as Doran Martell denied having his sister in Dorne. That she should be at the Keep.

Playing ignorant and requesting they send back his sister and her progeny. It took Ned Stark and Denys Arryn to calm him down as he was heard calling for the heads of the targareyan children and Queen Rhaella.

Princess Elia and her son Aegon were said to have disappeared into the sands of Dorne and were not seen in Sunspear. Baratheon obviously did not believe it but could not do anything about it.

As of now I finally reached the Red Keep along with some other lords to swear fealty to the Iron Throne. I wonder what Baratheon will try to do to me. If he tries anything heavy handed like making me join the Nights Watch for almost killing him then I would request a trial by combat.

I was doing my duty and can't tell me nothing. I still have problems I have to rectify at home. My issues with the faith for one. I was too hasty wanting to run them out of Limgrave quickly.

My modern world bias was trying too hard and too quickly to reduce the power of the Faith in my lands. What I should have done was to pose as a believer of the Old gods. Seeing their liege worship amongst the Weirwoods .

(I am still performing the ritual to link the weirwood to the Faceless one)

Slowly but surely the faith will have no power in my lands. And if any wayward septon decides to start anything I will make them disappear.

By now a new generation should have been born from the former slaves and the people of the Isle of Limgrave increasing the population of the Isle.

My men and I arrived at the Red Keep. Funny how things change quickly. There were golden stag banners and golden lion banners in place of the red dragon banners a few months back.

Robert's hatred for Targareyan's are well known now especially with the 10000 gold dragon bounty on each of their heads including the children. It appalled some, others were indifferent. As expected of cold blooded nobles.

I entered the hall to see Robert on the iron throne. He looked different from when last I saw him. Before he was a young man playing at war now he has the look of a veteran general who survived. Even the missing arm did not detract from his sheer presence filling the room. It can be said at this moment Baratheon stood a king.

His eyes and mine met and his opened wide for a moment before a feral smile adorned his face. I guess he is thinking of things he can do to me now that he is a king. I'll have to play in his warrior persona to get out of this relatively well.

I kept moving even as I was announced until I stood at the foot of the Iron Throne. My eyes and Robert's never left each other. A thought crossed my mind and I acted on it in a flash.

'Despite my efforts you look good in the Iron Throne, Baratheon.'

He simply raised an eyebrow before laughing his ass off. Cersei Lannister the new queen was looking at him at him weirdly especially since he has not smiled since the other loyalist lords came to bend the knee. So something must be special about me especially since I am a minor lord.

'Ahhh. I remember you clearly,Radahn. You left your mark on me quite well the second time. I barely escaped with my life. I have no doubt that if you had a few seconds more you would have ended my life.'

'No. If I couldn't finish you off with what I already done I wasn't going to with a few more. Fate was on your side. Your destined death had not yet come.'

'Destined Death? That's the name you gave your valyrian steel sword? The black blade?'

'Yes, your grace. It is meant to bring men to their destined end. That you survived means your time is not here yet. Seeing what you accomplished I understand.'

For a few seconds there was complete silence in the hall.

'I heard you were on Dragonstone when the dragonspawns escaped. Why did you not capture them! You should have purged all of them!'

'You may have won the war but I was not sworn to you. Neither am I going to sully the blade of Destined Death with the blood of pregnant women and children. I acknowledge your right by conquest but fealty goes both ways you best remember that. Don't ask me to do something I would never do.'

'I am your king!'


'It doesn't matter. I'll kill them regardless of where they hide in Essos.'

'You will try as is your right but no aid from me.'

'You know ever since I won I have been thinking of you and Rhaegar. You almost ended the rebellion in Summerhall with an arrow that missed my vital point barely. Again at Maidenpool we had a magnificent dance that you came out the victor… I wanted you in the Kingsguard. Your loyalty to your monarch moved me, your skill in arms is the best I have seen. We met as enemies now let us be brothers. You watch my back and I yours.'

This offer caught me offguard. Is he dumb? I am a lord! Why would I want to be a kingsguard? Is this some inane grab at revenge? Regardless I must decline.

'Your grace!' as I fell on one knee.

'I thank you for the opportunity but I must decline. My love for women is too strong.'

At that his laughter boomed out again from the Iron Throne.

'Alas I expected it. No matter. You may swear fealty and go back to those rocks you call home but know this any act of treason will be your end.'

Normally he would have taken hostages but my house is too minor for that. Even if I am the best warrior in Westeros I can't win on my own.

'I pledge my fealty as Lord Radahn of Limgrave to King Robert Baratheon first of his name. From now to the end.'

After that a few more lords swore oaths also. Gossip about me started making rounds around the court which was good. Any publicity is good publicity.

And life went on and years went by.

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