
The Eating Statue

There lived five friends who are sculptors living in different villages. The name of the sculptors are Joe, King, Brown, Prince and Van. The villages they are living in are Obo, Twenedruase, Obomeng, Mpraeso and Atibie.

All these sculptors are married to their wifes born with children. They like pets and the pet they admire most keeping in their houses are parrots.

These five sculptors are always busy and hardworking men who don't joke with their work. One day they had their leisure time so they organised a meeting and during the meeting they plan to carve a wood to look like them.

So they agreed by concluding to create their own images using a wood to make the statue eat any food their wifes prepare for them and also for their generation to know that they came to live in this world.

Because they are living in the village, they don't let their children go to school but they let them follow them to their workshops to learn their skills ( sculpture ) thinking that one day when they dead and gone their children will take over their occupation.

The five sculptors are very respected and well known in their various villages because they are hardworking and trustworthy. They make sure to finish and deliver their work on time by not playing mindgames with their customers, they don't play with their job because of their personality.

The kind of character they have, non of their customers have never complained about them before. That makes them unique by making people to refer them to other people for them to get a lot of customers and keeping them always busy.

When one of the sculptors are facing challenges by executing a work they organise a meeting for everyone to bring his idea and boom within a twinkle of an eye a solution will pop up.

Do you know why because they are united and unity is strength. The sculptors are too loyal to the extend that there isn't a problem that has overwhelmed them since they started their career.

That has given them experience in dealing with problems. Do you know that when you are able to solve problems, it makes you physically and mentally strong?

Hey as you started reading this story you haven't ask me any question. I think you are going to ask me What is a sculpture or Who is a sculptor?

Okay the definition of a sculpture is the art of making two or three dimensional representative or abstract forms by carving a stone or a wood or by casting a metal or a plaster.

A sculptor is an artist who makes sculptors. So these five sculptors begin their journey or plan of carving a wood to make it resemble them( lookalike ).

In the villages the sculptors live, there is no electricity, photo studio for them to go take a picture and print it out so that they can look on and carve.

Even though they can look into a mirror and get their clear picture they did an unimaginable thing by telling themselves to carve each other the way they see.

They started the carving process and the first sculptor carved his best friend making the wood work come out successful resembling his friend.

The second sculptor who's statue is ready also carved his friend and he did a good work. The third sculptor also carved his friend and it was excellent. His friend who is the fourth sculptor did magic carving his friend.

Now it's left with the fifth sculptor who is the last person so his four friends voted and elected one sculptor to carve him without making any mistake. The five sculptors became happy that day after they have finish with their work.

Every sculptors house in their villages they have a separate room for Keep their works they kept their lookalike statue in that room. Let me remind you that the day the five sculptors had a meeting their pets the parrots were there listening to what was going on until the meeting ended.

Parrots are so clever to the extend that they can talk and communicate the whole day. After their owners finished with their meeting, the parrots also went to have their meeting planning about what they are going to do to beat their owners mentality.

After the five sculptors have kept their statue in the separate rooms they began to tell their wifes by giving them orders that from today any food they will cook they should make it two plates for each.

When their virtuous wifes asked their husbands who are the sculptors What are they using two plates of food for? The five sculptors answered their wifes that one plate is for their lookalike statue.

Their wifes were astonished beginning to murmur and asking them questions that can a statue eat? Because they respect, love their husbands they obeyed the orders their husbands gave to them.

Day one the wifes of the five sculptors begin to cook two plates of food one for their husbands and one for the statue. After the five sculptors have finish eating their food, they will take the other plate to the statue because they don't allow neither their wifes or their children to take the food.

Oh I didn't tell you earlier that every room the sculptors keep their lookalike statue has a door and an open window. So everytime they take the food to their statues they make sure they lock the door and keep the key in their pocket.

After the five sculptors return from where they take the food to the statue their parrots will fly through the window to go and eat the food.

The next day early in the morning the sculptors will go and open the door where they have been keeping the statue and they will see that the statues have eaten the food.

Day two the wifes of the sculptors will prepare delicious dishes of two plates one for their husbands one for the statue. The sculptors will finish eating their food and take the other plate to the statue making sure they lock the doors and keep the keys in their pocket by doing the same.

After they return back home or their workshops their parrots will fly to go and eat the food they have given to the statue. Early in the morning the sculptors will go and open the door and check, they will witness that the statue have eaten the food.

Day three the obedient wifes of the five noble sculptors will cook food for the family and prepare two plates. Their husbands will eat their food and take the second plate to the statue and make sure to lock the door and keep the keys in their pocket.

After they return back home to their various workshops their parrots will go and eat the food of the statue. Early in the morning they will wake up and go and check they will testify that the statues have eaten the food.

I can feel your emotions and I can see a whole lot of questions bubbling up in your mind that; Where have the sculptors been keeping their parrots?

Do the sculptors lock the parrots or not?

Do they give the parrots some of the food?

Let me go straight to your first question, the answer to your question is that they have been keeping the parrots outside under a shelter. The second answer is they have been putting the parrots in an open cage. The third answer is the food they have been given to the parrots is not sufficient.

These great men kept on ordering their wifes to cook dishes for their family and preparing plates for the statue for so many years because they believe their lookalike statue have been eating the food.

The joy they have in their heart for making the impossible possible made the tell the people of the village. Some of the people believed in what the sculptors told them, some also didn't believe.

It's obvious that in this world we are living in, you can dream, plan, create or produce something but not everyone will agree with you. Some people will even criticize you.