
Chapter 7: Enter...The Dragon

Jinzic mentioned that we must hide the book in a safe place.

*Oh yes, hadn't thought of that.*

"Should we dig up a hole some place and bury it?" I asked. Everyone nodded their approval. "Also, please tell us what happened after we left."

He quickly related the events, "I allowed the Toon boys to escape as we had decided. Fortunately, Selene did not suspect anything. She asked me to chase them and bring them to her, and then called out to Vozig.

"Flora mentioned to me later that while I pretended to chase the boys, there was a moment of turbulent wind where they stood, and Selene suddenly screamed."

That must be the moment I managed to get the book out of the inner chamber and heard her scream.

"She rushed into the temple in a fit of rage," he went on. "When I returned to inform her that they had escaped, she was walking out looking totally devasted. I understood that you had succeeded. She got angrier when I told her the boys had fled, and instructed Vozig to seek you all at any cost."

"Yeah, it wasn't easy for us to reach the cave when we saw them combing the area," said Jim; he continued after a pause, "I think you should leave before the sun comes up, or you may be seen."

I agreed, "Yes, you know what you have to do. Whenever you have some news for us, you know where to find us. Start talking to your people and other friendly fraternities of the forest as well. We need to garner as much support as possible now."

They quickly left, and I noticed a twinkle of hope in their eyes. I felt happy, and more determined to make this work.

We too got out to scan the area and decide where we should keep the book. Steve quickly drew and materialized a strongbox with a key. Close to the hills, was that huge oak the boys talked about. I thought it was the perfect landmark. We locked up the book of magic in the strongbox and took it to the oak.

It was a magnificent, enormous, possibly centuries-old tree. We were about to dig up, when I noticed a hole in the trunk about an arm's length above the ground.

'Perfect!' I thought. 'Oaks are supposed to be sacred too. It will be safe here.'

I told the boys we'll hide it in the hole and cover it with leaves. Once done, we were on our way back towards the hills, when Gibel saw us and raised an alarm.

"Hey you! Stop right there. I know you've escaped Selene. I'm going to let her know right now that I've found you. Gibel sets things right!"

We were taken by surprise and, instinctively, wanted to make a run for it.

Instead, I walked towards the dwarf and said, "Calm down, and listen to us, please! You know that we were tricked into being brought here and were held by her to fulfil her wicked ambitions. Is that fair? What do you have to gain from all this? She wants to take over the entire universe, and by harming the inhabitants. Why are you with her on her devilish game?"

He adjusted his collar with an air of importance. "I will be the prime supplier of all the weapons and tools she needs. There is a lot of profit and prestige in it for me. I can become the leader of my colony. The hills will be my kingdom."

"Gibel, you're blinded by your personal ambition. She has been holding families to ransom to get her way. Do you honestly believe that she will reward you for your loyalty? Once you have served your purpose, she will not only abandon you, she will usurp any power you hope to hold, perhaps even endanger your life." I tried my best to caution him.

"Remember, her primary aim is to be the sole sovereign over the entire universe! Are you happy to be the cause of ruin of your people and other dwellers of this land?"

"That will not happen to my people. As a leader, I will ensure that they are taken care of," he insisted, stubbornly confounded by his aspirations. "And I shall soon inform her that I've seen you here." So saying, he rushed towards other side of the hills.

"Guys, we have to leave this place immediately! Once he lets them know we're around here, they will scan every inch of space and find us," I warned.

"But where shall we go now?" asked Steve, "And how?"

"I think, Fairyland would be a safe bet for now. That way, we can keep Flora informed of our whereabouts too. And Roy can do that without us getting noticed," I said.

Roy argued that we don't know where it is located, but there was no time to lose. We had to disappear before anyone came there. We held hands, Roy concentrated, and in a flash, we were in...the cave of a dragon!


We saw a dragon snorting fire ahead of us. Gosh, he looked angry! Luckily, he had his back to us, or we'd be barbeque. We were still in danger of his tail hitting us like whiplash. He was moving it around wildly and roaring loudly.

It seemed like he was in pain. I scanned him and saw that a thin, possibly prickly, tree branch had jabbed into his ankle area.

The dragon was a huge bat-winged, scaly serpentine creature with four stumpy legs, red in color and every bit as scary as they're made out to be. Especially the fire-breathing kind. We were not looking forward to being found out, so I told Roy to get us out of there.

And I learnt something new. Roy said if he has used his power, he has to wait for half an hour before he can use it again.

*OH NO! How do we get out of the cave now without becoming toast? If not that, we're sure to get swatted like flies with his tail.*

Just then, the dragon turned around and his piercing green eyes spoke, "Get out of my way". I definitely want to do that, but without getting singed or scorched. Jim, without warning, ran towards the dragon and touched his legs.

*Is he brave or what?*

It worked and the dragon's roar simmered to a deep purr. I guess he understood that we meant no harm. Jim signaled to help him pull out the tree branch. So, he noticed it too; good thinking on his part.

We struggled for a bit and finally managed to pull out the dragon's thorn; but not before feeling the heat from his nostrils. Luckily not directed at us. He calmed down immediately and asked us what we were doing there. I told him we reached there by mistake and were headed towards Fairyland.

"Could you tell us where it is?" I asked for his help.

"I will take you there myself," he offered. "But you have to tell me why you want to go there. You may find this hard to believe, but I am their protector and I have to ensure their safety."

Shocking revelation, but a relief, and I was ready to seek his support.

"Oh wow! Then you're the right person- err...dragon to talk to. We're actually hiding from Selene and her army. She had kidnapped us and wanted to use us to get control of our worlds, just like how she rules yours."

I saw him wince at the mention of Selene. "We managed to getaway and neutralize her shield of power here. But we need the unity of the inhabitants to end her reign. Fairy Queen is on our side. We're looking for a place to hide, now that her army has been alerted near our hideout. We also need to get in touch with Flora and let her know."

"You can hide in my cave. No one will ever know. I will take you to the Fairy Queen myself. You see, in spite of my strengths, I am unable to quash the witch because of her spells. I feel defeated. It's a pledge I made to my father, that I shall protect the fairies come what may. I will help you."