
Chapter 3


[Which Gate would yould you like to open?]



"A-A1!" I shout and an exit appears before me.

Hmm, maybe time for some trickery? I smirk to myself as i walk through the portal. I find myself back in the math classroom, except this time theres two portals. I decide to grab a metal ruler for protection and am about to reenter when a notice appears.


I see, so if I'm not there unregistered guests aren't allowed, I close my second exit gate and walk through the original to wait for Connor and our least favorite teacher.

It's been about three minutes and they still haven't arrived, I kick a stone across the cavernous dungeon hallway.

"Ez?! You there?!" I hear connor screaming for me in a panicked tone off in the distance. Ah fuck, i think to myself and rush off towards them.

"Connor?! Mrs. Johnson?!" I run as fast as I can and yet it still doesnt feel fast enough. I can feel my heart racing in my chest imagining what kind of horrific sight I'll be met with when I round this upcoming corner.

[ALERT: AGI + 1; Walkspeed increased by 1ft/sec; Runspeed increased by 2ft/sec]

I feel a burst of energy flow down to my legs as I'm finally able to pickup more speed. Im about to round the corner when I hear connor scream again.

"Connor?!" I scream, bounding around the corner.

However, instead of a horrific sight, im met with a rather amusing one. Mrs. Johnson, our 70 year old math teacher going head to head with a group of goblins. That is certainly on the list of sights you don't see everyday, I think to myself before joining the fray.

"You got the left flank Mrs. Johnson?" I ask laughing, "Yeah! Ill send these ones to meet Joshua myself. They should be happy to be introduced to our lord and savior!" At that I struggle to contain my laughter and go back to fending off the hoarde with a metal ruler i grabbed from the classroom earlier.

Im soaked with sweat by the time the goblins are cleared out.

"Holy... shit... ez... how'd you do that?!" Connor bounds up to me gripping me into a hug before jumping back about a foot immediately, "Ahem, Sorry... But how did you wind up here coming from that side?"

"Long story," I say between laboured breaths.

"OPEN GATE A1!" I scream, ready to get the fuck out of here, "AND REGISTER THESE TWO, DAMNIT!"

[Registration Successful; Awakening Coop Players Connor Patral, Pamela Johnson]

"Lets... go" I lumber my way out of the gate with my classmate and teacher in toe.

It's been... a long first day... I smile with thoughts of laying in my bed after a shower.