
The Dukes Fool Returns

Although he was the youngest son of a prestigious family, he had a poor life. And I lost everything and came back. No More regrets. ‘Now I will change everything.’

timetraveller21 · อื่นๆ
13 Chs

Chapter 10

The act of offering a monster once every three years on the day the family was born.

For this ceremony, 5 out of 7 siblings were scheduled to visit here.

The reason is that this tradition only pertained to teenagers.

Of course, siblings acting outside Plentel Castle were optional, not mandatory.

Bean looked around and thought.

'It's lighter than before.'

A life without one arm before the return.

At that time, I was hesitant every time I came here.

Her father's eyes tightened in her chest.

Another six siblings who see themselves as if they were bugs.

Besides, even the knights who came in as mercenaries.

I remembered the past when I looked at Bean and was stunned.

But now it was different.

He was the son of a noble family, and he was a promising master who used sword wind at the age of ten.

Bean knew this.

That the attitude around him changes 180 degrees depending on the person's ability.

Bean confirmed that he had changed from before.

Black arms, bow sword visible on the waist, and… … .

"Lord! good morning."

One of the loyalty to a familiar voice, even a dog will cry.

It's the skull, Kodick, with only the head left.

Bean lowered his head and let out a low voice.

"shut up."

"Yes, my lord… … ."

Cordick's voice diminished without a word at Bean's words.

The bizarre-looking thing was well-spoken.

Bean looked back at how it came to be.

* * *

Darnell's mansion in Plentel Castle.

Bean was in trouble for a moment.

"How did you say this… … ."

Bow sword, sherbet, blacksmith's hammer, junk, etc… … .

He had too many things to carry with him.

"If we leave it alone, it looks like it will be useful… … ."

Bean walked around his mansion, holding his chin with one of his hands.

That was then.

Kodick, who ran out of nowhere, shouted.

"I feel the master's uncomfortable feelings."

Kodick's body completed using Yeti bones.

It was only the size of an adult male.

The guy was running around loudly, and I was distracted.

Bean, who was uncomfortable with Kodick's appearance, shouted.

"My mother said she would be surprised to see me! Let neither mice nor birds know."

At Vienna's words, Cordick leaned over and shook his head.

"sorry. I can feel the master's uncomfortable feelings even in the warehouse, so I don't know… … ."

Bean let out a sigh involuntarily in frustration.

"Whew… … ."

For a moment, Cordick looked at Bean and opened his mouth.

"Anyway, what are you worried about? If there's a guy who upsets the master's nerves. I'm going to give it to him by smashing his hair right now. main. army."

Bean opened his mouth indifferent to Kodick's unanswered look.


But again, he was a Kodic who could not easily back down.

"Sir. Maybe it's because of money, the world's worries?"

At that moment, Cordick's head began to grow.

Then he spit a crystal the size of a fist out of his mouth with a distinctive sound.


It sounded like opening a bottle of beer with a bottle opener.

Bean laughed at Kodick's strange talent.

"What? that remnant. crystal is done It's not because of money."

It was time for Bean to turn his head again and step on his feet.

At that moment, something flashed in his mind.

"… … !"

Bean, who opened his eyes, asked Cordick.

"Is it possible for you to have a small head?"

"Yes, my lord. Of course, but… … . because of something… … ."

At Kodick's words, Bean simply raised the corners of his lips.

As the master Bean smiled, Kodick showed his teeth and smiled without knowing why.

* * *

As a result, it was decided to wear a kodick at the waist.

His size can also change freely, which is useful for his extraordinary storage ability.

Now, on Kodick's head, shervest, crystal, yeti's bones… … .

It was full of various things.

Bean put the bow sword on his waist in case of an emergency.

Bean smiled as he looked at Kodick, very satisfied.

It was because of Cordick's expression that he couldn't control his happy emotions.

It can be humiliating to just rattle your head off someone's waist.

oneThe guy was making a worldly expression on his face.

"It's comfortable. You don't have to carry it."

Codyk made production more free.

It became possible to make things regardless of location.

Bean headed to Gaju's room with a more leisurely pace.

He was quite satisfied with his present life compared to before.

'Coming back to the past would make such a big difference… … .'

Currently, Bean has reached the level of a level 6 knight using a bow sword.

Besides, didn't you catch a Yeti that reached a level 5 monster recently?

He did this at the young age of only ten.

It was unimaginable before his return.

'In a life where I was busy listening to other people's rumors. Now that my rumors are spreading like this… … .'

He felt like he was dreaming.

a completely different life.

I was able to make the best choice in my life experience in advance.

But Bin's expression quickly changed.

'But it's still a long way off.'

Bean thought of Heldon Grander.

He was still very humble compared to him.

Bean thought for a moment while something flew away.


Bean looked at it carefully.

A red-pointed arrow that flew out of nowhere.

With a powerful sound, an arrow went straight into the stone pillar.


Seeing the arrows pierce the stone pillars, it was clear that he was not an ordinary skill.

For a moment, the bewildered Bean stopped.

"… … !"

Kodick muttered in surprise.

"How dare you tell your lord… … ."

When Cordick was about to scream, Bean noticed him.

A single high-speed arrow.

It was also speed, but it was a destructive force that couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Thinking that he could take one more flight, Bean looked around.

Then he inferred who shot this arrow.

What kind of strong heart dares to shoot a bow at a mansion in Vasconga!

He thought he wasn't a madman.

At the same time, he thought he might have something to do with the assassin, or the Lander family.

That was then.

When Bean saw the red-pointed arrow, a guess came to mind.

'… … If the arrowhead is red.'

when you're sure.

Another arrow flew towards Bean.

This time, Bean quickly drew the bow sword with his left hand and struck the arrow.


Even if you strike with a sword, if you make a mistake, your wrist will return to the power of the arrow.

The arrow, which had lost its target, was nailed to the wall.

There was a crack in the wall where the arrow was studded.


It was as if he was hitting the ice sheet with all his might with a rock.

Fortunately, it was not an attack aimed at life.

But if he did, he would have a hole in his body.

'… … It's great to see you again.'

Bean, who stopped admiring, called out to the owner of the red arrow with sharp eyes.

"You want to do it now? Velvet sister."

The sound of shoes could be heard in response to Bin's distasteful words.

again. again.

An arm-to-head woman with red shoes and a red bird on her shoulder appeared.

Red and black uniforms.

She is a woman whose voluptuous body stands out because of her tight-fitting uniform.

It was 'velvet' that added her sexiness to her bright red hair and the dots under her mouth.

She has a weird expression on her face.

Her velvet leaned her back, revealing her rib cage exposed through her uniform towards her bin.

"Let's do it? Our youngest has grown up a lot. He knows how to say things like that, and he's very stinky."

Bean frowned at her velvet pun.

Seeing her Bean's expression on her face, Cordick dropped her head and bit her teeth.

'How dare this solicitation threaten the master by revealing his flesh… … .'

It was.

From Cordick's point of view, she didn't know what Velvet meant.

The act of suddenly gaining weight.

For the monster Kodick, the velvet revealing its flesh is like a peacock spreading its wings to show off its size.

When Bean looked at her, the first word that came to mind was her.

'transformation… … .'

Velvet Bascones.

Commonly known as 'Red Fox'.

The daughter of Morden's first wife.

She was the third of the 'seven children' of the Bascon family.

She was 19 years old, and she was a level 4 knight, and her main weapon is a red crossbow 'Charnel'.

At first she used a bow as her primary weapon.

howeverThere were also rumors that I switched to a crossbow because of my large breasts.

At Velvet's joke, Bean's expression didn't change. She answered indifferently.

"Not funny."

"Our youngest is so cute when he's angry."

Velvet, who suddenly approached me, grabbed Bean's cheeky look and grabbed his cheek.

It looks like it was cute.

Her butt-faced Bean looked at her.

There was a reason Bean was so hostile.

'Seven siblings of the Bascon family.'

Siblings were busy biting each other, unless they were siblings who were born in the same boat.

In particular, in her previous life, Velvet looked like she was taking care of herself.

But why does she pretend to know herself, unlike her previous life?

Was it because he caught the wild boar of the level 6 monster Erymantos at the age of ten?

Or she didn't know if she was testing herself.

Anyway, the attitude towards Bean was different from before.

The playful Velvet on her face changed her expression and said to Bean.

"I am stronger than ever before. I don't think it's a lie that she caught a level 6 monster. Even when I was only ten years old, I shot my arrows."

She seemed to see the liver of velvet, but she was a bean without hesitation at all.

"So what do you mean?"

Embarrassed by Bean's attitude, Velvet laughed.

"… … Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, that confidence right now, it's like Basconga. But when you enter that room, you better behave yourself. Everyone is looking for you."

Velvet turned her head to point to Morden's large doorway.

A place where several brothers and sisters from the Bascons will soon gather.

Some of the siblings were already trying to get Bean into a conspiracy.

But she is bin who expected all this.

There was not a single bit of fear in Bin's eyes.

Rather, he was full of his strong self-confidence.

"If you came here to tell me something like that, then this is enough. It's a mountain we all have to climb."

At those words, Velvet lost her words.

"… … ."

Confident attitude.

It's as if she's confident with any of her siblings.

On the other hand, Cordick smiled with a happy expression.

'My lord, who does not give in to a girl like that. It's awesome.'

Bean smiled lightly at Velvet's bewildered expression and walked proudly to Morden's room.

Velvet was startled by the look of Bean, which was so different from before.

'What the hell happened to the youngest? … .'

It was Bean, who couldn't even move one of his arms properly when he had seen it before.

However, for an instant, the combat power of a level 6 knight and the sword also reached an intermediate level.

That was when Velvet was watching Bean's back.

"… … !"

Both of her eyes widened.

Someone's image was reflected in the back of Bin walking dignifiedly wearing her sword.

This is because she was one of the strongest in the continent of Ghana, and the majestic Morden when navigating the battlefield overlapped.

"why… … His father's face… … ."

Velvet looked at Bean's back, and she stood there blankly for a while.