

Back to reality. Emily resumed her normal life after her dream and she wrote about everything she had in her dream in a novel, which was a huge success with many readers. After meeting a classmate, an entertainment company wants to hire her for a project. She was taken aback when she met the CEO of the entertainment company with which she would had signed a collaboration contract. Although the style differs, the man named Xavier has a similar face to Sean. Xavier felt familiar with the story when he read Emily's novel on the recommendation of a friend. He felt a connection to the novel, and strangely, he felt he had experienced an incident similar to the novel.

QueenMama · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

3. Deja Vu

Xavier paused for a moment when he heard what his friend, Brandon said. " I haven't done anything about it even I haven't met or talked with Clarissa since our parents decided the engagement. Although I have refused the engagement from the beginning and told my parents about it, they just don't care. I'm not sure what they are planning for but they kept doing it. I can't do anything about it right now. As long as she doesn't bother me, I am fine with that. However if I find any excuses to end the engagement, I will do it so right away" He grumbled.


" I believe you should settle everything as soon as possible before it escalates. If you don't want to continue the engagement, just say so; otherwise, you might start falling in love with Clarissa and not realize it. That's why you keep dragging the situation?" Brandon enquired. 


"Don't be ridiculous. I have no feelings for her other than as my own little sister. "I don't have any of bit love sparks or anything with her," he protested. 


 " HAHAHHAAA..okay..okay..I trust you. Then do something about it " Brandon laughed.


Xavier sighed and rolled his eyes. " Don't worry, I'll break off the engagement. Or are you the one who wishes to marry Clarissa? "


Brandon smacked his arm and exclaimed, "I don't want to be married in the next five years!" Don't cause me any problems! I don't want to be involved with her!"

 " Who knows ? May be she is your secret crush. "Xavier teased. They both laughed when they realized how silly they are.

Finally, Brandon's visit came to an end because Xavier had an intern meeting with his finance department at 10 a.m. In addition to dealing with his new business expansion, he rushes out of Xavier's office after getting a phone call.

Susan, Xavier's assistant, walked into his office to accompany him to the meeting room. After Brandon left, they walked out of his room and into the meeting room. Xavier has spent the entire day in the meeting room with his finance department. Their meeting ended when it was time for dinner, so they shared a meal before splitting up.


Jason has waited outside the restaurant and leaned against his car when Xavier and his wife came out of the restaurant. He approached them as soon as he saw them. "You shouldn't have invited my wife to the dinner. Xavier, you can go by yourself. Hello, Honey..."I miss you," he says as he kisses Susan on the cheek.

"I miss you too, Babe, and thank you for picking me up here," she says to her husband, hugging him. Xavier simply smiled and put his hands into his pockets when he saw what they had done because he was used to seeing all of their affection.


"Did Brandon contact you?" Xavier inquired of Jason. 


" He did, indeed. "He called me this morning," Jason responds. 

" Oh, he called first? I had to call him first and ask him to meet me at the office." Xavier was dissatisfied.


"I told him that Jason will end up their friendship if he didn't call by the end of this week so he right away called Jason without hesitation" Susan said with a laugh. 


"HHmmm, that actually works," Xavier said, laughing. 


"When will all of you meet up then ?" Susan inquired.


" He stated that he will contact me once his new business preparations are completed. "I hope everything is going well," Jason responds.


" I'm hoping so. Let us hope and pray for his success in his new venture." Xavier went on. 


Susan and Jason agreed with a nod. " Well, it's time to go home now." "Goodnight, Xavier, see you tomorrow," Jason said as he took Susan's hand in his and drove away. Xavier waved goodbye and walked towards his car, which was parked next to Jason's. 


He finally arrived home at 8 p.m., and as soon as he did, he went into his bedroom to clean himself, which only took a few minutes. He came out of the bathroom in his pyjamas, ready to sleep. He was exhausted from his long day, but before going to bed, he checked some of the messages he had received today. Today's meeting with his client left him with no time to check his message. He scrolled through his phone, opening each message one by one and responding to a few of them. 


Suddenly his gaze was drawn to the link Brandon had sent him about his friend's novel. When he saw the link, he was overcome with a strange feeling that drew him in. He paused for a brief moment before clicking on the link out of curiosity.


Xavier began reading the first chapter of the novel. He was slowly drawn into his reading and frowned as he read the novel more deeply. As he completed each chapter, he felt a stronger and deeper connection to the story. He had finished the last chapter of the novel when it was already morning. That man have unconsciously stayed awake all night reading the novel .


As he finished the novel, he felt an emptiness in his heart, as if something was missing from his life, a mixed feeling that he couldn't explain to himself. He got out of bed and went into the bathroom to wash his face because he didn't want to be down by his feelings. Strangely, when he closed his eyes, his mind flashed back to scenes from the novel he was reading. His heart rate increased, and he quickly opened his eyes, but the flashes continued. He was gasping for air, his heart pounding furiously. He closed his eyes again not long after to try to control and calm his mind. All the flashes stopped when tears flowed from his eyes to his checks . Is it a Deja Vu, a past memory, a dream, an amnesia, or something else? He was perplexed by everything that was happening to him right now.