
The Drama Of Fame

Maria moves to a new school for the talented. As she fights to became a world famous singer, she meets a lot of drama on her way to stardom. Things start to seem blur but eventually things start to brighten up after she finds a hot lead guitarist in the band other hot boys. This attracts even more jealousy and hate to herself. Explore the world of drama,romance, teen life in one book.

Santa_Maria_Dey · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

My twin sister's demise

Mistakes have the ability to cause great pain and they stick with you forever.

My twin sister Marie and I were really close. We did everything today,we were inseparable. She was my best friend, my secret keeper and my everything. We did everything together and best part is we were very identical. We looked alike that it was difficult for our parents to differentiate between us.

We used to have a Youtube channel called Marie and Maria Vibes. We had over fifty thousand subscribers. We would shoot vlogs, dance battle videos and my personal favourite covers. We used to sing really popular music and post it. We got a lot of suscribers for being basically being silly.

High School suddenly made that bond between us die. We started growing apart. Marie started to get obsessed with popularity. She basically took over our Youtube channel. She started engaging in really bad things like; using hard drugs, bullying people. She did things I never thought she of all people would do.

In third year of high school, we both crushed on the same guy. She didn't hesitate to do whatever she could to get him. She didn't even hesitate to trash me in front of him and reveal old time secrets to him just to spoil keep me away from him.

One cold evening, I got into a really nasty fight with her on my parents balcony. She told the whole school that I am a prostitute and that I also strip at nightclubs. I was so furious with her, I was tired of the attitude she had adopted lately.

The fight started with an argument then it diverted into a really bad fight. She tried to push me over the ledge saying I am an embarrassment to her and some really hurtful comments. I couldn't believe that this is the same person I used to play with, the same person who had my back, the same person I trusted. If I can't even trust her anymore,who can I trust? I thought to myself.

She held my neck while I was standing on the edge of the balcony. If I should had moved even a step back, I would fall over. This is a four storey building house with the ground paved with hard concrete so it's not going to be great if one of us should fall over.

I was running out of breath as she was slowly strangling me. I was running out of oxygen,it felt like she had clogged my windpipe. I pushed her off me and tried to stand up but she jumped on me again and held my neck even tighter than before. I kept yelling but our parents couldn't hear. I was lying close to the edge while she was on me and her eyes looked dark and I knew that she seriously mean't to kill me. I then used every bit of force to push her off me but unfortunately the push was too strong. I saw her scream as gravity was pulling her down to the hard concrete ground.

I was scared and horrified at that point. I hoped it was a nightmare but it was all reality. I quickly run down the steps to see if she was alive. When I got there my parents were already there. Mom was trying to wake her up but Marie wasn't responding. Her eyes were shut as blood was gushing out of her head. There was no way, she would survive that fall.

My mom and dad looked lost in emotions, I quickly called and ambulance and told them to arrive pronto. My mom and dad looked at me with disgust. I was even disgusted at myself but I knew at the way things were going, it was either me or her. The paramedics came to check her pulse and they confirmed her dead. Tears filled my eyes as they but her body on a stretcher. I wanted to kill myself and follow her. It wasn't my intention for her to fall of the balcony,I just wanted to defend myself because she was on the verge on strangling me to death but my intention wasn't for her to fall off the balcony. I explained to my parents but it was useless. I felt so guilty,so hurt that I threw my own sister, the one I came out of the womb with, well fifteen minutes later than her but you understand what I mean. My parents up to date look at me in disgust, I even feel disgusted at myself. How did High School completely break an unbreakable bond?

Today,they hanged the big picture of us together. I don't know if it's to remind me of the horrific incident . The unfortunate scene replays in my head,every night like it happened yesterday.

An event that happened two years ago seems like it's ongoing. I stood in front of the picture.

'Marie,what changed us? Why did you hate me all of the sudden? Was it because of our crush on that boy in our math class? Why did you spread rumor on the school's website that I am a prostitute? All I knew was we weren't the Marie and Maria twins anymore. How?', I said out loud while I wept bitterly.

My parents were watching me with anger on their faces. Mom looked like she could just slap me that instant.'I hope you are happy now,you killed your sister and yet you blame her for almost strangling you to death and that ridiculous lie of yours',Mom said with her eyes filled with tears.

I tried to explain that everything that happened that faithful day was true but they wouldn't believe me. So I quietly went to my room.

I laid on my bed. I thought about the series of events that happened today. I woke up really happy because I was going to Celebs Academy but the day has ended in tears. I hope oneday,they would understand that it wasn't intentional. I never wanted to hurt Marie but in life we don't always get exactly what we want. All I was doing was to save myself. I should have just left her, maybe she wouldn't have died. I shouldn't have pushed her? I just wanted to stop her from crushing my windpipe. I wanted to stop her from suffocating me and not to watch her fall from a four storey building height to a hard concrete pavement ground. I looked at my phone and saw a picture of her on my home screen and I just couldn't hold back. I cried myself to sleep. Just like every night since the incident.