
The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story

A House Targaryen story set immediately after the Targaryen wars of conquest, focusing on the lives, struggles and accomplishments of Aegon Targaryen and his descendants. This story will take place over several generations and through the viewpoints of a wide variety of characters from Kings and Queens, Kingsguard, and rebels, and everyone in between. The story, while primarily focusing on Westeros, will take place over a large area ranging from the frozen wastes of the North, the deserts of Dorne, the pirate hideouts of the Stepstones to the Free City of Norvos and beyond.

Streaker77 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
50 Chs

Chapter 8: Fire (Aegon) (Part 1)

𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧, 𝟖𝟎𝟎𝟏

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭, 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠



King Aegon took his seat amongst the small council, a smaller gathering then they normally had present.

While the King had been away on his royal progress, the small council had suffered a loss. Lord Alyn Chyttering, the spymaster had passed away in his sleep, the man only 47 years old. Visenya had confided that she had suspected poison at first, but Grandmaster Arlan had found no signs of it and Aegon had his doubts as well, he did not endorse plots or scheming but he had a grudging respect for Alyn, who worked hard to keep him apprised of current events, Aegon thought it unlikely the man had allowed himself to be murdered.

His untimely death left the small council without a spymaster, though Visenya was preparing a list of candidates, and she still insisted on attending the meeting, despite being six months pregnant, Rhaenys had volunteered to watch Princess Nyel and was not present either.

Despite having no spymaster, Edmyn Tully as master of laws maintained an understanding of events within the realm, and Harlan Tyrell knew of some events within the free cities due to his trading connections as master of coin.

''Let us hear events within the Kingdoms first.'' Aegon said, drawing a nod from Edmyn Tully.

''Of biggest importance is the death of Sharra Arryn…she passed away in Winterfell…natural causes im told….there will be no claimant to both the Eyrie and Winterfell.'' Edmyn began.

Aegon nodded, he had not truly felt threatened by the prospect, and felt more pity than anything, young Ronnel Arrys mother had left him to marry the heir to Winterfell, and had never returned to her son.

''There has been little else of import your grace, though I hear that two of the mountain clans in the North are at eachothers throats in some clan feud, Torrhen Stark has sent negotiators to try and end the bloodshed,'' Edmyn continued.

''I had expected the Ironborn to be restless, but the fact that the North has seen so much trouble was not something I expected.'' Aegon said.

''Northerners are a stubborn people, and an ancient one….feuds and rivalries run deep there your grace…i'm afraid it doesn't take much to bring them to conflict. '' Grandmaester Arlan replied.

''There has been news on my end as well….the free cities are embroiled in conflict as ever…Norvos has won a trade war with Qohor, Lys and Tyrosh have completed slave raids on the Summer Islands, and Braavos has just occupied the free city of Lorath after Lorath interfered with their trade with the Vale, though I expect the city to be returned once Lorath agrees to end its business in the region.'' Harlan Tyrell said.

''Norvos and Qohor being at odds does not surprise me….the Norvoshi see the followers of the Black Goat of Qohor as heretics.'' Visenya mused, she had of course stayed in Norvos for several months.

''Will your Grace be wishing to tour the progress made on the red keep?'' Harlan asked.

While Aegon had been on his progress, significant construction efforts had been started. First and foremost, another keep was being built on a neighboring hill, though it would be built with red brick as opposed to the timber hall of the Aegonfort.

The workers had rather predictably started calling the new project, ''The Red Keep'' and progress had been stunningly fast, with hundreds of workers coming from all over the Kingdoms for steady pay, if back breaking work, In addition to this, a small wall was being built around Kings Landing and the seven gates of the City Watch had been fortified into actual gates.

Aegon nodded to Harlan's question ''Yes, arrange it for tomorrow.''

The Red Keep would soon be habitable, but Aegon had no intentions of moving on from the Aegonfort just yet, he planned many more expansions to the keep which could take decades, and only when it was truly finished would he move his household.

''I think we can adjourn for today my lords…if there is nothing else?'' Aegon said standing, causing all his councilors save Harlan Tyrell who waited behind to speak with the King and Visenya alone.



''Your Grace…I recently received a raven informing me of a domestic issue in my realm…one which concerns your squire….Ryam Redwyne.'' Harlan began.

''The boys father…Perwyn Redwyne?'' Visenya guessed, earning a nod from Harlan Tyrell.

Aegon and his sister were familiar with the Lord of the Arbor, he had been present at the coronation at Oldtown, and had attempted to undermine Aegons decision to name Harlan Tyrell as Lord Paramount of the Reach by trying to convince the King that he should have been given the role instead. In addition to this he had tried to barter for this role by using the vast fleet of the Arbor as leverage.

''There is a small isle off the Arbor with a sizable castle, called the Mermaids Palace…owned by House Goldwyne, a small house that pledges fealty to the Redwynes….in fact the two houses share distant relation going back to House Goldwynes founding'' Harlan began.

Aegon sat silently listening to every word, he knew his master of coin would not inform him of an event that was not significant.

''Lord Perwyn has long coveted the isle and castle for himself….and he made his move recently…the heir to the castle, Garlan Goldwyne was a boy of six, before he was smothered in his sleep by one of the servants….when she was caught, she revealed Lord Redwyne sent her.'' Harlan finished.

''He must be dealt with….and harshly.'' Visenya said.

''Aye…but I know the boy Ryam…your squire is heir to the Arbor….I have sent word to my castellan to prepare men to take Lord Redwyne into custody…but I thought it best for you to inform the boy before I take any action….he will be a lord soon.'' Harlan said.

Aegon nodded and summoned his squire into the chamber, explaining his fathers crimes.

Ryam stood silently as it was explained to him before nervously looking at the King.

''Your Grace….my fathers crime should be punished….he has shamed the honor of my house….but I ask for mercy….I ask that he be sent to the wall so that he can make something of his life.'' The squire said, a request that took a lot of courage as the boy was painfully shy.

Aegon looked to Harlan Tyrell, who nodded his head slowly, a sign he was receptive to the idea.

''I shall allow your father to take the black….but if he resists than I may have no choice but to take harsher action…and he will have to answer for the murder of the boy, I mean you or your house no ill-will but Lord Goldwyne is demanding that all the lords of the realm hear of his sons murder….it will be known that Perwyn Redwyne is a murderer.'' Harlan said.

Ryam nodded.

''Ryam….you will inherit the Arbor and thus become its lord….you will be a man in three years time…but you are old enough to start making decisions for yourself…I give you a choice…to remain here as my squire…or to return to the Arbor.'' Aegon said.

The boy hesitated before nodding ''I will remain here with you your grace…my sister is here as well and I would not leave her alone…and my uncle Garmon Hightower serves in your Kingsguard….my family is here I have learned much from you.''



Before Aegon could respond, the door to the council chamber swung open, Orys Baratheon in the doorway, he had not been attending the small council meeting and instead had been supervising the construction of the Red Keep.

''A ship just arrived at the dock Aegon…a ship bearing important news.'' Orys said.

''Let's hear it.'' Aegon said.

''Meria Martell is dead...her granddaughter Deria has taken the throne, and according to the trader…her position is weak.'' Orys said, this was important news since Aegon plan for the conquest of Dorne relied upon the death of Meria the Old, who despite her blindness and age was much loved by her people.

Aegon gave a small smile, while Visenya took her brother's shoulder, Harlan Tyrells face was bone white however.

''It's time Aegon.'' Visenya said.

''The final conquest….Orys, send out ravens to the great houses….call the banners….raise the levies of the city and Dragonstone as well, we will raise an army in the Crownlands as well.'' Aegon said.

Visenya, ever aware, turned to Harlan Tyrell ''You look pale my Lord.''

''Your Grace….forgive me…but my eldest daughter Jana is in Dorne right now, I have arranged a betrothal between her and Lewyn Martell…she is not to be married for a year or two but I thought it best to send her on a tour of the land she will one day call home…I fear if I raise my banners….they may kill her.'' Harlan said.

''You should have told me….you knew we planned to invade Dorne…why marry your daughter ahead of the planned invasion.'' Aegon said with some annoyance.

''I know your grace…but it was a proposed betrothal…not official yet…and tensions were growing on the border my realm shares with the Dornish, I felt if I did not make peace somehow then a conflict could break out with Meria Martell, one you wished to avoid.'' Harlan Tyrell explained.

Aegon sighed ''I won't ask you to risk your daughter's life by joining the conquest…your banners are excused from the fighting…though I will insist you keep a force raised at Horn Hill and make sure they do not break through the passes there.

''As you say your Grace…I shall send ravens to prepare it.'' Lord Harlan said gratefully.

''Fool.'' Visenya scoffed when he had left the chamber.

''Hes served us well…and once the conquest is complete it will be good for the Dornish to be bound by blood to another one of the Kingdoms.'' Aegon said, it would be a loss to not have the Knights of the Reach, but Dorne was not a particularly strong Kingdom and they could manage without.

''Aegon….you know Id like nothing better than to be at your side….cracking some Dornish skulls…but I must request that my banners are excused from the fighting.'' Orys said, somewhat embarrassed.

''The pox?'' Aegon guessed.

''Aye…Haystack Hall lost near 50% of its fighting men, and some other counties are not much better…I can't ask my people to fight in a war so soon after the pox has ended…though you have my word I'll keep men on the border…and ensure the Dornish don't cross the Sea of Dorne.'' Orys explained.

Aegon was much more sympathetic to his half-brothers reasoning than he had been to Harlans ''Aye….your banners won't be needed…besides I need you here ruling with Visenya during the campaign…and you should be with your wife when she gives birth.''

Orys's wife was pregnant as well for the first time since their first child, a little girl had been stillborn, though Aegon had offered the finest maids to assist his half-brother's wife, the same women that would help Visenya give birth in a few months time.

Orys nodded a thanks and left the chamber, leaving Visenya and the King alone.



''You should consider being here when your child is born as well Aegon…I know you are needed to command but you could return here in two months…stay for a while.'' Visenya said, guiding Aegon's hands to her belly.

''What do I do for the child for its future….the same as I do it for Nyel….but I cant return….there can be no distractions in war….If I return to the capitol to see our child…I don't know that id have the strength to go back to war…..I'll come back to you…but only when the war is won.'' Aegon said, in truth he did wish that Meria of Dorne had died some months later so he could be at Visenya's side for the birth, he had not been present at Nyels birth either, but he had to finish what he started.

Visenya nodded, clearly not surprised.

''Fire and Blood brother.'' Visenya said quietly.

''Fire and Blood.'' Aegon responded.