
(2) the field trip

The air was dry and still, almost as if it were intentionally so. There was a sense of excitement in the air as a blonde and dark haired duo strutted around the camp.

They would begin talking about magic and swordsmanship when the teacher called everyone to the front

"Listen up class, today we're gonna all spread out to see if we can find any artifacts or things of the sort," she said in a loud commanding voice. "You will go out in groups of three and stick to the monitored area, is that understood?" She asked.

The corud murmured in agreement as the set about making groups. Sophia and Alex partnered with Alex's sister named Jessie who unlike her brother had red hair in a ponytail and two twin hunting knives strapped to her belt. Wearing a pair of tight brown pants and boots oblong with a black tank top and light half unbuttoned camo jacket.

"You sure you can keep up with us?" Jessie asked her little brother. "On the contrary I was worried you might be too old and frail," he teased back, causing Jessie to glare at him enough to make him walk a few inches more to the side.

"Now now you two, calm down," she paused, "we don't need them to think we awoke some great dragon when Alex goes crying for help." She said with a grin

"Anyway let's get to looking me and alex will check the valley you check the passage," Jessie said and after the unanimous support by her companions she sent Sophia towards the mountain passage which used to be an old road.


Sending a being who bore the dragon mark approaching the mountain Choal got excited and used his "sixth sense" skill to watch them, less any harm befall them.


Sophia wandered around the mountain pass before realizing nothing was here and was about to go back when she felt something tug at her soul asking her to traverse up the mountain.

After using "wind dance" and earth magic to traverse her way to the tip of the mountain she saw a door covered in dragon carvings and claw marks, not to mention the bottom part looked busted. She was about to call for her teacher when she felt another strong pull on her soul to try and get inside.

"Alright let's see if we can get in through here" she said before charging the door at full speed barely making it budge. She stopped and decided that wouldn't work and started think of a way to open it when she decided she might as well try a spell and cast "wind cannon" and "fireball" using the wind to strengthen her flame and forcing the door open enough to get inside.

What she saw shocked hee, ornate dragon carvings and sculptures not to mention the artifacts littered everywhere. She stepped inside marveling at the chamber and wondered it's purpose, when the door slammed shut locking her in. But instead of panic she showed glee, any archeologists worth their tools could tell this was the find of a lifetime.


Choal watched the girl spin and wander around the hall using his sixth sense and perked up when he saw her go to the wooden doors, the only barricade between her and him. He wondered if she would run or ask questions, frankly he did not care she did not seem fit to be an apprentice but he would entertain her.


As she opened the doors she saw a man sitting on the floor his hands sealed by a giant lock, she noticed his muscles and beard seemed well kept. He wore no shirt and baggy torn brown pants with no shoes, he seemed to know she was there but paid no heed

"Hello, are you okay," she called out to the man, "I can help you if you need it sir" she added

"Girl, of all the people I've met you are the second to try and help me. Do you even know who I am?" He said in a horse yet sharp voice "I know you look like you've seen better days, so do you want help or not?" She snapped back,"girl even with these cuffs I'm still one of the most dangerous men in the world but at this point all I care about is waiting until my death." He responded sadly as if he had nothing left to care for.

"Do you care to explain how you ended up here, in this place of historical value?" She questioned in a kind yet firm voice,"I was too weak to protect those I care about and I suffers the price, now I wait for a decipal to help with my goals, and you're not who I'm waiting for so please leave or I will make you."