
Ysayle meets Mina

Behemoth was about to land when Odahviing was flying beside them and says, {There was trouble when you weren't around. I and some other Dragons took care of it. The Vampires are getting crazier lately.}

{They dare to attack my house!} shouts Vincent back angry hearing that the Vampire wanted to attack his home.

{They are all dead except for one. Mina wanted to interrogate the vampire that almost shit himself when he saw his brethren die under our barrage of fire before they could even reach the house,} says Odahviing as Vincent was relieved that the Dragons stopped the attack before it even started.

{Thank you for bringing me the news. I will need you in some days with the other Dragons to take the castle. Tell it to the others that every Vampire in it will be an enemy except for Serana,} says Vincent as Behemoth was ready to land and Odahviing only nod when Ysayle was looking confused at Vincent while Susanna was excited to see a Dragon.

Odahviing turns around flying towards the Throat of the World when Ysayle asks, "So the Dragons here can't communicate with the human?"

"They can, they just are too proud to do so. How to say it. They are seeing mortals more like ants before I took charge of them. The only exception was Paarthurnax he lives over there," says Vincent pointing towards the Throat of the World as he continues, "He was one of the Dragons that see mortals as equal. He reminds me much at Hraesvelgr. Maybe you can meet him later."

"That would be nice," says Ysayle as Behemoth touches the ground and begins to walk the last steps as they could see the children training outside and Ysayle says, "You live here?"

"Yes," says Vincent as he takes a key and Susanna's things out and says, "Go up to your house and unpack everything then return with Susanna to meet your sister. She will most likely want to meet her sister-in-law."

They separate as Vyrve and Susanna first went into the city as he and Ysayle went inside as he didn't want to disturb the children who were training. Once inside he sees Lydia but the other three were missing and Elisif was most likely in Dragonreach as he asks, "Where are they, Lydia? I wanted to present them to Ysayle."

"They are in the cellar," says Lydia as she was a little pale from what they were doing down there and she continues, "They told me to watch over the children while they question out the prisoner. Elisif wanted to stay but Mina sent her to Dragonsreach since she had everything under control. The children didn't notice that we were under attack last night they just asked why the ground was made to ash. We told them that a giant came to near to the house and a Dragon burned it down to protect us."

"Good, thank you, Lydia," says Vincent as he goes down into the cellar with Ysayle as the find the prisoner hanging from the wall. It looked like they tortured the prisoner brutally as the teeth were missing as well as the nails. Some fingers and toes were missing too as cuts were all over the body.

The prisoner was still breathing as he says, "Please just kill me already. I told you everything I knew."

"Death is too good for people like you," says Mina as she was cutting into the skin of the prisoner not too deep to kill him but also not to short that it wouldn't hurt.

"What did you find out?" asks Vincent as the women turned towards him. They see Ysayle and walked towards them.

"You must be Ysayle. Nice to meet you. I'm Mina Vincent's first wife. Those are Kirvena and Serana. They are wife candidates for now. There is also Elisif who is working right now. She is the second wife. And Aela she works for the Companions. She is more like the unofficial wife of Vincent since she has duties all over Skyrim and also outside it as a Companion," says Mina as she then hugs Ysayle and continues, "Welcome in the family. Let's meet the children later. You will like them."

"Thank you," says Ysayle while Kirvena was confused not seeing her brother.

"Where is my brother?" asks Kirvena worried.

"He is with his wife in Whiterun. I gave him Breezehome to live in until he builds his own house. He will be here after he helped Susanna accommodate there," says Vincent as Vincent walks towards the Vampire and asks his wife again, "What did you find out?"

"It seems Harkon only found out that Serana lives here. He wanted her back so he sent his men to get her," says Kirvena as Vincent turned at them.

"He didn't know who he attacked?" asks Vincent wanting to know.

"No," says Mina as she sees Vincent smile.

"He will know and regret it when the Dawnguard arrives. No one is allowed to harm my family even the attempt is punished by death," says Vincent as he had a cold smile creeping the vampire out as Vincent makes more cuts on the vampire before saying but this one will be punished to live until the last drop of blood left his body.

Vincent then takes salt out of the bag and rubs it into the cut making the vampire feel pain. Before he returned upstairs with the others after locking the door so the children wouldn't go down there.

"Once the Dawnguard arrives we will move out. They should be here soon," says Vincent as he looked at Serana who nods.

"Ysayle, I know that we just reunited but when duty calls you have to answer," says Vincent as Ysayle nods and they sit down to talk about with each other as Vincent wanted to know if something else happened.

"You got a letter from Delphine. It seems she is looking for an old comrade of hers," says Mina as she already read the letter.

"Can you sent her a letter telling her I will help her once this Vampire Crisis is done," says Vincent as Mina nods before looking serious at Vincent.

"When will be the wedding between you and the three. We should make it as fast as possible. Also, Avulstein seems to be ready to take the next step as we did," says Mina as she hands Vincent a letter with a date for the wedding of Avulstein Gray-Mane and Idgrod the Young.

"So they finally made the step," says Vincent surprised as well as happy for his friend.

"Well, it isn't every day that you traveled with the High King and even more that he is a friend of yours. He must have risen high and Idgrod must have given way for her daughter to marry Avulstein," says Mina also happy to know the news.

"It seems the wedding is in a month. They must know that I'm busy with this Vampire Crisis. We will go even Elisif should Proventus take care of the keep until we return," says Vincent as he was already planning when Mina coughs getting back his attention.

"You have to tell Eorlund about it," says Mina as he takes a closer look at the letter and sees that Avulstein wanted him to inform his father about it when Mina says, "Eorlund sees you as his own son. That might be why Avulstein wants you to inform him about it."

"I will do it tomorrow first I want to see my kids," says Vincent as he wanted to bring them also into town to meet Eorlund and Fralia since they see the children as their own grandchildren while they are still waiting for their own kids to give them some.

Vincent then leaves the women alone as he leaves the house. Mina was beginning to question Ysayle about the Vincent she knew while Ysayle did the same since she saw that Vincent changed since he was in Skyrim.

Vincent arrives to see the children bounding with their mounts as Vincent asks, "How is it going do you like your pets?"

"Yes," says Lucia as she was really happy and thought that waiting that long was worth it while Runa and Hroar were a little jealous about it but didn't protest since their mounts are pretty nice. Hroar and Runa love their mounts and wouldn't change them now that they found the advantage of having a smaller pet that can sleep in the bed with them.

Sofie, on the other hand, loved Snow too much and was happy for the other having pets too so Snow wasn't lonely when she was training with the bow.

"How about we visit grandpa and grandma what do you say?" asks Vincent as both Sofie and Lucia were excited while Runa and Hroar were confused at first until Lucia informed them that their grandfather was the Legendary Blacksmith Eorlund Gray-Mane making the eyes of Runa and Hroar sparkle with stars as even they heard that Eorlund was the best smith in Skyrim maybe even in whole Tamriel.

They went together as they mounted on Behemoth and Lily as Vincent says, "It might be good to take both since we will bring Vyrve and Susanna with us later."

As they travel towards town to meet with Eorlund. The children were easily distracted by the other children while Vincent told them where he was going as they nodded as Vincent gave Lucia the responsibility to look after her siblings while they went playing with the other children. Vincent arrived at the Sky-Forge and see Eorlund working on a sword.

"Working hard as I can see," says Vincent as he sits down.

"Yes, you aren't the only one for who I make blades or armors after all. Why have you come?" asks Eorlund as Vincent only comes if it about a new armor and weapon or when something happened.

"It seems Avulstein is getting married soon. He invited us to the wedding. It's next month," says Vincent as Eorlund was happy that at least one of his sons is finally getting married.

"Finally it was time that it happened. He almost never comes from Morthal now that he lives there so he could woo that girl. Now only Olfina needs to marry Jon and Thorald needs to find a woman and I can finally breathe relieved that my family will continue," says Eorlund as he was hammering the sword in shape.

"I thought the Gray-Mane and Battle-Born are still in a feud," says Vincent when Eorlund smiles.

"Yes, but if the High King says that they should marry so the feud gets buried no one would say anything against it out of fear to be burned alive by Dragon Flames," says Eorlund as he begins to laugh loudly as they began to have some small talk.

Hope you like it.

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