
Wicked Grace

Vincent finished with cleaning Titania's Quarter as he was carrying a little pouch as evidence that he did the job Titania wanted from him.

"Thank you for finding all the bugs it would have taken me at least a week to find them all," says Titania as she wasn't good in when the pouch caught fire and it burned up with its content.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't let Miranda know about it she has me on her ban-list already because of men removing the bugs on the other three floors before I stopped because she asked kindly," says Vincent as Titania smiles at him.

"I won't say one word," says Titania as she entered her bug-free Quarters happily since she now could invite Kaidan over.

Vincent left using the elevator when he arrives at the canteen finding Tristan reading a book while Miranda was looking at him from the corner which leads to her office.

"*cough* A nice day we are having, right," says Vincent surprising the Cerberus Agent who gave a slight jump from herself before recovering.

"Can you not sneak up on me like that," says Miranda as she didn't even hear Vincent approach her.

"Looking at the crown jewel of the Commander. You will get into trouble with Cerberus if you enter a relationship with him," says Vincent making the Cerberus Agent kick his left shin only to find out that it hurt her more than him.

"What is your leg made of?" asks Miranda angry as she was trying to walk away normally when Vincent stopped her.

"You should go to the Medbay and let your foot get scanned. The last time someone kicked my shin she broke her big tooth," says Vincent as the crew needed everyone at hundred percent even if he didn't trust her they needed to work together.

"Come let me help you," says Vincent as he grabbed her right arm and put it around his neck before grabbing her legs and putting the other hand on her back.

He carried her into the Medbay before putting her beside Garrus's bed when Dr. Chakwas asks, "What happened to her?"

"She kicked against my shin. She can barely walk so you should check her foot," says Vincent as he looked out of the window seeing that Tristan was still reading and Vincent says, "I have to go, doc. I have some other matters to attend to."

"Right, thanks for bringing her to me," says Dr. Chakwas thinking that Vincent was about to meet up with Liara.

Vincent arrived at the table Tristan was sitting at when he asks, "Why isn't Ashley around?"

"We broke up after I joined Cerberus. She didn't want to join and I didn't want to endanger her Military Career. But my question is what is there between you and Liara?" says Tristan looking still at the book as he moves to the next page.

"We are officially together now," says Vincent as he smiled in excitement.

"And the children are ok with that?" asks Tristan as he looked up for a moment before he continued reading.

"Ishly might have sounded disgusted by it but she seems to like the idea while Provus seemed to have accepted it quite fast maybe because he was already anticipating it," says Vincent as Tristan nods in agreement.

"Also, what is going on between you and Miranda?" asks Vincent as Tristan suddenly closed his book.

"I might find her attractive and I need to get over Ashley breaking up with me," says Tristan as Vincent smiled at him.

"I thought it was mutually agreed on going separate ways by what you said before but it seems she shot you into the human moon by doing what you did," says Vincent as Tristan looked at him sharply.

"No word to anyone understood," says Tristan as Vincent still was smiling while trying to keep his laugh back.

"They won't hear it from me but you should talk to our Master Thief about her opinion since she was hearing everything we were talking about, aren't I right Kasumi," says Vincent as Kasumi didn't say anything to keep herself invisible when suddenly Vincent grabbed her.

Her camouflage was deactivated because of the rapid movement when Tristan stood up and looked at her seriously when she says, "I come in peace."

"I take that as you won't say anything about what was talked about a moment ago at this table," says Tristan as Kasumi smiles.

"Of course," says Kasumi as she didn't want to make enemies on the ship.

"Good then sit down like a normal person and take part in the conversation instead of only listening to us," says Tristan as he sat back down.

They talked for a while before they started to play a game when Liara came from the second floor and finds them there and says, "What are you three doing there?"

"We are playing Wicked Grace. I could convince them after winning in stone, paper, scissors. Wanna join us?" asks Vincent as Liara looked at the game.

"It isn't typical Tamrielic," says Liara seeing the card game.

"It is a Thedosian card game a friend of mine taught me back then. I always have a set of cards with me since then," says Vincent as the friend he mentions was Varric Tethras.

"It is almost like Poker just more complicated," says Tristan as he got a grip on the game as well as Kasumi.

"Yes, why not let me join you," says Liara as she sat down at the table when soon more people joined them in a friendly game of Wicked Grace.

It came to the point when Titania and Kaidan found most of the crew sitting around the table playing the game when she interrupts them.

"What are you all doing here?" asks Titania as the crew made way for her to see it herself seeing that they were playing cards.

"Who is winning?" asks Titania as they pointed at Liara who had the biggest pile of candy on her side.

"I fold," says Vincent putting his hand back into the deck followed by the Mess Sergeant Gardner who lost most of his stash to Vincent in the last round before Engineer Adams calls Liara's bet.

Tristan followed and Kasumi folded as well when it was time to reveal their hand and neither Liara nor Tristan could believe that the Greenhorn Engineer Adams won the game when Titania gave a slight cough from herself.

"Vincent, Tristan, and Liara, I need you three ready we have arrived at our next location to get our next crewmate," says Titania wanting to take them with her on this mission.

"We are still in space does that mean we are about to arrive there?" asks Vincent as Titania smiles at him.

"No, we are docking at the moment. We are on a private space prison if we want to call it like that," says Titania as they arrived at the Purgatory.

"Kasumi, I want you to shadow us in your camouflage. I need you to keep an eye out for us because I don't trust anything that is going on inside that vessel we are about to board," says Titania as Vincent packed his cards away while storing his stash of sweets as well.

"We will see each other later, Mess Sergeant," says Vincent as Gardner smiled at him.

"We will I hope you have your cards ready for when we clash again," says Gardner as Vincent smiled back.

Before he left to get Fenris when Zaeed came out of the elevator and walks towards Titania while saying, "I should go with you on that ship."

"And why should you?" asks Titania as Zaeed looked riled up.

"I might know one or two blind spots on the ship," says Zaeed as Titania stared him in the eyes to see if he was saying the truth.

This turned into a starring contest before Titania says, "Fine, Liara, you stay here. I will be taking Zaeed with me instead."

"You sure about that, Shepard?" asks Liara as Titania nods.

"Yes, don't worry. We will handle everything as we always do," says Titania as Liara sighs after hearing that.

"That's what I am worried about," says Liara holding her head in her hand before leaving for the Medbay with her gains of the game.

Tristan went to get his equipment from the crew quarters as did Zaeed followed by Kasumi. Vincent was at the Cargo Bay when he finds Fenris playing around with a hamster that seemed to have found its way into the Cargo Bay.

"What have you found, boy," says Vincent as Fenris had the hamster on his head.

They seemed to be buddies when Vincent takes the hamster from his head and says, "Well little guy, what do I do with you now?"

He places the hamster on his shoulder while he puts Fenris in his armor before placing the hamster on Fenris's head and Vincent says, "Maybe we can make you two a duo but for that we will need an armor for your little friend here."

Vincent then takes out some scraps of metal which seemed to fit the little guy before Vincent says, "From today on you should be named, Sir Jorey the Fearless."

The hamster seemed confused with Vincent as he feels Vincent's finger petting him. Before Vincent looked around the Cargo Bay finding it quite empty which was suspicious since Ishly and Provus should have been there.

"Where are the other two?" asks Vincent as Fenris only rolls his eyes which made Vincent smile since that meant they were taking care of each other at the moment.

"Well, they were together when we found them it is only normal that they would become a couple sooner or later," says Vincent as he looked at Fenris and says, "We are going on a mission. Keep our little friend safe."

"And Sir Jorey," says Vincent looking at the hamster when looked at him with anticipation when Vincent sticks a sticker on his back while saying, "Bite as many cables on that ship as possible if everything goes south."

Hamster seemed to want to salute to Vincent which made him look only cuter when Vincent says, "I will have to keep the stray cat away from you once we are on Nirn."

They then entered the elevator and went for the second floor to meet with the rest of the team.

Hope you like it.

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