
Warning Arthur

Arthur arrived at Denerim with his sister and her lover when a guard stopped them saying, "Stop! Who are you and what are you here for?"

"My name is Arthur Cousland. I'm here t-," says Arthur when he was interrupted.

"Right, we were waiting for you," says the guard as he brought them inside.

The looked around and Denerim wasn't really colorful as usually when he asks, "Did something happen in Denerim?"

"You haven't heard yet? The Ambassador took his name towards the Arl's Manor to save some knife-ears because the Arl's son had kidnapped them. He tortured the Arl's son to what he is today an empty shell," says the guard making the three become nervous.

"What about the King?" asks Arthur worried.

"The King is fine he didn't meddle in it. He saw it justified since the women that the Arl's son kidnapped were Imperials by the Empires Law since they were married to people of the Empire," says the guard informing them.

"But there is a tension between Ferelden and the Empire now because of what happened. The Ambassador hasn't left his ship since that day. Queen Anora is doing her best to release that tension between both," says the guard as he sighs while leading them to the Palace.

Once at the Palace they heard some people fighting as Anora was shouting at both her husband and father for their incompetence while Cailan was trying to calm her down because of their unborn child when the guard announced, "Your Majesties, I present to you, Arthur Cousland."

"Right, the Teyrn's son if I'm right," says Cailan as Arthur bows with the others.

"That's right, I'm here to deliver those two Mages to the Ambassador," says Arthur as Cailan looked at him worried.

"I don't know if you can do that. No one is allowed on their ship it. All of us tried and only one person can go in and out of it without trouble," says Cailan as he looked at his wife.

"I will take you to him. I will be meeting the Ambassador's wives later," says Anora as she was right now the voice of patience in Denerim.

"Then I should wait for you, my lady," says Arthur as Anora and Cailan nod while Loghain was beside Cailan.

"Bring them to the guestrooms I will take them with me later maybe this can calm the tension between us and the Empire," says Anora hoping it.

In the meantime, Seheron and Par Vollen were slowly entering into the Empire with the Qun being banned as it was a tool to pray and strengthening Jyggalag even if he was weak because of the Veil he could become stronger now that he is back in Oblivion.

The Qunari kept their race but had to get names that they chose for themselves. They were slowly adjusting as they followed the Legionaries in their prayers as many asked questions why some prayed to 13 or more Divine when others only prayed to 9 or less.

They found out that everyone had their own pantheon with most having the same Divines in it only under different names as the Qunari followed the standard Imperial Pantheon.

"It will take ages to integrate them into our society," says Lucia as she looked from a balcony down to the people.

"Your father took years to integrate the others as well but in the end, he succeeded didn't he," says Briin who was with her because they were planning what to do next.

"How long do you think they will need?" asks Lucia as Briin was far more experienced.

"Three years if everything goes well. Five years if not. The Ben-Hassrath Agents were all called back by the Ariqun who now is known as Birse," says Briin as he looked at the reports.

"She is valuable as well as the Ben-Hassrath and no not all were called back some are on too deep to get them back," says Lucia as she hands over some reports and continues, "The Arishok is now named Oken. He is quite a strong man but one Nord alone defeated him. It seems they are people of their words as they didn't try to rebel or anything else."

"The Mages under them were brought to ships and we're brought to Tamriel. There they will find peace and can live their life to the fullest," says Lucia as Briin looked at another report and looked at her.

"It seems the Arigena was the reason that we could convince everyone that fast," says Briin as Lucia chuckles.

"That's right, she was the first to come forward and accept it. She is now known as Asal. She and her people are doing great work. One of the Qunari could become my mother in the future," says Lucia as she was already looking into it.

"You sound almost like your mother there," says Briin as he laughed.

"We need a King for the Qunari after all. Oken can lead an Army but not lead a country and with Asal we have secured the wife for my father. She is young and beautiful with her red hair. Birse will be joining the Network like the rest of the Ben-Hassrath," says Lucia having everything planned.

"Now everything must also work as planned and we can go home faster," says Briin as Lucia nods.

Back in Denerim, Anora walked towards the guestroom as she knocked on the door.

"Queen Anora," says Arthur as Anora enters the room.

"Who are you two by the way?" asks Anora seeing the two haven't presented themselves yet.

"They are Elissa Cousland and Daylen Surana," says Arthur as Anora looked at Arthur before looking at the couple.

"You are his children am I right?" asks Anora as the two were nervous because of what happened when she says, "Arthur can you leave us alone for a moment."

Arthur had no choice in this as Anora sent her guard also out before she says, "I know who Vincent really is so you can relax."

"You know?" asks Elissa confused.

"Yes, I found out talking with him and his wives. I'm really worried about Ferelden right now because of what happened. Even if he promised me that he wouldn't march into Ferelden I can't say that about the others like his son who is sitting on the throne right now," says Anora as the couple looked quite surprised.

"And what do you want us to do?" asks Elissa as her family lived in Ferelden and didn't want to fall into chaos.

"Just try to calm things down once in Tamriel. I don't want more than that," says Anora as both understood what she meant.

"We will try our best but we can't promise anything," says Elissa as Anora nods.

"I don't need more," says Anora as she then walks towards the door and sees them not following when she says, "Follow me we are going to meet Vincent."

They begin to move out of the Palace to go to the dock. They arrived at the Flying Argonian as all three were surprised since it wasn't the Black Emperor that was in Highever.

"Are you sure we are here right?" asks Arthur as the guard nods.

"Yes, the Ambassador is on this ship while the Legion is on the other," says the guard.

They were let in with Anora because Elissa and Daylen had the emblem in display making the sailors understand that they are members of the Highwind Family.

Once on the ship, they were brought to the deck where Vincent was watching towards the sea ready to leave.

"Vincent, I brought you your children," says Anora as Vincent turns to them and sees his two missing children.

"Thanks for bringing them. You should see my wives. Also, don't forget what they gave you when you are in danger use it and you will be brought to a safe place," says Vincent remembering Anora of it when she nods and leaves.

"Arthur takes this," says Vincent as he gives him a symbol like he gave Anora and Theron before. It was the emblem that Sofie used to have.

"What do I do with it?" asks Arthur and Vincent smiles.

"Give it to your father and give him this too. If your family ever is in danger he shall say those lines and he will be brought to a safe place with ten other people," says Vincent as Arthur looked at him worried.

"Is it because of what happened?" asks Arthur worried when Vincent shakes his head.

"No, we made a treaty and we will hold it as long as Ferelden doesn't break it. I told it to Anora as well but she seems too worried that my children might plan to attack Ferelden but we aren't your real enemy," says Vincent as he looked back to the sea.

"Why are you looking into the sea?" asks Arthur when Vincent laughs.

"It's homesickness but don't let it bother you. Just let me tell you that the Empire is in war right now and we won the first battle," says Vincent when Arthur looked confused at him.

"What do you mean with that now?" asks Arthur as he was now preoccupied.

"The Qunari have fallen and no one has even noticed it until now. But they had it coming. They were working with Jyggalag, a Daedric Prince," says Vincent when all three opened their eyes.

"A Demon," says Arthur as Vincent nods.

"Yes, they were praying to him but I asked an old friend to take care of him. He was known as someone important before he turned into a Daedric Prince himself because of Jyggalag. So it was personal revenge for him even if he didn't want to admit it," says Vincent as they looked at him nervously.

"You deal with Demons," says Arthur as Vincent nods.

"Not all are evil some are just misunderstood. Once you know them better you will know that they are like you and me just with too much power," says Vincent as he turned around.

"But you should worry about your family first you saw how your brother looked after reading the book," says Vincent as he reminded him that he wasn't the enemy.

"We will be on a standstill and observe Thedas and if we see that Thedas can't deal with itself we will enter and conquer it to bring order to this continent until then I hope it never happens," says Vincent as he then sends Arthur away.

"What you said as the truth right?" asks Elissa as Vincent nods.

"Yes, if Thedas manages for itself we won't interfere but if they can't we will fall in from the North and East beginning with Rivain and Antiva," says Vincent as both Daylen and Elissa were nervous around Vincent now.

"Will we be forced to partake in this war?" asks Daylen as he looked at Vincent seriously.

"Not if you don't want to. You will be living in the College of Winterhold and learn how to do real Magic or you can learn to become a Warrior from me since I can teach you Magic as well," says Vincent when Daylen looked nervous.

"And that College isn't like the Circle?" asks Daylen as Vincent nods.

"Yes, it used to be the last wasted shit you could find until I reformed Winterhold into the Magical Capital of Tamriel. Every Mage wants to learn Magic there or in the Imperial City," says Vincent as he offered to get them inside one of the best Magic Institutions of Tamriel and Akavir.

"Can we really still become warriors with our bodies out of shape since years?" asks Elissa as Vincent nods while smiling.

"Of course it depends on your will to succeed," says Vincent when Elissa nods.

"I want to be a warrior then," says Elissa as Daylen looked at her and sighs.

"I too. I can't leave her alone after all," says Daylen as Vincent sighs now.

"Just be warned it will be hard and cold at the same time," says Vincent as they looked confused at him.

They could understand that it would be hard but were confused about the cold part when Vincent clarified it by saying, "I live on the tallest mountain on Tamriel."

"But any way you should meet your other siblings and mothers. But before that say goodbye to Arthur we are leaving the next morning for Tamriel," says Vincent as he was thinking of Ishgard for the first time in a long time.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts