
Vincent having a Headache

"The Veil is gone," says Vincent as Magicka began to disperse through Thedas surprising every living being on it when a wave of Magicka came towards the ship passing through their bodies.

"All that Magicka that was held behind the Veil was that much?" asks Tyr as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but beginning today Thedas is in war between the Mer and Men like Tamriel was before I ended it. In one year we will invade as promised," says Vincent as he walked to the stairs to go under deck since he felt weak.

"I will look out that nothing dangerous attacks us," says Tyr as Vincent nods.

"Is something wrong?" asks Isabela as she saw Vincent leave.

"He is just exhausted. Destroying the Veil is not an easy task after all," says Tyr as he looked at Isabela.

Vincent went into his cabin where Asal was being trained by Mina in Magic when Vincent enters the room and sees both.

"Are you alright?" asks Mina seeing her husband exhausted.

It has been many years since Vincent was the last time that exhausted. She walks over helps Vincent as she lets him rely on her shoulders as Vincent just falls on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you ask Tyr to help you get down?" asks Mina as she waves towards Asal to help her.

Asal walks over and helps Mina as both bring him to the bed and lay him down as Vincent says, "Thank you both. I couldn't ask Tyr because everyone would have become worried. I just need to sleep a bit."

Vincent closes his eyes as he went to sleep only to find someone waiting for him as a woman was sitting at a table when Vincent sits across her.

"You know what you did?" asks the woman as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I weakened your control over Thedas, aren't I right, Vaermina," says Vincent as the woman turned out to be Vaermina the Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares.

"I know that you wanted to buy my collaboration by giving back my staff and orb but that wouldn't recompensate the damage you did to my realm even if I'm happy that those Mer and Spirits left Quagmire," says Vaermina as Vincent was confused.

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent as the darkness disappeared and they appeared in Quagmire.

"For thousands of years, many things were stuck in Quagmire and my realm adopted them as it's own. But when you destroyed the Veil everything was spit out of the realm making holes appear in it like this one. It will take years to mend those holes," says Vaermina as she turned to Vincent.

"You know that all of your cults are still alive because I see them as not threatening right," says Vincent as Vaermina smiles at him.

"I know that very well my champion or should I say tenth divine," says Vaermina as Vincent sighs.

"I'm no Divine yet so champion should be sufficient. Anyway how long will it take to mend the hole maybe with a little help of the other friendly Princes we could mend them faster," says Vincent as Vaermina began to laugh at Vincent naivety.

"You really are green behind your ears even after such a long life," says Vaermina as Vincent was thinking of asking Meridia, Azura, and Nocturnal.

"Why Azura and Nocturnal should be fine and Meridia would be the best to ask since she is the one with Endless Energy," says Vincent when Vaermina sighs.

"I would be fine with Azura and Nocturnal but not with Meridia. She can be quite complicated since some of the nightmares contain undead after all," says Vaermina knowing that Meridia would destroy the undead making it difficult for her.

"Fine, then we will need to ask Hermaeus Mora as well," says Vincent as Vaermina agreed and Vincent only sighs since the last time he talked with Azura she was talking about how she gave birth to mortal children for the Nerevarine who died in Akavir when his company was assaulted by the Tsaesci.

"I will now rest my mind and inform them tomorrow morning," says Vincent as he was holding his hand because of the conversation he will have to have tomorrow.

"I hope you will do so or nightmares will haunt you and your people until the end of days," says Vaermina as she leaves Vincent to have his rest.

The next morning Vincent wakes up with Mina on one side and Asal on the other when he was confused and asks, "Why are you here Asal?"

"Mina told me to sleep beside you since I will become your wife," says Asal as she wasn't that confident in herself right now.

"*sighs* I should have known that Mina said that. It's alright since we will be married to each other but I will need to learn more about yourself before we take the next step since I really want to know my wife better before having sex with her," says Vincent when Mina begins to laugh.

"What about Aela?" asks Mina as Vincent couldn't this point since he and Aela shoot it off the first day they met each other.

"That was a fling between us. You know that very well. She was the first woman I ever did it with in Tamriel," says Vincent as Asal was looking at Vincent and Mina seeing that this relationship was quite deep when even their discussions aren't even violent as it seemed like they were joking about it.

"Will I also have such a deep relationship with you?" asks Asal out loud curiously when both turned to her making her go red since she realized she said it out loud.

"Maybe," says Vincent as he pets her head.

"But most likely you will since Vincent has a big heart. Even a Daedra wants to mate with him," says Mina as Asal looked scared as she thought Daedras where Demons with which they were at war all the time.

"You have a wrong picture of the Daedras. Not all want to conquer Nirn like Mehrunes Dagon, Jyggalag, and Molag Bal. Some just want to have fun by playing prank like Sheogorath and Sanguine. That's why you shouldn't judge everyone the same. Many of them are my friends even if they call me their champion and don't want to acknowledge it," says Vincent as Asal was now curious about it when Vincent asks, "How is your magic training going?"

"It's is going steadily," says Asal as Mina smiles.

"She is quite talented maybe the Qunari like we Altmers have a special bond to Magic," says Mina as Asal was happy about the praise.

"It's good to hear that but I think that it's only Asal that is that talented since she was the Leader of the Handcrafters of the Qunari. What I could see is that the Qunari are better warriors then mages if you ask me," says Vincent complementing Asal since most of the Qunari in Tamriel were better at swinging swords than using magic.

The very same day Vincent was in his office in the ship and Nocturnal as well as Azura were in the room when Vincent was trying only to look at Nocturnal ignoring Azura as he asks, "Can you two do me a favor?"

"What do you need?" asks Nocturnal as she favored Vincent but not the same way as Azura.

She saw Vincent as a friend for a long time since he listens to some of her advice while Azura was someone with a hard-crush on Vincent because she believed that both would balance the existence of each other.

"I need help to mend Quagmire so Vaermina doesn't punish me for all eternity with nightmares. She is a friend of mine and I thought destroying the Veil wouldn't do damage to Quagmire but I was wrong," says Vincent as Azura was the first to answer.

"Under one condition," says Azura as Vincent gave her a look knowing what she wanted to say.

"You have to ask my first wife first," says Vincent as Azura sparkled in happiness when Nocturnal only sighs because of her sister.

"I will do it for free since my sister is asking something quite big," says Nocturnal since she didn't want to ask for something from Vincent to begin with.

"Thank you, Noc," says Vincent as he smiled at her making Nocturnal smile somehow.

"No problem, Vin. Just take care of my sister," says Nocturnal as she disappears while Azura ran towards the main cabin to see Mina and tell her that she got the ok from Vincent.

Vincent then informs Hermaeus Mora next as he already knew what Vincent wanted and left right away when Vincent returned to his office Azura was waiting for him as she says, "Mina agreed as long as I give birth to some Chimers."

"I should have known," says Vincent as he was cursing in his mind thinking, 'If I ever meet an Ayleid, I will kill it. I can't take any chance with my wife.'

Azura left to help Vaermina as he was slowly believing that Vaermina and Azura tricked him while he began to look over some reports feeling his body grow weak just from thinking about it.

After a month they arrived in Solstheim as the ship docked at the old town of Raven Rock that was abandoned a long time ago. Asal was confused by seeing the abandoned town when Vincent begins to smile seeing the confused face of his new wife-candidate.

"The city is further inside. This is an old town that existed 100 years ago. But we should use magic to get there from here," says Vincent as he created a portal towards Highwind city.

They pass it as everyone entered it and they found themselves in a majestic city as suddenly Vincent was assaulted by Dwarves and Mers as he fell to the ground when he says, "It wasn't that long was it. I told you that it would take 3-4 months, didn't I."

The people behind Vincent were surprised by seeing that Vincent was overrun by children except for the people that knew it as Vincent says, "Welcome to Highwind City. It's a quiet city since not many people live here for now since most of my children and grandchildren are out there ruling or leading men."

He stands up as he took some candy out that he bought in Denerim and gives every one of them one as he asks with a warm voice, "Did you all train hard?"

Making the children nod as Vincent was quite happy that his children weren't lazy people as he turns to Bella and Kaitlyn while saying, "Take a house each of you since by coming here you became my daughters and every one of the children became mine as well. You will all learn like the children here before leaving to make yourself a life or stay if you want that."

Then he turns to Asal and says, "You will be following Mina she will tell you where you will live from today on since it's the main building."

Then he turns to the children and says, "From today on you all are Highwinds like the kids you saw. You will be trained so you can defend yourself so when you have grown up you can go out and find some adventures like your older siblings that are out there."

"I just want one thing from you all and that is discipline and honor. We begin your training with the others once you can control your magic. You will learn under your mothers history, culture, and magic," says Vincent as he begins to show them around finding Mer, Men, and Dwarves living together in this city.