
The Normandy arriving at Nirn

A week passed and many ships arrived at Imperial Space seeking asylum from the war against the Reapers.

The Network was getting reports of the Reapers decimating Palaven and Earth at the moment with some of their spies dying while fighting the Reaper Invasion helping the races they were spying on.

Vincent was thinking about many things but only one thing was troubling him and it was his ascension. Azura was helping him to hold it back as an Alliance Fleet with many civilian ships entering the Imperial Space.

The Fleet was guided by a very well-known ship, the Normandy. They were the guide it seemed so the Empire wouldn't shoot them down.

They were flying towards Nirn when they came across a ship that was bigger than the Collector Ship and it seemed more robust than it.

It was guiding the Normandy and the whole Fleet following it toward the System Nirn and the Citadel are.

They arrived and smaller ships were ready to take the civilians from the bigger ships bringing them either to the Citadel or the surrounding planets to take them in for now while the Fleet was incorporated in the defensive line which was being formed while the Normandy landed in Bruma.

Liara went with Ellana to meet the crew as they were curious if Titania is still in charge of the Normandy. Vincent wanted to be there as well but he was occupied with other more important things at the moment as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Force.

The first to leave the ship was Ashley followed by Tristan and Kaidan before Titania left the Normandy. She sees Liara and Ellana standing there awaiting them as more people left the Normandy which were civilians the Normandy secured on its way.

"It is good to see that you are all well," says Liara happy to see them.

"I heard that you and Vincent have a kid. Where is she?" says Titania as she takes Liara into her arms making Liara return the hug.

"She is in a safe place at the moment," says Liara a bit sad as she let go of Titania.

"I could see that the Empire has a new ship," says Titania as she means the ship that guided them safely there.

"You mean the Tali. There are only three that are functional at the moment," says Liara confusing the four humans.

"'The Tali' as in Tali'Zorah?" asks Kaidan as Liara nods.

"Tali is the creator of the prototype which was as big as my arm. They saw the prototype and decided to make them in real size and since Tali was its creator it was named after her instead of a Divine," says Liara explaining the origin of the name for the ship.

"How much firepower does it have?" asks Ashley seriously as normally big ships were walking fortresses.

"The ships were tested against the Reaper Derelict we got the IFF from. It can destroy parts of the Reaper easily. The new engine makes it one of the fastest ships created but the maneuverability is still a problem because of its size," says Liara as Tali would always complain to her about it.

"So we have a chance to win this war," says Tristan as Liara looked at him worried.

"Vincent isn't that confident since the weapon is still making trouble," says Liara as the group was confused.

"Which weapon?" asks Titania as Ellana pointed at the sky.

"The Citadel, we have finished the weapon the Protheans made to win against the Reapers but something seems to not work," says Ellana as the four humans looked at them confused.

"So you have a weapon to destroy the Reaper but it isn't working as it should?" asks Titania as Ellana and Liara nod.

"Yes, remember that we dragged the Citadel away after dealing with Saren. It was to finish the weapon but it seems to not work correctly for now. Vincent wants to buy time for Mannimarco to deal with it," says Ellana as Titania flinched for a moment.

"But Vincent has other worries at the moment," says Liara which made the humans nervous since Vincent's biggest problem wasn't the Reapers but something else.

"How about we get all of you to the Imperial City," says Liara as familiar faces appeared out of the Normandy.

They were Jack and Mordin. Mordin never left the crew while Jack entered a Biotic Academy as a teacher which the Normandy evacuated on their way to the Empire.

"I wanted to see my mother if I could. She must be worried since Earth is under attack," says Titania as she was worried about her mother.

"She should be with the Skyrim Militia," says Ellana surprising Titania and Tristan.

"Our mother isn't a warrior. She is a farmer," says Tristan confused.

"Is she strong and stubborn?" asks Ellana as the siblings looked at her confused.

"You could say so," says Titania as Ellana looks at her while nodding.

"I know you Titania and you as well as your brother and lover bowed under her authority. Trust me she is more Nord than most Nord women I know and Vincent compared her to his sister who could become like that when she had to discipline her sons," says Ellana as not only the humans were surprised since Liara was surprised as well.

"Vincent has a sister?" asks Liara as Ellana smiles at her.

"You didn't know it since we normally don't talk about her much since her family isn't connected to Vincent by blood. I never met her either only the older ones can tell you about her and Vincent's two brothers," says Ellana as she looked back at the siblings.

"Let us find your mother first," says Ellana before she pulled her phone out to call Lucia.

She talked for a moment with her before finding out that she was still stationed in Whiterun at the moment.

Ellana then opened a portal to Whiterun and says, "We will go to Whiterun while Liara brings the others to the Imperial City to rest before the real battle begins."

"We came here to ask for reinforcements to help Earth looking at how the Empire wasn't attacked at all for now," says Titania as Ellana looked at her seriously.

"The Empire has already lost many of their subjects to the Reapers which were stationed on different planets. We have destroyed two Reapers which came tried to pass our defensive lines. You aren't the only one fighting against them even if it doesn't look like it," says Ellana seriously as a green aura surrounded her.

"We all make sacrifices and I have already lost two of my descendants to those Reapers. I don't know how many descendants Vincent has lost already but at the end of this war we all know that Vincent will die," says Ellana as an Elf looking like her holding a bow appeared behind her.

"Vincent will die," says Titania more in shock than in surprise as everyone else was shocked as well from hearing that.

"What do you mean by he will die?" asks Tristan not believing that.

"Vincent will be ascending soon. He will become a god and once he becomes a god the Vincent we know will die and the god will be born," says Liara explaining it to the others knowing the truth behind what will be happening.

"So he will change?" asks Titania as both nod.

"He will, to better or worse but he will change that is for certain. I just hope he doesn't become the God of Vengeance but of something else," says Ellana knowing her husband far too well.

"But we should get going we have a war we have to fight in," says Ellana as she passes through the portal followed by Titania and Tristan.

"I still can't believe that he will die," says Tristan as he wasn't the only one before the portal closed behind him.

"He won't die but his personality and his being will be changed as he will be creating his own plane in Aetherius," says Ellana telling them the truth.

"It will take time before he can return to Nirn or maybe he will never return but welcome us into his domain once our time is over," says Ellana believing that they will meet each other again one way or another.

"What will happen with the Empire once Vincent dies?" asks Titania thinking that Vincent was reigning from the shadows.

"It won't be the same but the Empire will survive as it did after he abdicated from the throne. He never really cared about the Empire and who rules it after the son he wanted to put on the throne rejected it. He looked once or twice at how the Empire is doing but he never had to go to the Imperial City to change something.

He will be happy as long as his descendants keep the peace he fought for and if someone of his descendants were to break said peace," says Ellana as she turned even more serious before saying, "We will kill him or her."

"Also, I should inform you that once the war against the Reapers is over we will be invading the weakened planets and conquer them as fast as possible making this whole Galaxy join the Empire," says Ellana revealing the plan of the future when Titania and Tristan became defensive.

"I should have known that something was fishy about the Empire helping us," says Titania as she had already lost her hopes in the Alliance after being sent to prison for joining Cerberus.

Tristan and Kaidan were her prison inmates while the others were released from the charges. But the Normandy was stuck to the ground the whole time except they had to do a maintenance check to see that everything was working normally.

They walked the street up finding themselves in Dragonsreach which was still the old castle from outside.

They enter to find Jane Shepard in an Nord armor having two axes on her belt and Ellana says, "A Nord through and through. I told you a woman like your mother would be an excellent Nord."

Hope you like it.

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