
The Black Emperor Emerges

They were eating dinner together as Valexus was sitting between Adda and Vincent when Valexus whispers, "Are all women like that?"

"Not all but be happy that your wife desires you. If that wasn't the case you would have a boring marriage in the future. You would only have sex to get an heir and not for the fun of it," says Vincent knowing what a political marriage feels like since he had such marriages before.

"Vincent is right just remember how Tevinter deals with marriages. They don't have love in their marriage even the Archon marries because of pure-blood not because of love but to get the perfect mage," says Ellana informing Valexus as he was now feeling pity for the Highwinds in Tevinter.

"Don't feel sorry, they all mostly marry out of love. But we should talk about your future. I will tell Lucia that you will be leading four Legions to take over the Kingdoms over Redania," says Vincent as he takes a sip from his glass.

"What will I do?" asks Uther as he was dragged away from his unite as well.

Uther was a gigantic Nord because of his mother who is a Giant that lives with Uther's father near Whiterun with the Nomadic Giants that live peacefully in Skyrim. He is taller than Vincent by many heads as he is at least 3m tall with dirty blond hair and sky blue eyes.

"You will be going to Skellige with me. You will be challenging the Queen to become the King of it. If you are lucky you will be marrying her after everything is over," says Vincent as he looked at Uther who looked at Adda and Valexus.

"Do I really have to get married already?" asks Uther as everyone in the room looked at him confused.

"You are in your mid-thirties and you don't have a woman by your side. When are you going to marry if not now? Or are you afraid that she will reject you because you are a half-giant?" says Karliah as Uther was scratching his head since she hit the nail on the head.

"I am to be honest. Almost every woman says yes but once they see the thing that will enter them they run away," says Uther making the older women in the room laugh out loud from hearing that.

"It seems you inherited Vincent's plaything. We all know that Giants don't have a big one. Also, they are missing out on the wonders that a big and thick bone can do," says Mina as Saskia was already red when she spewed her drink out after hearing that.

"I think that not only Uther inherited that from Vincent since Valexus has quite the package," says Adda making Saskia stand up.

"I finished for today. I will join you again tomorrow," says Saskia as she was ready to leave when Serana and Karliah pulled her back down.

"You are going anywhere. Tomorrow we will be in Novigrad that makes this our last opportunity to torment you," says Serana with an evil smile on her face which made Saskia feel the mental torture already.

"Why me?" asks Saskia as Mako and Mina laugh after hearing that.

"Quite simple, you were the one to let us in," says Serana making Saskia sigh.

"Anyway, we should talk about tomorrow. We are going for Novigrad while the Legions will begin to march towards their destination. Lucia will then deal with the rest while we go to Skellige and fight our last battle against the Wild Hunt," says Vincent as the young folk looked confused because they don't know of the Wild Hunt.

"Wild Hunt?" asks Valexus as Vincent nods.

"Something you don't have to border with. It will be over in no time and the Black Emperor will help me with that," says Vincent as Uther jumped from his seat.

"You mean that Black Emperor!" says Uther as Saskia and Adda thought they were talking about an important person when Vincent nods.

"Yes, the ship named after me. It is time that it goes down in his full glory while fighting for one last time. I would want to have the ship in Sovngarde and your uncle more than anyone else since he was its captain," says Vincent talking about Tyr.

"I thought for a moment that this Black Emperor was someone important," says Adda disappointed after hearing it was a ship.

"It is someone important since it used to be a warship before it became obsolete because our technology surpassed it a long time ago," says Kirvena as she looked at Adda seriously.

"You will see what we mean when our ships arrive tomorrow morning," says Vincent as he could understand Adda who has never seen how their ships worked.

"But let us retreat for today. Tomorrow will be a long day," says Vincent as everyone agrees before they all leave for their room.

The next day, Vincent and the other stand in the plaza when suddenly flying ships came out of the portal making Adda lose her breath as she now knows what they were talking about.

"Our ships can sail through air and water. They can even enter the ocean and surprise our enemies by appearing out of nowhere," says Valexus as her future husband he needed to explain many things about the Empire to her.

"Is the Black Emperor like those ships?" asks Adda as Valexus shakes his head.

"No, it just is a normal ship which is rich in history and memories," says Valexus as the Legions were outside the city ready to leave for their position.

Vincent looked at Yennefer who opened a portal towards Novigrad which they pass except for Saskia who stayed behind since she needed to govern Aedirn.

They arrive in Novigrad and many people can recognize Adda right away as she was the Queen of Redania. They all looked at her and her company when Yennefer guides them towards the place they were supposed to meet the others.

They arrived at what seemed a brothel from outside going by its name but they were surprised that it was only a tavern with a name to seduce their customers to enter.

"It seems this tavern doesn't have many clients right now," says Vincent as he sees his children eating and drinking in it.

"Well, except for our children who seem to enjoy themselves," says Mina as they were all singing together about Ragnar the Red making the bard play the tune for them.

Uther joined them right away since he loved to sing that ballad about Ragnar. Vincent joined them as well as it reminded him of Skyrim. This surprised Yennefer to hear Vincent sing as well as the people that came from upstairs.

"I didn't know Vincent could sing," says Yennefer to Mina who smiles at her.

"Nords are quite the poets when they are drinking and Vincent lived under them the longest. He picked some of their traits up and one of his fathers was a stubborn old Nord," says Mina when they all began to sing in Dovahzul the Dragonborn Comes.

"And that song is?" asks Yennefer as she couldn't understand a word.

"This song represents Vincent and my daughter," says Kirvena as she points at the Snow Elf that was standing on a table holding a mug being proud about what she is and she was showing it while the others seemed to bow to her and Vincent.

Vincent and his daughter took the main letters while the others were background singers in this suddenly when they finished Vincent stopped everyone as he says, "We have a third Dragonborn in our family. He emerged in Dravania and is your nephew, Kojiro Highwind. He will be the next Dragonking succeeding his father."

"That calls for a toast!" says Orug as he lifted his mug and everyone followed.

"What is a Dragonborn?" asks Yennefer as Mina pointed at Vincent and her daughter.

"They are Dragonborns. A mortal with the soul of a Dragon is a Dragonborn. Our daughter might not be able to turn into a Dragon but that doesn't mean that she couldn't reign over Dragons or she wouldn't have almost become Dragonqueen. But Vincent then found Mako and they had Godo making him the rightful heir as Mako is a real Dragon after all," says Serana as she walked forward.

"Shouldn't you tell them already," says Serana as Vincent nods.

"We are going to war. Lucia will be the Supreme Commander of this campaign to the south while Valexus will lead the campaign in the north as the new King of Redania once Redania is under control. Briin should be near Redania's capital by now," says Vincent as everyone turned serious.

"So we aren't going to Skellige to help?" asks Naosane as Vincent shakes his head.

"Lucia won't join us but the rest will until the battle against the Wild Hunt is over. After that, you will join the war as well. We need to finish this war as fast as possible," says Vincent as they all nod.

"Good then let us also toast to a fast victory. Also, Godo and the Dragons will await your command. They are in the Blue Mountains waiting for them," says Vincent as they all lift their mug again but didn't drink what was inside but spilled it on the ground.

"Yennefer, can you take me to the harbor. I need to put the Black Emperor in the water," says Vincent as Yennefer nods.

"Of course, follow me," says Yennefer as she guides Vincent out.

She brought him to the harbor where they needed to talk to the harbormaster which they paid some coin as he showed them a free space for the Black Emperor.

"This is too small for the ship can't we have a more spacious place. My ship is far bigger than the ships around here," says Vincent who wasn't hiding his true appearance.

"Well, if you want a better place you would need some more coins," says the harbormaster as Vincent looked at him.

"I will remember this," says Vincent as he had a wicked smile on his face while paying more coins while the harbormaster just took it as an empty threat accepting the coins.

He brought them to a bigger space where Vincent could ankle the ship. Vincent then summoned the Black Emperor and everyone was surprised to see a black ship in the harbor that was overshadowing all the other ships when they saw the flag under which it was sailing.

Most sailors already know which the flag represented as they were merchants that went to Aedirn and Kaedwen before. They never saw a ship of the Empire and now they know why. They were too big to sail on the rivers.

"If anything happens to this ship while it stays in the harbor you will know what we will do with you," says Vincent as the harbormaster now was scared while Vincent and Yennefer left the harbor.

"It was nice to see his face when he realized that he messed with the wrong one," says Yennefer as Vincent smiles.

"He will soon find out that could aren't the only thing in this world," says Vincent making Yennefer realize that her future husband can also have such a side on him.

Hope you like it.

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