
Surprise Wedding

Vincent arrived at the stables leaving Behemoth there for the night as they were about to pass the bridge Ysayle says, "It reminds me a little of Ishgard. Just that the bridge was longer and the city was like a jewel in the snow."

"Too bad you could only see the city from afar," says Vincent as they arrived at the gates to enter the city. Once inside the guards on duty bowed.

"My King what brings us the honor of having you here?" asks a guard nervous since the last time he was in Windhelm the palace saw blood.

"I'm here to sleep in the inn. Tomorrow I should return home the Dawnguard should arrive in two-three days and I had to visit Winterhold to see the town for myself," says Vincent as the guard showed him to the Inn right in front of the gates.

"This is the best inn. I will inform the Jarl about you being here," says the guard as Vincent stopped him.

"You don't need to. I trust Brunwulf that he knows that I like my privacy when I'm traveling incognito," says Vincent as the guard salutes and leaves to make his report anyway.

"He will report to the Jarl," says Vyrve as they enter the Candlehearth Hall.

"If you end up sleeping with a woman today I will hold you responsible," says Vincent as he enters and Ysayle follows.

"Can you give me two rooms. One with two beds and one with one," says Vincent to the innkeeper as he puts the coins on the counter.

"Here you have your keys to the room. Nils is cooking right now. You should get a plate of it from Susanna she is the waitress in the inn. Just go up the stairs to find the tables. The rooms are down here," says Elda as she informed them about the inn.

They walk the stairs up and sit on a table as Vyrve calls Susanna over to bring them some food. As they see a Dunmer singing and Ysayle asks, "What is that?"

"That's a Dunmer. Like Vyrve is a Falmer. She is a Dark Elf like you Elezens just with Dark Skin and commonly Red Eyes. There are also the Altmer also known as High Elves, the Bosmer also known as the Wood Elves and then as last the Orsimer also known as Orcs," says Vincent explaining the races on Nirn for Ysayle.

"How about a song?" asks Vyrve as he looked at both.

"Which do you have in mind?" asks Vincent as he normally doesn't listen to songs.

"How about the Dragonborn song. It's named after you after all," says Vyrve as he wanted to request it from the bard that was playing the flute right now.

"Dragonborn?" asks Ysayle as Vincent explains it to her and she says, "So by being his son he made you a Dragonborn. Didn't he know that you already had Dragon Blood running through your veins?"

"I don't know but he should have found out when he modified my body with the others," says Vincent as Vyrve told the bard about his request as the bard put the flute in the corner and picked the lute and began to play it while singing the Dragonborn song as Ysayle was listening to it with attention.

After the song, she looked at Vincent and asks, "So the Dragons were at war until you killed their King?"

"Not really at war. They just tried to dominate as it is in their blood but now they listen to my command for now. If I don't conquer Tamriel next year the Dragons outside Skyrim will dissolve their bond to me. That's why I will begin a war that only I can win. The Emperor knows about it and will most likely make way for me since he saw the Amulet I'm wearing. And the Dominion can't withstand the Dragons since they are immortal," says Vincent explaining everything to Ysayle.

"So war do you need help in this war. Is it because of that, that you came for me?" asks Ysayle as Vincent shook his head.

"No, I didn't even know until Kirvena and Vyrve told me about a woman that froze the sea by stepping on it. I made a portrait of you and showed it to them and they said that the woman looked like the portrait that's when I knew it was you," says Vincent as he was ready to go to bed and says, "I will go to bed now. I will leave the door open so you can enter the room and sleep in your bed."

Vincent then stands up and turns around towards Vyrve while saying, "You have been warned."

Then he returned to his tracks and entered his room as he laid in his bed and thought about what happened today before sleeping.

The next morning he stands up and finds Ysayle sleeping in the other bed as he puts his armor back on before going up to eat breakfast when he found Brunwulf in incognito sitting on a table.

He walks over and sits beside him when he raises his hand as a waitress sees it and goes down while he says, "So you also like to mix in with the people."

"Yes, it lets me see my people and hear what they need or want. But yesterday my guards reported that the High King entered the city. Most of the civilians don't know about your real appearance but my guards do because they fear you since you killed Ulfric. They can recognize you easily," says Brunwulf as the waitress puts the food on the table.

"So you are returning home?" asks Brunwulf as he began to eat.

"Yes, I got what I was searching for in the North. How is the city, is it calm?" asks Vincent as Brunwulf nods.

"Yes, since you didn't banish to pray to Talos they are calm. I heard the Thalmor near Bruma burned down with their headquarters there," says Brunwulf as Vincent smiles.

"That's right Dragons burned it down making clear how their King is thinking. But in one year the whole Thalmor fraction will burn to the ground. My wife is already recruiting people for the army and asked all Jarl for help how is it going," asks Vincent when Brunwulf smiled.

"His do you think? It going well. After hearing that the High King was recruiting to fight the damn elves everyone that was in the Stormcloaks wanted to join your troops. I heard you had an interesting conversation with the Emperor from Balgruuf," says Brunwulf curious as he didn't notice the amulet Vincent was wearing.

"Yes, after the Emperor saw this he was nervous and said he would most likely give me the throne if I march towards the Imperial City. He can't stop the Dragons after all and if the Nords join too it would weaken not only the Empire but also me after that fight since if we do it peaceful the troops wouldn't see it as a Usurpation but as a rightful successor, thank to this," says Vincent as he points at the amulet making Brunwulf almost jump out of the chair if Vincent didn't stop him.

"Now bow old man don't make a scene," says Vincent as Brunwulf calmed down.

"How did you get this amulet. I thought it was destroyed 200 years ago," says Brunwulf as he still wasn't completely calm.

"You do remember that I'm the Dragonking right. It was he who gave me the amulet when I was waiting for my daughter's Gryphon to hatch. He made it even so that I can't take it off or even hide it in plain sight," says Vincent as Brunwulf now at least understood how Vincent could be so favorited by the Gods.

When they finished eating Brunwulf stood up and says, "It was nice to have a conversation with you. I hope you visit soon again."

"I hope so too. You are one of the people I trust to be fair to anyone be it Nord or not," says Vincent as he sees Brunwulf leave as Vincent puts some coin on the table to pay his meal.

Soon Ysayle and Vyrve joined them as Vincent asks, "Did both of you have a nice night?"

"Yes, it was informative hearing those songs. Is it true that you killed Ulfric Stromcloak in those streets?" asks Ysayle as Vincent only nods.

"Yes, he misused the tongue and used it to take the throne that wasn't his. If he had a fair duel I wouldn't have killed him like I did but would have killed him in another way," says Vincent as it was true he wouldn't have killed him that publicly but more behind closed doors.

"You really changed since I last met you," says Ysayle as Vincent only smiled at that.

"I might have since I now have people to protect and now you count as one of those people," says Vincent as Ysayle also smiles while Vincent looked at Vyrve and says, "How was your night. Adventures of more of the boring ones?"

"Boring one. After we return to New Haven I will have to leave to look for that woman like I told Birna," says Vyrve as Vincent nods to that. When he finds a woman sneaking her way up on the stairs and surprised Vyrve by hugging him from behind.

"A boring night. I see," says Vincent as he was still smiling while radiating killing intent towards Vyrve only as Vyrve was feeling shivers.

"You wouldn't murder your brother-in-law, would you," says Vyrve as he was scared of Vincent right now when he sees Vincent stand up from his chair and go out of the inn.

"Where is he going?" asks Ysayle as she was confused by Vincent's action.

"I have no idea," says Vyrve as after 15 minutes Vincent returned with a priest.

"I warned you," says Vincent as he told the priest to begin the wedding of Vyrve and Susanna while Vyrve was feeling threatened by Vincent while Susanna was feeling excited by it.

"Where do you live?" asks Susanna Vyrve as Vyrve didn't even know how to respond.

When Vincent says, "He lives in Whiterun. He has a house in the city."

"Which house?" whispers Vyrve confused.

"My old house in the city," whispers Vincent as they continued with the wedding until everything was done. Then Vincent took a big pouch with coins and hands it over.

"Time to go let's help your new wife pack up before going home," says Vincent as they went to help Susanna pack up before leaving the city.

They take Behemoth and travel towards Whiterun by flying as Susanna now found out that she was in the company of the High King since only he and his wife had such mounts.

She wanted to show respect when Vincent stopped her and says, "No need. You are my sister-in-law since you married this man. Just make sure to punish him and you will never have to now to me ever again."

"Deal," says Susanna as she was now happy not only to have married a nice man but also a man with some influence.

Hope you like it.

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