
Sheogorath and the Mass Relay

The next day, Vincent was with Ikora on the Throat of the World as Ikora was surprised how fast Vincent picked up the class when she says, "If we had known that you would be able to learn this fast and even in all direction we would have brought Cayde with us."

"He must be a Hunter," says Vincent as he knows from the talking that the Vanguard contains three groups Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters.

"Yes, he would have been the best to teach you but you will have to wait until they arrive here," says Ikora as Vincent stood at the edge of the mountain looking at the sky.

"Well, I will have to wait then and train everything that I have learned until then. I will have many things that I will have to do until they arrive and you have many things to still learn," says Vincent as he takes one step further and Ikora thought that Vincent was going to fall into his grave.

She sees Vincent's body slowly fall when it stopped and she saw him sitting at the edge with his legs hanging from it when Vincent says, "If you have some questions about your situation, you can ask them now. I will answer them as well as possible."

Ikora sighs in relief seeing Vincent sitting there and not falling into the Abyss when she walks forward and stands behind him.

"What is your plan with the Guardians?" asks Ikora as Vincent said that he would incorporate them into the Legions but not what they will be doing.

"You heard of the Reapers from us before, right?" asks Vincent as he was sure that Ikora did.

"Yes, but I only heard their name. I tried to investigate in the Library but couldn't find anything about them," says Ikora making Vincent chuckle from hearing that.

"You won't find anything about them in my Library. Maybe in Mannimarco's as he is going through Prothean Data which talks about them a lot," says Vincent as he kept looking at the sky not feeling worried about the Reapers any longer.

"It seems you aren't as worried about them as you were before," says Ikora as Vincent smiles.

"Maybe I have a little Guardian Angel that told me something that took my head away from my worries for now," says Vincent as Vigilance appears.

"That was me," says Vigilance proudly as he floated around Vincent.

"Yes, it was you," says Vincent admitting it making Vigilance float even faster around Vincent.

"You still haven't answered me," says Ikora when Vincent looked at her.

"Right, the Reapers are Giant Netches made out of metal which want to kill us all in 100 years. You Guardians will be fighting by my side when they arrive," says Vincent as Ikora was confused about how Vincent knew about that.

"And how do you know that they will come to do that?" asks Ikora as Vincent suddenly looked grim.

"There is a book that can tell you your fate. I would once in a while peek into that book until I found out that someone was manipulating me using that book. Now it is sealed in a place no one will ever find it and if they do the seal will take care of them," says Vincent seriously making Ikora sweat for a moment.

"But yes, I want the Guardians to join the Legions so they can fight beside me when the Reapers come. But until then we will all hopefully live in peace," says Vincent as he falls backward making him lay in the snow while his feet were hanging from the edge.

"We should return your class should begin soon," says Vincent as he looked at the sky when he summoned his Dragoon Armor and catapulted his body over the edge.

This now scared Ikora so much that she turned pale when suddenly a huge Black Dragon appeared out of nowhere and it stretched its pawn towards her.

Ikora was surprised when she hears, "Jump on we don't have the whole day."

"Vincent?" asks Ikora as Vincent nods.

"Yes, and now jump upon my palm or you will be left behind," says Vincent as Ikora jumped onto his palm and Vincent placed her on his back before flying towards Solstheim.

They arrived at Highwind City as Vincent now had to maneuver through the skyscrapers around the city before landing on the ground before turning back.

"So they weren't joking when they told us that you could turn into a Dragon," says Ikora as she was still baffled from seeing Vincent turn into a Dragon.

"Trust me, the first time I turned into a Dragon I was as surprised as you were just a moment ago," says Vincent as he opened the door when suddenly a hand grabbed Vincent and pulled him inside the house surprising him.

"Have you gone crazy!?" says Mina as she points at the TV which was showing Vincent in his Dragon Form and Ikora who was barely visible.

"We told you that you can be caught by the public eye easily if you make a mistake and you made a big one by doing this," says Karliah as she loved more than anyone else in the room.

"I just felt of spreading my wings today," says Vincent defending himself when the women sigh.

"If you wanted to spread your wings then do it here in Solstheim or in Dravania," says Serana as she looks at the TV with the News Announcer talking about Vincent.

"We all love our peaceful lives and don't want our lives being moved up and down by some reality tv show just because you show yourself in public," says Karliah as she was quite mad with Vincent.

"False alarm, they think it was a Dragoon with his Dragon that is on the footage and not Vincent," says Kirvena as she informs everyone.

"We dodged a bullet," says everyone at the same time as they sighed in relief.

"Well, I will keep that in mind the next time," says Vincent scratching his head when he throws Ikora as a shield and says, "Don't you have to teach them today. I have something to do in the forge."

Vincent then escapes to the basement while all eyes were on him. Once inside the forge, he began to work on a special project which he always does when he marries someone which was to forge a ring for Ciri.

He forged one for Yennefer after they married and Anra transferred Mara's blessing from one ring to the other.

Vincent was beginning to work as he only had less than four days to complete his work as it was easy to make the ring with such a deadline.

Four days pass and Ciri's dress arrived making the women want to see her in it since Mina needed to take a picture with her in it for Taarie.

Ciri puts her dress on when she sees Vincent in a suit which she never saw before while Mina takes a picture of him as well when she says, "Taarie and Endarie created another Masterpiece."

"What did you think would happen when we asked them. They are masters of their craft after all," says Vincent as he walked forward.

He stands in front of Ciri before standing beside her having one arm around her while Mina took a picture before they walk to the courtyard and Vincent was holding her hands while Anra holds the ceremony in front of Mara's altar which Vincent brought out a day before.

Everything was going as planned as Vincent put the ring on Ciri's finger before they kissed. Then Vincent lifted Ciri up and carried her inside while the others followed them.

Once inside they ate some layered cake before Vincent carried Ciri into the bedroom once inside there they didn't leave until the next day.

"I have to return to Nilfgaard in a week," says Ciri as Vincent smiled at her.

"Why not appoint someone competent that you trust as regent until our child takes over," says Vincent as he did the same all over Nirn except for Ferelden.

"It isn't that simple. I also need to inform everyone that I got married and with who in my small circle of confidence. I will also have to inform Geralt and Vesemir," says Ciri as she looked at the ring on her finger before she kisses Vincent.

"Thank you," says Ciri as she lifts herself up and opened the door finding the women fall into the room.

"How many times?" asks Yennefer as Yennee was still sleeping giving her the window to ask that question.

"We did it three times before I blacked out," says Ciri as Vincent lifts five fingers up.

"You beast," says Ciri seeing the five fingers.

"You were screaming that you wanted more. I didn't know that your mind had already left the building at that moment," says Vincent as Ciri suddenly turned red in embarrassment because they were talking with the women around.

"I need some breakfast," says Ciri running out of the room followed by the others while Vincent only sighs as he enters the bathroom.

In the meantime in space, the second fleet of the Imperial Forces encountered a suspicious construct, and Briin who was the Fleet Admiral looks at it and says, "Is that the Mass Relay which we should find and destroy?"

"Admiral, I opened a channel to Kvatch," says his captain.

"Thank you," says Briin as he was holding the speaking device and says, "Mannimarco, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, Briin. What is going on?" asks Mannimarco angered as he was working through the data of the Protheans.

"We found it," says Briin as Mannimarco was confused.

"You found what?" asks Mannimarco as Briin repeats.

"We found the Mass Relay and it is huge," says Briin as he sends an image of it to Mannimarco.

"We need to destroy it. The Mass Relays are used by the Reapers to travel faster-than-light(FTL). It is dangerous to let it loom around our system," says Mannimarco seriously as Briin turns to his captain.

"I understand, we will destroy it immediately," says Briin as he ended the conversation and gave the command.

"All ships should focus their fire on the Mass Relay. We need to take it down," says Briin every cannon was pointing at the Mass Relay when Briin command, "Fire!"

The Mass Relay was hit with everything the second fleet had and nothing happened when a man appears beside Briin which scared everyone on the ship just from seeing him.

"Now that's not holed cheese," says Sheogorath as it was he who was standing beside Briin.

"Lord Sheogorath, what brings you here?" asks Briin nervously as Sheogorath looked at the Mass Relay.

"How about we have a bit of fun," says Sheogorath as he suddenly disappeared and appeared again in front of the Mass Relay.

Suddenly the Mass Relay turned into wheels of cheese which began to float around in space making Sheogorath laugh madly about something which made the whole second fleet nervous as he disappears again without saying anything.

Hope you like it.

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