

The dinner was almost over and Vincent did get to know the names of Endrin's children. The first son, Trian, the next in line was his daughter, Sereda, and last the second son Bhelen.

Sereda was quite fascinated by Vincent's stories as she asks, "So you fought a giant werewolf?"

"He fought one almost every night," says Kirvena with a smile in a joking tone while saying the truth.

"Really every night," says Sereda as Karliah smiles.

"Not really but I still remember it. The werewolf tried to rebel against the current Emperor when Vincent was sent out to take it down," says Karliah remembering how Vincent left the mountain to kill a werewolf that didn't follow the rules.

Sereda wanted to ask another thing when Endrin says, "Girl you have enough time to ask the Ambassador later. Maybe you can show him around the city later."

"That would be nice," says Vincent as Sereda was quite excited about it.

"I will excuse myself. It was nice to meet you, Ambassador," says Trian as he stands up and leaves the room.

"I will follow him maybe I can bring him back," says Bhelen as he leaves following his older brother.

"*sighs* Excuse my sons. They can be quite difficult sometimes," says Endrin trying to apologize for his sons when Vincent waves his hand.

"Don't worry, I had children too and they also passed through that rebellious age. But since we are talking about children. I wanted to ask if I could adopt some children," says Vincent as Endrin and Sereda looked at Vincent confused after hearing that.

"Why would the Ambassador want to adopt a child?" asks Endrin when Vincent smiles.

"I want to adopt at least four to eight children. Once they are grown up they can repopulate slowly but surely Tamriel again," says Vincent as Endrin suddenly realized what Vincent wanted to do.

"I can allow that but you can only adopt Casteless. They live in Dust Town," says Endrin as he didn't want to lose people from the Merchant, Noble, and Warrior caste to Vincent.

"Thank you very much, your Majesty," says Vincent giving a slight bow.

They finished the feast as it was quite late even if they couldn't see the sun they still had their inner clock working from entering too many tombs and caves in their adventure.

"It's pretty late. How about we find someplace to sleep," says Vincent when Endrin stops them.

"Don't be foolish you are my guests. I already prepared a house that is for our Surface guests to live in until they leave," says Endrin as he looks at his daughter.

"Right, let me bring them there," says Sereda as Endrin nods.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality," says Vincent as they then follow Sereda.

They leave the Royal Palace as they pass a building that had big doors and Sereda says, "That's where the Deshyrs and King hold the Assembly. Many important but boring things are held in there for example your visit."

"We have something similar we call it the Council. Its made out of members of every race that lives in the Highwing Empire. That way we can make sure that everyone has the opportunity to say what their race needs," says Vincent as the reformed Council was now led by his and Lytara's grandson.

They arrived at a house and Sereda says, "Here we are. This is where you will live until you leave. We already informed the maid that the supplies they buy will be on the Aeducan Household so don't worry about it."

"Thanks again and sorry for disturbing you but can you meet us tomorrow to go to Dust Town," says Vincent when an elbow got rammed into his ribcage.

"This can wait until we are almost leaving. It will take at least a month or two until the scholars can determine if the Dwarves or Dwemers," says Karliah as Vincent sighs.

"Fine," says Vincent as he really was a bit disappointed about it since he remembers how much fun it is to raise children.

"I'm sorry about this Sereda but my husband really loves children that's why he was so motivated to adopt some as his own," says Kirvena who still didn't approve of it since if they really were Dwemers they would have brought the downfall of the Falmer Race many years ago.

"Don't worry about that. Anyway if you need someone to guide you through the city just ask for me. I would lovely guide you around. Also, there will be a Proving in your honor in two weeks," says Sereda informing them.

"A Proving?" asks Vincent as Arthur finally speaks up.

"A Proving is a tournament where Dwarves fight each other to bring glory for themselves and their Ancestors. It is mostly bloodless since they use wooden weapons," says Arthur explaining it.

"Your company is quite wise," says Sereda as she looked at Arthur.

"He is the son of the Teyrn of Highever," says Vincent as Sereda suddenly hit her palm with her fist.

"I knew. I was thinking the whole time that I knew that face from somewhere. You must be Arthur Cousland. Long time not seen. How is your family doing? Is your sister still the quiet cute one in the family," says Sereda not knowing that the youngest of the Cousland was a mage.

"I don't know. She was taken away when we found out that she was a mage. It's been years since we have seen her. She writes once in a while but we don't know if it's the truth or if the Templars rewrite the letter so we don't storm the Circle in rage because something happened to her," says Arthur as he had a pained face talking about this topic.

"I'm sorry to hear that," says Sereda as she now had a sad face.

"We will find out sooner or later if she is well since after Orzammar we are going towards the Circle. I want to see how those circles are. If they are like the ones at home or not," says Vincent when Arthur looks at him confused.

"You have circles in Tamriel?" asks Arthur as he didn't know that Tamriel had Mages.

"We have, they are Institutes for Mages to learn and get stronger. Once you reach a certain point you can try to find the Psijic Order. It's the best of them all only the best of the best can enter it," says Vincent as he had to survive almost two years in the Order because of Julianos teaching him Magic.

"Then you have templars too?" asks Arthur as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but they aren't like here. We don't have them watching over the Mages. They are honorable warriors that can bend holy light to their favor to fight against Daedras to keep the people safe or at least that was their purpose. Now they are either in the Crownguard or Legion," says Vincent explain the differences between Thedas and Tamriel while not mentioning the Network.

"But let's talk tomorrow about it. We are quite exhausted from today," says Vincent as he was exhausted from being the whole time polite before with Endrin.

"Right, I should also return or my father will become suspicious," says Sereda as she leaves them.

Vincent and the other three enter the house as a maid was already waiting for them. She guided them through the house showing how everything worked when they finished she says, "If you need something inform me about it. I will get it for you as fast as possible."

"Thank you," says Vincent as he leaves a little pouch with some gold coins on the table before leaving.

The maid was confused when Karliah says, "This is your for taking care of us for the coming months."

"Thank you, my lady," says the maid as she bows and takes the pouch.

Karliah and Kirvena then follow Vincent as Arthur also went for his room since he was quite exhausted from the trip to Orzammar.

In the next few days, Sereda would show them around Orzammar making sure that they were safe when the day for the Proving arrived.

Sereda came to get them like every day so far when she says, "Today is the Proving."

"This will be quite boring," says Vincent since he found such things always boring if he didn't fight himself.

"You could join if you want to. It's not like we forbid you to participate if you feel strong enough to fight against the warrior cast-," says Sereda as she didn't know what she has done when suddenly Karliah put her hand on her mouth but it was too late.

"You think those milk drinkers can fight against me," says Vincent as his inner Nord was now ignited.

Vincent has lived far too long under Nords to not have an inner Nord when Karliah says, "We were too slow."

"What do you mean?" asks Arthur as he was confused seeing Vincent fired up.

"Vincent lived quite some time in Skyrim. The people there are quite proud and hate to be told that they can't do something," says Kirvena as she was quite nervous that Vincent would reveal something he shouldn't when Vincent went to their room.

He came back out in his Drachen-Set and says, "Bring me to the Proving Ground. I will show you the might of a Dragoon."

Both sigh in relief that Vincent was still in there holding his inner Nord back from saying something that could reveal too much about his real identity.

"Did I do something wrong?" asks Sereda as she sees Vincent in full armor in front of her raging.

"Don't worry once the Proving is over he should be back to normal," says Kirvena as Vincent was fighting not against his inner Nord but his inner Dragon that was being looked down upon by Sereda.

"What are we waiting for those Milk Drinkers will escape if we are too late," says Vincent as he storms through the door.

Kirvena and Karliah had a nervous smile on their face while Arthur was openly nervous about what Vincent would do. Sereda was nervous as she guided them to the Proving ground.