
Orug Highwind

After finishing eating did Vincent look at the two while Mina and Ellana cleaned the plates together when Vincent says, "So can you tell me more about your world except that it isn't as advanced as ours."

"What do you want to know?" asks Avallac'h as he would be the best for this job.

"You were surprised about us conviving with Werebeasts and Vampires. Also by the fact that my oldest has a Gryphon making it obvious that your people don't have the same relationship as we do. Am I right so far?" says Vincent both nod their heads.

"Alright what about magic do you have it?" asks Vincent as they nod again making Vincent ask, "Is it like here where it is in every one or different?"

"Well, that is hard to explain," says Avallac'h looking quite surprised by what Vincent said.

"We have time. Don't worry we won't invade you. One world is good enough for us," says Vincent as he didn't plan to invade another world except they threatened their world.

"It exists but only chosen people that we call Sources can wield it. The others could use some simple spells if they learned it but not more. The world of Ciri has also Witchers. They are Monster Hunters or Mercenaries if we name them under a different name," says Avallac'h when Ciri interrupts.

"Yes, but don't confuse them with some weaklings. They are stronger than any normal person and have a longer lifespan thanks to their mutations," says Ciri excited when Avallac'h interrupts her.

"But they become sterile making it impossible for them to have children. Everything has a price after all," says Avallac'h making Vincent agree.

"That's right everything has a price and not many are willing to pay it," says Vincent as both seemed to not understand what he meant.

"You might think of a long lifespan to be good since you can live longer than others but once you lose someone dear to you... let us just say you will curse to ever have received that gift," says Vincent as Ciri seemed too young to understand it while Avallac'h seemed to know what he meant.

"You think death is salvation?" asks Avallac'h as Vincent nods while his wives were showing sad faces.

"Yes, for some it is but I still have to breathe while some of my children are already savoring their rightful place. I am jealous of the ability to die, to be honest. I will be standing even after this world is completely destroyed and can't hold life any longer," says Vincent hinting that he didn't have a long lifespan but was a real immortal walking under them.

Avallac'h caught on quite fast as his eyes opened wide from hearing that while Ciri looked only confused when she asks, "What do you mean?"

"What he means is that he already tried to die many times but his blessing stops him from dying," says Anra who studied Vincent's body the most in this topic since she tried to reproduce the same effect for the remaining wives of Vincent so they wouldn't die and leave him behind.

"So you really can't die," says Avallac'h still not completely believing it.

"Aye, I even separated my body in four and let my wives bury me in separate places but the part tried to find one another while I stay in a deep sleep until they are back in one and have enough blood running through my veins. Immortality is a bitch," says Vincent as he looked at his hand.

"But let's return to your world. Just hearing about you saying that small magic can be used by everyone picked my interest. Does that mean that you have to pay a price to use higher-tier magic?" asks Vincent as Avallac'h nods.

"Indeed, Mages need to use a medium like blood for example or their lifespan but mostly they use Chaos that's what we call Magicka from where we come from," says Avallac'h as Vincent takes a book out and opens the first pages of the blank book confusing Avallac'h and Ciri.

"What is he doing?" asks Ciri confused when Mina entered the room again with Ellana.

"He is reading the Book of Fate. It's a book that tells the future of his reader," says Mina seeing Vincent reading in it again.

"Didn't you promise not to use it again," says Mina as she looked at Vincent.

"I was just looking if it still works," says Vincent as he closed the book and gives it to Ciri while saying, "You should read it."

"Why should I read it?" asks Ciri not believing that a book could foretell her future.

"It tells you about a future that can happen but you can always change it into a better or worse future. It also seems that our fates are connected making it quite problematic for me to ignore it," says Vincent making the women in the room raise their eyebrows.

"What do you mean by that?" asks Ciri as Vincent sighs.

"I didn't await you to believe me but you should believe that the book is telling you always the truth. It never deceives its user," says Vincent when Mina looked at him.

"What did you find out?" whispers Mina into Vincent's ear.

"That we will have to prepare for the enemy since they will come here to get her," whispers Vincent back making Mina look serious as she ran out surprising everyone in the room.

She sounded the bell that was beside the house. Vincent positioned it there so when an emergency was to happen everyone in the city would know about it.

Every member of the Highwind Family that was living in the city presented themselves in front of the house in full armor holding their weapon in hand when Naosane asks, "What is wrong?"

"Your father said we should be ready for the enemy to arrive here soon. They want the girl that came through the mirror," says Mina as everyone looked serious.

"How many are we awaiting?" asks an Orsimer with dark green skin and yellow eyes instead of eyebrows he had little horns.

"We don't know how many will come for the girl but it will be a bloody fight Orug," says Mina as Orug was wielding Volendrung.

He was the second son of Vincent with his Orsimer wife while his sister was the Queen of the Orsimer that died after giving birth to her second child as her mother before her. He was the guardian of his nephew and niece until they were of age and his niece could take over the throne as the rightful owner.

"Should we activate the mechanisms to trap them?" asks Naosane as Mina shakes her head.

"No our guests could trigger them. Orug, can you watch over our guests until they are safe?" asks Mina as she could trust Orug with protecting them.

"I will do my best mother," says Orug as Mina nods and sends him into the house.

"The others keep an eye open if something strange is about to happen I want to know it first," says Mina as everyone nods while Mina follows Orug into the house.

Ciri was reading only two pages of the book before hearing the bell when she stopped and asks, "What was that?"

"That's was Mina calling the people together. The book told me that someone is after you and he is coming here. What he doesn't know is that if he attacks this city nothing will remain of his people. He will find out what it means to fight a real warrior and not some milk-drinkers," says Vincent confusing the two.

"What he wants to say is that we aren't some weaklings. My husband is a Nord with heart and soul since he lived most of his life between the Nords," says Kirvena explaining what Vincent meant with milk-drinker.

Then Orug entered the room scaring Avallac'h and Ciri when Vincent says, "Calm down. This is Orug, my son. Mina must have asked him to look after you two so nothing happens to you while staying here."

"What is he?" asks Avallac'h who has never seen an Orsimer before.

"He is an Orsimer or Orc for short. Orsimers are Mers like you," says Vincent as Orug puts a knee on the ground.

"I'm Orug Highwind. I will be your bodyguard and keep you safe from harm," says Orug as he was holding Volendrung in one hand stretching it towards Ciri and Avallac'h.

They looked a bit confused as well as Orug seeing their reaction when Vincent says, "They don't understand our tongue, boy. Don't look like that just because you didn't know that."

"Right, I forgot about that," says Orug as he stood back up when Vincent put his hand on Orug's head and transfers the language Ciri and Avallac'h use into him.

"Now we should be able to communicate," says Orug as the two hear Orug speak their language.

"Pretty interesting. Did you transfer it by using magic?" asks Avallac'h as Vincent nods.

"This is nothing compared to moving a whole city to another location," says Orug while Vincent coughs.

"Right, my name is Orug Highwind. I will be your protector while you live here," says Orug as Ciri opened the book again and the first two pages changed all of a sudden telling another story.

"If the book is telling the trust you shouldn't become my protector," says Ciri as she read about Orug's death in the book making Orug laugh quite hard confusing Ciri.

"That book foretold my death many times and I am still standing because I am hard to kill if you don't believe me try me," says Orug as his chest piece falls to the ground and all his scars were now visible to everyone.

Ciri was shocked to see that many scars on Orug as she saw some of Geralt's scars before but the scars on Orug seemed more vicious.

"I had fought in many battles as the Vanguard being the first in battle and the last to leave. My mother Aela always told me to become like that but she never told me the price I would have to pay," says Orug as Vincent smiled hearing that.

"Aela loved that quote since it remembered her of the Companions," says Vincent remembering Farkas and Vilkas always saying the same after one battle.

"Companions?" asks Avallac'h as Vincent explains it to them who the Companions are. They still exist after all but dissolve once a war is called.

Then Mina entered seeing her son half-naked in front of Ciri. She hits the back of the head of Orug and says, "Put your armor back on. You are in front of a lady."

"Right," says Orug touching the spot Mina hit while picking his chest piece back up as he puts it on again.

"I will take the book back. You should go and rest for now. We will keep talking tomorrow," says Vincent as he takes the book back from Ciri and sends them away.

Hope you like it.

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