
Negotiating with Mehrunes Dagon

Vincent arrived at the Deadlands and remembered the blood that spilled around there as he walked forward toward what seemed like Palast to him.

He fought against some scamps, lowlife Daedra that are used as cannon fodder, on the way when Dremoras saw him. They recognized Vincent right away as they fled the scene to report who was walking in the Deadlands.

He arrived at the Palace and the door opened right away as a red-skinned giant with four arms welcomed him.

"Who would have thought that the Former Emperor of Nirn would enter my realm. Does Azura know that you are here?" asks Mehrunes Dagon looking down onto Vincent.

"And who would have thought that my brother-in-law would welcome me personally instead of sending his army. Many things have changed it seems," says Vincent looking up.

"What do you want here?" asks Mehrunes Dagon as Vincent tried to pry behind him but he blocked the view.

"I know that you are planning to invade Nirn again. It's almost time for your childish tantrum. Let me in and I will tell you something that you might like," says Vincent as Dogan looked confused at him.

He made way as he entered the hall with Vincent following him. Dagon sits down on his throne as he asks, "What is it that you want to tell me?"

"I found a way to another world," says Vincent just that was enough to excite Mehrunes Dagon as he looked at Vincent happy.

"And why are you telling me that?" asks Dagon as he looked at Vincent.

"How about we make a deal. You never border Nirn again and that world becomes your playground. What do you say?" says Vincent looking at Mehrunes Dagon seeing on his face that Dagon already made a decision.

"What do I gain from this. I want Nirn, not some other world," says Dagon trying to negotiate when Vincent turns around walking towards the entrance.

"Well if you don't want it maybe Boethiah or Bal might want that world," says Vincent indifferently making Dagon stand up from his throne stopping Vincent from leaving.

"Now now, brother-in-law don't just jump to conclusions. I gladly accept this deal," says Dagon as Vincent turned around and smiled at him.

"You really want it. But the price has now changed," says Vincent surprising Dagon.

"Now you have to gift Azura ⅛ of your troops and leave Nirn alone. Your sister wants to place guards around Highwind City and leave her realm unprotected something I can't allow as her husband," says Vincent as he stretches his hand out towards Dagon while saying, "Leave it or take it. It's up to you."

Dagon was crying as he shakes Vincent's hand with one of his fingers as Vincent smiled while saying, "Congratulations on acquiring your own world, brother-in-law."

Then Dagon felt a little pinch on his finger and blood fell on a contract Vincent was holding when he says, "With this everything is official. I will open a portal for you once they return to Highwind City."

"I hope so," says Dagon as Vincent opened a portal and walks into it.

He appeared in the center of the city as he walked back to his house. The women see him as he sat down and Azura asks, "What did he say?"

"He accepted the deal and I got a little more as well," says Vincent putting the contract on the table.

They read it and Azura says, "He gave you an eighth of his troops."

"Not me but to you," says Vincent as he rectified his wife.

Azura hugged him before kissing him when Mina takes a closer look at the contract finding some blood on it.

"He signed it with blood," says Mina as Vincent smiles.

"I forced him a bit just to make sure he will hold his word once he gets what we talked about," says Vincent as he looked at his wives.

"Now we only need to wait for them to return. I will enter one of their portals and open one to Deadlands making Dagon happy," says Vincent as they smiled from hearing Vincent.

"What do we do with Ciri and Avallac'h?" asks Anra as she didn't want to hurt them.

"Once the World is under attack by Dagon they should be safe and they could return through the mirror. I will follow them to find the Velen Crones and kill them. That way I won't have to worry about them any longer," says Vincent as Mina gets excited.

"A new adventure," says Mina as Vincent nods as his body turned human thanks to his illusion.

"Yes, we won't be able to walk in out real form since in Ciri's world everything not human is followed and put to trial by the authorities there," says Vincent as he didn't want to start a war but he could save many races that could live in harmony with them on Nirn.

"Are we all going?" asks Karliah as she turned into a Redguard still having her beauty.

"Not everyone," says Vincent looking at Mina and Anra as he continues, "I will go with Karliah, Ellana, Kirvena, and Serana. I need the most powerful mages here to defend the city from the Wild Hunt if they desperately try to find a new home here."

"We understand but why me?" asks Ellana as she was the youngest of them.

"Because you need some adventures that the others already experienced. Karliah is a master with stealthy weapons while Kirvena is a powerhouse of a warrior. Serana will be with us for when we meet Vampires as well as Vlad. But you will be our mage. Don't think I didn't know that you learned Francesca's Magic to communicate with plants as well as the magic of the others in this room. You might be poor in wielding a weapon but your magic will be your weapon," says Vincent explaining his team to explore Ciri's world.

"Shouldn't I go too? We could encounter some Dragons," says Mako as Vincent smiled at her.

"I'm a Dragon as well remember," says Vincent as Mako sighs when Vincent says, "Maybe we can take a flight around Ciri's world once we are done there."

"I won't say no to that," says Mako as they finished their discussion when they heard a knocking on their door.

It was Avallac'h who came to study the stories of Nirn that are now urban legends for the younger folk.

Many people in the Empire believe that Vincent is dead since he didn't appear in public for the last two hundred years, not like his wives.

Only the family knows that Vincent was under the living as well as the Daedras, Divines, Dragons, Dragoons, and the Network. The Divines and Daedra are awaiting him to ascend to Godhood but he was still clinching on his mortal life.

"I will leave you with Avallac'h I still need to look after the young blood," says Vincent as he leaves the house.

'Many things will change once the Wild Hunt attacks again,' thinks Vincent as he arrived where the Highwinds were training.

Ciri was still losing against the youngest of the pack but not as clearly as before since her opponent was sweating making Vincent smile as he says, "It seems the young blood is improving with every day."

"She is but where did you go this morning father?" asks Naosane as Vincent sat down.

"I went to meet my brother-in-law to make a deal with him," says Vincent as Naosane, as well as the others, knew that it must have been a Daedra and not an uncle of theirs.

"What did you talk about?" asks Orug as Vincent looked at him.

"He will never attack Nirn again in exchange he can ravish and plunder everything in another world. He signed the contract with blood unwillingly and your mother acquired an eighth of his troops. They should be here soon to defend the City," says Vincent as portals appeared around the city making Ciri that hadn't seen a Dremora before shiver for a moment.

"Demons!" shouts Ciri as the group begins to laugh from seeing her reaction when Vincent stops her from attacking a Dremora.

"You are right they can be called demons but did they attack someone?" asks Vincent as Ciri sees them talking to the people in the city peacefully.

"No," says Ciri as she put her sword away.

"That's right, normally they would attack whoever summoned them but they wouldn't dare to attack the person that is on top of the chain," says Vincent as Ciri looked confused.

"He wants to say that Azura is their commander. They wouldn't attack us except they wanted to die," says Orug explaining it to Ciri as they couldn't go to the other Princes except for Molag Bal who wasn't even in Nirn right now.

"So it is completely safe to summon Daedras?" asks Ciri now curious when Vincent smiles.

"It's not risk-free but normal Dremoras or some Scamps should be easy for you. Higher ranked Daedra might be difficult," says Vincent as Ciri has sparkles in her eyes from the excitement.

"Are you going to teach me that?" asks Ciri as Vincent smiles making Ciri's hope go up.

"No," says Vincent crushing her hopes to learn how to summon one.

"You still need to master your own powers before you can learn and master something new," says Vincent explaining to Ciri why he didn't want to teach her yet.

Suddenly Vincent received a message and he wasn't pleased with what was written inside when Naosane looked at Vincent and asks, "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know yet," says Vincent not knowing if it was good or bad what he read as he handed the message to his son.

Naosane reads the message and says, "They found an unknown object floating around our atmosphere."

"That's right," says Vincent as he wasn't shocked since out there must be other worlds with civilizations on them.

"What are we going to do with it?" asks Naosane as Vincent didn't know yet.

"We could bring it down to study it or we could just leave it be," says Vincent as those were their options.

"If we study it we could advance even faster but we could lure an unknown enemy towards us," says Vincent giving his son something to think about as he looked at Ciri and says, "Ciri, Orug will be overwatching your training until I return."

Vincent opened a portal and he passes through it.

Hope you like it.

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