

(A/N: Breaking Canon here and there. We all know that a Great Dragon can't turn into a Humanoid even more so into an Au-Ra like Vincent.)

"Let me bring you there," says Yavana a little scared of Vincent now that she faced almost death if not for Mina calming him down.

"Where are you bringing us?" asks Vincent clearheaded.

"To the Silent Grove. It's a Sanctuary build to protect Dragons. Many Dragons live there in peace without fearing for their dead by those damned Dragon Hunters from Nevara," says Yavana as she guided them through the swamps.

They arrived at an old Temple and find a Dragon laying on its roof eyeing them up but didn't do anything when Vincent says, "That Dragon seems tamed. If we entered one of my brothers' territories and disturbed him we would be attacked at least normal people."

"The Dragons around here wouldn't dare to attack as long as we don't attack them," says Yavana as they entered the Temple.

"So why to go inside the Tempel?" asks Vincent as they walked towards the other end of the Tempel and Vincent's question was answered.

They saw the Sanctuary Yavana was talking about with Dragons walking free around when Vincent shouts, {The Dragonking is present show your respect!}

Vincent was hoping for an answer but no answer came the Dragons were just looking at him confused when Flemeth says, "Dragons on Thedas aren't blessed like the Dragons on Tamriel. They are just wild beast and nothing more."

"That is not completely true!" says Yavana angry at her mother as Vincent looked at her.

"Why do you say it's not completely true?" asks Vincent as Yavana looked at him nervously.

"They might be wild beasts but they are very intelligent if you take care of them from a young age. They can even be friendly towards people," says Yavana as Vincent closed his eyes.

Yavana was nervous as she didn't know what Vincent was thinking about when Mina says, "Don't worry he is just debating with himself in his mind."

Vincent opened his eyes again and says, "We will take them to Tamriel. We will call them Drakes from now on or my brothers will be furious to be associated with them."

"And how are you taking them to Tamriel?" asks Flemeth now curious about it.

"They will be following me. Yavana will be their caretaker and teach the people of Tamriel how to rear them," says Vincent as he was already planning everything.

"How long do you think you will need to travel to Tamriel and back?" asks Mina as she knew that Vincent wouldn't change his plan.

"I will need two days at least. But I should inform Lucia and Naosane about it or the Empire will be in a panic," says Vincent as he wrote two notes while looking at Yavana and asks, "Are there more Drakes?"

"There are but they need the blood of a Theirin," says Yavana as Vincent looked at Flemeth.

"The Theirin have the blood of a Great Dragon in their veins. But since we have another person with even purer Dragonblood in their Veins," says Flemeth before a dagger appears on her throat.

"Continue and you won't have a head on your shoulders," says Mina as she was quite sensitive when it came to Vincent's blood.

The only one allowed to drink his blood was Serana and no one else when Vincent says, "Take me to the place the others are."

"Dear-," says Mina as she wanted to continue when Vincent smiles at her.

"Don't worry, you know that it's hard to penetrate my skin," says Vincent as Mina takes her dagger away from Flemeth throat.

Yavana was now more nervous than before when Vincent says, "You two stay here. Yavana should be enough."

Yavana then guided Vincent and they arrive at a cavern. They enter it and find a High Dragon guarding it while crystalline eggs were in the cavern and Yavana says, "Welcome in the Hall of Sleepers. Here are the remaining Dragons."

"Drakes," says Vincent as he didn't like to call the wild beasts Dragons.

"Right, Drakes," says Yavana not wanting to anger Vincent.

"So what would come out of those eggs?" asks Vincent curiously.

"We hope that Great Drakes would come out of them," says Yavana as Vincent looked at her seeing that she was telling the truth.

"Alright, but I will need to talk with someone before doing this," says Vincent as he placed his hand on his amulet and whispers something in Thu'um.

Suddenly a man appears surprising Yavana as she wanted to send a fireball at the man when Vincent stops her while saying, "Don't be so fast to attack a God."

"A God?" asks Yavana as she was confused when Vincent nods.

"Yes, the God of Space and Time Akatosh. He is also known as the Father of all Dragons. That makes him my Father as well," says Vincent explaining it to Yavana that dropped to the ground after hearing that.

"Don't worry child, I will overlook it since you take care of those missing children," says Akatosh as he walked to the High Dragon that was guarding the Hall of Sleepers.

"Did you know why all Dragons in Tamriel are Male while the High Dragons in Thedas are all females?" asks Akatosh knowing the answer.

"It must be because of your failed idea with this continent," says Vincent as Akatosh smiles.

"You are half correct," says Akatosh as he put his hand on the High Dragon petting it.

"I wanted the Dragons of Tamriel and Thedas to mate with each other. The Dragons of old were as intelligent as the Dragons in Tamriel but because of the Veil they were reduced to this," says Akatosh as some of his power entered the High Dragon.

{Father,} says the High Dragon out of nowhere.

{Calm down daughter, everything will be alright. Just let your brother lead,} says Akatosh as he stopped petting her.

"Once you take them to Tamriel they will slowly return to their former glory since I can give them my blessing," says Akatosh as he turned to Vincent.

"What about the eggs?" asks Vincent as Akatosh looks at them.

"One of them will turn into a Great Dragon. A Great Dragon is quite special," says Akatosh as he walked towards the eggs.

"How special?" asks Vincent as Akatosh looked at him.

"How do you think Au-Ra came into being. I not only gave 7 Dragons to Hydaelyn. I gave her four Great Dragons as well. They were your Ancestors. Do you know now why they are special," says Akatosh as he smiled.

"They can turn into Humanoids," says Vincent as Akatosh nods.

"Exactly, Great Dragons can turn into Humanoids the only problem is that they are females so I had to cheat a bit and create two males," says Akatosh as he looked at the eggs and gave them his blessings waking all the Dragons up while he was slowly vanishing.

"What is happening?" asks Vincent since this never happened before.

"I used too much of my power. You know that I can't use much of my power on Thedas because of the Veil. Just bring the Dragons to Tamriel or Akavir and I shall make all Dragons become complete as I had it in mind," says Akatosh as he disappeared completely.

"What is happening?" asks Yavana as all the eggs began to hatch but fully grown Dragons came out of them with only one being in a Humanoid form.

They all looked confused when suddenly Vincent shouts while releasing his aura, {Bow to your King or you will learn his wrath.}

All the Dragons in the cavern bowed to him as Vincent continues telling them the rules he put up for all Dragon and says, {If someone goes against those rules only death will await them. Do you all understand?}

The Dragons seemed to understand when Vincent smiles, {Good. We will be leaving right away with every Dragon outside.}

{What about me,} asks the Humanoid Dragon that looked like Au-Ra from the Raen Tribe.

Vincent takes a better look at her face and she resembled a bit Yugiri Mistwalker except for her Red Hair and Eyes. His eyes traveled a bit downwards and he looked away realizing that she was naked.

{You need to put something on, sister,} says Vincent as the Au-Ra looked herself up and down.

{What is the problem. I'm a Dragon isn't it alright with me going around like this,} says the female Au-Ra as Vincent took some spare clothes out.

{You might be a Great Dragon but in this form you are an Au-Ra so you need to put clothes on,} says Vincent as he helps her put them on.

{I thought Father informed you about me,}says the female Au-Ra as Vincent nods.

{He told me that Great Dragons are special,} says Vincent as the female Au-Ra shakes her head.

{Not that,} says the female Au-Ra as she kissed Vincent and continues, {He wants me to carry your babies.}

{That's not going to happen without someone else's approval,} says Vincent as he frees himself of the female when he asks, {I don't even know your name?}

{Hhm, I don't have a name. How about you give me one?} says the female Au-Ra as Vincent began to think.

{Mako. Yes, Mako might be a good name for an Au-Ra from the Raen tribe,} says Vincent as Mako was now rolling her name over her tongue.

{I like it since my husband chose it for me,} says Mako as she hugged Vincent who broke free again.

"How do I explain this to Mina now?" asks Vincent himself while Yavana was still progressing everything that was going on.

They walked out of the Cavern while Mako was holding Vincent's arm against his will while the Dragons followed them.

Mina sees that and walks over and looks at Mako and says, "She looks pleasant to the eyes. But I will need to examine her personality."

"So you agree that fast?" asks Vincent as Mina looked at him while smiling.

"She is an Au-Ra like you. That puts her on the list since she is the only one living right now," says Mina as Mako was looking confused at Mina not understanding anything.

{This is Mina, my wife,} says Vincent as Mako stared at her thinking Mina was her enemy.

Mina suddenly petted her and says, {You are my little sister from now on. But you will need to learn how to talk like a mortal before you can become his wife.}

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts