
Lorkhan's Test

Vincent passed through the gauntlet which Vigilance took him through arriving at a giant corridor that has two giant doors.

Vincent looked at the giant door and touches it while asking, "Is it here?"

"It seems so," says Vigilance scanning the door and everything behind it.

"There is only one person inside," says Vigilance as Vincent touches his right arm to feel how much has regrown.

"How much has it healed?" asks Vigilance seeing Vincent do that.

"Half of the arm is back but that won't help me against him," says Vincent seriously as he lets go of his right arm.

"Can you open the door?" asks Vincent as Vigilance looks at him seriously.

"Are you sure you want to do this with only one hand?" asks Vigilance as Vincent smirked under his helmet.

"This is not a 'want to' but a 'must do' or my children and the others will be in danger, Vigilance. *sighs* Sometimes I think the Gods laugh about the miseries I have to go through but then I remember that everything that we experience is just a stepping stone to grow through it," says Vincent remembering that he fought worse battles and one not that long ago when he couldn't use Magicka.

"But will you fight him alone?" asks Vigilance as Vincent touched the giant door with his head.

"Am I alone?" asks Vincent himself as he rested his head by doing so.

"As long as I remember I always had a friend by my side when I undertook such a task," says Vincent as he turns to Vigilance and continues, "And today it isn't different Vigilance. You are by my side, aren't you?"

"Still, I can't fight," says Vigilance as Vincent closes his eyes when a shadow appears beside Vincent and places a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need to fight just believe in him and a wonder might occur as always," says a voice that sounded like Vincent as Vigilance was surprised to see another Vincent.

"And you have fought far more difficult monster before you turned into a Warrior of Light," says the Shadow Vincent as Vincent smiled warmly under his helmet.

Then a second hand appears on Vincent's other shoulder and the shadow was slowly taking form while saying, "You don't look as arrogant as before. Things have changed since you struck me down."

It was Lorkhan who manifested he was holding his spear as he looked at the giant door and says, "I don't think that this Taken King is stronger than I was when we fought each other."

"Lorkhan, I am sorry for what I did back then," says Vincent as he turns his head towards Lorkhan's shadow and Lorkhan looks at him seriously before smirking.

"It is too late to apologize to the dead but when are you going to assimilate all of my strength?" asks Lorkhan as he looked at Vincent while his grip on Vincent's shoulder got stronger.

"Your wife would kill me if I were to open your grave to assimilate you completely," says Vincent as Lorkhan burst out in laughter from hearing that.

"That sounds like Kyne," says Lorkhan as he looked at Vincent and continues, "But the dead don't need those powers."

He began to shine in a purple aura as he was calling his remaining pieces from Sovngarde as he says, "I have been watching you in this form and have seen that you seriously have changed and that you don't trust book created by the forefathers."

In Sovngarde the sky was having an unusual night sky as the souls could see the mountain on which Lorkhan was buried shine brightly in purple before a beam of purple light shot into the night sky penetrating the sky as it shattered through the realm which surprised Tsun who was looking at it.

"What is going on, Tsun?" asks Kodlak seeing the phenomenon when suddenly the Divines from all over came to see what was going on.

"Lorkhan is calling for his remaining strength that was buried with his remains, aren't I right, brother," says Stendarr as he stood beside Tsun.

"Stuhn," says Tsun back to Stendarr who smiles at him.

"Does that mean that Shor is returning?" asks Kodlak seeing the phenomenon unfolding.

"No, Lorkhan was killed by Vincent and absorbed by him. It is impossible for him to return the only thing that could be happening is that the part absorbed by Vincent is calling it to become complete," says Tsun seeing that the mountain was slowly stopping to shine as the energy went through the crack.

"Does that mean that Vincent is becoming Shor?" asks Kodlak as Tsun shakes his head.

"No one can replace Lorkhan. He was known as a Trickster while Vincent isn't known for that. He is more of a peacekeeper who stands between the Light and Darkness," says Stendarr as he sees the realm heal its scar.

"Is this then the birth of a new Divine?" asks Kodlak as both Divines shake their head again.

"Vincent still doesn't know what he wants to represent which makes it difficult for him to ascend. He got a push from Vaermina into the right direction but still, we have to wait and see when it will happen," says Stendarr as he looks at Tsun.

"It was nice to see you again, brother," says Tsun as Stendarr only smiles at him.

"Duty is calling. I hope to see you again," says Stendarr as he leaves as did the other Divines while Akatosh was still standing there looking at the sky.

"What are you thinking about?" asks Kynareth as Akatosh turns to her.

"About the future of my son and the end of Nirn," says Akatosh as Kynareth looked at him confused.

"The End of Nirn? You want to release Alduin upon the world to bring the End of the World," says Kynareth as Akatosh nods.

"One day, yes," says Akatosh as he looked at Kynareth while saying, "But that day is far into the future."

In the meantime on the Leviathan, Lorkhan looks at Vincent as he says, "I have many names, Vincent Highwind, just as you do."

"Slaughter, Warmonger, Dragonking, and many more," says Lorkhan as he lets go of Vincent's shoulder.

"I have seen you do many bad things but also good ones. You might not know your purpose but I think I do since I have seen your path," says Lorkhan as he looks at Vincent seriously.

"You are someone that tries to balance the Light and Darkness. You deal with Aedra and Daedra as if they are normal beings and some of them even listen to your advice. I tried to do the same before I had to use trickery to convince them to create Nirn and all the other stars in the same system," says Lorkhan as a beam of purple light penetrated the ceiling hitting Vincent head-on.

"Now I want to see your strength," says Lorkhan as the purple light entered Vincent's body when he continues, "Your real strength. No more Magicka, No more Light, No more Darkness only your true strength will be allowed in this little exam to obtain the right to govern over my realm."

Everything turned black for Vincent before he found himself sitting on a rock with his trusty spear which he used while being in his former Dragoon Armor.

He looks up and finds himself in front of a familiar statue he would always go to when he needed time for himself.

Suddenly an Elezen came from behind Vincent wearing the same armor just painted in red and with one horn missing. He places his hand on Vincent's shoulder and Vincent looks at him and was in disbelief.

"This can't be!" says Vincent almost shouting by accident.

"What can't be? I am even surprised that you always choose this place to calm your mind but I won't hold it against you it calms me as well," says the Elezen sitting down beside him.

"Estinien, how did I get here?" asks Vincent as Estinien only smiles.

"This is just an illusion created by someone we are right now able to communicate because I am dead and you got near enough to the rift between our Universes," says Estinien as he looked at the white sky of Coerthas while the snow was falling from it.

"That someone said that I needed to find my real strength. But it has been so long that I rely on many other things that I have forgotten it," says Vincent feeling helpless as Estinien looked at him before laughing out loud.

"Really the almighty Vincent has forgotten his forte," says Estinien as he couldn't stop laughing from hearing that.

"But I really shouldn't laugh since I lost it once as well," says Estinien remembering his time after he was saved by Vincent and the others.

"The Vincent I knew didn't need anything else except for his spear in his hand to defeat his enemy. You always had this aura of valor around you when you faced an enemy but now I see a broken man," says Estinien as he looked at the statue.

"Do you still remember how you died?" asks Estinien as Vincent suddenly feels the landscape switch before his eyes.

He was now sitting on the ground with Estinien on the Steps of Faith the statue he was looking at has a Black Dragon and an Au-Ra Dragoon attacking each other.

"This is-," says Vincent as Estinien nods.

"Yes, the statue that was made because of your sacrifice back then," says Estinien when Vincent looked at it closer when he sees a smirk on the statue's face.

"I must have smirked a lot back then," says Vincent chuckling as Estinien joins him.

"You wanted to know your true strength, right?" asks Estinien looking at Vincent who nods.

"It was right here," says Estinien pointing at Vincent's heart.

"You have done everything and even died for me without feeling fear but fulfillment when it was done. Your will is your strongest weapon. It always has been," says Estinien as the landscape changed again.

They found themselves in the barracks of the Dragoons, a younger Vincent was being shunned by the higher-ups to quit being a Dragoon cadet but Vincent's will didn't allow it.

"You remember those days," says Estinien as Estinien was trained lightly compared to Vincent.

"They wanted you to quit because you were an Au-Ra but you ignored everything and only concentrated on your goal," says Estinien as he remembers it quite well.

"All the Elezen had to do only a quarter of the training you went through back then. But your will and heart got you through that situation. No magic, no light, and no darkness. Only your will and in the end you showed them that you were worth it," says Estinien as he looks at Vincent seriously.

"You had an unbreakable will that would never lose to anyone or anything but doubt entered your mind and it clouds everything," says Estinien as he looks at Vincent and shackles were visible around Vincent's body holding him back before he says, "The Vincent I knew would have already passed through that door and would be holding the enemy's head in his hand."

"The Vincent I knew would be smiling in the face of danger and surpass his fear of death knowing that before he enters the fight he had already won in his mind," says Estinien as shackles began to shake wildly around while Vincent was listening to his friend's words.

"The Vincent I knew died to protect his friends knowing that they would continue the battle for him. But the current one thinks that only he can solve everything instead of trusting the people around him," says Estinien as Vincent looked at Estinien before he begins to laugh.

"You are right, I don't trust anyone with the task in my hand except for myself," says Vincent as he admits it.

"You shackled your greatest strength of them all," says Estinien as Vincent tries to break free of his self-made shackles when Estinien says, "The trust you have in everyone around you. That was your greatest strength far greater than your unbreakable will and the bravery burning in your heart. Asking someone to guard your back at all time that was your greatest strength."

Vincent breaks free of his shackles as he looked like he had more vigor in himself as he stretches his hand towards Estinien and asks with sincerity, "Help me, my friend."

"I will always have your back as you have mine," says Estinien before more people began to appear in front of him.

"We all have your back," says Estinien as Vincent sees all his friends manifest beside Estinien before everything began to blurry again

"Become what you must, my son," says a feminine voice as Vincent recognizes the voice from the start of his adventure as a Warrior of Light.

"Hydaelyn!" shouts Vincent as he awakens again finding Lorkhan in front of him who was smiling seeing light in the former dead eyes of Vincent.

"It seems you learned a valuable lesson from your friend," says Lorkhan as Vincent notices that he got stronger.

"I have given you my remaining powers that you didn't absorb back then. You should be stronger than before," says Lorkhan as he looked at the door.

"How long was I gone?" asks Vincent as Vigilance floats over.

"Only a few seconds," says Vigilance as Vincent looked at him and pets the ghost.

"I will need your help Lorkhan and Shadow," says Vincent as he looked at them with a strong will in his eyes which made Shadow Vincent happy to see those eyes again.

"Only us?" asks Lorkhan as Vincent smiles.

"No," says Vincent as a beam of light came through the ceiling and Estinien appears out of it when Vincent says, "I asked for help from the other side."

"So two shadows and us two. We had more terribly odds against us," says Estinien as he smirks at them.

"And we always survived," says Vincent with a smirk.

"True," says Estinien as Vincent put his hand against the door and it opened for them before they passed through it finding the Taken King behind it waiting for them.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts