
Leaving the Circle

"My name is Elissa Cousland. This is Daylen Surana," says Elissa as she bowed before pointing at the Mer and continues while pointing at the Men, "And this is Anders."

Elissa didn't seem to recognize her brother as she looked at three. Vincent then walks towards the three and asks, "Does anyone of you know a Solona Amell?"

This made not only jump the eyes of Anders but also of Irving and Greagoir when Irving asks, "Why do you want to know if someone knows her?"

"Because I adopted her when I found her in the Brecilian Forest. I came here to get her things before deciding on taking some Mages with me since the opinion of more Mages would be better to shape the image for the Emperor," says Vincent as both Greagoir and Irving were sweating because of Solona.

"You know Solona is she alright?" asks Anders as Vincent nods.

"She is completely fine living in the Palace accompanying my wives and the Queen," says Vincent as Anders seems to sigh in relief with some light in his eyes.

Arthur seemed to be holding back his excitement when Vincent says, "How about I present you, my two companions. This is Garrett Hawke and this is Arthur Cousland."

The moment Cousland came out of Vincent's mouth did Elissa's eyes go up. Arthur didn't hold back any longer as he rushed at his sister and gave her a hug while saying, "We all missed you."

Elissa was quite surprised as she couldn't muster anything against Arthur's hug when Vincent says, "Anders can you take Garrett to Solona's previous room. He will pack all of her up. Then he will help you pack your things up."

"Are animals allowed?" asks Anders as Vincent nods.

"Yes, now to you three. Arthur will help you pack your things up. Don't take too long," says Vincent as he looked at both his companions.

They understood as they left to get the things as fast as possible. Vincent stayed behind as he looked at both Irving and Greagoir while saying, "I want the Phylacteries of the three."

"They aren't here, but in Denerim. Once a Mage passes the Harrowing the Phylactery is sent to Denerim," says Irving as Vincent smiled at them making them feel shivers.

"I hope that is true. I will have to talk with them then. If that is false I will have to report it to the Emperor and he will decide what the fate of Thedas will be. We and Ferelden have a peace treaty but not Thedas remember that well," says Vincent as he walked toward the door when he turns around and says, "For people that hate Blood Magic the Chantry uses it quite well. I will also take a Tranquil with me. My Emperor would want to see one of them."

They nod as Vincent leaves the room and walks to the entrance of the second floor as he talked to all of the people that had the sun tattooed on their forehead and says, "One of you lucky ones got permission to leave the Circle with me. Which one of you wants to leave the Circle to meet the Emperor of the Highwind Empire."

"The one that will follow me will be taken care of his or her whole life," says Vincent as they were talking to each other when the group arrived.

Garrett and Arthur were carrying everything when Vincent takes everything and puts it away in his bag surprising the mages as they saw it when Vincent says, "I will give you some bags that are similar once we are on Tamriel."

Anders had a cat in his hands when Vincent looks at it making it curl up in fear when Vincent sees that the Tranquils still haven't decided which one would go with them.

"What are we waiting for?" asks Anders as he really wanted to leave as fast as possible.

"We are waiting for one of the Tranquils to join us. The Emperor would like to see and talk to one," says Vincent knowing what his son's reaction would be.

"Then we should take Connor with us. He is a commoner that was made a Tranquil not long ago," says Anders as he hoped to save one of his comrades.

"Conner?" asks Vincent as he looked at the Tranquils when a brown-haired boy came forward and Vincent says, "Alright, he will do. Arthur get Greagoir, we are leaving. I can't stand the circle any longer."

Arthur then walks back to the office to get Greagoir who was still quite pale from what Vincent said before. Arthur returns with Greagoir when Vincent says, "Well then take us out of here Knight-Commander."

"Yes," says Greagoir as he guided them to the entrance.

The Mages in the group were excited to leave the Circle while Greagoir was quite pale overthinking what they have done wrong to anger such a monster. They arrived at the gate and the pile of Templars was already dissolved with Templars guarding the entrance again.

The three mages pass the gate and suddenly felt free since no Templar was stopping them when Vincent says, "From today on you won't fear the Templars any longer. But we will have to get you as fast as possible from Thedas so Vaermina doesn't get you, Bethany and Solona."

"Vaermina?" asks Daylen not knowing what Vincent meant.

"Vaermina is a Daedric Prince. She is an equivalent to a Demon that you have just that her power is as strong as that Maker you pray too," says Vincent as all five became pale from hearing that.

Arthur heard from Vaermina but not how strong she was as her name dropped many times in Orzammar. He looked at his sister and touches her shoulder and says, "We should get you as fast as possible to Highever."

"But first let us get down from this island," says Vincent as he walked in front of them all.

The ferryman was still there as he looked at them and opened his eyes wide seeing Mages with the group when Vincent says, "Don't forget that we are paying you well enough."

The ferryman didn't say anything as he boarded all of them and he brought them over to the docks they came from. Once on land Vincent hands him the pouch he promised him and walks in front of the group.

They arrived at the camp and the mages were surprised to see that many people in foreign armor when Vincent takes a pouch of coins out and gives them to Garrett while saying, "We will need four more horses."

Garrett leaves to buy them when Vincent turns to the mages and says, "We will rest here for tonight tomorrow we will begin our way back to Highever. We will stay there for two days before traveling by ship to Denerim."

"So I will be able to meet my parents," says Elissa excited about returning to Highever.

"Yes, Vincent is quite close to our family it seems. He saved Oren when he was lost in Denerim," says Arthur when Elissa looked confused at Arthur when he hits his forehead while saying, "Right, Oren is your nephew. He is quite cute. You will love him when you see him."

"I have a nephew," says Elissa slowly as she couldn't believe it since she was taken when she was eight. She was tearing up when Vincent returned to the group accompanied by Kirvena and Karliah.

"Let me present to you two of my wives, Kirvena and Karliah. Elissa will be sharing the tent with them while Daylen, Conner, and Anders will be sharing the tent with you Arthur," says Vincent as Karliah grabbed Elissa to take her to their tent.

"You will be sleeping?" asks Arthur as Vincent points up making Arthur remember that Vincent didn't need a tent if it didn't rain while saying, "Right you don't need a tent."

"What do you mean," says Daylen when suddenly Behemoth walked towards Vincent surprising the group that never saw a Chocobo.

"He doesn't need one like the others because they have Chocobos. They are the steed the Empire use," says Arthur explaining it as simple as possible to the male group since Elissa was taken away by Karliah and Kirvena.

Vincent was petting Behemoth as he asks, "So what is going on between Elissa and you, Daylen?"

Daylen looked pale as now Arthur looked at him too. Arthur was suspicious about it but now Vincent asked the question for him it was easier to pry on it.

"They are together," says Anders as he was looking around the camp to find a way out.

"I wouldn't try to escape Anders. The Legionaries don't like deserters. They would kill you before allowing you to escape," says Vincent as that example made the Legionaries glaring at Anders seriously.

Anders now knew that Vincent wasn't joking when Vincent turns to Daylen and says, "It's good that you found each other in such a terrible place. If it was up to me the Circle would be burning right now."

"Vincent please don't do that," says Arthur as Vincent smiles at him.

"I'm just saying what I'm thinking of right now. It's the Emperor that decides if he can tolerate it or not," says Vincent knowing that Naosane would send the Legions to deal with this problem.

Garrett arrives with the four horses as the horses were tied together to the other horses that were eating grass when Vincent says, "We should go to sleep tomorrow will be a long day for you all."

Hope you like it.

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