
Killing the Mother

Vincent really wasn't standing still as he was running around using the Whirlwind Sprint shout while dropping bombs that had no effect on him but on the Darkspawn as they melted out on the ground leaving only ash behind.

After testing the bombs Vincent took out some scrolls the Mannimarco produced and tested them next. The scrolls had the same effect as the Banish Undead spell. The Darkspawn was quite affected by it as some just run away while others just died out of fear.

"The tests seem successful. Let's return to the others," says Vincent as he liked the results writing it down to inform the others so they can improve the devices he used.

Mina was looking after Seranni with Velanna when Vincent returned when Aedan sees him and asks, "How is the situation?"

"It seems clean since I killed most of them but we should still be careful and send Seranni out with Mina and some of the others while the rest continues and finish what we started today," says Vincent as he cleared the beginning of the path.

"Then Seranni shall be accompanied by Oghren and Nathaniel. They should be able to deal with any situation that might arise," says Aedan as Vincent nods.

"Why? I can fight here," says Nathaniel as he wanted to continue with the main group when Vincent sees the reason.

"The passage is narrow. You and your marksmanship will only be a problem from here on out and outside protecting Seranni would better because you have more space to shoot and move around," says Vincent as he knows the ins and outs of an Archer since he is a Bard.

"Listen to him, Nathaniel. Sigrun, Justice, and Velanna, you are coming with me," says Aedan as Velanna looked at Aedan.

"I will go with my sister," says Velanna as Vincent looked at her.

"Mina can take care of her. You have a duty to fulfill as a Grey Warden or did their purpose change after I left Thedas last time?" says Vincent as he turned towards Aedan.

"No, we still have to kill Darkspawn," says Aedan as he looked at Vincent before turning to Velanna to say, "Velanna, you will follow my orders. Nothing will happen to your sister. If you leave with her right now I will see it as deserting and I will be forced to bring you to Justice for what you did before."

Velanna didn't look happy the same could be said from Nathaniel but Velanna says, "Fine but once this is over I will look after my sister."

"After this is over you can do whatever you want," says Aedan as Vincent was still looking at Velanna.

"What are you looking at Shem?" asks Velanna as she hasn't seen Vincent's real appearance because of the helmet.

"There it is," says Vincent as Velanna looked confused when Vincent says, "You Dalish think that you are better than anyone else without knowing your own history. Like that the Vallaslins you bear that are only slave marks made by the Evanuris to mark their people."

"Evanuris?" asks Velanna confused.

"I think, I said too much," says Vincent as he leaves walking in front when suddenly his armor changed and he was in a Black Heavy Armor while a two-hander was now in his hand.

The tail and horns were still visible confusing the people that never saw Vincent's real appearance when Aedan says, "Vincent isn't a human and also no Qunari. He is an Au-Ra also known as Dragonoid. He is like a distant cousin to the Dragons."

"Wait you are saying that he is a Humanoid Dragon," says Nathaniel as Vincent turned around and looked at them.

Now they saw the scales in his face as well as the inhuman black skin better. Vincent's eyes seemed to pierce through them all as if they were nothing under him as the group begins to feel shivers from meeting his eyes.

He sees that and lowers the visor so they couldn't look him in the eyes as Vincent says, "If you don't move I will deal with that Mother alone like with the Architect."

Vincent then left as Mina lifted Seranni up using Magic as Seranni was floating in the air when Mina says, "I will await you at where we left the horses. Vlad, take care of my husband."

Vlad appears out of nowhere and says as he bows, "Keen as always my lady."

"What the-!" says Sigrun as she thought she was a good scout that could sense anyone when she got scared by Vlad's entrance.

The others point their weapon at Vlad who just disappeared while saying, "Be happy that I'm your ally this time and not your enemy."

"Everyone sheath your weapon that was only Vlad. He is Vincent's shadow," says Aedan as he knew who Vlad was.

They did as ordered and Aedan says, "Now then you know what to do. Keep the person next to you alive and he will keep you alive. We can only make this possible if we all help each other."

Aedan then moves forward while the group followed except for Nathaniel and Oghren who followed Mina outside. They enter the passage and see ash laying around the ground while Vincent was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he?" asks Sigrun as she didn't see Vincent nor Vlad around.

"He must have gone deeper. We should catch up with him," says Aedan as the followed the trail of ash and corpses until they find Vincent leaning against a wall waiting for them.

"You are finally here," says Vincent as he stands straight and continues, "Good from here on we will encounter Darkspawn again. I will rely on you if an ambush is about to happen."

"Why do I only feel Darkness coming from you right now. Before you were like a bright star but now only a dark abyss is there where once was light," says Justice as Vincent smiles.

"You Spirit Folk are quite sensitive to change it seems," says Vincent when Velanna looked at Justice.

"What do you mean Justice?" asks Velanna confused since she like the others couldn't feel or see the change in Vincent.

"What he sees is something you wouldn't understand except you come from Tamriel and I will say nothing more so move," says Vincent as he was surprised that Justice could see through him and catch the difference easily that fast.

Vincent entered while holding his two-hander. The others followed when Vincent whispers, "Vlad if something were to happens bring them out of here."

"I will do so if necessary," whispers Vlad back as he wasn't a fan of the opponents.

Vlad arrived this morning in Vigil's Keep after traveling the whole night to get to his master's side as fast as possible. He heard from Alistair and Leliana that Amaranthine was threatened by Darkspawn attacks the last month.

Darkspawn appeared out of small holes in the walls making Vincent remember the corrected Falmers that would appear like that as well. The enemy were some bigger larvae this time they were completely black with only their belly and face being white.

"Velanna," says Aedan as Velanna uses a spell making ice come out of her hand freezing everything in front of her.

After the spell ends the group runs in and breaks the ice sculptures left behind killing the Darkspawn easily when they arrive at the final room. The Mother was there alone and it was the first time for Velanna and Vincent to see a Broodmother.

"Is that a Broodmother?" asks Vincent as Aedan nods.

"Yes, that's what happens when a woman is taken by Darkspawn. We men are just food but the women they corrupt so they can produce more Darkspawn. Humans produce Hurlocks, Dwarves get Genlocks, Elves get Shrieks and Qunari get Ogres. That's why I gave Sigrun and Velanna a dagger so if something were to happen they can commit suicide," says Aedan as he saw how they transformed a Dwarf into a Broodmother.

"I had to kill a Grey Warden in the Deep Roads because we got captured. It was too late to save her as she was turned into one of those monsters while I only could watch," says Aedan as Vincent felt sorry for Aedan.

"We all have to carry our burden. Just remember that she is in a better place now that you freed her of her mortal shell," says Vincent as Darkness began to leak from his body when a shadow separated itself from him.

"Let me put her to sleep so she shall find peace in the Abyss," says the Shadow as it walked towards the Mother while Vincent nods while the group was more scared about what the shadow is.

"What is that?" asks Aedan as Vincent smiles.

"That is me. The me that wants to let go of all responsibility and be free of the chains of helping everyone. But he like I are Dark Knights making it impossible to put our sword away," says Vincent as the group was now more confused.

Vincent's Shadow walked towards the Mother and says, "Every life you have taken and every life you have given will be accounted for may the Abyss show you mercy that I cannot give you."

The sword of the shadow begins to radiate purple as the shadow jumps over towards the Mother not giving her time to say anything as the sword penetrates her completely. She tried to attack the shadow but without success as her tentacles just went through it without hurting him.

"I'm a Shadow nothing can hurt me. Nothing can kill me since I come from the Abyss and will return to it," says the Shadow as he takes the sword out and hits the ground breaking it and making both falls into the Abyss that the Mother had behind her.

Both fall and while falling the Shadow makes his last attack as the purple aura on his sword shot out of it piercing and killing the mother while the shadow dissolved and returned to go up to rejoin with Vincent.

Once both were one again Vincent says, "You have done well. You can rest for now."

Vincent then turns towards the group and says, "It seems I finished your job. We should return so you can be with your daughter as long as possible."

Vincent then passes the group as he walked back the passage to find the others when the group was quite confused about how easy they dealt with the situation thanks to Vincent while Aedan was more worried since Vincent dealt with the situation quite easily showing only a little of his power.

They followed Vincent when they arrived at the passage where they encountered the Architect as Vincent was having a body over his shoulder.

It was the body of the Dwarf he killed before as Aedan asks, "What are you going to do with her?"

"Give her a worthy burial ground. She might have followed the wrong person but she believed in the idea he was believing in even if it was false," says Vincent as he believed that the Dwarf deserved an honorable burial ground instead of this corrupted place while the group made their way out of the ruins.