
Ishly beating the shit out of the Justicar

"So you are Thane Krios, nice to finally meet you," says Vincent as he looked at the Drell who looked at him intensely.

"Have we met before?" asks Thane as he was going through his memories when Vincent smiles.

"I don't think so. But you could have met another Au-Ra which was traveling through the Galaxy to find adventures," says Vincent since he really never met Thane before.

"You are right, the person I met had different eyes," says Thane as he recalled the memory of his meeting with the Au-Ra.

"You must be from the first generation since your eyes are blue. He warned me that before we parted ways just to make sure I don't run into my death," says Thane as Vincent smiles at him.

"You could say so," says Vincent as he smiled at Thane when he looked at his watch and says, "The other group is quite late."

"They might have encountered trouble on their mission," says Titania as she wasn't worried about it.

Soon the second group arrived and Miranda's hair was completely messy it looked like it turned into a bird's nest while the rest was looking as if nothing serious happened in the mission.

"What happened for you to look like this while the rest is completely normal?" asks Titania as she couldn't grasp her head around it.

"Never again am I leading this group," says Miranda as she hits the counter with her head asking for something strong.

"What happened for her to look like that?" asks Vincent to Kasumi as she giggled for a bit because it was quite funny for her.

"Your daughter happened to Miranda. Once we found the Justicar, Miranda wanted to retreat with the subject but our Justicar was looking for someone and that wasn't in the instructions Shepard gave us.

Ishly then decided that we should help the Justicar since she wouldn't leave with us so we decided on votes and the majority was for helping the Justicar," says Kasumi as she waves her hand at a waiter so she could order a drink.

"And after that shit hit the fan," says Vincent knowing Ishly as Kasumi's drink arrived.

"Exactly, we followed the Justicar and fought against the mercenaries from Eclipse which the Justicar was looking for since they helped the person she is searching," says Kasumi as Vincent looked at her confused since it still doesn't explain Miranda's appearance.

"Soon after we dealt with Eclipse our Justicar found out that the person took a ship to Omega and Ishly asked who the person was since she was chasing madly after her," says Kasumi before she takes a sip from her drink.

"And what you found out made Ishly snap," says Vincent as Kasumi smiles.

"Exactly, our Justicar is chasing after her daughter so she can kill her which didn't sit well with Ishly," says Kasumi as Vincent now understood why Ishly snapped since her family threw her out because she was useless.

"Ishly must have attacked the Justicar," says Vincent as Kasumi became serious.

"She didn't just attack the Justicar. She beat the Justicar so badly that we needed to get to the Normandy first so she doesn't die from the injuries she suffered since she was taken by surprise.

If she wasn't taken by surprise things might have turned even uglier than they already were. Miranda looks like that because it was she who pulled Ishly away from the Justicar. She was in the crossfire if we say so," says Kasumi explaining why the Justicar wasn't with them.

"Ishly and Asari like that Justicar can't stay together for long since Ishly was thrown out of her family by people like that. She still holds a grudge against people like that," says Vincent as he had a picture of what the Justicar must be like but he couldn't just listen to one side of the story and ignore the other side of it.

If Vincent learned one thing in his previous World it was to not believe everything that he hears in one story but make himself a picture after listening to both sides before felling a judgment on the matter.

It helped him a lot while he was ruling and to assess the people around him which he can trust on and who he couldn't.

"Anyway, I could see that you got some new clothes when we met before but didn't want to mention it since Miranda was with us," says Kasumi looking at Vincent's clothes.

"It wasn't my choice but they are quite small don't you think so," says Vincent as he is custom to clothes that are hanging on his body and not pressed against his skin showing off all of his muscles.

"You get adjusted to it quite fast, trust me," says Kasumi as Vincent only gave her a little smile before Liara joined them since she was done talking with Aethyta.

"I am done talking. If you want we can still explore a bit more of Illium," says Liara with excitement in her voice and eyes.

"I will talk to you later, Kasumi. Duty is calling me somewhere else," says Vincent as he stands up and he leaves with Liara again leaving the group behind.

They walked for a while before they were standing all alone on a platform and they could see the beauty of Illium making Vincent say, "Wow."

"It's beautiful isn't it," says Liara as Vincent kisses her by surprise.

"It is but I enjoy it more because someone I love is beside me," says Vincent as he looked at the horizon with the sun going down making the city look far better than when he was walking through it before.

"I am glad that you enjoyed it," says Liara as she leans against him when Vincent sees something in the distance.

Liara picked up fast that Vincent was distracted when she asks, "Is something wrong?"

"Endbringer," says Vincent and the sniper appeared in his hands.

Vincent places it on the rail which was there so nobody falls from the platform and looks through the scope seeing a man dragging a woman away while being followed by four familiar faces.

"It seems Titania is having some trouble," says Vincent as he aimed at the men before moving the cross a bit more forward and pulling the trigger.

The bullet flew out of the shaft at top speed as it traveled the distance in two seconds and hit the man in the back opening a hole in his chest as everything inside scattered around the floor.

Vincent breathes in as he says, "Titania owes you one."

"Why me?" asks Liara confused since he helped her.

"I ruined this moment so I recompensate you for ruining it. Maybe you can drag me away again when you want to spend some time," says Vincent as the Endbringer disappears from his hands.

They leave the platform and returned to the Normandy which was quite a task in itself since the Normandy was at the other end of the city.

Once there they find Titania waiting for them as she says, "Can someone explain to me how a man can suddenly have a hole in his chest out of nowhere."

"You owe Liara for that," says Vincent as he points at Liara when Titania only smirks.

"Why do I believe it was you and not Liara who loves close and medium-range weapons," says Titania as her tone changed.

"I never said that she killed him. I only said you owe her for ruining our moment," says Vincent as he wasn't scared of Titania.

"So you don't deny killing the man?" asks Titania as Vincent now smirks at her.

"Of course not, I must have broken Garrus mark with my shot. I just wanted to show him that there was still air to aim higher while he is in his prime," says Vincent as Titania sighs since she couldn't intimidate Vincent.

"You could have hit the girl you know that," says Titania as she wasn't angry with Vincent killing the man but worried about the ifs.

"He was too desperate to change his movements making it easier for me to kill him and for you to save Miranda's sister. I wouldn't have taken the shot if I wasn't sure that I would kill the man," says Vincent with confidence in his skill since he harnessed them for far longer than Titania or any other crewmate under the age of two hundred years.

"You don't have to worry about me and the risks I take since they are calculated and if I take a risk I am not sure about the outcome I will inform you beforehand," says Vincent not wanting to undermine Titania's authority.

"That's all I needed to hear. Now I can see your date went well," says Titania as they left this matter behind them.

"It was perfect until I killed the man that's why you owe her," says Vincent as Titania sighs again.

"Fine, I owe her. Can we now talk about Tuchanka," says Titania as Vincent looked at her confused.

"What is wrong with Tuchanka?" asks Vincent as a crewmate came towards Titania informing her that everyone was on the ship without counting her and the couple.

"Let's go inside I will tell you on the way," says Titania as they entered the Normandy which closed the luke before taking off.

"I want you to lead a group on Tuchanka and help Grunt with his mysterious problem. I will be helping Mordin in finding his rogue apprentice in the meantime so we safe time which we don't have anyway," says Titania as they walked towards the Elevator.

"Miranda also wanted to tell you her thanks for helping in freeing her sister," says Titania as she pushes the button with the three on it.

"Also, our Justicar is in an induced coma so she can recover from her wounds that your daughter caused her," says Titania hinting that she wasn't happy about that.

"She snapped because of her personal experience. You know very well why Ishly was living on the road with Provus. The Justicar made those memories return and her anger towards her real parents took over. I will talk to her about it but I can't promise that it won't happen again," says Vincent as Titania smiles at him.

"Good, since I have enough shit to deal with like buying an upgrade for our cannons, ship armor, and Tali wants an update for the Engine which will all be hard to get," says Titania as they needed to replace some pieces of the Normandy so it can function to perfection when it is finally time to fight the Collectors.

Hope you like it.

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