
Invading Thedas

The weeks pass as it was now two months since they arrived in Highwind City and Anra was wedding Asal and Azura to Vincent as she held the ceremony.

Akatosh was there as well as the other Aedras and to their surprise, some Daedra also appeared except for Molag Bal. Dagon promised not to talk about change for that day as he didn't want to ruin this day for Azura.

The days went on and it was time for Carver's wedding making everyone come to Highwind City that had the surname Highwind as well as some family friends like the Gray-Manes, Battle-Borns, and Battle-Manes.

Vincent was holding the ceremony himself as everyone was there from the Emperor to the youngest Dwarf that entered the family. The family of the bride that was a Dunmer family was quite surprised to see the Emperor attend the wedding and even more that the First Emperor was holding the ceremony.

Carver and his bride, Falaana Vinoro, gave their yes to each other as Vincent says, "With the Power the Nine Divines gave me, I name you husband and wife. You can now kiss the bride."

Carver does as said and kissed his wife as she kissed him back while Leandra was quite happy to see that her son would become a father quite soon by seeing the belly of his wife.

They Highwind stayed in the city for a week as they all got a house making Vincent mark it in his little book where he had a map of the city naming where everyone was living so when they retire from their post they can come here and rest or train for when an emergency arises that needs their attention.

Vincent had to listen to some stories from the two groups that returned home from their adventures temporarily because of Carver's wedding.

What they didn't know was that Vincent already knew everything and was playing his part of being surprised as they only adventured Skyrim or Morrowind.

Vincent was training the children while getting reports from outside stating that half of Tevinter, Antiva, and Rivain had fallen into the Mer Kingdom named Arlathan. Mages that dissolved the circles and went to war against the Templars

Orlais or better said the Chantry ordered an Exalted March against them all not realizing that most Mers were rebelling in the cities of Orlais against that. They became Martyrs in the streets that were painted red with their blood making the Mers stand up against their oppressors.

Ferelden was quite safe thanks to Alistair's reforms making Mers standing on the same level as Men. But sooner or later even that crumbled but the Mers just abandoned Ferelden not wanting revenge not as in Orlais were it was more of a civil war.

Thedas was in complete chaos as Vincent warned the Cousland Family. Everyone was weak from all the fighting except for Ferelden and Anderfels that didn't want to partake in this war.

Alistair had a son with Leliana that he named Duncan before he disappeared as Vincent made his promise come true. He knew that he was in a better place since Thedas was in chaos and it was hard enough to only raise Maric.

Duncan was raised beside Vincent's son that he has with Mako, Godo Highwind. He was a strong Xaela Au-Ra resembling him. Asal and Azura were pregnant at that time as Vincent was quite happy about it.

They were two months away from completing the year as he had formed a treaty with the Daedras or at least some of them to hold Dagon and Bal back until Thedas was conquered completely.

"So war is calling," says Mina as she saw the cold face of Vincent. It was the same face he had when he went to war against Akavir.

"Yes, I will make sure to return faster than before," says Vincent as he looked at all of his wives before telling his children the news that they needed to listen to their mothers until he returned.

A month before the war and the last Legions were assembled as well as the Dragons when Odahviing says, {It has been long since we had such a large scale war.}

{Aye, my friend. But we must fight this war and win it. Once this is done we can look into the future that will open to us,} says Vincent as he petted Odahviing's side of the neck.

He turns to the Generals and asks, "Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, sir!" shouted every person that was on the place waiting to board the ships to sail to Thedas.

"Then let us sail," says Vincent as everyone boarded the ships and they all sailed towards Thedas.

Vincent, on the other hand, was on Odahviing's back as the Dragons would regroup with them a week before they landed on Rivain and Antiva. Vincent sent a message to Lucia and Briin informing them about it while he waited.

Three weeks pass as a giant army of Dragons took flied of Tamriel and began to fly towards Thedas with a giant Black Dragon leading them.

{We will arrive there earlier if we keep this pace,} says Odahviing as a day passed and they already saw the ships under them.

{Then we will have to overrun them before the Legions arrive,} says Vincent as they continued flying towards Thedas passing the ship making even the people nervous that never saw the army of Dragons.

They could see land and Vincent was ready as they passed a mountain range when he saw the largest city and flew towards it leading his army.

On the walls of Dairsmuid, the guards were relaxing as nothing interesting was happening since the day that the Dragons showed themselves flying out to the sea.

They were relaxing when one guard was looking into the sky looking towards the mountain range when he sees many dark points flying towards them that grew bigger and bigger as the guard turned pale from seeing what was coming for them.

"What is wrong, cadet?" asks the guard captain as he looked at the direction and suddenly half of his body was missing.

Vincent just split the poor guy in two as he landed on the walls with his hind legs killing the guards on it, while his front legs were against the wall as he lets a roar out scaring everyone in the city.

"Bring me your Queen or Rivain will burn forever!" shouts Vincent scaring the people even more since a Dragon was speaking their language.

"If she doesn't appear by an hour the whole city will burn," says Vincent as the Dragon began to land in the streets and houses showing their dominance.

Their sheer presence made the people of Dairsmuid shudder in fear as they saw how many Dragons were still overflying the city. A Rivain woman with some extravagant tattoo and piercing arrived after half an hour as Vincent looked at her.

"Are you the Queen of Rivain?" asks Vincent as he was still in Dragon form scaring the woman even if she didn't show it.

"I am, what do you want from me?" asks the Queen of Rivain as Vincent looked at her intensely wanting to see if she would run away.

But she stayed put when Odahviing lands beside Vincent and says, {I like her, she remembers me of a certain someone.}

"We want everything from you. Rivain will be entering the Empire of Tamriel. If you don't agree we will burn Rivain down with anyone and anything on it. Leaving only dust to be repopulated again by the Empire," says Vincent as he stared at the woman.

"Why does the Empire want to conquer us?" asks the Queen as she wanted to know the reason.

"Because we can," says Vincent as his front leg landed beside the woman showing her that she was nothing more than an ant to him.

"We will conquer all of Thedas and bring peace to those lands. You can either join us as the Qunari did or die like all the enemies of the Empire leaving only skeletons behind as your legacy," says Vincent as he told quite the truth to her.

"We are no ones slaves," says the Queen as Vincent laughed.

"We don't need slaves. We just want to unify Nirn under one banner making it stronger than ever before," says Vincent as he looked at the Queen.

"So you would kill us all just because we wouldn't join the Empire," says the Queen.

"Like with many others before. We genocide or enemy while our allies become one with us. We leave nothing behind so nothing would be able to bite us back," says Vincent looking at her when she wanted to say something but Vincent continued, "We have talked enough surrender and become part of the Empire or die right now under my flames."

The Queen was looking at her people as she saw their fear and looked at Vincent while saying, "I can only guarantee that Dairsmuid. The other places are ruled either by Seers or Elderly Women."

"That isn't enough for us. Our army is coming and we are paving a road for them. I will give you four days to gather everyone. If you can't do that you all will die," says Vincent as he jumped and began to fly away with the Dragons again as they flew to Antiva to make give the same offer to them.

Four days have passed and everyone on Thedas heard that Dragons massacred Antiva completely for not joining and even attacking a Dragon.

The Queen of Rivain was quite in a difficult situation as well as the seer and leader of the settlements as they all came together hastily.

"We can't fight them. They destroyed Antiva in one day completely. It's a burning inferno and no one escaped it. The Dragons were gatekeeping everyone to enter Rivain and the Free Marches," says a seer as she had a vision of it.

"Then our only choice is to accept what the Dragon said," says the Queen as the seers and elderly women all seemed to agree to it as the contract was giving to them.

She only needed to sign it and everything would be resolved when they felt a quake and everyone was afraid that they were too late only to find a person in black armor holding a spear in front of them.

He was radiating a cold aura as he looked at the Queen and she seemed to recognize those cold eyes as she says, "That can't be-."

"Do you have your decision or do I need to burn everything down," says Vincent as he throws a ragged bag at the women when a head falls out of it and everyone was shocked.

"That's King Natale's head," says one of the seers.

"And yours will be joining it shortly or do you have decide if you will join the Empire," says Vincent as the Queen throw the contract back to Vincent.

Vincent looked at it and sees a name written under the contract as he says, "Helena Leon, a nice name. How old are you?"

"Nearing my thirties," says Helena as Vincent approached them.

"From today on Rivain entered the Empire. No one will be killed and the Chantry will be forbidden to exist on Rivain from today on and you, Helena Leon, will be joining me in marriage to complete everything," says Vincent as he sent the contract away.

"And you are?" asks Helena as she sighs in relief that the Dragon wouldn't destroy Rivain and kill her people making this little sacrifice by marrying this man.

"Vincent Highwind, First Emperor of the Highwind Empire and King of all Dragons," says Vincent as everyone was shocked that some even fainted from hearing that while Helena was in disbelief after hearing that.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts