
Ghost Ship

A week passed and Vincent wasn't in Skellige but Apocrypha talking to Hermaeus Mora on top of his tower when Hermaeus says, "I could join you in that battle even if it is for a short while."

"Good with this the Old Guard will be reunited for this battle. I will be calling you," says Vincent as Hermaeus Mora nods feeling excited to fight again for his King.

Vincent returned to Skellige opening the Black Book where his wives awaited him and Yennefer says, "Nilfgaard is near."

"Then we shall settle it tomorrow," says Vincent giving the command to his family to mobilize.

The next day, Vincent was on the Black Emperor with his family, the Lodge, and the Witchers sailing towards the Nilfgaardian fleet that was sailing to Skellige when Vincent says, "Now Ciri."

This was the command and Ciri used her powers signaling her exact position to the Wild Hunt. The Black Emperor was about to ram the leading ship of the Nilfgaardian Fleet when the sea froze stopping the collision.

Portals opened everywhere and the Wild Hunt rushed out of them making Vincent ask Avallac'h, "You said that your friend wouldn't join in this battle right?"

"Yes, Geralt and I took care of it. Eredin won't have any support in this battle except for the people that are loyal to him," says Avallac'h as the Wild Hunt appears on his deck and he throws his spear at the first one piercing through him.

The body was hanging in the air as the spear was supporting it when Vincent says, "Let's hope that he spoke the truth then. I really don't want to Genocide a whole race again."

Vincent then jumped from his position toward where his spear was while the others were fighting against the Wild Hunt. He retrieves his spear and gets attacked from behind but he just tanks the hit as the sword stopped at the armor.

"Swords won't help against an armor that even Dragons can't destroy by standing on it," says Vincent as he spins around and hits the enemy breaking his spine in two.

{Durnehviir!} shouts Vincent and a Dark Green Glowing Dragon appears out of nowhere followed by a Crimson and Pale Dragons that came from the rear of the Nilfgaardian fleet.

Durnehviir, better known as Hermaeus Mora, used his Fire Breath Shout summoning Green Flames that didn't burn but contaminated the people hit by it as they slowly fade away while he collected their memories.

Odahviing and Paarthurnax were breathing normal fire as they burned down the Nilfgaardian fleet and the Wild Hunt fighting on the decks of the fleet.

Vincent was fighting on deck when the Black Emperor seemed to free itself from the ice and begins to maneuver itself between the fleet before its cannons shoot from itself.

This made Vincent feel something strange was in the air when suddenly the Wild Hunt began to be killed off without them even touching them when Vincent hears a familiar voice.

"Reload the cannons we have some enemies to sink. The others deal with the enemies on deck don't let anyone of them touch the Imperial Family or you won't be able to enter the Hall of Valor again," says the ghost behind the steering wheel as he navigated his ship through the ice as if it didn't exist.

"Tyr!" shouts Vincent as it was Tyr Highwind itself who took command of the Black Emperor with his old crew that helped him win the battle against the Maormer.

"It seemed that you were in a pinch. You were never good when it came to fighting on a ship," says Tyr knowing that Vincent was horribly bad when it came to fighting on the sea.

Tyr maneuvered the Black Emperor into the heart of the enemy fleet avoiding the flames of the Old Guard perfectly as if the sea was his playfield and the others were just chess pieces he moved around showing his strength.

Ciri now could see the man that Mina told her to take after. Tyr was in his Prime at the moment as suddenly a woman walked towards him.

"Isabela take the wheel, I want to have some fun as well," says Tyr as Isabela rolls her eyes at her adoptive father before taking over while an ax appeared in Tyr's hand which resembled a lot the ax Vincent has.

Tyr fought his way through the Wild Hunt and it looked like he was performing a dance with his crew for them as they even in dead avoided the enemy's incoming attacks.

Tyr had a smile on his face as he was feeling complete again. Once the Wild Hunt was dealt with on the Black Emperor he took over the wheel again.

He was steering the Black Emperor to the biggest ship of the enemy fleet while sinking the smaller ships before he shouts, "Ready to invade the enemy ship!"

Suddenly more portals opened on deck and the man behind the attack appeared leading his elite on the deck of the Black Emperor. Ciri recognized him right away with the others that lived in this world.

"Finally we meet again, Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg. You even brought me a gift this time," says Eredin with a distorted voice while the ghosts on deck seemed to freeze up because of his cold aura when suddenly another aura began to counter his.

"You are on my ship," says Tyr as his aura manifested and tentacles began to rise out of the sea and they seemed to grab Eredin's aura when Tyr says with a smile, "Welcome to my world. Kraken, destroy his aura!"

The tentacles suddenly pulled at Eredin's aura ripping it out of his body as if it was nothing when Tyr looked at Isabela. Eredin was holding his chest feeling pain which shouldn't be possible.

Isabela entered the battle and killed the Wild Hunt Elite off as if they were children because of the pressure the Kraken was releasing upon them.

"You see that aura?" asks Mina to Ciri who nods when Mina continues, "Tyr is the only Highwind who can destroy the aura of another being be it living or dead. Once the Kraken has the chance to grab your aura it is over for you."

Tyr smiled as he left the rudder again leaving an officer of his at it as he approaches Eredin. Once in front of Eredin, he uses his ax to lift Eredin's head up to look him in the eyes which seemed to glow golden which couldn't be possible since he was an astral body at the moment.

"Now let me count you the crimes you committed against the Empire," says Tyr as Eredin tried to grab the astral ax only to have his hand pass through it.

"Your first crime was to attack the members of the Imperial Family," says Tyr as he swings his ax and separated Eredin's left arm from his body.

Eredin screams in pain as Tyr wasn't done yet as he says, "The second crime was to invade the Imperial Land."

Tyr swung his ax again and the right arm fell off of Eredin's body when Tyr continues, "And the last crime was to attack my family. That was the dumbest decision you could ever have made in your whole life."

Tyr was holding his astral ax against Eredin's neck while asking, "Any last words?"

But Eredin was in too much pain to say anything reasonable making Tyr just sigh before he swung his ax and Eredin's head flew off his body landing on the deck before rolling towards Ciri and Mina.

Tyr then returned to the rudder and continued towards the biggest ship of the enemy fleet. Once near the ship, Tyr gave the command to board the enemy ship that was already in chaos. It was a fast and clean victory as they took the Naval Commander of this fleet as a prisoner.

The Black Emperor was falling apart as it was sailing out of the battlefield victorious making Tyr say, "You did well, old friend. It is time to join me once we complete this mission."

The harbor was in sight and the Black Emperor was beginning to sink. Vincent was happy that the Black Emperor was able to have a glorious victory before falling apart.

"You should leave the ship. We will guide it from here on to its rightful place," says Tyr as he was ready to depart with the Black Emperor when Vincent nods before looking at Isabela.

"Your descendants are all great sailors. It's a shame that you can't see them since they are fighting somewhere else right now," says Vincent as he walked forward before hugging them.

Yennefer opened a portal and everyone passed through it while the Black Emperor began to sink faster when Vincent looks up and a dark green portal opened in which Durnehviir flew into disappearing.

Vincent, Ciri, and Avallac'h were the only living beings still on the ship when Vincent says, "It seems, it is time for you to face your destiny Ciri."

"How-?" asks Ciri when Vincent interrupts her.

"I can feel that the temperature is falling and an unnatural snowstorm is coming and neither Nilfgaard nor the Wild Hunt is still standing which means the White Frost is about to begin in this world," says Vincent as he looked at them before closing the portal which Yennefer opened for them.

"Also, Kynareth is whispering into my ear that my duty is fulfilled but I can't let you face the White Frost alone. I promised to look after you," says Vincent looking at Avallac'h who opened a portal towards their destination.

They pass through it as their feet are getting wet from the water. Once not longer on board the ship completely sank and an astral ship appeared on the sea which began to sail for a bit before fading slowly while the ghosts on the ship were singing about their victory before nothing was there any longer.

The three arrived at the Tower of Undvik and everything around them seemed to fall into chaos slowly making Vincent ask, "What is really going on?"

"A Conjunction of the Spheres is letting the White Frost in. Ciri has to stop the White Frost from killing all worlds," says Avallac'h as Vincent looks at Ciri.

"Well, it is nice to not be the one to carry the burden of the world for once," says Vincent as a joke before placing his hand on her shoulder.

"We will be waiting for your safe return. So make your teachers proud," says Vincent as he knew that once Ciri entered that portal his exile begins.

Ciri nods as she entered the portal while Vincent and Avallac'h were wishing her safe travel since they couldn't follow her. Soon after Geralt and Yennefer arrived at their position and were furious when the White Frost seemed to intensify making Vincent create a barrier to protect them before the Conjunction of Spheres stopped.

Vincent and Avallac'h looked in the direction in which Ciri disappeared in but she wasn't there. Yennefer was crying thinking she lost her daughter and Geralt was furious as he pulled out his sword since he couldn't talk to her before she went to deal with the situation.

"You killed her," says Geralt as he was about to kill Avallac'h in his fury when Vincent's spear stopped him.

"You need to believe in your daughter. She is stronger than you think so believe in her safe return," says Vincent as he was slowly fading away starting with his feet.

"What is happening?" asks Geralt as he sees Vincent slowly disappear.

"I am starting my exile which means Ciri fulfilled her Destiny. She might need some time to recuperate her strength before she can open a portal towards us," says Vincent as his upper body was the only thing still there.

Vincent approaches Yennefer while slowly fading and puts his hand on her shoulder while whispering, "I am sorry that I let you suffer in our last moment together. But Ciri will return at any moment."

Yennefer hugged him as he hugged her back when a portal appeared behind Yennefer while Vincent's upper body faded away with only his head standing in the air with a smile on his face as someone came through the portal.

She had pale skin and emerald eyes with white hair but had no scar on her face while her ears revealed that she was a Mer when Vincent whispers into Yennefer's ears, "Your daughter is right behind y-."

Vincent couldn't say the last word as his face completely faded making him face the house in which he found Ciri after helping O'Dimm.

"It seems it is time for me to repent for my sins," says Vincent to himself as he entered the house to begin his punishment.

Hope you like it.

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