
Empire's Improvement

Ciri and Avallac'h were alone in the house Naosane led them to when Avallac'h says, "This world seems quite peaceful for a land that tasted much blood."

"It must be because they have great rulers. That Naosane was once the Emperor of those lands like his father before him. This shows that they don't misuse their power like the people in our World," says Ciri as Avallac'h sighs.

"We need to find a way back home. The mirror was destroyed by Naosane's father because he thought more people were going to pass through it," says Avallac'h as he couldn't really be angry with Vincent's decision because they appeared out of nowhere in his bedroom.

"My question is how can he have that many wives by his side. They are all beauties," says Ciri as she only noticed them while leaving the house.

"Naosane mentioned that they weren't the only ones. His father buried some of his other wives as well as his children that didn't survive that long. He carries a burden I don't want to bear," says Avallac'h as Ciri looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" asks Ciri as she was now curious about what Avallac'h meant.

"He buried a lot of people that were important to him. He must have suffered from immense mental trauma from seeing his children and wives die. Could you live knowing that your child would die before you can? I know that I can't, that's why we are trying to stop the White Frost," says Avallac'h as he confessed to Ciri he couldn't bear such a burden.

"Maybe we should sleep fit tonight. We need to find a way back tomorrow," says Avallac'h as Ciri nods and they both go to bed in different rooms.

The next morning they wake up from hearing people outside when they looked out of the window many Mers were training together while they were following Vincent's movements.

It looked like close-combat and everyone had a naked upper body showing their muscles when suddenly they began to spar and Ciri as well as Avallac'h opened their eyes wide when they saw the weapons.

"What are those things. I never have seen a weapon like that before," says Ciri as Vincent was now carrying a different ax than before.

It was still the same design but the blade was made of something the two never saw before when the other took different weapons out to train like a spear or a sword.

"What are those weapons?" asks Ciri as the door opened and Mina entered the house.

"I can see you are awake," says Mina in their tongue surprising both when Mina giggled by seeing their reaction.

"We are really sorry but my son not only was talking with you but learning your language as well. Now we can communicate without trouble," says Mina as she apologized to them for what they did.

"That's no problem at least we can now communicate normally," says Ciri making Mina giggle again while Avallac'h sighs.

"Can I ask a question?" asks Ciri as Mina nods and Ciri asks, "What are those weapons?"

"Those are energy weapons. We don't have many of them. Only the Crownguard and the Highwind family have them for now as they are still prototypes my husband created," says Mina as it wasn't a secret.

"Your husband made them," says Ciri surprised as Mina smiled at her.

"Yes, Vincent is the best smith in Nirn. It used to be his father but he died long ago," says Mina as Ciri felt bad.

"Don't worry, it's been long so you don't have to feel bad talking about it. Also, we have other weapons as well that could surprise you like an airship," says Mina as Ciri looked quite confused as well as Avallac'h.

"Airships?" asks Avallac'h.

"Yes, ships that sail through the air. Then we also have two spaceships but one is right now in space while the second will soon be launched to test it," says Mina as both were shocked from hearing that.

"Wait how advanced is your world?" asks Avallac'h curiously.

"We call ourselves quite advanced compared to our past 50 years. We even have a telephone system making Messengers run out of business except we go to war then they will most likely be reinstated. But with the phones, I can talk with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren from long-distance without seeing each other," says Mina as she shocked both of them.

Mina walked towards the phone that was in this house as she picked it up and called Anra making the two look impressed by the phone.

"We have many more things but they still are in development," says Mina as she then took them out to the stables when a white furry snowball ran towards her.

"Is that a dog?" asks Avallac'h as Mina nods.

"This is Fenrir the Sixth. He is named after the first Mabari my husband had. The death of his dog hit him harder than the losses he made in war," says Mina as they reached the stables showing them the Chocobos.

"What are those?" asks Ciri seeing eggs laying beside one of them.

"They are Chocobos. They are our trusted companions and immortal making them the perfect mounts for people like us. The big one is Behemoth the father of all Chocobos on Tamriel and the pink one with the eggs is Lily the mother of all Chocobos," says Mina as Ciri wanted to touch them.

Mina took her hand and put it on Behemoth who was quite fluffy for Ciri while Avallac'h's eyes were on another mount that was inside the stable.

"Is that a Gryphon?" asks Avallac'h making Ciri turn around as she wanted to draw her sword only to find out that she forgot it at the house.

"Yes, it's the mount of our first daughter. It seems that Arkay doesn't want to break this girl's heart since she already lost her husband and child. The only thing left is her Gryphon," says Mina as she walked to the Gryphon and petted it surprising both.

"I thought Gryphons couldn't be tamed," says Ciri excited when Mina smiled.

"My people are known for their Gryphon Knights. My daughter even led them before becoming a Vampire. Then she joined another organization releasing her mother Karliah from that burden before she retired and now she lives here," says Mina as Ciri looked at her seriously.

"You have Vampires in your midst," says Ciri as Mina nods.

"Yes, we even had a sister who was a Werewolf. They have their own province in Akavir and live by the laws made by my husband. They shall never touch an innocent or their life would be forfeited. They hold themselves to that promise and Vlad one of Vincent's best friends is a Vampire too," says Mina surprising the newcomers.

"Your world surprises me over and over again. I would think to believe that if I didn't see the wars fought here thanks to your son," says Avallac'h as Mina smiles.

"An Empire can't arise without killing someone. My husband hates unnecessary killing but if he is in war his personality changes. He is cold and tries to install fear in his enemy by showing his whole strength. That's why no one dares to go against him. Even now he is training to ward off the next Daedric Invasion," says Mina confusing them.

"Daedric Invasion?" asks Avallac'h as Mina nods.

"Daedras can be called Demons if you go by the logic of how we saw them before but since Vincent married Azura many things have changed," says Mina as the two still couldn't work with what Mina told them.

"Azura is a Daedric Prince. That comes near to our Aedras. Both could be seen as Gods just that many confused the Daedric Princes, not like Vincent. He calls them friends while he calls the Aedras his family since his father is Akatosh the father of Dragons while his brother Arkay is the person regulating Death," says Mina dropping a bomb on both.

"You are telling me that Vincent is the son of a god and even married a god-like person!" says Ciri surprised as Mina nods.

"Yes, my husband is quite special after all," says Mina as she looked at both and asks, "How is developed is your world?"

"Not as developed as yours. Just comparing weapons makes ours look like stones. But I still haven't seen your armors," says Ciri as she couldn't compare them.

How about you follow me and I will show you a prototype my husband is working on," says Mina as both followed her to the main house.

Once inside they go into the basement and a Drachen-Set armor was hanging on a stand. Mina picked it up easily as she hands it over to Ciri and Avallac'h while saying, "This is a prototype for the new Dragoon armor. It weights almost nothing and it can even resist the full weight of a Dragon stepping on it."

"This can't be," says Avallac'h seeing the armor.

"It can as you can see. I worked hard on creating a new fabric that could make it possible and this is the result of it. I already created 200 of those armors and handed them over to the strongest of the strongest in the Empire. The Dragoons are the strongest troop we possess and all of them were trained by me," says Vincent as he took the armor back and placed it on the stand again.

"So you created the energy weapons and those armors. My father would most likely buy your weapons if he could. He is a monster hunter by the way," says Ciri as she was fascinated by them.

"Aye, I learned from the best after all. But first I need to equip the Legions with them before selling them to someone else," says Vincent as they looked confused at him.

"Isn't Nirn in peace?" asks Ciri as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that we can slack off. Only if you work hard your country can bloom in its full beauty. That's why we keep improving faster and faster," says Vincent as he went back up while saying, "Since you are already here you should eat with us."

They were sitting together around the table as Vincent as his wives began to eat while Ciri and Avallac'h looked at the food seeing that it was quite a simple meal that even a beggar could afford making them see why the Empire was flourishing as it did since even the former Emperor can live with just a simple meal instead of having something extravagant.

"Did you think I would serve something expensive or extravagant? I was born and raised in a village before I was thrown into an orphanage. I don't like to be extravagant except I must," says Vincent telling them the reason he is comfortable with simple food.

Ciri and Avallac'h begin to eat as they suddenly were overwhelmed by the taste as it tasted out of this world making Ciri gulp it down making Vincent say, "Slow down girl no one is going to steal your plate."

Hope you like it.

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