
Dimhollow Crypt

"So that I understand. You, the High King of Skyrim, wants to recruit the Dark Brotherhood to your Spy Network," says the woman.

"Exactly," says Vincent as he sits down on a chair that was in the room and offers her a seat before continuing.

"For my Spy Network to work I still need assassins and the Dark Brotherhood has them," says Vincent.

"So you won't go after us?" asks the woman confused.

"As long as you kill the person I tell you," says Vincent as he looks seriously at the woman and says, "The moment you keep doing the work of the Brotherhood will be the day I will hunt you down and I mean until every last one of you is dead in Tamriel."

"Alright, understood. No more Dark Brotherhood murdering. I will need time to inform my people," says the woman seriously.

"Good now you will come here to Riften with them and meet the former Thieves Guild. They are also in the Spy Network. You will all work together and the outpost in Falkreath and Dawnstar will be used to raise more recruits. This Network will reach all over Tamriel and will be feared far more than the Dark Brotherhood," says Vincent as he stands up.

"I will leave then, my lord," says the woman, who was about to leave.

"Your name?" asks Vincent as he didn't know it yet.

"Astrid," says Astrid.

"Good from today on you are the head of the Assassination department. You can leave now," says Vincent helping her out.

Astrid leaves and only Mina and Vincent are left in the room. They go to sleep for the next day would surely not be easy.

The next day they take off and with the help of some dragons that escorted them they arrived quite fast near Dawnstar at the Hall of the Vigilant that was already burned down.

"So you fought here then?" asks Vincent after seeing the Hall that was completely gone.

"Yes, we were lucky that we didn't die," says Talon as he passes his hand through the ashes of it.

"Well, where should we go again?" asks Mina after giving a prayer for the dead.

"It's this way once we are up there we will find the cave those bloodsuckers came for. I just hope that the old man is still alive," says Talon worried.

"Old man?" asks Vincent confused.

"Adalvald, he was the oldest Vigilant that was living in the Hall. He knew everything about the Dimhollow Crypt and warned us every time about it being a Vampire Nest. We didn't believe him since we went there every two weeks to look out so the old man could sleep without worry. But it seems we were wrong and the old man was right. He was dragged away by the Vampires back then," says Talon as he guides them to the Cave.

"So it's here," says Vincent as they dismount and says to the chocobos, "You two should stay outside for this time we need to be sneaky and with you two it won't be easy. We will call you when we are out of the cave."

The chocobos rubbed their heads against their owners before going against their will and leave to search for a secure place to stay.

"Let's go in to find out how bad everything really is," says Vincent as they enter the cave and find two vampires standing guard while an undead dog was with them.

"That's new," says Talon as he sees an entrance where before was only a boulder.

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent.

"The entrance was never there. They must have moved the boulder and cleaned the way," says Talon.

"Good for us that means they needed time to move everything as well as to clean a path. So whatever they are searching here is still here," says Vincent as he looks at Mina.

"This should be easy," says Mina as she prepares the Bow and Vincent takes his spear and is prepared while Talon grabs his sledgehammer.

"Now," shouts Vincent startling the vampires and dog when his spear pierces one of the Vampires while Mina kills the other with an arrow. Talon killed the dog with one swing of his hammer.

"Good now we only need to find the mechanism to open the gates," says Vincent as he takes his spear out of the corpse and burns them to make sure they are really dead. They search for the mechanism and find it after a moment.

Then they continue finding some graves and skeleton walking around with a vampire in the middle of everything. They fight their way through them arriving in another room with a cascade again with skeletons and a vampire.

"So far so good I would say," says Talon.

"It's too easy, keep your eyes and ears open," says Vincent as the entered a small corridor and Vincent changes to his ax instead of his spear while keeping the Dragoon armor on to not give Talon a bigger scare that he already got from switching weapons. Mina strapped her bow on her body and takes her daggers out while Talon changed his grip and hold his sledgehammer a little higher so he could still swing it without hitting the walls.

They encounter some spider corpses and their killers. They kill them as fast as possible finding themselves in a room where Draugs were fighting against vampires and they decide to Third-Party them killing them all.

They continue after burning the corpses and arrive in a room that had a Gargoyle in every corner. They touch the mechanism and the way opens for them as they enter a bigger room that had a lake in it. Vincent and Mina hear some whispers and duck while Vincent ducks Talon too.

"What's going on?" asks Talon quietly.

"Don't you hear them talking," whispers Mina back.

"Quiet or they might find us. This room us gar bigger which means that more people could be stationed here than in the other rooms," whispers Vincent as he looks out and only finds a corpse and three people then he ducks again while whispering, "Wrong alarm only three people we should be able to handle them."

They storm the three as they wanted to cross the bridge and after doing so Talon goes to the corpse and says, "Poor Adalvald you deserved a better end, my friend."

"How about you take him out and bury him. Then report Isran that we exterminated them. That should make him happy," says Vincent as he takes a bag of coins out and hands it over to Talon.

"Thank you, my lord," says Talon bowing before picking Adalvald's corpse up and leaving the crypt they way they came from.

"You sure about this?" asks Mina.

"Yes, those two were leading the expedition here and whatever is on this man-made isle in the lake must not fall either in the hands of the Dawnguard nor the Vampires," says Vincent as both are now on the isle and Vincent's hands get pierced by a mechanism then the isle begins to shine making a pattern.

"It seems we have to push those columns," says Mina as she pushed the first and the pattern moved.

"Then let's solve this puzzle. I don't know why they never make them more difficult," says Vincent as he pushes the next one in the right place.

"That's because they are Nords. If we were in Hammerfell or High Rock they would be more complicated since the grave robbers here wouldn't dare to enter into a nest of draugs just to get rich," says Mina explaining why the puzzles were quite easy to solve as the last column was put in the right position.

The column where Vincent's hand was pierced was sucked in by some dark magic and another tighter column came out. The magic vanished from the ground and Vincent says, "That looked a little Daedric don't you think so."

"Yes, but just a little," says Mina as she approaches the column and it didn't border with her. "It looks like a tomb, don't you think so," says Mina after looking at it.

"A little," says Vincent as he touches it and the column opened making a woman fall out of it. Vincent catches her and puts her down on the floor while saying, "Why would they put this woman inside it?"

Mina, on the other hand, saw something else and was in shock while saying, "An Elder Scroll. Why does she have an Elder Scroll is my question?"

"An Elder Scroll?" asks Vincent confused.

"Right you aren't from here. Elder Scrolls are quite complex since they can show you past or future events but everything has a price. People can go mad or blind in the worst case they die from reading them. The only people known to read them are the Moth Priests in the White-Gold Tower," says Mina explaining to Vincent everything.

Vincent then takes the scroll and puts it away in his back and puts the woman over his shoulder when he says, "Let's continue we might find a treasure deeper in."

"Why are you taking her with us?" asks Mina as she stares holes at Vincent.

"We can't leave her alone in the Crypt just because she is a vampire," says Vincent sweating a bit from the stare Mina was giving him.

"How do you know she is a vampire?" asks Mina with an angry tone.

"No one can survive this long in a tomb without eating or drinking and even if they did how long do you think she was down there. 100 years maybe 1000 or even more. No normal human can survive that long," says Vincent explaining Mina why he thought the woman was a vampire.

"Then she must be hungry. Ever thought of giving her some of your blood since you have a wound on your hand," says Mina.

"We can do that later when we are out of here," says Vincent as the cross the other bridge and he puts the woman down when he hears some cracks and takes his ax in hand while saying, "We aren't alone."

They turn to where the cracks were coming they see two Gargoyles break out of their stasis and begin to attack Vincent swings his ax taking both out and says, "They must have to be rusty since they didn't move for a long time."

Then he puts the woman on his shoulder again and they begin moving again killing their way through Draugs that were guarding a Word Wall. Mina was pocketing the treasures while Vincent was learning a new word and says, "It seems I have to tell the Greybeards of this word once we visit them again."

"Was it a new word?" asks Mina curious.

"More like the lost word to a shout. I think it's the first word. The Greybeards only have one word of this shout now with me they have two but they still miss the second word to complete the shout," says Vincent explain Mina what he found. Vincent puts the woman on his shoulder again and says, "We should leave. It would be best she wakes up while seeing the sky or a roof instead of a cave."

"There you are right. Once out we should go to Dawnstar," says Mina as they leave the cave.

Hope you like it.

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