
Dealing with Samara's Daughter

They arrived at Omega as Samara, Titania, Ikora, and Vincent with Ser Jorey on his shoulder left the Normandy.

They walked towards the Afterlife when Titania realized something and says, "I have one question, Vincent."

"And the question is?" asks Vincent curious to find out.

"Why had the Empire not destroyed the Omega-4 Relay while all the other Relays were destroyed by it?" asks Titania as she was curious why out of all the Relays in Imperial Territory it was still functional.

"Quite simple, neither the Aedra nor Daedra wanted to destroy it. They were saying that it will be used in the near future and it seems they were right since we are going to use it very soon," says Vincent as they reached the Afterlife.

"It seems not much has changed around here even if we are on Imperial Ground," says Samara as she looked around.

"Because it is easier for us that way to control Omega if we don't show ourselves and act through the shadows," says Vincent as they enter it together.

"Easier?" asks Samara surprised as Vincent nods.

"I had this conversation before but having Aria control Omega is a front since mercenaries need a safe harbor to go to when they need to relax and it is better if the said harbor isn't related to any authority but its own," says Vincent as they reached the stairs to meet Aria.

"Clever I must say," says Samara as Vincent sighs.

"It wasn't my idea but my grandson's. If it were me, I would have burned everything here down from the day we took it over," says Vincent as they reached the end of the stairs and they find Aria leaning back into her couch.

"It is nice to see you again, Shepard," says Aria looking at her before looking at the rest of her company.

"I thought the Empire wouldn't place their nose into my business," says Aria as she looked at Vincent.

"I am not here on business for the Empire. I am right now just a Mercenary hired by the Commander," says Vincent as Aria looked at him suspiciously.

"Well, I heard you blew up quite a party the last time you were here," says Aria as Vincent smiles.

"I was doing my job which was recruit someone named Archangel. I couldn't hold myself back since many people I care about were in danger," says Vincent as he waits for Titania's command to sit since she is leading them.

"How about we sit down and we talk about a matter," says Titania as Aria gives her a hand gesture to sit.

They sat down and Aria says, "I know why you are here."

"Really?" asks Titania not believing it.

"Yes, the Justicar in your group already betrayed your intentions, and with people dying randomly from a fried-brain makes everything smell like Ardat-Yakshi for me," says Aria looking at Samara as if they knew each other.

"You know each other?" asks Vincent to Samara quietly.

"We might have passed each other once or twice in our life," says Samara while Titania and Aria were talking about the Ardat-Yakshi when Vincent hears a whisper coming from his shadow.

His phone began to ring and Vincent stands up while saying, "I will meet you all outside."

"Fine," says Titania as Vincent leaves them behind.

He walks out of the Afterlife when he turns right and leans against the wall before he asks, "What is going on?"

Four shadows appear out of it when Vlad says, "It seems that the Ardat-Yakshi was caught by the Network two days ago before she could strike again."

"Is that true?" asks Vincent as the Network Agents looked nervous at him.

"Yes, she already killed three people since she appeared on Omega. We had to stop her," says one of the agents nervous.

"Is she alive?" asks Vincent seriously as the three agents were trembling.

"She is barely alive," says Vlad for them knowing that Vincent doesn't like to hear lies.

"If she is alive you have done a great job. We want to catch her alive to send her to Nirn. Flemeth wants to take some samples of her before she is imprisoned for the crimes she has committed against the Empire," says Vincent as he looks at Ser Jorey.

"Today you will learn some spells that only a Healer can use," says Vincent to See Jorey while petting the hamster before he turns to Vlad.

"Vlad, go inside and inform the others. Two of you will take me to the target while the other waits here for Vlad before you bring them to the target as well," says Vincent in a commanding tone.

They begin to move towards the safehouse the Empire has on Omega while Vlad walked back towards the Afterlife.

He got stopped by a Krogan at the door since he was openly wearing his Legionary Armor. Vlad looked the Krogan in the eyes making the Krogan feel shivers pass his spine like never in his life before.

Vlad turned away from him before giving him a small push before passing the Krogan and entering the Afterlife. He sees people staring at him before he begins to radiate an aura that intimidated everyone because a Vampire Lord with two streams filled with blood appeared behind him.

With every step he took towards the stair, the room became more nervous. It almost looked like time slowed down until he reached the end of the stairs when he looks at Titania and the other two.

"Commander, I have some information for you," says Vlad seeing the horror in the eyes of all the people in front of him.

He forgot the most important thing and released his aura before kneeling on one knee before saying, "I am sorry that you had to see that. It was the fastest and merciful way to enter and tell you the message."

"What message?" asks Titania nervous as Vlad looks her in the eyes.

"Vincent sends me. It seems we have the target already," says Vlad as he looked at Titania.

"That is good but where is Vincent?" asks Titania since Vincent wasn't there.

"There were complications and the target is between life and death at the moment. Vincent left right away to heal her before it is too late," says Vlad as he looked at Samara.

"She will be fine if Vincent reaches her on time," says Vlad to Samara before turning back to Titania, "Let me show you the way, Commander."

"Yes, let us go," says Titania before turning to Aria, and she says, "We will meet again, Aria."

Titania stands up and everyone else does the same before Vlad walks out of the Afterlife while the group follows. Outside was the agent waiting for them when he saw the group coming towards them.

"Ikora Rey, I heard a lot about you from your friend Cayde," says the agent as Ikora only held her face.

"What did that damn Exo tell you about me?" asks Ikora angry at Cayde who wasn't even there since he was on a secret mission god knows where.

"He told us about the Vanguard and how the Network reminds him of them," says the agent as he begins to move.

In the meantime in the safehouse, Vincent was standing in front of an Asari that is badly wounded which seemed a hopeless case for a normal Healer since the Biotics inside the Asari would reject the Healer excerpts he forcefully heals her.

"At least she is still breathing," says Vincent as he sees how she is being kept alive.

"The Doctor is part of your group and all the others aren't trustworthy or efficient as him. So we had to make our own medbay and respiratory system out of scraps we bought from the market," says one of the agents as Vincent changes his clothes appearing completely in white in front of them holding his staff.

"To tell you the truth I wouldn't be mad if she was dead," says Vincent as he looks at Ser Jorey and says, "Now watch little guy. The strength of the Light."

The tip of his staff began to shine as Vincent points it at the Asari before he says, "Curaga."

The Light penetrates the Asari making her shine before Vincent says, "Esunaga."

The Light slowly disappeared and Vincent changes his class onto that of a Ninja while saying, "Remove the tubes or she will become hysterical because she can't breathe on her own with all the tubes in her throat."

The agents begin to remove the tubes while Vincent presses his dagger against her throat ready to kill her if she makes a wrong move. They were done when the group arrived at the safehouse finding Vincent holding a dagger against the throat of the Asari.

Samara sees that and she flares up before Vlad takes her hand and twists it making her touch the ground before he puts a dagger against her throat as well ready to kill her for attacking his Emperor.

"Stop it!" shouts Vincent making everything shake for a moment before he looks back at the Asari on the table.

"What are you doing?" asks Titania as she steps forward.

"I am making sure that she doesn't kill the people in the room. The last thing she remembers is that she was fighting those three. What do you think will happen when she wakes up? She will be in battle mode," says Vincent as he looks at Samara.

"I won't kill her if she doesn't give me a reason, Samara. But if she does I am sorry our safety comes before your daughter," says Vincent serious making everyone in the room know that the Asari was dead the moment she showed hostility.

"Now calm down. Don't you have some device that can stop her biotics?" asks Titania but even Ikora could answer that question.

"Biotics aren't created with Magicka which makes it difficult. The only thing that we could do to seal her Biotics would be to kill her," says Ikora since they can't use Magicka bindings shackles on the Asari.

"What do the same you did to Liara before," says Titania as Vincent shakes his head.

"I won't intoxicate her with Magicka. We were lucky that Liara even survived it because she was injured but she is completely fine," says Vincent seriously when Samara stands up.

"We put her into a Biotic Stasis. She won't be able to move and use her Biotic Powers. But we need to take her right away to Nirn so she can't escape it and that is-," says Samara when Vincent opened a portal.

"Let's go," says Vincent to Samara as she puts her daughter into a Biotic Stasis.

The Asari was floating in the air as they passed through the portal before they appeared in Kvatch and Samara was confused when Flemeth was already awaiting them.

"It seems you need to restrain her. My daughters were quite similar always trying to kill Old Flemeth," says Flemeth looking at Samara as Vincent closes the portal.

"Do you have everything to extract the samples?" asks Vincent as Flemeth shows some empty syringes and a scalpel to cut some tissues from the Asari with a little container to hold it.

"Let's start by releasing her," says Flemeth as Samara looked at them worried.

"Do it now, girl," says Flemeth looking seriously at Samara before Samara releases the stasis when Flemeth froze time around the Asari.

She took the probes she needed and says, "I am done. I will need some months maybe years before I have the cure but I will inform you once I have found a cure."

"What do we do with her?" asks Vincent as Flemeth lifts her from the ground using a spell.

"I will need an Ardat-Yakshi to make sure that the cure really works or do you want her for something else?" asks Flemeth as Vincent looked at Samara.

"Your decision, it is your daughter," says Vincent as Samara was put in front of a difficult decision.

"The code demands her death for all her crimes but if she can save many other Asari by becoming a test subject I won't stand in your way," says Samara as Flemeth smiles at her.

"I will make sure she survives until she is cured," says Flemeth as Vincent looks at her seriously.

"You know how the Empire looks at Humanoid Experimentation," says Vincent as Flemeth laughs.

"She will be kept in a dark place where nobody will see her," says Flemeth before Vincent sighs.

"Just make sure that some of her rights are kept intact like regular meals," says Vincent as Flemeth leaves the Asari.

"Don't worry, it's not like I don't need her. She is the only sample I have after all," says Flemeth leaving them behind.

"I hope I did the right thing," says Samara as Vincent sighs.

"I hope so too. Let us return," says Vincent as he opens a portal again before they passed through it arriving at the safehouse.

"So everything is done?" asks Titania as Vincent and Samara couldn't really answer the question positively nor negatively.

"Let us just say we are done," says Vincent as they left the safehouse while Vlad entered Vincent's shadow again.

They reached the Normandy when Titania says, "I will have to see your skills next time, Ikora."

"It seems so," says Ikora as they entered the Normandy ready to leave Omega again.

Hope you like it.

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