
Ciri Awakens

Vincent was meditating, something he hasn't done in a long time. He was assimilating everything that he did in the past as he waited for Ciri to wake up when suddenly the door of the house was opened.

Vincent opened his eyes and found some dwarves standing under the doorframe. They were surprised to see someone live on this cursed island that sank their ship.

"Do you live here or did you also wreck your ship while getting too close to this island?" asks one of the dwarves as Vincent stood up.

"I'm in exile. It would be for the best that you take one of the boats that are in the harbor," says Vincent remembering that O'Dimm gave him two.

"This island has a harbor?" asks one of the dwarves surprised as Vincent ignored him and walked out of the house.

"You are quite lucky to be alive then. The last time I left the house I met with a horned beast that could eat a dwarf alive remembering its size," says Vincent scaring the dwarves.

"There are monsters living on this island. Shit, we are lucky that no Water Hag attacked us when we crashed," says one of the dwarves as Vincent took the lead following the path down to the harbor.

The dwarves followed him as they reached the harbor right away when they noticed that one of them was missing.

"Shit, that damn sleeping fool is missing," says one of the dwarves angry.

"What is wrong?" asks Vincent as he looked at the dwarves.

"Gaspard is missing. That fool must have fallen asleep while walking here," says another dwarf as Vincent sighs.

"I will look for him in a moment. Let me take you to the harbor first or you will lose yourself in the mist," says Vincent as he continued walking towards the harbor.

Once they reached the harbor, Vincent turns to the dwarves and says, "You should stay here. Prepare one of the boats, I will get your friend."

Vincent turned around and entered the mist again when he whispers "Laas Yah Nir" revealing to him all life forms inside the mist.

He sees the dwarf standing normally on the hill making him still making Vincent ask himself how the dwarf could be sleeping while standing still. He rushes to the dwarf's position and grabs him by the collar before rushing down the mountain since he couldn't leave Ciri alone for a long time.

"What is going on?" asks the dwarf as he woke up from feeling the wind on his face.

"You fell asleep while walking through the mist. Your friends are already waiting for you at the harbor and I need to return to the house and guard the person inside," says Vincent as he reached the harbor after a moment finding the dwarves preparing one of the boats to leave.

"Here is your sleepy friend. It might be better to tie him up to one of you so he doesn't lose himself," says Vincent giving them a tip so their sleepy friend wouldn't get lost or is left behind.

"What do you think we are, some dog that needs to be held inline," says the dwarf angry as Vincent sighs.

"I really shouldn't meddle with you but can I ask how the Northern Kingdoms are faring right now?" asks Vincent as he was holding his promise to Kynareth and hasn't talked to no one since he lived on the island.

"They are in chaos since the two Empires arrived there fighting against Redania," says one of the dwarves as he wasn't doing anything at the moment.

"Redania is losing then," says Vincent as the dwarf nods.

"Yes, since the King's disappearance two months ago. They are running around like headless chickens and Kaedwen fell to Aedirn. Redania is slowly losing with the Nilfgaardian Army coming at them from the south while the Highwind Empire attacks from the flank," says the dwarf as Vincent was writing down something and he handed it to the dwarf.

"Can you take that to Vengerberg for me? Tell them that Vincent sends this message. They will reward you greatly if you do so," says Vincent as the dwarf took the letter from Vincent.

"I won't say no to gold in our situation. We lost everything when our ship sank. Maybe it is enough for us to start a new life in Aedirn," says the dwarf as he pocketed it away.

"For who in Vengerberg do I have to deliver it?" asks the dwarf curious.

"Saskia the Dragonslayer, she is the one you have to deliver it to. She will know what to do," says Vincent as he saw the greed in the dwarf's eyes.

"If you open it you will die a cruel death. The letter is enchanted with a spell that only a person from the Highwind Empire can open," says Vincent warning the dwarf to not do something stupid.

"I will deliver it, with this mission we will be able to stand on our two feet again," says the dwarf when they hear another dwarf giving the okay to leave with the boat.

"Good luck out there," says Vincent as he turned around sprinting towards the top of the hill to the house.

Once there he finds Ciri still sleeping calmly making Vincent sigh in relief that she was alright. He walks towards her bed and sits down on the ground leaning against the bed.

He closed his eyes and began to meditate again while saying, "I hope that Briin can resolve everything with one Legion."

Another month passed as Vincent was watching over Ciri that still hasn't woken up but thanks to Kynareth's blessing she was protected from hunger and thirst until she wakes up.

'How long will it take for her to wake up?' asks Vincent himself as he looked at Ciri.

He heard footsteps coming from outside and prepared himself. Nobody visits this island of their free will. The door opened and Vincent saw a familiar face.

"Geralt of Rivia, we meet again," says Vincent seeing Geralt for the first time since they talked in Vergen.

"What are you doing here?" asks Geralt as he was suspicious of Vincent.

"I am just looking out for my student. She was dead when I found her almost three months ago. I had to ask for a favor from a person that really hates me. She brought her back but since then she has been sleeping," says Vincent as he sat down on the ground.

"She was dead?" asks Geralt worried about Ciri as Vincent nods.

"She was, I had to do a favor for a friend and he brought me here. I also killed all the monsters in the vicinity to keep her safe," says Vincent as Geralt sits down across him.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" asks Geralt and Vincent lifts his shoulders.

"I don't know. The person that revived her told me that destiny would wake her up. Since then I have been waiting for her to open her eyes," says Vincent as Geralt smiled.

"It seems, you know something I don't know," says Vincent as Geralt nods.

"She and I are linked by the rule of surprise. Our destinies are linked to each other," says Geralt as Vincent stood up.

"Then shouldn't you be waking her up. I will prepare her something to eat and drink in the meantime," says Vincent as he entered the kitchen while Geralt walked towards the bed.

Geralt caresses Ciri's face with his hand before saying, "Little Sparrow, it's time to wake up."

Ciri seemed to react to Geralt's voice when Vincent says, "You need to stimulate her more."

"Ciri wake up, Vesemir is waiting for us in Kaer Morhen with Lambert and Eskel," says Geralt as Ciri's eyelids were moving, making Vincent smile.

"One last push and she should wake up," says Vincent as Geralt hold her in his arms.

"Yen and Triss are there too, waiting for your safe return," says Geralt as he suddenly felt someone hug him.

"I had such a nice dream. I was in a big hall with many heroes that shared stories about their deeds while they were alive," says Ciri as she opened her eyes seeing Vincent standing behind Geralt.

"I heard that you saved me and received a punishment of exile," says Ciri as Vincent smiles.

"Did the great heroes tell you about it?" asks Vincent as Ciri shakes her head while releasing Geralt.

"A man named Tsun told me or better said showed me what happened," says Ciri as she stood up from the bed.

She walked towards her teacher and hugged him as well while saying, "I saw that you were willing to give your life so she could return mine. Not many teachers would do that for a student."

"And still I did because she deserves to kill me," says Vincent as he returned the hug before releasing her.

"But before I start my exile," says Vincent as he summoned his spear and was ready to leave, "I have still a task to fulfill."

"Which is?" asks Geralt as Ciri smiled at her father.

"It's to help me fulfill my destiny," says Ciri as Vincent nods.

"It was part of the deal I struck with Kynareth. Help you overcome your destiny and then return to exile until my wife comes to get me," says Vincent as he walks towards the door.

"We should take the boat back to Kaer Morhen. If you use your magic the Wild Hunt will pinpoint your location," says Geralt looking at Ciri as Vincent nods.

"I agree with Geralt. You shall not use any magic until we reach the destination," says Vincent as he opened a rift.

"But we should be able to get there by using the portal. Just pass through it. I'm right behind you," says Vincent as they passed through the portal before Vincent did.

They were standing on a mountain with a broken-down bastion behind them. They have a nice view of Kaer Morhen right in front of them as Vincent touches Ciri's shoulder and says, "Welcome back to your home."

"We should go and meet the others," says Geralt as the student and teacher agreed with him.

They walked down the path towards Kaer Morhen until they reached the gate of the fortress.

Hope you like it.

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