
Cerys First Encounter with Dragons

A Legion landed in Skellige a week after the duel to make sure that the Jarls wouldn't try something against Uther who thought that the people were quite honorable to their word.

But Vincent told him that it would be better to be prepared than to trust blindly as he says, "Torygg made this mistake with Ulfric and was killed in an unfair duel in which Ulfric used the tongue against him."

"Fine," says Uther as he was sitting beside Cerys who was still not warm with Uther but wasn't cold with him either.

She knew why the Legion was in Skellige as it was for Uther's protection and wasn't against it after seeing how disciplined and well-mannered they were compared to the people they call warriors.

They didn't break the law and if someone was breaking it they would bring them to the guards who then took over and questioned the person before either releasing them or punishing them for what they did.

The group stayed for another week as they were waiting for two people to return from the south front to join them. Cerys was confused as she didn't know on who they were waiting for when two giant shadows appeared over Skellige.

She never saw a Dragon before and today was the day she met two at the same time. One was pale while the other was crimson making her think that they are fire Dragons.

"Oh, it seems the Old Guard is back together only one Dragon is missing," says Uther seeing Odahviing and Paarthurnax flying over the castle.

"The Old Guard?" asks Cerys as Uther nods.

"We Nords have many stories about Vincent and his deeds since he came from Skyrim and lived under them as their High King before becoming Emperor," says Uther as he then points at the Dragons and says, "Those two are his first followers. The red one is Odahviing and the white one is Paarthurnax. The Old Guard is made out of four Dragons and they are two of them."

"Who are the other two?" asks Cerys curious as Dragons aren't something common in her world.

"There is Vincent as the Black Dragon and the last one is a Decaying Dragon named Durnehviir. Now he is better known as Hermaeus Mora," says Uther as Cerys was confused about the decaying part.

"Decaying Dragon, is that even possible?" asks Cerys as Uther remembers that the Dragons in this world aren't immortal.

"Yes, the Dragons in Nirn are immortal except they get killed by a Dragonborn, a Dragon, or they are sealed by a special rite after killing them. Durnehviir was tricked into a deal he couldn't escape and was trapped in a place where he couldn't die even if he wanted to. Vincent broke him out and made him into Hermaeus Mora later on," says Uther as Cerys looked at him for more context.

"*sigh* Hermaeus Mora is a Daedric Prince. A Daedric Prince is like an Evil God going by history but recently they are seen differently because of Vincent who befriended them except for one which we haven't heard of for a long time now," says Uther as he was thinking about where Molag Bal could be at the moment.

"So Vincent made a Dragon into a God!?" asks Cerys as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes, he is also almost a God. He could have ascended a long time ago but he delayed his Godhood because of something. And before you ask, no, I don't know why," says Uther as he knows much about his family but not their secrets.

"Can we go and meet the Dragons?" asks Cerys as she really wanted to see them from a better view.

Uther was thinking about it as it would give him some plus points in gaining Cerys' favor and says, "We could but if we are asked to leave by them we will leave. I don't want them to hurt you."

"Fine by me," says Cerys as she accepted Uther's terms of meeting the Dragons.

They leave the castle as Uther used his Chocobo which could carry two people since he was too big for a normal Legion Chocobo having to use a Domestic Chocobo that would be used for plowing the fields or in caravans to pull a carriage.

Cerys found out fast why the Legion uses Chocobos and not Horses. She was about to encounter her first Dragons which made her feel excited but also feel a bit of fear that they might be attacked.

Uther already had experience with Dragons mostly good but once a Rogue Dragon attacked his nomadic tribe only to find out the hard way that you don't deal with Giants.

They arrived and find Vincent there already talking to them in a language that Cerys couldn't understand. She looked at Uther who only smiles.

"That is Dovahzul, even I can't speak it. The only ones in the family that can speak it are Vincent, his wives, Mako's descendants, and the Ice Queen," says Uther as Cerys was confused.

"Ice Queen?" asks Cerys as Uther nods.

"You met her already," says Uther telling Cerys about Vincent's daughter with Kirvena.

"She was called Ice Queen because she didn't have a King. She had a harem made out of the strongest Snow Elves. Male and Female were in that harem just to please her desire and she gave birth to three children," says Uther retelling the story that knows of the Icy Queen.

"She could do anything she wanted it seems," says Cerys as Uther nods.

"The only person that could stop her was after all Vincent but he wanted her to be happy for some reason," says Uther as Vincent waves at them to come closer.

"It seems two curious cats showed up," says Vincent looking at them with a smile when he continues, "This is Odahviing and Paarthurnax. My two oldest advisors and my friends or brothers depending on how you look at me."

"The young giant seems to have left his nest," says Odahviing looking at Uther.

"It seems you already know Uther. Well besides him is his future wife, Cerys an Craite or Cerys Highwind, but she has to decide for herself if she wants to take our family name as hers," says Vincent as he presented Cerys to them.

"She is quite eye-catching reminding me of Aela a bit," says Paarthurnax as Cerys looked confused.

"Aela was a wife of mine that died out of old age," says Vincent lying about this matter since the truth was quite complicated to tell Cerys.

"She was a Nord like Uther just that she was also a Werewolf," says Vincent which surprised Cerys a lot.

"A werewolf?" asks Cerys as she looked at Uther for confirmation who only nods at her.

"Werebeast and Vampires are quite common in Nirn they even have their own Province and life between the people. It really doesn't matter who or what you are in the Empire as long as you follow the laws," says Uther informing Cerys.

"The chick is right. The Empire is fair to every one of its citizens as long as they follow the law even we Dragons follow it and we are quite a prideful folk compared to the other folks of the Empire," says Paarthurnax to Cerys.

"Even Vincent follows the laws?" asks Cerys as the Dragons begin to laugh out loud.

"Even I follow the laws when they don't conflict with my beliefs at that moment. But if you ask the people I had to judge in my time many will tell you that I sometimes closed my eyes and let them go unpunished because they only were in a desperate situation," says Vincent as Cerys looked at Uther and the Dragons for confirmation.

"He mostly did. I remember the incident of Winterhold should be a good example," says Paarthurnax as he told Cerys about the incident in which Vincent took the title of Jarl away from the present Jarl and gave it to his son who was still a child, and the reformation of the dead city of Winterhold into the Magical Capital of Nirn.

"Many people were grateful that Vincent rebuild and made out of Winterhold what it is today," says Paarthurnax as he spoke more than usual.

"I think your tongue has become loose again, old friend," says Vincent as he noticed it.

"I haven't spoken that much for such a long time," says Paarthurnax as he realized it himself now.

"But we are still missing one person," says Odahviing as Vincent nods.

"He will join us when the battle begins. We don't know how long he will be able to stay in this world," says Vincent as the two Dragons understood what Vincent meant.

"Are you going to summon a God into our presence?" asks Cerys curiously as she had sparkles in her eyes.

This surprised Vincent and the Dragons when they looked at Uther who looked to the side while coughing.

"Yes, I will be bringing the Old Guard together for the fight against the Wild Hunt and Nilfgaard," says Vincent as Cerys and Uther looked confused at him.

"Nilfgaard?" asks Uther for both of them.

"They send a fleet towards Skellige it seems they don't know that Skellige belongs to us. We will use them to our advantage making them face the Wild Hunt while we stay in the shadow only to appear out of nowhere and kill them all," says Vincent when a portal appears in front of them.

Yennefer comes running out of it with Mina following before the portal closes behind them. Yennefer had a worried face while Mina seemed calm about this situation.

"What happened?" asks Vincent worried.

"Ciri ran away," says Yennefer as Vincent sighs.

"I should have talked with her to mend our relationship," says Vincent as he looked at the two.

"She is still in Skellige if we can trust Avallac'h's words. She asked him about a safe place in which she could stay for a while," says Mina as Avallac'h informed them when he saw how worried Geralt and Yennefer became with Ciri's disappearance.

"What about Geralt?" asks Vincent serious as Geralt should come with them.

"He already took a boat and sailed for the safehouse," says Yennefer as Vincent looks at Odahviing who nods.

"I will take you there," says Odahviing as he helped Yennefer and Mina onto his back while Vincent only jumped.

"Uther and Cerys, entertain Paarthurnax for me until we return," says Vincent to them as Odahviing showed his wings span to them while Paarthurnax protected the young couple with his wing from the wind that Odahviing produced as he took off.