
Brecilian Forest

The week passes as Anora was influencing her husband to sign the treaty because she believed that a treaty with the Empire would scare Orlais if they ever tried to do something against Ferelden again.

Loghain was still suspicious about it but since his own daughter made her point clear as the Empire could be a good backing against Orlais he rather fast agreed to it.

They stayed in the capital for a while before Vincent wanted to roam Ferelden with his wives while Mina, Kirvena, and Karliah wanted to stay back to accompany Anora while Anra was in a traditional Bosmer Armor while Serana had her Vampire Armor on.

Cailan gave them a permission written by him as well as with the Seal of the Theirins on it making it even more official with Loghain's seal as well. They got Behemoth out of the ship as well as the mounts of Serana and Anra.

"What are those things?" asks Anora as Mina explains to her that it was a Chocobo and that they are mounts that far more loyal that a good horse could ever be.

"So they can be used everywhere," says Anora as Mina nods.

"They can even fly after adapting to the magic in the air. Vincent calls it Aether Currents. In Tamriel, almost all Chocobos can fly. But not all Chocobos are as big as Behemoth and Lily. You have seen how small the other two Chocobos were beside Behemoth. They are the normal ones made to let one mount them. Behemoth can carry up to four people," says Mina as Anora was fascinated hearing that.

"To bad the Chantry would never allow them since they use magic," says Anora as they retreat back to the Palace.

"And how is it going with Cailan did you try it again?" asks Mina as Anora got red.

"Yes, we tried it again even if he didn't like it. Sometimes I think he hates me for not have born him an heir," says Anora sad.

"Don't worry once he knows you are with child he might become more responsible about everything instead of having such a childish attitude," says Karliah as she saw how her own sons changed drastically after having children.

"I hope so. He is pursuing glory to fill his father's shoes," says Anora as they returned to the Palace.

Vincent, on the other hand, was riding on Behemoth south into the Brecilian Forest when Serana asks, "Why are we coming here again?"

"Because Hrotti send a letter and said that Werewolves live in the forest. They are a little different but still under Hircine's control. She wants us to help them because they want to cure themselves of that curse," says Anra as they were riding deeper in the forest when suddenly an arrow comes flying towards Vincent.

He catches it and Behemoth and the other stop as Vincent says, "You can come out."

Two elves appear behind some trees and one says nervous, "You are getting to near to our camp, shem."

"Shem?" asks Anra confused as Vincent looks at her confused as well.

"You really are dumb to not know what shem means. Just turn back and don't come back," says the other when Vincent takes his helmet off.

"Do I look like a shem to you?" asks Vincent as the two elves could see clearly that Vincent wasn't a human and got scared because of his black skin and horns making them believe he was an Abomination.

As they released arrows only to find them being caught by Vincent again. Being on the battlefield he had to learn how to fight against arrows and by catching them he could intimidate his enemies and boost the morale of the Legion.

"I think you are confusing me for something else, little Bosmer," says Vincent as he takes a closer look at both elves as it was a woman and man.

The woman was blond while the man was brunette as they looked quite scared that Vincent could catch their arrows when suddenly Serana disappears from their sight and appears behind them.

As the woman falls over while the man was scared almost shitless when he says, "Away Demon you won't get us."

"That hurt. It's been almost 200 years since someone called me a Demon," says Serana as she took both by their collar and dragged them to where Vincent was.

"You got them quite fast Serana," says Vincent as Anra jumped from her Chocobo and looks at the condition of both as the woman was unconscious while the man was too scared to know what was going.

"Don't touch me," says the man as Anra takes her helmet off and the man could see the ears of Anra.

"You are an Elf. Are you Dalish like us? No, you can't be. You don't have a Vallaslin," says the man as he was now more confused.

"Don't worry my husband might look scary but he has a heart of gold as long as you don't piss him of also I'm a Bosmer in your language it would be Wood Elf," says Anra as she calmed the man down and then she asks, "What's your name, boy?"

"Theron Mahariel and I'm not a boy," says Theron as he defended himself while he looked confused when they begin to laugh.

"Boy compared to us three you are a boy. Anra is over 200 years old as well as I and Serana over here is even older even if she doesn't want to tell it," says Vincent as he dismounts and walks towards Theron who tried to back away when Anra stops him.

"He is an Au-Ra, not a Demon or Abomination. You people really need to learn not to judge a book by its cover," says Anra as Theron calmed down again and they begin a little conversation.

Vincent then puts the woman on Behemoth while Anra sat beside her to look after her. They begin to move as Vincent was guiding the chocobos while Theron was guiding the Hallas he and Lyna rode when Theron asks, "So Elves on your continent are long-lived like our ancestors?"

"Yes, some live longer than others but they can reach the 1000 years if they take care of themselves well except for Orcs they have a live span almost like Men also call them Mer or you can confuse them," says Serana as Theron was quite interested in the continent right now.

"So in your Empire El- Mer are seen as equal?" asks Theron as Vincent nods.

"Yes, the Emperor is an Altmer while his children are Bosmer, and before you ask the children of different races take after their mother. I had to learn it the hard way since all my children took after their mothers," says Vincent as he sighs.

"The girl is waking up," says Anra as the girl, the twin sister of Theron named Lyna, almost fell off Behemoth's back if not for Anra holding her.

"You alright Lyna?" asks Theron as Lyna nods as she was scared they were taken hostage when Theron tells her about their temporary companion.

They were walking almost near their camp as Vincent says, "Next time asks some question before you shoot your arrows. It could save your life if we weren't here peacefully you could have been dead."

"Thank you for telling us about your continent. I really think you should stay at our camp. Keeper Marethari would like to exchange stories with you," says Theron as he would follow the three if he could but he wouldn't leave his sister alone at the camp since their parents are dead.

"Maybe we should it is getting late," says Anra as she looked up and Serana was still hiding from the sun under her hood.

"Yes, we should it will be hard anyway to find said Werewolf Nest," says Serana as Vincent nods.

"Alright we will stay but first inform them about us don't want to cause a mass panic," says Vincent as they waited on the place for now while Theron and Lyna left to meet with Marethari.

They returned with Marethari themselves and another Dalish as Marethari says, "Andaran Atish'an, my name is Marethari. I heard from Theron and Lyna that you came from far away."

"You could say so we come from the east we crossed the ocean and arrived here. We came to find information on the Darkspawn but we are also right now following a lead on some werewolves that are under a curse and want to be set free," says Vincent as Marethari sat down across of them.

They begin to talk sharing stories when Marethari asks, "Is it true about the elves on your continent?"

"Mer," says Vincent.

"Pardon?" says Marethari as Vincent repeats.

"Mer, They are called Mer on the continent because there are too many different races of Mer. They have their own province and governed by their Kings that are all under the Emperor," says Vincent as Marethari nods in understanding.

"We should go to the east if the Mer live free it is better than living here," says Theron as Vincent only laughs.

"Why are you laughing?" asks Theron confused.

"You wouldn't be accepted that easily by my kind," says Anra as they looked confused when Anra continues, "My people the Bosmer who you look-alike follow the 'Green Pact' with you having used plants they would kill you to calm the gods. We only eat meat and what we kill."

"You mean-," says Lyna pale suddenly.

"Yes, they are cannibals. If they ever kill a person they eat them. That's why Anra doesn't follow the Green Pact and gave up her last name," says Vincent as they now knew why Vincent was laughing.

"So you wouldn't take us to the east?" asks Marethari when Vincent shakes his head.

"I would but you would have to earn your place and accept one truth," says Vincent as Marethari, as well as the others, looked confused at Vincent.

"What do we have to accept?" asks Marethari as she wanted to know what Vincent was going to say.

"That your old gods are just mere Mers that became immortal because of their connection to magic," says Vincent as everyone was shocked by what he said.

"What do you mean?" asks Marethari confused.

"Your Gods aren't really Gods but just really powerful Mages that turned to gods because of the legends they forged in the past. Once you meet a god you know it. I met a few in my life and I have only felt for now Daedric Influence around Thedas no Divine wants something to do with Thedas since the veil appeared it seems even Stendarr has abandoned you and he normally wouldn't do that," says Vincent explaining everything he knows about the Elven Mages that were called gods.

Hope you like it.

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