
Battle in Kaer Morhen

Two days passed since the feast and Vincent and the others were in their armor when Naosane says, "I haven't felt this nervous since I joined the campaign against Akavir."

"That's because you haven't entered a battlefield for a long time, Naosane," says Vincent as he looked at his children wearing armor that represents their race.

"It seems they will be coming for Ciri today," says Vincent as he looked at the sky as it was cloudy.

"Are you sure?" asks Mina as Vincent nods.

"They like us are on an invisible timer. Our is provision right now while theirs is Mehrunes Dagon. He could start the war again at any moment. What they don't know is that Dagon is having fun seeing their despair making him take his time conquering their world and pulling it into his realm," says Vincent as Lucia who would be the Commander over them approached.

"If that is true they should already have some scouts outside in the forest around here and here," says Lucia as she borrowed the map from Geralt yesterday.

"We will be around here holding the wall as well as here," says Lucia as she points at the south and west walls that were connected through the gate.

"Half of us will be in the courtyard with me. Mother, you will be in command of the south wall while Naosane will be in command of the west wall. Our mission is to secure Ciri's well-being. I don't want anyone to hold back while fighting do you all understand!" commands Lucia as her fierce red eyes glared at her younger siblings.

"Yes, ma'am!" shouts everyone back as they could see that Lucia put her Gryphon Rider Helmet on.

"Then I welcome you to this bloodbath," says Lucia as she walked in front of everyone.

They left the keep as they took their position on the walls and courtyard surprising the others how organized they are. Vincent and Mako walked further as they passed the gate before Vincent closed it behind him.

"It's has been long since we fought in that form together," says Mako as she was wearing an armor with two daggers that resembled Vincent's Ninja Armor (Lvl 50 Ninja Armor set).

Vincent was in his Dragoon armor as they walked further away from Kaer Morhen making the people that didn't know what they were about to do nervous. They stopped after they were far enough away from Kaer Morhen and Vincent kissed his wife before both shouted and both began to transform into giant Dragons.

Mako was a giant shiny white scaled Dragon being the complete opposite of Vincent in this form. They spread their wings as the people on the wall were shocked to see that while the children kneeled down on one knee confusing them more.

"What are they doing?" asks a man in blue and white clothes as Lucia stood back up.

"Praying for a glorious death so we can meet our family again in Sovngarde," says Lucia to the man.

"Sovngarde?" asks another man he was bald and had the same eyes as the other witchers.

"Sovngarde is the place in which great heroes and warriors enter after dying. But to enter it you have to live your life with honor and die a glorified dead that will allow you to pass Tsun and enter the Hall of Shor," says Orug as he was in his Orc Armor holding Volendrung.

Vincent and Mako then growl at the sky as they take off and fly over the valley to halt the advances of the enemy. Yennefer was seeing that as she was beside Mina. She was surprised to see not only Vincent but also Mako in their Dragon-form.

They could see from the wall that both Dragons were spewing fire out of their mouth, making Yennefer ask, "Are they Fire Dragons?"

"Dragons aren't categorized like that. It depends on how many words of power they have learned. Vincent learned all of them over the years but Mako is different. She was born with all of them thanks to their father," says Mina as Yennefer was confused.

"She is also a child of Akatosh," says Yennefer as Mina nods.

"Yes, but they are different going by blood since Mako was born as Dragon that can become humanoid while Vincent is the opposite," says Mina as they see the valley in flames when some ice boulders came flying towards them.

The boulders impacted against a Golden Shield, it is something the Sorceresses worked with Avallac'h the whole night. Soon cracks appeared on the Golden Shield when Mina raises her hand and everyone on the south wall goes into position.

"Barrier!" shouts Mina as a giant barrier appeared over the golden shield as the shield was mending itself until it was solidified again.

On the west wall, they had a similar situation as Naosane was in charge the boulders of ice that came flying towards them were stopped by him alone as he moved his palms creating smaller barriers that stopped the boulders while the others used fireballs to melt the ice.

Suddenly an arrow came flying towards him when his wife stood in front of him holding her shield to protect him.

"You still leave yourself wide-open while casting," says his wife as Naosane smiles.

"For what do I have my Crownguard," says Naosane back making her smile as she stood in front of Naosane while others were holding the first line protecting the others with their shields.

"It's because of those things that happen in your family that I didn't want our children to learn the martial path. Mages are in the backline far away from the danger," says his wife as more arrows were raining down from the sky when she shouts, "Sheltron!"

The shield-bearers all radiated as a wall made out of shields was summoned with their Magicka that blocked all the arrows making them fall before their feet. The shield-bearers were standing firm as the wall disappeared.

The Wild Hunt was slowly approaching the gate as Vincent and Mako can't take care of everyone. Mina sees them as she gives Lucia the signal, making Lucia position the spear-bearers in the first line.

Lucia looked at Orug and says, "You know what to do."

Orug nods as he and the others prepared for the tactic they will be using to surprise the enemy as the gate was holding quite well showing that Vincent didn't use some cheap enchantments on it.

"Everyone ready to engage the enemy," says Lucia as everyone was serious since one false move could kill their comrade.

The gate broke open and they rushed at the incoming enemy. Just a moment before the enemy could crash into them the spear-bearers kneeled while pointing their spears at the enemy making them run into them before the second line used their backs to jump higher and smash their weapon at the enemy.

The battle brought out at the courtyard as the Wild Hunt's first objective was to get the Golden Shield down so they could open portals inside Kaer Morhen. Lucia's objective was to kill at least one of their leaders and her chance just entered the stage wielding a big mace.

"He is mine," says Lucia as she approached her enemy.

The elf didn't even know what happened as Lucia was so fast that he only saw a black blur with a tiny bit of red before he lost an arm. Lucia stood behind him as she was holding the arm.

"Is that all you have? I think my father overestimated the Wild Hunt," says Lucia as she sucked the blood out of the arm.

Her eyes seemed to glow brighter as she lunged at the elf again when the elf swings his fist which was stopped by her palm.

"You think you can defeat me that easily. I am Imlerith. I am absolute strength," says Imlerith with overconfidence as it seemed he was pushing Lucia back.

"Is that all?" asks Lucia again as she now used her real strength.

She was pushing Imlerith back as if he was a little child as her skin turned black and she took her Overlord-form. Imlerith was pushed towards the ground as she ripped his other arm out while smiling at him making her look like a psycho worse than Imlerith is. This installed fear in her enemies but also in their allies that didn't know that she was playing it to win this battle.

Imlerith was in despair as Lucia removed his helmet before she bit into his neck sucking him dry before she ripped his neck apart taking his head. Then she transforms back and places the head on a spike before sending someone to the wall so they can display it.

Once they lost one of their Leaders the Wild Hunt had to think about retreating even more so with Vincent and Mako killing most of the Wild Hunt before they could approach Kaer Morhen.

But what Lucia hoped would happen didn't happen as even more people now rushed into the courtyard, just to die by their hands when Lucia think, 'They must be really desperate to get Ciri.'

It looked more like a one-sided massacre as the Wild Hunt couldn't overcome the courtyard. They just run into the courtyard to be killed soon the Wild Hunt retreated as they have lost too many of their people without the other leaders showing themselves.

Vincent and Mako were still killing the remnants of the fleeing Wild Hunt before they returned to Kaer Morhen.

In the meantime in Redania, Briin took over a small city in the east showing to Redania that they are now pinned down by both Empires as he didn't take prisoners. The church in the city was burning while the Witch Hunters were burned alive.

At the same time in Vengenberg, Saskia was preparing for Radovid's execution as she was talking with Adda and the other women about how to proceed in this matter.

Adda was quite cold and seemed to have no feeling for her husband that will be executed soon making Serana and the others smile that Saskia was right about Adda.

Hope you like it.

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