
Arriving at Halamshiral

It's been a month since the Legion was at the border towards Tevinter, Vincent was waiting as he sent a messenger to find out what their answer was since they never replied, not like Nevarra that chose war and was slowly getting defeated.

The clan called Pentaghast had to find out the hard way that the Dragons they tried to kill were immortal beings that just returned to live after a moment of being dead.

They were easily overrun by Vyrve's tactics he gathered over the last two centuries. He lost some men here and there but compared to the losses of Nevarra it was nothing.

Vyrve marched forward until the King of Nevarra, Markus Pentaghast, signed the ultimatum that Vyrve gave them. It was the same that Vincent gave them before just that they had to find a woman of the King's family and bring her to Vyrve.

Many letters left Nevarra that day and people as well going all to Orlais or Anderfels since they wanted to join forces to strike back only to find out that Anderfels wasn't interested in the war that was going on and Orlais was tending more to a civil war than the war that was plaguing Thedas at the moment.

The Chantry had the most casualties in all this war since they were losing power over the continent with the Empire denying the Chantry to live on since they saw it as blasphemy to only worship Akatosh and not the other divines as well.

The Mortalitasis were allowed to keep working the way they did as Vyrve warned them that the Empire was against Necromancy if it was not for research on forgotten cultures but they still needed to learn the Imperial way of burying people.

They had to follow Arkay's way of burying people as some priests taught them the way on how to do it. They adapted quite fast to it since they didn't forbid them to use magic to bring them to their tombs but once they were there they needed to let them rest forever except it was for research like said before.

The people that didn't leave Nevarra found out that life didn't change and even improved a bit under the Empire as the nobles were now commoners and race didn't matter at all. Some of them even volunteered in the coming weeks making the Legions grow stronger.

In the meantime, Vincent and his army began to move forward. They waited long enough for an answer that never arrived making their way while informing Lucia to do the same.

Tevinter thought they could play on time making the army wait on their border thinking that they would wait forever as they did in the Free Marches and Nevarra.

But to their disappointment, even more people died because Vincent and the men were frustrated from all the waiting.

It was an invasion Tevinter couldn't withstand since the invader just neutralized their Magic easily. Tevinter the Empire of Magic in Thedas was conquered in two weeks as the Black Divine, Urian Nihalias, and the Archon, Radonis, signed the Ultimatum which freed all slaves while Vincent began a purge against people that were hiding their slaves.

Everyone was put on the same level making some young talent show their worth as Vincent chose a young man that had a brain as the next Archon his name was Dorian Pavus.

"Dorian Pavus, are you sure about that?" asks Briin as Vincent nods.

"He is young and seems to have a head and he is only the Archon until one of my children replaces him," says Vincent as he was going over report hearing that the Spirits were recovering while some Spirits were killed by Vyrve's army as they attacked them.

"I really hope this war ends soon. We are already fighting for over 4 months. You would believe we don't have Dragons at the rate we are moving forward," says Briin as Vincent smiles from hearing that.

"We will use them against Anderfels if they don't surrender," says Vincent as he went over reports when Lucia entered the room.

"How is uncle doing?" asks Lucia as Vincent hands her the report of Vyrve.

"He is doing fine even better than us as people seem to join him to finish this bloody war while others fled to the neighboring Kingdoms that didn't surrender to us," says Vincent as a messenger entered the room with a person in a blue and white armor with a Griffon on it.

"Sir, she is a messenger from Anderfels," says the messenger as he presented the person.

"And you are?" asks Vincent looking at the person knowing that he was a Grey Warden.

"I'm the First Warden," says the women as Vincent just begins to laugh.

"You are not. You are just a puppet being pulled by string by the real First Warden. He must be someone like the Architect, am I right?" asks Vincent as the woman calling herself First Warden couldn't reply to that.

"Anyway, what is Anderfels answer?" asks Vincent as he wasn't interested right now in the Grey Wardens.

"We will accept it as long as the Grey Wardens can keep existing," says the woman as Vincent looked at her showing her some killing intent that said 'It's an ultimatum you either accept it or it's war.'.

The Ultimatum for Anderfels was to disband the Grey Wardens and Chantry while the King will continue to rule but a woman of their line needed to be given to the Empire.

"Now then it seems we are going to war then. Tell your Darkspawn friend that he will reunite with his other friend in a while," says Vincent as he sent her back.

A week after that meeting Vincent marched again this time into Anderfels while leaving Briin behind with 5 Legions to control Tevinter and its sea of snakes.

He invaded Anderfels and it seemed that only Grey Wardens were fighting on the battlefield instead of normal soldiers under the banner of Anderfels making Vincent believe that it wasn't Anderfels' Royalty that wanted this war.

That's why Vincent left the city in peace and focused to reach Weisshaupt to take it down so Anderfels would sign the Ultimatum. Once in front of the Fortress of Weisshaupt, Vincent was holding a Black Soul Gem again as he did with the Evanuris and Architect before.

After a month of fighting, Anderfels fell well better said the Grey Warden fell. Vincent was right with who was leading them as it was one of the six magisters that were corrupted by Peryite.

Once the Grey Wardens weren't anymore Vincent sent the Ultimatum to the Royalty of Anderfels and they seemed to accept it quite fast making Vincent happy that he allowed Royalty rule for now.

Ferelden, on the other hand, was quite nervous they heard that Anderfels fell and Alistair as a former Grey Warden heard that the Wardens got destroy and uprooted.

The Wardens that survived went to Orlais while the Nevarran citizens that fled from Nevarra to Anderfels felt betrayed by the Royalty of Anderfels for not mustering a defense against the Empire.

Vyrve, on the other hand, had his eyes on Orlais. They were in tumult even if the Templars, the Grey Warden that survived the travel through Nevarra and Chantry took them seriously.

But the nobility thought that their Chevaliers would keep them safe from the war only to find out the Empire began to move again. Lucia was left behind with 3 Legions just to keep order while Vincent moved with the rest towards the border between Nevarra and Orlais.

"How does it look?" asks Vincent to Vyrve that was waiting for him.

"The Templars and Grey Wardens seem to take us seriously while the nobility of Orlais doesn't. If we strike today we could take half of Orlais in a small battle while the nobility fights against each other," says Vyrve as only a small army was on the other side of the sea.

"Then lead the Legions and I will lead the Dragons to attack and annihilate the troops that are fighting between themselves. We should be able to take Orlais faster that way," says Vincent as Vyrve nods.

Vyrve takes the men to the ships as they sail over towards Orlais while his eldest son, Vyrhur, was keeping Nevarra in order with 3 Legions.

Vincent flew with the Dragons towards Orlais but in a different direction making people that saw it celebrate as if they had won already because the Dragons didn't help the Legions to fight.

Vincent was overflying the Dales as he could see war playing in front of him making him smile as he raises his hand and shouts "Attack!"

The Dragons begin to descent and attack with their shouts while warriors that the Orlais forces never saw jumped from them and pierced the people that weren't affected by the Dragons' breath.

They then jumped to high than a normal person could possibly jump as they landed on the Dragons' backs before doing over and over again decimating the two forces leaving nothing behind of the two forces.

In the meantime, the Grey Warden retreated as they were losing while the Templars were reduced to nothing under the Legion. Vyrve didn't chase as he focused his force towards Val Royeaux to take the capital of Orlais and the seat of the Chantry.

He took city after city in his way as he arrived at Val Royeaux a beautiful city but not really made to defend itself against invaders as Vyrve and the Legion took it making the Orlaisian flee east towards Halamshiral before he took Val Royeaux.

The first thing Vyrve did in Val Royeaux was to burn down the seat of the Chantry making it obvious to everyone that their Maker was never coming to help them since he was on their side and was named Akatosh.

Vincent arrived with the Dragons in Val Royeaux and sees Vyrve handling the situation as Vincent takes only three Legions and marched with them and his 200 Dragoons and his Dragons towards Halamshiral while sending a messenger with the Ultimatum.

The army marched as the messenger arrived with their response that they rejected the ultimatum making Vincent just look indifferent as he says, "Return to them and tell them that they will all die in a week with Halamshiral being painted in red with all their blood if it survives the attack. This should scare them enough."

The messenger leaves again while Vincent was still carrying the pikes that had the corpses of the Evanuris displaying it to everyone what would happen if the people didn't follow the laws of war.

They could see Halamshiral in the distance making it obvious that the people in Halamshiral could see the army moving towards them.

The messenger returned a day before the army arrived at Halamshiral and says, "The Empress of Orlais wants to talk to my lord."

"What does she want?" asks Vincent as he was cold right now even to his subordinates.

"She wants to talk about the Ultimatum. She can agree to all except for two of the terms we gave them," says the messenger as Vincent was looking at his messenger making him feel quite nervous.

"Tell her it is unnegotiable. She either accepts it as the Empress or dies as the last ruler of Orlais," says Vincent cold as he sent the messenger back.

The next day they were in front of Halamshiral and the messenger only says, "They surrendered."

"Then the Empress shall come out here right now and show her face before I don't accept the surrender because she made us march towards here without a reason," says Vincent as he was furious even if he wasn't showing it.

The messenger went inside again and returned with a young woman that was wearing a mask that was hiding her upper face but Vincent could clearly see that she was young and naive as he removes the mask scaring her.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts