
7000 Steps

Both leave through the gates and Avulstein asks, "Are we going to walk towards High Hrothgar?" "No, we are going to use my mount. Behemoth can carry at least three persons," says Vincent as they walk to the stables. Once there Vincent says, "Skulvar, I need my mount." "One moment my Thane," says Skulvar and Vincent says, "Stop with the 'my Thane' thing. Everyone knows I hate it." "I know that you hate it but it's out of costume that I say it. Now Behemoth was doing fine. He once in a while left, running around in the wildness and came back after getting exhausted," says Skulvar as he enters to bring Behemoth out.

Behemoth stormed out and almost tackled Vincent giving cries of happiness and Vincent says, "I missed you too." As he pets Behemoth head. "Thanks, Skulvar. I hope to return soon," says Vincent and Skulvar says, "Take your time. Better slow and safe travel than a fast and dangerous one." Both Avulstein and Vincent mount Behemoth and they begin their journey traveling east by taking the road. Once in front of the Mountain Avulstein says, "We have to go up there to reach High Hrothgar. For that, we need to go all the way around and reach the village named Ivarstead."

"We follow the road?" asks Vincent and Avulstein says, "Yes, let's avoid bandits for now." "You read my thoughts," says Vincent as they continue their travel killing some random wolves or skeevers as well as a necromancer that tried to attack them and Avulstein says, "We really don't have much luck I would say." "Please don't jinx now We haven't even traveled half of the way and it's getting dark already," says Vincent and Avulstein says, "Over there are Valtheim Towers. We should be able to sleep there for today."

They continue arriving there seeing people fight there. Vincent wanted to help when Avulstein says, "Wait." "What is it?" asks Vincent and Avulstein says, "Those are Thalmors that are fighting the bandits. It seems they have a prisoner." "Yes, looks like an Elezen to me," says Vincent and Avulstein looks at him puzzled and Vincent says, "Like a Mer. Did I say that right?"

"Why would they take one of themselves as a prisoner?" asks Avulstein and Vincent remembers what Faendal told him and says, "Maybe she is a supporter of the Empire. Not all Mer like the Thalmors. A Bosmer told me that. He fled from his home to escape the Thalmors." "Maybe we should help her then," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "Let's wait until the fight is over and then attack."

Avulstein nods to that and they see how the bandits take out two of the Thalmors while the bandits lost three of their men. They took the prisoner and the other Thalmor as a bounty for their win and Vincent says, "Now." All three leave their hiding position and Vincent jumped straight to the first bandit in front of him. Avulstein with his Skyforge Steel Battleaxe runs at the bandits using his Battle Cry while Behemoth does the same.

Vincent looks up and sees the Archer aiming at Avulstein and shouts, "FUS." At the Archer making her stumble and lose her balance until falling from the Tower. Avulstein kills his first bandit as well as Behemoth in this battle as Vincent jumps over to the leader of the bandits taking him out with his Chaos Thrust combo. Then he changes into a Barde and assists Avulstein and Behemoth with the bow by taking out the bandits from behind. After 10 minutes of fighting the bandits were either dead or run away.

The only ones remaining were the Thalmor woman and her prisoner. "Let us go and you will be rewarded," says the Thalmor and Vincent says, "Why should I?" "Do you think my superior won't find out what happened. They will find out and hunt you down if you don't let me free," says the Thalmor and Vincent look at the prisoner and asks, "Why are you in chains?"

"She is a traitor. That's why she is in cha-," says the Thalmor as Vincent puts his spear in front of the Thalmor's face and says, "She can talk for herself." And the prisoner begins to make hand signs and the Thalmor begins to laugh and says, "She won't be able to talk forever she cut her own tongue out before we captured her."

"Can I. My grandmother became deaf after marrying my grandfather. Everyone in my family can use hand signs," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "She is all yours." Avulstein began to talk to her and after the conversation, they had Avulstein says, "Her is Mina. She didn't want to tell her last name. She fled the Summerset Isles when young with her mother before the Thalmor got to power. She cut her tongue off so she couldn't be used by the Thalmor."

"For what would you want her?" asks Vincent and the Thalmor says, "I will never tell you. I die before that happens." "Then die," says Vincent who pierces with his spear the Thalmor and says, "Can you fight?" Mina nods and Vincent says, "Good, I will take those chains off. Then you will take some of the bandit's armor and weapon and follows us. Behemoth can still carry one person. Do you accept?"

She nods again and Vincent takes her chains off with the key he took from the corpse of the Thalmor, then he says, "Avulstein help her. I will collect my arrows and the money they had. After that, we burn the corpses leaving nothing behind." They begin and Mina put a Leather armor set on made from pieces of the different sizes and two daggers and a sword with Avulstein help. Vincent was looting the bandits and thalmors at the same time.

Then they burn the corpses with everything valuable was in his bag and they began to make a separate fire were they cooked some meat while Vincent gives some vegetables to Behemoth after eating did Vincent hand over some blankets and a tent and says, "Mina can sleep in it while we sleep out here." "Really. We sleep in the cold," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "It isn't that cold. But you could ask her if she allows you inside the tent."

Mina gets a little red while Avulstein was completely red in the face and says, "I will sleep outside." "Next time I will bring another tent. Also, this sword here looks rare to me," says Vincent holding an Iron Sword and Avulstein looks at it and says, "I think I have seen it before." He began to think and he remembers where and says, "That's Amren's Family Sword. My father was working on it before you arrived in Whiterun. He said it was stolen from him and wanted it back. But his wife gave him an ultimatum either the family or the sword. It seems he will be happy once we return."

"Let's hope so. How about we sleep tomorrow will be a long day," says Vincent as he lies against his fluffy Chocobo with Avulstein who had a blanket and Avulstein asks, "You really don't feel the cold?" "It's colder where I'm from," says Vincent and Avulstein says, "Really colder then Skyrim. Maybe it's as cold as Atmora. No one was there for a long time." "Well let's sleep like said before it will be a long day," says Vincent as he closes his eyes to sleep.

The next day they wake up and eat breakfast before continuing there travel and Vincent asks, "Where did you live before Mina?" "She says near Riften until the Thalmors came and burned her house down," says Avulstein and Vincent asks, "And your mother?" "I'm sorry to hear that," says Avulstein to Mina and then to Vincent, "She died by their escape from the Summerset Isles. She was buried on the border between Cyrodiil and Skyrim." "My condolences," says Vincent as they ride and Avulstein says, "We must go up this path over there. The street won't lead us any longer."

Behemoth enters the path and they begin to fight their way up against bears or trolls. Until they arrive at Ivarstead when it was about to get dark and Vincent says, "Let's find the tavern and get some sleep." "You read my mind," says Avulstein who was exhausted from all the riding and fighting. The four enter the village and ask a guard where the tavern is. The guard points them the way and Behemoth walks towards it.

Once there Behemoth stays beside the tavern while the other three enter it. "Hello, how can I help you?" says the beautiful woman and Vincent says, "Do you have two rooms for us and food to eat." "Of course, that would be 30 septims for the rooms and 15 for the food. Let me inform Wilhelm. By the way, I'm Lynly Star-Sung," says Lynly as she walks over to Wilhelm and he takes out two keys and hands them over and Lynly walks over to them and says, "Follow me."

Lynly shows them to their rooms and says, "You really have an odd armor." "It's an armor for only some people wear. If everyone could have them they wouldn't be special don't you think," says Vincent as he hands one key over to Mina and says, "You will sleep alone or do you want Avulstein's company. You never know if something could happen and they don't understand you." She gets a little red again and Avulstein says, "Really." "Just asking it is quite dangerous. I remember when my friend was poisoned by a waitress. You never know. But let's eat before we go to sleep," says Vincent as they sit down on a table.

"Are you also on a pilgrimage on the 7000 steps towards High Hrothgar?" asks a man that sits beside Vincent, who says, "That's right. We heard them shout Dovahkiin and wanted to come earlier but because of our families, we couldn't come faster so we had to come now." "The important thing is that you made it. You have to do it at least one to count your grandchildren about this experience. The name is Barknar," says Barknar and Vincent says, "Vincent, Mina, and Avulstein." "Just a tip be careful where you place your foot, it's a long way down and the steps are frozen," says Barknar and Vincent says, "Thanks for the warning." "We have to stick together here," says Barknar as he stays with the group until they went to sleep.

The next morning they stand up and eat breakfast and pay Wilhelm for everything 60 septims. They leave and Vincent says, "Did you rest well, Mina?" She nods and Vincent says, "We will walk our way up with Behemoth. So let's move out and hopefully, we won't need to sleep in the cold tonight."

They walk towards the bridge to begin the ascending of the mountain. When a man stops asks, "Are you going up, friend?" "Yes," says Vincent and the man says, "Name is Klimmek. Normally I had to go up but my back is killing me. Can I ask you a favor and bring those provisions up to the Greybeards." "I'm going to them so why not," says Vincent as he takes the supplies and Klimmek says, "Your helping me out. Return and I will give you a reward."

Then they begin the climb all four together. They stopped to read the Wayshrines or to kill wolves, spiders, or trolls that were on their way and in the middle of their way a snowstorm begins to form and Vincent takes the blankets out and gives one to Avulstein and Mina while being in front of everyone guiding them towards High Hrothgar.

Once there Vincent uses the giant door knocker and the door opens and a man asks, "Who is there?" "Vincent Highwind, also known as Thane of Whiterun and Dragonborn. I brought some friends and need some cover from the snowstorm," says Vincent when he hears the man shout, "LOK VAH KOOR!" And the storm vanished out of nowhere and the man says, "You are the Dragonborn, you say." "Yes, I couldn't come earlier I have a young daughter with no one else but me," says Vincent and the man says, "Come shout at me. If you are a Dragonborn you should be able to do that."

Vincent shouts, "FUS!" and the man stumbles a bit before regaining his stability and says, "Your voice is strong Dragonborn. My name is Arngeir. I will be your mentor and the person to teach you in the voice. But first, come in and find cover from the moonlight. We can begin tomorrow."

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts