
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Victors On Earth

'What the hell... this bloodline is just overpowered.' Sora sat down with crossed legs, he had just absorbed Raditz's body, and oh boy was he shocked by the power behind this bloodline. Endless potential, the ability to grow stronger after recovering from injuries, and the capability to transform.

Upon a full moon, a Saiyan like Goku can transform into a great ape. but if their tail is removed they would not be able to transform. if they have enough S cells, a unique type of S cells, they would be able to transform and gain unmatched power, the limit of which Sora is left clueless.

'... Saiyans are not the strongest race even with such a bloodline. what else is out there?' Sora thought with narrowed eyes while looking towards the sky. but that was not everything, absorbing Raditz's bloodline also allowed Sora to finally enter Level 4 QI refinement,

'well, I should start Cultivating S Cells. at the same time, I would need to seek energy to cultivate. because of this, my cultivation speed will slow down by two times as I need twice the resources. but then again, my power will increase by more than twice.' Sora thought with a smile,

taking Qi and Ki and fusing the two, Sora could unleash power like none other. but first, he needed to balance the two powers, if their strength were equal. the fuse of physical energy and Qi gives birth to the energy known as Physical QI. This energy was far more powerful than both energy and depending on control of such energy, it shall be even stronger and be used to its absolute limit.

Sora needed the energy to form S cells, and for that, he needed a lot of energy, he guessed it would be years until he gains such ability, but that was nothing he cared much about. jumping up, Sora shot off into the sky and disappeared.

seconds later, he appeared before King Furry. King Furry seeing Sora, instantly jumped up and pained his respect upon seeing so. From time to time, Sora had come by to see him in the past 5 years.

"Show me the effort of 5 years," Sora said calmly King Furry nodded and went on to make a call, a moment later an airplane was ready and took them off to a secret base. before arriving, Sora saw that down below, a bunch of soldiers was training hard, wearing weighted clothing.

this was what Sora has been up to in these 5 years, creating an army, an army capable of catching his attention. In the future, the whole human race shall have Ki and be exploring the universe.

they went on to land and someone greeted them and went on to give Sora a rundown of everything.

"We have reached a new height, the strongest soldier holding a power level of 150. the weapons have also made breakthroughs, a lesser gun which should be able of killing beings as powerful as the likes of King Piccolo if he was still alive." A young man said seriously, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"Piccolo Jr. on the other hand, if we can catch him off guard, then just maybe we could kill him. we are also looking into the fusion of mechanical parts with humans, creating powerful androids with capabilities far above the others. we are thinking of trying brain chips, but there is the chance they could be hacked and other stuff. so we are working out such flaws." The young man said out loud, making Sora fall into deep thought about this matter.

"they still have ways to go. humans didn't conquer the planet based on strength, look at martial arts as a secondary thing, and look at other things such as technology as the main thing until you all reach a stable level. but that doesn't mean ignoring martial art together, there are still humans alive with a power level of over 200." Sora said calmly, to which the young man nodded while writing that down.

'the human limit seems to be around 200 or so, even those around the MC reached 200. then again, during times of danger, people grow stronger.' Sora thought while indeed thinking about what to do about the matter.

From afar, a man rushed forward with a phone confused Sora went on to see what they wanted, so he looked at the phone and his eyebrow raised as it was a recording of the battle between Goku, Piccolo, and Raditz. Sora smiled seeing that it was all recorded, this was what he needed.

"allow the soldiers to see this and let them know how the evil Piccolo had to team up with the person who defeated him for the sake of the planet. Let them know the danger this planet faces and how they would be needed to step forward." Sora said with a smile, King Furry and everyone froze slightly at this, but they nodded and went on to arrange the matter.

"Let me see the lesser Gun," Sora said calmly, to which one of them nodded and rushed off, soon a huge truck came over, and the back of the truck opened up, revealing a house size lesser gun. Sora frowned slightly seeing this, it was too big. shaking his head, he picked the thing up and flew up into the air,

"I will be back in a few days," Sora said calmly before he disappeared, leaving everyone speechless, he just took 5 years' worth of hard work like it was nothing. back to Sora's mansion, Sora drop the truck down and went on to slowly break the lesser gun down.

'Technology like this wasn't within the cultivation world,' Sora thought as he went on to study and comprehend this tech. it took only a few hours for him to master it, and once he mastered it, he went on to go through this seeking better ways.

So, under his magical hands, a lesser gun the size of a normal handgun was birthed a week later. Sending his Ki into the lesser Gun, the lesser Gun took his Ki and enchanted it, and with a shot, a bast shot into the sky, splitting open the sky.

'good, it could enhance other's Ki by 2 times, with a max of increasing the Ki power to 10,000. well, this could be higher once the items used are better and higher grade.' Sora thought while looking at the lesser gun, he didn't like guns. He didn't want others to use guns, but in an unknown world with unknown weapons out there, it would be foolish if he doesn't use what he got to the fullest.

Weapons within the cultivation world had a unique power, they could empower those to who they were equipped with. Good gear sets could empower their user by 5 or even higher times.

back then, Sora had the Dragon Sovereign armor, a mighty armor that increased Sora by a high degree. with the Dragon Sovereign Sword, and along with many other powers, Sora might back then was unmatched.

Sighing softly, Sora went back to the secret base where he gave the scientist there the gun, at the same time he had the shoulders attack him with energy attacks, and he went on to absorb all their Ki, converting that Qi into energy for his Qi cultivation,

so time passed, and Goku in the afterlife told his friends not to bring him back to life as he was training with some God named King Kai. Goku's other friends also took this chance to train and grow stronger, so time passed and 11 months went by.

the Saiyans came to earth a month earlier than others expected, knowing this Goku's friends wished Goku back to life knowing a huge battle was in coming. Sora stood on top of a roof while looking at 7 balls, which were gathered and put together,

the 7 orange balls, each with a unique star ranging from 1 to 7 began blinking, going on and off. the sky turned dark as storm clouds gathered, lightning flashing left and right, for a moment Sora thought it was tribulation clouds, but there were no heavenly consciousnesses within this world. he realized this was just the reaction of the dragon being summoned,

form the dragon balls, a beam shot into the sky, transforming into a huge green dragon that swam in the clouds, before it went on to pock its head down to look down upon all below it.

"You who have gathered the 7 dragon ball, speak your wish now..." The dragon said in a deep voice while looking down at Bulma and Master Roshi who stood before the dragon balls. but slowly the dragon's eyes turned, looking at Sora who was looking at the dragon.

"... So, what are you capable of?" Sora asked as a powerful dragon's aura exploded from his body, causing the dragon to be covered in sweat from this aura.

"I'm capable of granting one wish... who are you? I'm almost all the knowledge within the universe, yet you are... unknown." Shenron the dragon said in a deep voice, unable to see through Sora. he even felt fearful of Sora,

"Call me The Dragon Sovereign. Tell me, how do I create my dragon?" Sora asked calmly, making Shenron freeze for a moment before slowly answering. the aura Sora gave off suppressed it, forcing it to speak even though it didn't want to.

"Creating the shape of the dragon, and channeling the essence of the dragon clan into the dragon bringing the Dragon to life," Shenron said in a deep voice, to which Sora nodded slightly in slight understanding

"That's all, you can grant their wishes," Sora said calmly, Shenron tried to resist but found it extremely hard to do so. Sora had a unique aura about him that suppressed him to its will to even resist.

Bulma and the others looked at Sora in shock and confusion, wondering what power Sora had, but they quickly wished for Goku to come back to life. after which, the dragon disappeared, turning into 7 balls that flew across the spread, reaching different parts of the world,

"Shiro, I will need you in the creation of the dragon ball. let's go." Sora said calmly, Shiro sighed softly, but she nodded as she flew after Sora. In truth, she wanted to train as she wanted to reach a power level of 10,000, but she knew it was impossible. She needs 3 months to reach that power level, not enough time.

So, they went back to the mansion and Shiro went on to use her technique to create stone from her palm, which Sora went on to use and reshape into a stone dragon. For bit his palm and went on to write runes on the dragons, which Shiro watched carefully.

Slowly the stone-shaped dragon began to glow with the runes, and the stone began to grow in size, and even evolve and reach the current level of strength behind Sora. now it was so high in quality, that even if Shiro attacked it for weeks, she couldn't strengthen it.

"you can leave, don't bother me. Unless the planet is going to be destroyed, or something like that, don't bother me." Sora said seriously, to which Shiro nodded slightly and slowly left, leaving Sora alone to get to work.

time passed, and weeks later, two orbs shot from the sky, slamming into a busy street. many people seeing this were scared, but their curiosity got the better of them, forcing them to come over and see the orbs.

slowly from the orbs, a door opened, allowing those within to step outside. Bold man, and a short man with an M-shaped hairline. the two disdainfully looked around the planet, before slowly floating up...

meanwhile, within the cry, jets were flying over at high speed. the moment these shapes were near the planet, they had already sensed them with the system sensor. but as they neared the city, a huge explosion went off, seen by those cities away.

"... Send the army in. We are not their match, but we can buy time for the truly powerful ones to make a move." King Furry said seriously, and with his words, the two visitors were surrounded by an army of shoulders all pointing lesser guns at them,

"Those guns? shocking seeing such a small planet having such high tech. Nappa, I will let you have your fun before we see the truly powerful ones in this world." The M Shaped haired lineman said calmly with crossed arms.

"Understood." the old man said with a cold smile, making the soldiers who heard him uneasy slightly. but before Nappa could attack, he froze as he turned towards the sky, from all directions, powerful fighters were rushing over towards this area.