
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs


Sora went on around for the following few days absorbing the dead bodies of the aliens he found, these races were far weaker than the Saiyan or Namekin bloodline, so there was no need in even finding out the race name.

But the race he had the most interest in was the person he came to know as Frieza, he was the person with a power level of over 300,000. he was interested to see just how Goku will manage to overcome such a powerful enemy.

"Interesting," Sora said softly while looking at Vegeta who fighting an alien who was a pretty boy. The alien was known as Zarbon, He is a cunning warrior who serves as one of Frieza's top two highest ranking Generals and right-hand men.

The reason why Sora was interested in this battle, was because of Zarbon's ability to transform, upon transforming his power level went from 23,000 to 33,000, and the side effect of such a powerup was looking ugly,

Zarbon was already marked by Sora to be absorbed, but for now, he wanted to watch Vegeta question life while having his ass get beaten up until he got the chance to hide within the water until Zarbon flew off thinking he was dead.

'Plot armor one oh one, having the enemy think you're dead without bothering to make sure.' Sora thought with a smile before looking off far away to where Krillin was talking to a huge Namekian was speaking with Krillin.

His eyes narrowed while listening to the two before the huge Namekian went on to awaken Krillin's potential. Krillin went from a power level of 14,000, which meant his power level just increased by 3.5 times in the blink of an eye.

Sora watched this scene for some time before he went on to think about it. everyone did have talent which they never tap into it, drawing that postnatal out could allow a person to become far more powerful than others.

Sora was born without any talent, it was his knowledge of the past which allowed him to be so powerful, and the cultivation art which allowed him to ignore the talent he was born with, and increase it as he grows stronger.

Of course, Sora had much-untapped Potential, he just gained the Ancent Nemekian Bloodline which was currently his most powerful bloodline, it had a lot of Potential which he had yet to tap into. this ability came in at the right time, just what Sora needed.

Placing a hand over his cheek, Sora went on to try and awaken his potential, which was a lot harder than he expected.

"..." Shiro and Vegeta stood off against each other, the two seemly about to have a huge battle. Shiro slowly smiled, it was time for round two, she has been looking forward to round two.

Vegeta was saved by Zarbon and was healed, Frieza guessed that Vegeta had hidden a dragon ball, so he ordered Zarbon to go find Vegeta. Luckily for Zarbon, Vegeta was not dead, and he quickly had Vegeta healed up.

but who would expect that Vegeta would heal faster than they expect and send the 5 dragon balls Frieze had gotten his hands on flying and running away? Saiynas also embodied the concept, What Doesn't Kill Me Only Makes Me Stronger,

Vegeta Powerleve had reached 30,000, allowing him to get the upper hand and Kill Zarbon, and take the dragon Krillin had gotten his hands on from the huge Namekain,

"I don't get time to waste with you," Vegeta said with a snort, before flying off, he had hidden a dragon ball somewhere, which he needed to go find. after which, he would have all 7 dragon balls, and he would be able to make his wish to be immortal.

"Coward," Shiro said with a snort, holding the dragon ball she found hidden away, she shot off to where Krillin and the others were, but upon arriving, she Krillin quickly told her about the huge Namekain who can awaken her potential, seeing this and seeing how stronger Krillin was, she was of course interested.

But Vegeta would soon find out she stole his dragon ball, and since he knew where they were hiding, they needed to move and find a new place to hide. after which, they flew off to see this guy while keeping their power level low so that Vegeta doesn't sense them, but they soon had to go at full speed as they couldn't waste time, which allowed Vegeta to lock into them.

"... what's this?" Sora said as he opened his eyes, all of a sudden he felt a huge power level pop up. scening around, He sensed Gohan's power level had just reached 16,000 but he was not the person he sensed, Shiro cultivation reached level 1 of the 3rd stage of cultivation, bringing her peak power level somewhere around 56,000, but it was not her.

it was in the sky, and huge amounts of power levels were nearing the planet, the weakest at 10,000 and the strongest at a shocking 120,000. Sora listened in to Vegeta who was panicking, quickly explaining who these guys were.

they were known as the Ginyu Force, Frieza's most elite forces, with their arrival, Vegeta was willing to work alongside Krillin and the others, how could he not when such powerful beings were coming here?

'Zarbon is dead.' Sora thought as he disappeared, appearing over Zarbon's dead body, and went on to absorb it, closing his eyes slightly, Sora went on to fuse this bloodline with his own while changing to best fit him and his other bloodline.

'although nothing to jump about, it does increase my power level by 1.5, which is more than when it did for Zarbon,' Sora thought while sitting down to awaken his potential, but each time he felt a huge drop in power he left to go get a new bloodline, he found many cool bloodlines.

from some guy with 4 eyes who had the power to stop time by holding his breath, and a group of others with a power level of over 40,000, all of which allowed Sora to breakthrough to level 10 within all of the cultivation, with this his peak power level reached 26 million, but he had his ways to go.

"... the sky turned dark?" Sora said in confusion seeing the sky was suddenly dark, this planet had 3 suns, so it was always daytime. the concept of the night didn't exist here, so the only reason this could be is that if someone destroyed a run... or the dragon ball was summoned.

Sora disappeared and appeared before Shiro and Gohan who were looking at a huge dragon with huge muscles. Sora's mouth almost hit the ground seeing such a dragon which seemed like it worked out,

Shiro seeing Sora smacked her teeth slightly, she was not shocked that Sora just happened to show up when a dragon appeared.

"Shiro, what happened to your hand?" Sora asked while looking at Shiro whose hand was replaced with an ice hand. Shiro snorted slightly, she sacrifice an arm to save Gohan, and thanks to Sora's harsh training, she was able to fuse Wind and water to form Ice, allowing her to reform a new hand

"you got stronger, what were you doing all this time?" Shiro asked in confusion, Sora smiled slightly, before turning around to leave.

"Good luck," Sora said as a golden drop of blood landed on Shiro, instantly Shiro let out a soft cry of pain as she held her ice hand, which was falling off as a new hand was growing back. Everyone watched this scene in shock, as Shiro didn't just recover, her cultivation grew, reaching level 10 of the 3rd stage of cultivation, which was a huge improvement to her strength, but there was a huge flaw, the sudden increase in power is going to be hard for her to control,

"With this, I should be able to enter the Divine Mode," Shiro said in shock, what was the divine mode, it was an empowered state where Shiro take all 3 energy, physical, Spieurtal, and Qi, and use them to empower herself. this could only be done once her cultivation of the Divine 5 Elemental Dragon reached a High level, transforming her blood to be best suited for the 5 elements,

at which point, her energy would all have the power of the element, and once she enters the Divine Mode, she could greatly increase her power of the 5 elements, and her attack power, defense power, senses, and so on. her over-stats would increase.

but currently, she has no mastery over it, so at most it would double her power, but on top of the lightning mode, it was pretty much her having a 5 times increase in strength. bring her power level to around 300,000. just the idea almost made her laugh with joy, and within a life-and-death body, it was safe to guess her power level would increase as she got the hang of current power and more.

turning to say thanks to her beloved son, she found he had disappeared, leaving her speechless. He only came to see the dragon, and left soon after, would he fuck the dragon if he could.

They quickly used the wishes from the dragon ball, wishing for Piccolo and come back to life, and have him be brought to Namek. unlike earth dragon balls, these dragon balls could grant wishes, and with Piccolo being brought back to life, that means earth dragon balls would return.

Vegeta arrived before they could make their final wish burning his rage, he forced them to make the wish for him to be immortal, but Shiro was no longer weaker than Vegeta and had the power to fight back, shocking Vegeta.

but they wasted good time, leading the creator of the dragon ball, the huge Namekain to die of old age, and with his death, the dragon also followed, leaving everyone there frozen in shock,

with the dragon's death, enrage Frieze arrived. today Vegeta and Shiro were forced to work together, although each time they still lost. for example, against the Ginyu force, they fought with everything they had, yet Shiro ended up losing her arm in that battle, and everyone else was defeated, they were only saved when Goku arrived on the planet and defeated the Ginyu force with great ease.

now, they were forced to work together once more. Vegeta with a power level of 250,000, and Shiro with around a similar level of power, had a good chance of defeating Frieze who had a power level of 330,000.

Saiyans had the unique power to recover after suffering injuries. they embodied the saying, What Doesn't Kill Me Only Makes Me Stronger. In the battle against Zarborn, Vegeta was heavily injured and upon recovering his power level reached a shocking 30,000

In his battle with the Ginyu force, he was heavily injured once more, but upon recovering and getting some rest, his power level was a shocking 250,000. this was the shocking power of the Saiyan race, yet there was a limit to this power. The will of the Saiyan played a huge role in this, easily admit defeat and there would not be any huge power-up. seek greater heights, and want to break your limits, then you would recover to find yourself stronger than ever.

So the two rushed Frieze, and to everyone's joy, Frieze was at the losing end, unable to handle both of them. Frieze went all out, showing a power level of over 500,000, but even then he was losing. this of course only enraged Frieze, and when he saw he was blessed, he exploded in rage and transformed.

Frieze was from a special race known as the Frost demon. unlike other races which transform to strengthen themselves, they transform to suppress their power which is too overwhelming. what they were seeing was simply the first layer of suppression or the first form.

Frieze entered his second form, which showed a shocking power level of a million, such power although huge, Vegeta and Shiro were able to put up a fight, well, mostly Shiro as with such life-threatening danger, she adapted to her new strength quickly, already her power level was nearing a million, and with Vegeta as support, Frieze was still losing.

but there was one problem, Shiro was reaching her limit. in the end, Shiro began thinking of fleeing, mostly saving Gohan. She promised Chi Chi to protect this kid, she couldn't let Gohan die,

"Krillin take both Gohan and Dende, and run," Shiro said seriously, stunning Krillin for a moment, but he nodded. shotting to grab Gohan, he suddenly froze as he was stabbed through the chest by one of Frieze's horns,

"None of you are going anywhere," Frieza said with a smile, he had already noticed Shiro was harming herself to keep up with him, that technique The Lightning Mode boosted her power, but at the cost of her cooking herself. Just a few minutes in and she was already reaching her limit, sure she was growing stronger, but the damage caused was still there.

Krillin tried to fight back, but what could he do? With his small power level, he was like an ant trying to kill a human. he was sent flying and seemly died. seeing this, Gohan wanted to fly over to catch him, but Frieza blocked his way.

"Sora... this is those moments where you should pop up," Shiro said weakly, but after some thought, she gritted her teeth. this might just be of Sora's harsh idea of training, what was more dangerous than a true life-and-death battle?

Taking a deep breath, she entered the Divnve mode, causing her body to take on a small transformation. her pupils turned into snake-like pupils, with seemly makeup appearing over her eyelids.

'This mode reminds me so much of Sage mode from Sakura... I wonder if Sora got the idea from that anime.' She thought before taking a deep breath, but before she could rush at Frieza, she froze as Gohan exploded with a huge amount of power, his power level reaching a shock million.

Gohan was always a talent, and with him being a Saiyan and the many injuries he had suffered at the hands of the Ginyu force, once he had recovered, he had a power level of 250,000 equal to Vegeta, but now Gohan was talented.

Going back to the event with Raditzs, Gohan's rage always allowed him to explode with great power, that's even more so now, allowing him to not just catch Frieza who was off guard, but land countless blows upon him.

With an energy ball, Frieze was shot to the ground, and seemly defeated. but of course, Frize was not defeated and showed his durability which allowed him to walk it off with seemly no injuries.

another ability of the Frost Demon, Frieze wasn't wearing any clothing, yet he seemed as if he was wearing some type of white armor. but that was not clothing. They can "grow" clothing on themselves referred to as Bio Suits, thus, even when it seems as though a member of his race is unclothed they are generally wearing Bio Suits, these natural clothes can be removed at will or replaced with newly grown clothing.

This allows them to suffer beatings that other races can't handle, their body could even be cut into hundreds of pieces and they were still alive. this race was pretty much the evolved form of a cockroach,

Shocked by Gohan's power level, Frieze shot forward towards Gohan, yet Gohan was no match for Frieze, that power level Gohan got disappeared the moment Gohan saw that Krillin was alive.

Seeing this, Shiro shot forward. pushing herself to the fullest, she slammed into Frieza from the back, sending him. but what could she do all alone, plus her injuries, Frieza took her out and went on to handle Gohan,

Gohan's show of strength scared him, so he had to be the first to die. Shiro was strong and all, but she couldn't last long.

as he planned to crush Gohan's head under her feet, but Krillin took this chance, sending a Destructo Disc shooting toward Frieza, cutting Frieza's tail right off. The Destructo Disc was a powerful attack, which could allow a person cut anything up to 15 times stronger than oneself. this is why Sora was so impressed with Krillin, to be able to create something so overpowered, that was shocking.

Enraged with his tail being cut off, Frieza shot after Krillin who quickly ran away, with no one watching, Sora secretly took Frieza's tail, and went on to absorb it, while ignoring the outside world. No one noticed, but he had secretly, moved Frieze's tail, so its larger piece could be cut.

'Interesting... this bloodline. no frieze talent is just shocking.' Sora's eyes shot open in shock, what did he sense through Frieze's tail? That guy never trained in his lifetime, and his peak power level could even reach anywhere around 100 million.

to think he was about to step in to save Shiro, things were getting interesting, and it was clear that Frieze's race was powerful and stood above countless others. this was the first bloodline Sora found that could allow him to survive in outer space... no, he could survive anywhere with this bloodline survivability capability,

Sora closed his eyes and went on to change the bloodline to best suit him before he went on to remove all his clothing, and slowly an armor flew from his body. it was a Golden, Black, and gray armor, this was none other than the Dragon Sovereign armor, an armor like none other,

Rune marking covered the armor, causing Sora's body to shake slightly from the pleasure that filled his whole body. the power brought upon by this armor was huge,

'This is perfect, now let's see if I can create a Bio-weapon.' Sora thought as from the armor, a sword handle slowly grew out, followed by the blade of the sword. sweat covered Sora's head as he found this one far harder than the Bio suit, but it was done after a few seconds,

'This is linked with me, plus energy within Frieze tail, I managed to break through into the 3rd stage of cultivation, in Soul, Body, and Energy cultivation,' Sora thought with a huge smile, what was Sora's power level at this moment, going all out he would have a power level of 105 million,

with him reaching the 3rd stage of cultivation, a few things opened up for him. For example, his Dragon Sovereign Armorment allowed him to increase his power level by 5 times, and cover his body or something else with a black layer of armor. at the same time, Sora could unleash this armor from his body.

This allows Sora to unleash a small invisible burst that will knock back anything in the aforementioned body part's immediate vicinity with the force of a very powerful punch. Thus, Sora becomes capable of striking and harming people and objects without making physical contact with them.

The Dragon Soverign Sense allowed him to sense not just the planet, but the whole star system, to make it scarier, Sora could even see into the future. lucky for him, he just gained a time-based ability from one of the members form eh Ginyu force, so he had already got a good comprehension of time, allowing him to use this ability,

The Dragon Sovereign Will allowed his fuse his will into his body, but in a way that it would form a small bubble around the part it was infused with, the bubble, of course, is invisible, but with it, Sora's attack power could be increased greatly, and allow him to damage you even when not touching you.

With this new technique, Sora's power level was at 105 million, but don't forget his combat skills and many techniques he has. Sora was sure that he could defeat someone with a power level of around 150 million,

opening his eyes, he looked back towards the battlefield, Freize had entered his 3rd form and was currently fighting Piccolo, and Shiro. Dende power to heal others came in useful as she healed Shiro, allowing her to push herself once more,

Shiro with a power level of 1,200,000and Piccolo with a power level of 1,250,000, and Frieze who had a power level of 2.1 million were about to explode in rage but enraged Frieza began to transform into his final form,

but would they allow him? Shiro shot forward to stop him, but a beam shot out, going right through her stomach. Shiro eyes widened as she landed on the ground and stumbled forward slightly while holding her stomach,

"..." They were too late, Frieza's transformation happened too fast. this was Frieze's final form, and he took out the most annoying one of the bunch, Shiro who just kept getting stronger and stronger,

"Don't count me out," Shiro said as she slowly stood up, the hole in her stomach frozen with size. Frieza coldly looked at her before pointing at her once more, Shiro opened her mouth before she slowly let out a sound which caused Frieze Ki to suddenly go chaotic,

"Have you ever heard of string theory? pretty much the whole world is one small string that's vibrating. you want to know what is a vibration... Sound." She said with a smile, Sora forced her to sing away until she reached perfect control of her voice, but to have the power to control her voice to such a degree caused her to use up a huge amount of energy, so she was only using this technique now when everything seemed hopeless.