
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

To King Kai Planet

"What! How did we get here," Shiro yelled in shock finding herself back on earth, how were they on Namek one a moment and back on earth the next moment?

"If you were paying attention, you would have heard King Kai talking with the Grand Elder, you know the guy who created Namek Dragon balls. They wished to bring everyone on Namek but Goku and Frieza to Earth." Sora said calmly, he has seen everything needed to see with Goku and Frieza's fight.

If Frieza dies, he would bring Frieza back to life. Goku would most likely live, and find a way to get off the planet before it explodes. Sora believed that Goku was meant for greater things, his story was not over yet.

Earth Dragon Ball could only bring a person back to life once, so they would most likely use Namek Dragon Balls to bring everyone back to life. Everything was laid out perfectly for Goku even if he died,

Shiro sighed softly, she had her ways to grow. Looking around, she saw many Namekians popping up, along with Bulma and the others. Shiro got up and rushed over to check up on them, but when she turned to see Sora, she saw he was about to leave.

She frowned seeing him leave, disappointment filled her eyes for some time before she turned and headed towards the others,

'The Saiyan bloodline is truly powerful. sadly, if this is Goku's limit he would never reach my levels. Hell, Frieza is more capable than him. The guy has never trained and was born with such strength. how powerful would he be if he trained? how knows, maybe in a few months or so he would be far stronger than me.' Sora thought with a smile, for now, it was best that Frieza dies. Sora couldn't control someone so capable just yet.

'Although I did wish to absorb Frieza's body, I felt as if something was stopping me. Is Frieza not going to die? it would make sense, Goku is not the killing type. If the planet explodes, Frieza would live. Is Frieza that villain who is defeated but returns later on in the story with far greater power?' Sora thought with narrowed eyes, the more he thought of this the more sense it seems to hold.

Sora returned home and went on to focus on awakening his potential, doing this would force him to do it each time he gets a new bloodline as his potential shall increase, but doing this now would increase his strength in the short term, which Sora was not complaining about.

news about Goku and Frieza soon hit Sora, It turned out that Goku won the battle. Sora was not shocked when he heard that Goku was about to leave Frieza alive, and only killed Frieza after he gave Frieza some energy to help him, only for Frieza to sneak attack him, forcing Goku to attack back, killing him.

Goku couldn't leave Namek fast enough, so he died along with Frieza, which Sora didn't believe when he couldn't sense his soul in the afterlife, meaning Goku was still alive out there.

Sora needed only 3 months to fully awaken his potential, at which point his cultivation went through a huge transformation, jumping straight to level 7 of the 3rd stage of cultivation, this brought Sora's power level to over 300 million, which was not bad

"You're finally done?" Shiro asked seeing Sora walking out of his room, for the past few months Sora only used a clone to step outside, while he was forced on awakening his full potential,

"Yeah," Sora said calmly, to which Shiro nodded slightly before taking a deep breath and getting up, and looking seriously at Sora.

"I have been taking it lately, and I find myself being upset with you. I have no right to speak to you as a mother, so I will speak to you as a... friend." Shiro said softly, catching Sora off guard,

"Stop being all high and mighty for once, you have someone who loves yet for some reason is putting up with the way you have been acting recently. for the past few days on Namek, never once did you check up on your girlfriend, or moved to protect her when she was facing all types of danger. if you didn't love her, why date her in the first place? is that not cruel to play with someone like that? She doesn't deserve to be treated like that." Shiro said making Sora frown slightly.

"You put no one in your eyes... just because you have some power doesn't make you any better than others. Do you enjoy just sitting here by yourself, locked away from the outside world? what would you be doing if I never entered your life? sitting around cultivating, for power, you would give up on living? when would it end, and how far do you plan to keep climbing until you sit back and enjoy what you have? By then would it not be too late as you realize what you could have built is gone, and those who were willing to stay by you are enjoying what life has to offer?" Shiroa asked softly,

"I'm not saying seeking strength is bad or anything... look at Goku, he makes friends along the way while trying to reach the peak. for people who are so much alike, your end seems completely different. I'm unwilling to watch this go on," Shiro said as she left, leaving Sora standing there speechlessly.

"But I dated her to make you happy..." Sora said softly, before sitting down to go over her words. Sora disdain the concept of even dating, that was just childish. Go out for a few months just to break up, cry about it, and find someone else and repeat. In Sora's mind, if you like someone, and they like you back, that's it. you two should just be considered husband and wife on the spot,

'How can I enjoy life knowing I'm just some puppet being in control of some greater being out there, writing everything I do? I want to be free... but she has a point, once I reach the peak then what? They used to complain about this as well.' Sora thought thinking back to his harem back in his past world.

At the beginning of his second life, Sora cultivated only to gain strength to defend himself and now has to fear anyone and protect those close to him. So, he did everything in his power to reach the peak of cultivation, going as far as trying to build a cultivation art based around the concept of taking on others' bloodlines to evolve and becoming the ultimate life form.

He was not that talented at the beginning, but talented enough to reach a high enough cultivation stage where he could spend hundreds of years experimenting on the cultivation art, which were the building blocks of the Dragon Sovereign Cultivation art,

In the beginning, it couldn't do much with bloodlines too talented, but with weaker bloodlines, Sora was able to take them and absorb them, greatly increasing his talent, and giving him more years to work on perfecting the technique until it became what it was today.

Of course, during the beginning, he explored the world a lot, saw new races, and new people, and learned all types of stuff. 99% of which soon became his enemies, leading Sora to have his hands filled with the blood of countless lives.

But that was the past, in this life, Sora honestly disdained everyone here. they were weak, held no future, and so on. let's be honest, for someone as powerful as he was, who lived as long as he had, he of course built up an air of pride, and some arrogance,

But having it be pointed out made him realize just how much he had changed, in the past, he didn't mind sitting next to poor people, and helping them out when he was in the mood... but now, the very thought of him doing anything like that disgusted him, why should he get dirty for a lower lifeform?

Sighing softly, Sora went out to see King Furry. there he gave King Furry the designs of some of the spaceships, he wanted King Furry to have people get working on the damn thing. With that out of the way, Sora went on to return to a mortal and went outside for a walk. He has been on a high horse for too long, so he wanted to remember how to be humble.

Sora took on many jobs in the following weeks, just working in jobs that would allow him to see just how hard life is for the lower class, yet how the lower class was the main reason life could keep going.

What others take for granted is that others work their asses off just to put food on the table for their family. Sora of course knew this, but he needed to remember it. Arrogance only leads to blindness, which is how many of his past enemies ended up dying at his hands.

Having a clear outlook on life, and knowing when to be humble and arrogant are the key to life and reaching the peak. This outlook most has been lost on Sora at some point down the road, being the strongest with the whole world at his fingertips made him have to look down just to see things.

But now he was not the strongest, how knows if there were other powerful beings out there stronger than Frieza? Were there space times were other people existed? Right now he was a frog that once stood above heaven but was thrown to the bottom of a well.

With dreams to reach the heights he was once at, he was still a frog at the bottom of a well, yet was acting as if he was still standing above the heavens.

So, with a sigh, Sora disappeared, appearing within the afterlife where he saw King Yemma, King Yemma is the king of all ogres who judge the dead. A line of souls led to his office where he decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell, Sora appeared at the front of the line.

"So, mind pointing out where King Kai planet is at?" Sora asked calmly. King Yemma who was shocked upon seeing a living person suddenly appeared eyes narrowed slightly, but they were slowly fearful with uneasy looking at the ground under Sora, which was cracking under the pressure of Sora's will. he was not using any ability but with the level of his strength, anything within 1 meter of him would be affected by his will.

the world he comes into contact with would crack, and people who get too near would faint, die, or be erased from existence. Sora could of course stop this from happening, but he didn't care enough to.

King Yemma told Sora of King Kai's location, so with a node, Sora disappeared, moving so fast that it seemed like he teleported. moments, he appeared on King Kai Planet.

King Yi's planet was small, it was so small that if one was a hundred times bigger, their arms stretched out might be bigger than the planet. anyways, Sora appeared before King Yai, who was looking at Yamach, Tien, and Chiaotzu train.

Everyone instantly jumped seeing someone suddenly appear, but they calmed down slightly seeing that it was Sora... all but King Yai, who thought that Sora might have come seeking trouble.

"I came to ask you some questions about the universes, willing to talk?" Sora asked calmly, shocking King Kai for a moment, but did he have a choice? Just Sora standing there caused the ground around him to crack, and the plants to disappear, unable to withstand his will.

"... Sure, what do you wish to know." King Kai asked with a smile that looked uglier than a baby crying. Sora looked around for a moment before shaking his head and pointing towards the inside of his house, where they could speak in peace,