
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Super Saiyan

Piccolo shot forward slamming Frieza in the face with his fist before Frieza could regain his senses. But that punch helped Frieza return to his senses, but Shiro made another noise which caused Frieza Ki to once more go chaotic, allowing Piccolo to land countless more blows.

It didn't take long for Vegeta who had Krillin harm him, and for Dende to heal him so he could get stronger to jump into the fight. They gave Frieza the beating of a lifetime with a power level of 2.5 million plus Piccolo's power level of 1.25 million and Shiro's voice.

But who was Frieza? All his life, Frieza had never once trained, this shocking power he held was gained from birth. Slowly, he adapted to Shiro's vocal ability and used his Qi to cancel out the vibration from Shiro's voice, shocking Shiro.

She took a long time to reach this level, and with a good teacher like Sora, Frieza only needed a few minutes to get to a state where he could cancel it out, and that was along with him being jumped.

Shiro gritted her teeth before she used everything she had. and with a scream, a sound wave slammed into Frieza. Frieza defended against the sound wave, but he found the Qi used to defend himself was vibrating, his mind, soul, organs, and so on. everything was vibrating.

Frieza opened his mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood, Piccolo and Vegeta seeing this and that the sound wave attack had stopped, moved instantly, and attacked Frieza, with Gohan and Krillin lending their support.

Shiro's eyes rolled backward and she fainted. she had pushed herself to the limit these few days on Namek, many days of none stop fighting without any sleep, and her pushing herself the limit each time. Vegeta among them was the only one who had the chance to close his eyes and rest, and that at most were about a 30-minute nap.

Sure, cultivators like herself didn't need much sleep, but let's take into account the month traveled without sleep, and the following 6 days, she reached her limits. That last attack was everything she had left, but sadly it wasn't enough.

the others had a hard time injuring someone as durable as him, Krillin tried to use the Destructo Disc, but by the time it reached Frieza, Frieza let out a ranged scream, creating a shock wave that sent all of the attacks flying away,

enraged, Frieza looked at Shiro, never in his life had he ever suffered such damage, this was the most damage he had ever suffered all his life. So, pointing at the defenseless Shiro, he shot a beam at her,

Gohan seeing this exploded with power, with a yell, he shot before Shiro, and with everything he could draw out, he moved the attack slightly to the side, sending it flying into the sky.

How could Gohan watch as Shiro gets injured? It was Shiro who had pretty much babysat her these past few days, going as far as to lose an arm to save her, and almost losing her own life to protect him. Shiro was treating him a lot like the child she never had, and because of this, Gohan looked up to Shiro. seeing her almost about to get killed, was like watching his mom about to get killed, and he was having none of it.

Everyone quickly moved to get ready to attack Frieza while Gohan caught his breath, Dende ran forward and began healing Shiro. Frieza pointed forward, shooting a beam once more, but it went past them, making them move to see where it was heading.

Gohan crossed his hands, using his body as a shield to defend Shiro, but the attack shot past him, hitting Dende who was healing Shiro. you of course have to kill the healer of the team,

"NO!" Gohan yelled, they rushed Vegeta, but Vegeta moved, easily dodging all of their attacks without saying anything. He was too angry for words,

'Frieza has some good self-control, he is arrogant and sadistic... but most importantly his talent is out of this world. if he could join me.' Sora thought while watching all of this play out, Freiza was only showing 3% of his full power, but he was not the only one holding back. Vegeta was not showing his full strength

With Frieza showing a power level of 3,600,000, Vefeta felt as if he had gotten a good understanding of Frieza's strength, so he went on to challenge him to a one v one, but he quickly found out that he was no match for Frieza, making Vegeta fight with blind rage.

seeing this, Piccolo quickly took Shiro and the others away, while Vegeta went on to destroy everything around him. it reached a point where Vegeta was about to lunch an attack that would destroy the planet, but Frieza sent the attack flying into space with a kick.

In the end, the once prideful Saiyan saw just how hopeless things were, Frieza went on to destroy his spirit and began beating Frieza to death, while everything could only watch on helplessly.

'3,000,000?' Sora thought while looking far away to where Goku had fully recovered and had gotten stronger. with the Kaio-ken, if Goku could use it to the fullest then he should be able to fight with a power level of 60 million, but Frieza's peak powerful was twice that.

"how would you get the win? Do you have enough S cells to transform or something? this Super Saiyan Vegeta keeps talking about a real thing?" Sora said softly watching Goku rushing over to the battlefield, just moments away before Frieza was about to kill Frieza, making Frieza pause in his actions.

'Hopefully, I didn't change the story too much. then again, the plot should hit the spot it wishes to hit, so long as I don't make too many changes. It seems like Shiro's actions don't have many changes to the plot.' Sora thought while watching Goku and Frieza trade the first blow, leading to Goku sending Frieza flying with a kick

'what would happen if I save Frieza, I want to make him my sword. a dog who would help me conquer the world.' Sora thought calmly while watching Vegeta who was about to die, crying while giving all his hope to the last pure-blooded Saiyan. something which made Goku knowledge his Saiyan blood,

So they fought, with Piccolo and the others moving far away, allowing them to fight. but Frieza was still using 3% of his strength, allowing them to have a seemly even battle, but Frieza was toying with Goku.

'they are growing.' Sora thought while sensing the changes to Goku's blood, his body was being filled with many S cells, and he would soon be able to tap into the power of a Saiyan.

'they would soon destroy the planet if they keep fighting like this. they don't have good control of their power,' Sora thought with a slight frown while watching, he would be able to survive in space, but what about the others? but he wanted to see what the plot had for them,

So, he watched. Frieza soon used 50% of his power and began taking the upper hand against Goku who couldn't even fight back most of the time. Even with the Kaio-ken times 10, Goku only had a power level of 30 million.

even When Goku used the Kaio-ken times 20, he was not able to defeat Frieza, although he did some damage to him. but this only enrages Frieza, but Goku was not the type to give up. it didn't take long for Goku to try and use the Spirit boom

drawing upon the power of every living thing on the planet and universe, Goku slowly gathered enough energy to form a huge ball of energy in the sky.

'that thing can kill even me.' Sora thought with a smile, Goku has caught up to his level of strength. but would Frieza let that happen? So he attacked, but Goku returned to gathering the energy while enduring the attacks from Frieza, luckily Piccolo who had gotten energy from Krillin and Gohan launched a sneak attack, buying Goku time.

With Piccolo taking the beating on Goku's behalf, with Krillin and Gohan doing their best and sneak attacking Frieza, they were able to draw Frieza's attention, enraging him to the point he forgot the spirit boom and was about to destroy the planet, but at that point Goku was ready with the attack, throwing the spirit boom down upon Frieza who tried his best to catch it.

but even with everything Frieza had, the Spirit boom hit the ground, causing a huge explosion that could be seen from space. the explosion was so huge it sent Shiro who was resting against a mountain flying, but Sora moved to bring her to his side, protecting her from the shock wave.

meanwhile, Goku and the others were also sent flying, but they all lived and thought the battle was over. but they quickly regrouped after all of that, but they quickly noticed Shiro was missing, making them quickly start searching for her, but she could be anywhere. and with them out of energy, what could they do?

But they had a bigger matter to deal with, Frieza's durability showed its power, and shockingly he had survived that. although with heavy injuries, he was up and kicking, and could still fight at 100%.

With them in shock a weakened state, they were hopeless before Frieza. but Piccolo pushed Goku out of the way, taking the blow for Goku. Seeing this, Goku was enraged and quickly had Gohan and Krillin leave, meanwhile, Sora's eyes glowed at what was happening within Goku's body.

Krillin and Gohan were about to run, but Frieza pointed out, taking hold of Krillin and floating him to the sky where he exploded. seeing this beast friend dying before his eyes, Goku who was already angry was pushed to new heights of rage,

lightning rained from a clear sky, waking Shiro up. Goku's hair began flicking, changing between golden and his normal hair color, and with a yell, Goku's hair changed, pointing up with its color now that of a blonde color.

"So this is a Super Saiyan? but he just tapped into this power, lets's see what happens once he adapts." Sora said with a smile, thinking the current Goku was showing a power level higher than his. He expected nothing less from the MC of this world,

The first show of strength Goku showed was appearing before Frieza who was about to kill Gohan who was about to run away, with great ease, he grabbed Frieza's hand, with such force that Frieza couldn't even break Frieza.

In the past, it was Frieza who destroyed Goku's home planet, but he tricked the surviving Saiyan by telling them an asteroid destroyed the planet. The reason Frieza destroyed that planet was well, a slight fear of the Saiyan potential, and the legend of the Super Saiyan. and now the Legend was standing before him.

The two fought, with Goku easily tanking Frieza's attacks, driving Frieza mad. Their fight was pretty one-sided, Sora's eyes were glowing. this was better than watching Anime if only something to eat was here.

"This is a Super Saiyan?" Shiro asked softly, she was too shocked for words, this show of strength was like nothing she had ever seen.

"I don't know why, but this brings back memories of me watching Anime..." Sora said with a smile, he was having deja vu, but for some reason, he couldn't put a finger on it. where could he have seen something like this?

"Sora, do something!" Shiro yelled seeing Frieza throwing an energy ball at the planet. If that thing hit, then this planet would soon meet its doom.

"Don't worry, Frieza wasn't planning on destroying the planet with one shot, he is scared of getting caught in his attack. but I give this planet... 5 minutes, which is more than enough for this planet to be over. Goku was already at his limits, he should be able to remain in this form for about 15 minutes, 6 minutes had already passed." Sora calmly, making Shiro watch on in horror as the attack hit the planet, falling straight through it, but the planet was not destroyed

"It's easy to read people, Frieza is an arrogant and sadistic person. he never suffered any misfortune. that's why he has been making so many mistakes so far, he never was pushed like he was today." Sora said calmly, stunning Shiro who watched Frieza who was powering up to 100%, but with him trying to reach his full power level, Frieza's muscles began growing,

"Another flaw with Frieza, he never trained. he would have 100% controlling his full strength. but energy like this is what Goku needs to draw out the full power of a Saiyan." Sora said calmly, to which Shiro watched on with an uneasy look.

"I'm strong enough to defeat Frieza," Sora said calmly, Shiro nodded slightly and simply sat there not saying anything.

"I have my reasons for not stepping in, I wanted to see something like this. Goku awakening such power... I will explain my reasons for this and why I knew something like this could happen," Sora said with a smile, stunning Shiro for some time. She looked deeply at Sora, these past few days she hoped Sora would pop many times and save the day, but he never once appeared, leaving her and the others to go through hell.

"I will not always be here, I will not step in to save the day. I'm not the hero, but what I am... at least for now is a watch me watching. Like how you sit back watching anime, what is what I am. I will only step in if all hope is lost." Sora said calmly before pointing at Goku.

"Goku and myself, we are a lot alike. that's why I expect so much of Goku, you might never understand my reason for this, but he is my rival. I just watched him slowly crawl up to reach me." Sora said calmly, making Shiro just hug her legs while watching the battle. Sora had already healed her up, she was near breaking through to the 4th stage of cultivation because of it.

'they are back to life... it seems the plot still needs Vegeta.' Sora thought sensing all of the Namekain coming back to life but with everyone back to life. that meant that that huge Namekain was brought back to life, meaning that the dragon balls of this planet were back, leading the planet to go dark.

"from the looks of it, Goku's peak power level is around 150 million, and Frieza's should be around 120 million. it would take some time for you to reach that level of power, what do you think?" Sora asked calmly, making Shiro sigh softly.

"Once I master all of my techniques, I would not be weaker than them... " Shiro said unwilling to accept defeat, Sora smiled slightly, there were many modes her cultivation art allows her to tap into. so far, she manage to learn the Lightning Mode and the Divine Mode.

If she fuse the lightning mode with the Divine mode, She would have the Divine Lightning Mode, a state which could increase her power to a greater degree than when using the two modes together.

there was Fire Mode, Water Mode, Earth Mode, and Wind Mode. once all 5 elemental type modes are mastered and fused with the Divine Mode, Shiro would transform into the 5 Elemental Divine Dragons, allowing her to tap into new modes,

Lava Divine Dragon Mode, Storm Dragon Mode, and so on. Once these 2 elemental fusion is all mastered, she could fuse them once more to become a higher-grade dragon. did she lose out to the Saiyan? not even in the slightest

Just the Divine Dragon Mode would give her a power-up of 100 times, which was a greater boost of power to Goku Super Saiyan, which gave him a power-up of 50 times. then again, Goku just tapped into this power, who knows, he might just use a hint of this form of true power.

With Frieza saw that this planet dragon ball was back, he rushed over to try and make his wish, but he didn't speak the Namekain language, in the end, a wish was made to transfer everyone on the planet but Goku and Frieza back to Earth.