
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs


"You took them out so easily," Bulma said in shock. She and everyone else saw the whole thing, after all, they followed Sora who seemed to have known where the Ship would land.

She managed to see Sora's true appearance, well everyone did, she got everyone looking at him weirdly. With Bulma looking at Sora with disappointment, how could he hide himself from her? but she could understand, being so handsome, it must be troublesome.

Sora just shrugged before looking off towards a cliff where a purple-haired teen was standing, watching the event play out with a shocked look.

"Whose that?" Vegeta asked following Sora's eyes just to see the stranger, Sora didn't say anything and simply headed off to where Goku would most likely land. Sora didn't hind the information, leading everyone to follow, along with the purple-haired man who slowly walked up to them.

"Who are you?" Yamach and the others asked, getting on guard. The purple-haired man stretched his head slightly, but before he could speak, he was cut off.

"He is a Saiyan," Shiro said in shock, her senses picking up on the little details in this stranger's blood. but of course, everyone was taken aback by her words, Shiro looked towards Sora to see if she was correct, and to her shock, Sora nodded slightly.

"Y-yeah, I'm a saiyan." He said softly before powering up, and before everyone's eyes, his hair turned blonde, similar to when Goku transform, but with a different hairstyle, with a breath he returned to base form, leaving everyone's eyes about to pop out.

So they went on to start asking questions, which they avoided, only saying he was 17 years old, leaving everyone guessing just to who he was. but he did explain just when Goku would land, which was within 3 hours, so everyone sat back and waited.

'So, Vegeta and Bulma were supposed to be a thing. giving birth to this guy, who would later come back from the past. but why? The fact he has yet to disappear means that this world follows the rule of time that time travel creates a parallel timeline,' Sora thought while looking at the teen, who was looking at Vegeta from time to time.

He ignored this and was forced on working on how to break through to level 1 of the 4th stage of cultivation. within the cultivation there was a tribulation one needed to pass to step into such a test, once one passes that tribulation, the heavens would reward them with the energy needed to break through.

Sora didn't have said energy, meaning he would have to take some time converting energy into said energy and breakthrough. He never tried anything like this, so he needed some time to go over this information before anything. but he reached the peak of the 10th level of the 3rd stage of cultivation within all 3 cultivation systems, which was a huge improvement to his strength

3 hours quickly passed, and soon from the sky, a road ball came falling, landing heavily into the ground. the door of the road ball opened, and Goku stepped out, leading everyone to cheer slightly.

Goku was caught off guard by everyone here, how did they know where he would land, that information was quickly given to him, leading him to look at the purple hair teen in confusion, but he quickly turned his attention to Sora with his eyes burning with the will to fight.

"You're not ready yet," Sora said calmly, to which Goku nodded after a moment, with his power level of 190 million, he was sure he couldn't take down Frieza and his dad as easily as Sora did, but he had a feeling a was nearing that level of power Sora was at.

At their level, even the slightest difference in power was huge and could lead to differences between life and death. their power level was in the millions, and increasing it even by 1 million was something extremely hard to do.

The teen was shocked for a moment, whoever Sora was he had no idea who he was, a stranger who shouldn't be here. looking at him for a moment, he called Goku to the side so that they could talk.

Sora listened in on the two talking, which led to a show of strength. with the purple-haired teen attacking Goku with his sword, while Goku easily blocked the attack with a finger. after which, the teen went on to inform Goku of who he was,

His name was Trunks from the future, son of Vegeta. He went on to tell Goku of androids that would appear, and go on to slaughter countless lives. in the future, Trunks was all that remained amongst the people here, everyone else was dead, forcing Trunks to travel to travel back in time.

Goku was the only one who wouldn't be at their hands, as he would die at the hands of a virus months before the appearance of the Andoird

But that was not the most shocking piece of information Sora got, it was the information on who created the time machine Trunks used to travel back in time. it was none other than Bulma, this piece of information shocked Sora, this mortal woman created such a thing?

He looked at Bulma for a moment, maybe he was looking down on just how smart this woman can be. to create something which could touch upon the foundation of the universe... she suddenly looked much more lovely all of the sudden.

"Shiro, it's time for you to start training... we have 3 years, I will spend that time working on how you would break through," Sora said calmly, to which Shiro nodded slightly, but she didn't follow Sora went he left, unlike Sora she wanted to know where Goku was at the past year.

When Namek exploded, Goku managed to find the puds that Ginyu and the others used, allowing him to leave the planet before it was too late. at which point, he landed on a planet called Planet Yardrat, where he managed to learn a technique called instant transmission, this technique allowed Goku to teleport anywhere after he locks onto a target. he could even go to King Kai.

Sora used sensed Goku using this technique and went on to take note of it, before he went on to seat down with crossed legs, and went on to work on a breakthrough. time passed and soon 2 yours passed, Sora's eyes shot open as he looked at his palm, he had finally made a technique that could allow him to breakthrough,

Sora called this technique... The Unstoppable Dragon Sovereign. because even without the heavens, Sora shall always break through so long as he has the energy to do so.

The 4th stage was cultivation was simple, for energy cultivation it was called the Core Shattering realm, For Body Cultivation, it was called Martial Warrior. For Soul cultivation, it was called Young Soul, and this was their power measurement.

LVL 1 Martial Warrior- PL of 5,000

LVL 2 Martial Warrior- PL of 6,500

LVL 3 Martial Warrior- PL of 8,000

LVL 4 Martial Warrior- PL of 10,000

LVL 5 Martial Warrior- PL of 12,000

LVL 6 Martial Warrior- PL of 14,000

LVL 7 Martial Warrior- PL of 17,500

LVL 8 Martial Warrior- PL of 21,000

LVL 9 Martial Warrior- PL of 24,500

LVL 10 Martial Warrior- PL of 31,500

With the energy from Frieza and his dad, Sora was able to reach level 1 of the 4th stage of cultivation, this was because he used up most of it experimenting for this technique, but he was now at the 4th stage of cultivation, which meant great things.

The Dragon Soverign Armament gave him a new ability called internal Destruction. A step above the technique of emitting the Armament is having it flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out, which can be done by touching, grabbing, or even emitting Armament toward the object. it bypasses most defense, making it extremely powerful

Dragon Sovereign Sense allows Sora to be able to see further into the future and even the past. Sora could even see different possibilities which could happen, sense layers of space, and so on. Of course, seeing into the future is cool and all, but if someone transcends space and time, Sora can't see a thing.

Dragon Sovereign Will allows Sora to be able to fuse his will into other techniques, giving his technique other capabilities. Focusing Dragon Sovereign Will with Dragon Sovereign Senses would allow Sora to overwhelm other senses or cancel out techniques used to sense stuff,

If he fuses it with Dragon Sovereign Armorment, it boosts Sora's strength to a new degree, allowing Sora not to only use Internal Destruction from a greater range, but have its over-capable power, increased. this would increase the power brought upon by the Dragon Sovereign Armament, allowing it to reach 100 times the powerup

Lastly, thanks to absorbing Frieza and King Cold's bodies, Sora's armor capability to create Bai Armor was more effective, allowing him to create Bai Armor which could increase his power level by 10 times.

All of this brought Sora's power level to a shocking 10 billion. Which didn't make Sora happy in the slightest as he was growing too powerful and too quick for Goku to keep up. So, he planned to take a small break to stay with Bulma... she was his girlfriend, and it would be rude if he kept ignoring her.

In truth, at first, Sora didn't think she was worthy of being his woman. He couldn't just go around taking in everyone he sees just because. he had standards, and his woman must be someone who stands out above the rest, be it in talent, strength, beauty, or does something which catches his eye.

And Bulma managed to pull that off, to be so smart to create something like a time machine, that was something huge. She would have created such a thing even if he never appeared in his world, which meant he had nothing to do with this. time travel was a tricky matter, something which would have mortals strengthening their heads around to get to the matter, but he knew all there was with the working of time.

but before he left, he left a clone for Shrio. the clone shall teach her everything while he is gone, a year was more than enough time for her to break through, so he needed not to stay by her side.

"Another clone?" Bulma asked with an annoyed look, she was sick and tired of Sora bringing up his clones to see her. why can't he bring his main body? she was happy and all that Sora was giving her more attention, she could tell something was different, although she didn't know what

"I'm done with my work.. so, I wanted to talk about our relationship," Sora said calmly as he sat down, looking at her seriously,

"We are not talking about that with a mask on." She said with a snort, Sora sighed helplessly, before slowly turning back to his original appearance, which Bulma's eyes almost glow. Sora looked better than how she remembered him,

that long black hair tied into a ponytail, his heavenly appearance, those sharp eyes which seemed to see right into her soul. perfections, standing at 6,4. Sora was perfection in reincarnation, in beauty he was a Dragon Sovereign.

But Sora returned to his average-looking appearance, leaving Bulma greatly disappointed, but seeing Sora wanted to talk, she said and sat down, waiting for him to speak.

"I'm not the dating type, and I honestly am getting tired of the concept of dating," Sora said calmly, shocking Bulma who just froze on the spot, unable to say anything. Was Sora about to break up with her?

"So let's get married, nothing too big or anything. What do you think," Sora asked, stunning Bulma for a moment before her eyes brightened in joy, she of course nodded. the dream man was asking her to marry him, what type of dumb question was this?

'She is 33 and is so childish.' Sora thought speechlessly. with that, a small wedding was held. nothing too big, and not too many people were invented, Shiro and Bulma's parents were there to see the whole event, after which the two were left alone in a room to themselves.

"Nervous?" Sora asked calmly while removing the suit he was wearing for the wedding, his Bio armor on the other hand was transformed into a necklace, which was around his neck, with a thought it would appear on him at any moment.

"... Yes, this is my first time," Bulma said with a blush, she touched herself many times. even when not dating Sora, the image of Sora destroys one interest in the opposite sex. which could explain why her father never brought her mother to Sora's old shop.

"well, this is also my first," Sora said with a smile, indeed this was his first time within this body and this world. she didn't need to know the full story. but this news made Bulma ease up slightly, at least they were going to explore this new thing together.

walking over to Bulma, Sora pulled her into his arms. and slowly, the two shared their first kiss, which instantly got the two heated up, leading to them removing their clothing and getting onto the bed. slowly, the room was filled with Bulma's soft moans, which only got longer as time went by.

that door remained shot for 2 whole days before Sora stepped out, feeling refreshed. to think he had gotten the pleasure of Sex. walking off, he went to go get something for Bulma, she almost went brain-dead from the huge amount of pleasure her brain was trying to process, something too dangerous for the mortal mind.

Lucky for her, she was doing it with Sora, so each round they were at it, Sora helped her cultivate, allowing Bulma strength to go through huge transformations, and allowing her to last 2 days. which was a bit too low, Sora was aiming for her to last 1 or so years at least, or else how could he enjoy himself?

In the past, he went a whole billion years, just at it with the dragon Queen, sure she captured Sora and wanted to forcefully have his children and wouldn't stop until she was pregnant, but the detail doesn't matter.

Of course, Sora could go at it for 1 billion years with this new body of his, there was a lot of stuff that went into play for someone to feel satisfied, and your partner paid a huge role in it.