
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs


"I... I'm done, 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 100 run... all within 12 hours." Shiro fell to the ground, breathing heavily. She never had to push her body to such limits before, she looked at Sora who was sitting on top of a rock in the middle of this blizzard with crossed legs.

"Good, you have trained your body, and now it's time to cultivate it," Sora said while opening his eyes, Shiro looked at Sora seriously hearing this. Sora had informed her about cultivation and knew how it was

"I shall teach this technique, one of the easy techniques I created but it suits you. It's called... well, I don't have a name for it. you can name it," Sora said calmly, to which Shiro nodded. although the technique to didn't have a name, back within the cultivation it would be ranked almost the highest cultivation technique.

This technique was considered failed as it was suited towards only females, which Sora didn't like, and to him, this technique was not perfect if it had such limitations. Sora went on to teach the technique to Shiro,

as the creator of the technique, Sora was capable of breaking down the technique to such a level that even a child could understand. the best teachers are not those whose classes are the hardest to pass, but those who are capable of taking the hardest subject and teaching it in a way everyone can pass.

Sora was such a teacher who can take the hardest subject, break it down into many small pieces, and slowly spoon-feed you the knowledge. the first part of this cultivation art for the body cultivation system, the Body tempering realm, Sora broke it down into 30 parts. 3 per level.

Sora went on to send this knowledge to her head and she could come to seek him every time she needed help with it. the knowledge was sealed of course, as this information was too much for the mortal brain to hold, she would die on the spot if Sora just gave her all of that knowledge

So Shiro spent a week under Sora learning about the first part of the technique, after which she was ready to begin cultivation. She also went on to give this technique a name after getting a good understanding of what the technique could do.

She called it the 5 Elements Divine Dragon. As one of the first techniques Sora created when he closed himself away, he built this technique around the 5 elements, Fire, Air, Water, Lightning, And Earth. this technique allowed the cultivator to cultivate such elements and even fuse them to gain new elements.

It was only for females as the technique was mostly Yang, so to cancel that out a female needed to cultivate it, allowing this cultivation art to be used to its fullest. Sora could have fixed that flaw, but after going over it, he felt like he could have done better. So, he fixed it just now and even made the technique more than twice as strong before giving it to her.

Shiro went on to barry herself within the earth, where she went on to use the earth to temper her body. this would kill the planet, but it would be slow. Sora watched her cultivate for a moment before he disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in an office where King Furry was busy at work.

Upon seeing Sora, King Furry instantly jumped up and bowed slightly. the last time he saw Sora, Sora scared him, it was a fear like none he has ever felt before. he understood Sora's strength and understood that Sora didn't even put Piccolo in his hands. but he also understood Sora was no bad guy. The words Sora said to him that day still rang clear in his mind, making him feel ashamed of himself.

Flash Back

"You a good king with a heart... but that's all. you have no power to protect your people, you don't put enough research or funding into your military power, and so on. there is nothing wrong with a king who avoids war, but a king who doesn't go out of his way to make sure he has the power to protect his people. that's a fool." Sora said calmly while holding King Furry's neck, King Furry was too scared to even fight back.

"I will let you run things, but it's not that I think highly of you. you have been in power long enough and the people trust you. so from this moment onwards, you're a puppet who is sitting on a throne, and I'm the one making the moves." Sora said calmly to which King Furry nodded fearfully, to which Sora dropped him, allowing King Furry to breathe.

"Make sure you collect King Piccolo's body or at least an army, I will come back later to study it. You would do well not to test me, for if I have to take rule by force, King Piccolo would look like an angel." Sora said while leaving, leaving King Furry on the ground in absolute fear

flashback ended,

With King Furry Seeing Sora, he quickly paid his respect like a tamed dog and went on to report Sora everything that had happened. taking Sora's words to heart, he has been giving the military more money and stuff, hearing this Sora nodded in approval and went on to follow King Furry to lead him to where King Piccolo's body was kept... well, the little that remained.

when Goku defeated King Piccolo his body exploded, these parts are what raimed from Goku flying through King Piccolo's stomach. the parts which were once his organs, and stuff. Sora went on to look at them for a moment before nodding, this was more than enough for him to study.

Sora had his Ki flow out of his body and wrap around the bodies before he turned to leave, but before he did he stopped and looked at King Furry for a moment. after some thought, Sora shook his head and left.

Sora returned to where Shiro was and went on to absorb King Piccolo's remains into his body, thereby absorbing the hints of Ki that remained within them, while also studying the bloodline he had. the Ki he absorbed was converted into Qi and used in his Energry cultivation,

"... close. With a little more I could have reached Level 1 Qi refinement. at which point, I can start absorbing other energy and convert them without the need of absorbing them into my body." Sora said softly, if he reached level 1 Ki refinement he would be able to take energy from another him and convert it into another form of energy.

You might question why Sora just can convert the power within Lava into the energy he needs. That was because Sora couldn't take all forms of energy and just convert it, some energy was easier than others to convert, while others might lead to backlashes to convert.

in someone like cultivation, unless Sora reaches level 1 QI refinement, he didn't want to do something so risky and make pointless struggles for himself.

'What a unique bloodline, I find it hard to trace it back to an ancestor... for now, let's see this ability this bloodline has.' Sora thought while going through the bloodline abilities, and he was shocked at the finding.

the abilities were useful, for example, King Piccolo had the body to stretch his body parts, had enhanced senses, a superhuman physique, the ability to reproduce without the need for a second party, the power of creations, and a few more.

Sora went through all of the abilities before landing on the power of creation, sadly he needed more information about such power before he could put it to use, so he had to put it aside and began fuse with this new bloodline while changing a few things about the bloodline to better suit him.

What was the Dragon Sovereign Bloodline? It's A Bloodline which was Sovereign amongst Bloodline, ruling supreme as it reached such a level by taking a piece of all bloodline Sora could get his hands on.

One should know, The Dragon Sovereign Cultivation art would transform Sora's bloodline into the Dragon Sovereign bloodline, but it would be a mix of all bloodlines from Sora's world, and strengthen to a point it was higher than Sora's past Dragon Sovereign Bloodline

but what about this world? If Sora can get all the bloodlines from his world, form the dragon sovereign bloodline of this world, and go on to fuse it with eh dragon sovereign of his world... Just how broken was that?

Hours passed and soon Sora opened his eyes and went on to bite his finger, causing a golden drop of blood to fall, but before it hit the ground the blood transformed, taking the shape of a green-skinned being who looked similar to king piccolo,

King Piccolo needed to open to cough up an egg, Sora was not doing that. So, He changed it to this. Sora could give birth through his blood but at the cost of his lifespan, secondly, the egg hatched would kind of be like his son, but with a much weaker bloodline than himself and lifespan.

this guy he just birthed could at most live up to 1 year before he does of old age, but upon birth, they are already birthed with knowledge on how to fight and much other stuff. all gifted to it by Sora. Sora planned to use such things to train with Shiro,

'Goku had a tail... His Ki is also unique, nothing like any human, I wonder what bloodline he has,' Sora thought while looking under the snow, where Shiro was buried alive...

3 years later, Sora and Shiro stood before a table where a few monks were cleaning up,

"Sorry, but you're late." A monk said making Sora's lips twitch before looking at Shiro, who panicked slightly.

"come on, I spent 3 years getting ready for this," Shiro said with a pleading look, but rules were rules.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Sora said with a shake of his head, Shiro didn't say anything and simply nodded. for 3 years she looked forward to taking part in this and showing her strength, only for them to come late because... well, they lost track of time, and where they were. they traveled all over the world finding dangerous places to train at, which lead to them getting lost.

"... Shiro?" Some called out to Shiro who was waiting for Sora, looking towards how called, Shiro saw a blue-haired girl walking over to her.

"Bulma?" Shiro said in slight shock, growing up Bulma always came to their restaurant, one for the food and the second to see Sora, she was the only one who did this, as most of the people who used to come over were females of all ages.

"Wow, you have grown... you should be what? 22 years old right?" Shiro said in slight amazement as she was no longer looking at the same Bulma form back then. Bulma nodded with a smile while looking around for Sora, but Shiro was all alone.

"Who are those over there? your boyfriend?" Shiro asked with a smile, making Bulma instantly shake her head while looking back at her friends, which were Goku and the others. Shiro eyes landed on Goku as Sora had told her that he was the one who defeated King Piccolo.

Goku and his friends also looked at Shiro, all having serious looks while looking at her as they could tell she was not normal.

"they are my friends," Bulma said quickly, making Shiro's eyes blow slightly.

"so you're single?" Shiro asked while looking deeply at Bulma, making Bulma freeze for a moment before she understood what Shiro was getting at. she quickly nodded, if Shiro would help him get near Sora, she was more than happy.

moments later, Sora walked out of the bathroom with a disgusted look, that bathroom was dirty as dirty could be. how could a place be so dirty when it's rarely used?

"Sora, you remember Bulma right?" Shiro asked with a smile, Sora seeing the look in her eyes sighed softly. She was playing match up again, he was already 22 years old, and he never had a girlfriend, something which made Shiro unhappy.

"You don't alone, no one would date me," Sora said calmly, he looked behind her and saw Bulma who was looking at him with a stunned look. how could she not be shocked seeing Sora looking so... average? what happened to her perfect man, her dream man? She traveled long and far to wish for him to fall in love with him, yet what happened to him?

"I'm sorry about her, she could be weird at times..." Sora said with a sigh, the shock would, of course, be huge upon seeing the person you saw as perfection, now being average.

"No, it's alright," Bulma said softly, not knowing what to say or do at the moment. Shiro seeing this hit Sora slightly, signaling to him to say something.

"I didn't know you were into martial arts. are you taking part?" Sora asked calmly, to which Bulma shook her head slightly.

"My friends are taking part, I'm just hearing the cheer them on... wait, are you taking apart?" Bulma asked with a raised eyebrow, but Sora shook his head slightly.

"She was taking part, but we came late," Sora said lazily, to which Shiro glared at Sora, at least bringing up the idea of watching the tournament together. Bulma looked at Shiro who instantly smiled upon seeing this, Bulma had a shocked look not believing that Shiro could fight. she looks weaker than her.

"If you want, you can sit with us and watch the match together," Bulma said softly, although the blow of Sora's charm was huge, she was of course curious about what was up with that, how does one go from perfect to average looking?

"Sure, it's better than going off doing nothing," Shiro said before Sora could say anything, Bulma smiled slightly before going on to introduce the two to her other friends. Among them was Goku, the man with 3 eyes who was called Tien Shinhan, a bold midget called Krillin, a man in a ponytail called Yamcha, a blue-haired beauty called Launch, an old pervert called Master Roshi, a floating kid with a pale face called Chiaotzu, A big Called Oolong, a talking cat called Puar.

"You have interesting friends... The Name is Sora, I saw your fight with King Piccolo 3 years ago, you have potential." Sora said with a smile while looking at Goku, stunning everyone who heard this.

"that smell... Yes, I did smell you there." Goku said while smelling slightly, making Sora look at him weirdly.

"you are your dog or something? that was 3 years ago." Sora said with a raised eyebrow, to which Goku laughed while everyone sized Sora up and down once more through new eyes, they couldn't get a read on Sora, to them he seemed like a normal person.

but Master Roshi being the old man who had hundreds of years worth of experience could tell Sora was not normal. Master Roshi could tell Shiro was powerful, but he had this feeling that Sora was another monster.

"you should be strong then?" Goku said as battle intent burned in his eyes, but Sora just waved it off slightly.

"I have little strength, nothing worth wild," Sora said with a smile, Goku nodded slightly not pushing the matter.

"well, we would see you guys tomorrow, we should go find a place to sleep," Sora said with a wave of his hand before leaving with Shiro who was unwilling to let go of the matter.

"That woman is powerful... I might not be her match." Goku said softly stunning Bulma who looked at Goku and back at Shiro who was walking off with her telling with Sora, seemly displeased about something.

"But the one is known as Sora... he is on a whole new level." Master Roshi said softly, shocking Bulma who couldn't see any of that, but seeing how some of the strongest people she knew all had serious looks, she was at a loss forward.

"It's a shame, I would have loved to face them," Goku said softly, wanting to see Sora and Shiro's strength. but sadly they were not taking part in this, which was a shame.