
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Goku Death

"You want to date me?" Sora asked in shock while looking at Bulma, where did this come from? shouldn't she have friend-zoned him or something? Sora was correct with his thoughts but forgot that Bulma and Shiro were friends, so with some pushing here, she was asking him out.

"No thanks," Sora said calmly. Bulma who was nervously waiting for Sora's answer froze as her world shattered like glasses.

"I don't date, that's below me," Sora said calmly before turning around to leave. who did she think she was, asking the dragon sovereign to go on a date with her? If he likes you, he shall put a ring on it, if not then it's not met to be.

"w-what do you mean?" Bulma asked unhappily, Sora calmly turned to look at her. and seeing that prideful look, Bulma was provoked,

"One of the main purposes of dating is for two or more people to evaluate one another's suitability as a long-term companion or spouse. In other words, are you looking down upon my eyesight?" Sora asked coldly, making Bulma speechless

"To me dating is childish. you should know the people you hang out with, I don't do childish things." Sora said calmly. Bulma's eyes narrowed for a moment while looking at Sora's eyes which were filled with complete disdain for the idea.

"Then what do you think of me?" Bulma asked with a frown

"Childish, no clear goals in life, waste of talent, unmotivated and, weak," Sora said making Bulma feel as if she was hit with an arrow, with each word. As the daughter of the richest and smartest man, she was one of the smartest people in the world, but she does nothing with her talent, So in Sora's eyes, she was wasting her talent, she had no goals and was motivated by small matters in life, and she was weak.

"I hate you, and to think I was going to show you the dragon," Bulma yelled angrily as she pulled out a divine and threw it to the ground, breaking it. Sora instantly froze at her words,

"The Dragon that grants wishes?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow, stunning Bulma slightly seeing the look in Sora's eyes. Shiro was right, Sora was a huge fan of dragons. no wonder he called himself the Dragon Sovereign, the name just screamed with power.

"Snort, and why should I tell you?" Bulma asked as she stepped on the device under her legs destroying her. making Sora frown, he looked at the destroyed device and back at Bulma.

"This was the only Dragon radar that could find the dragon balls, and I'm the only one capable of creating them," Bulma said with a smile, enjoying the once so prideful man no longer acting so high and mighty.

"What do you want?" Sora asked with a frown, this woman was hateful, how dare she play with the dragon sovereign?

"go on a date with me, until I can create a new one," Bulma said with a smile, she wanted to see someone so prideful eat his words. dating was childish? She wanted to see how dare he was willing to go for the Radar.

Sora snorted at her, how could he the Dragon Sovereign go back on his words? His words are as good as gold, who was worthy of him lying to? If he says the sky is green, he shall beat the living shit out of anyone who says other ways, because his words olds more power over truth.

Even if he contradicts himself, he is right. because he is always right, the dragon Sovereign holds more power than logic could comprehend.

"What a shame, with them spread all over the world, it would take years for you to ever find. but with this thing, that would be at most a month." Bulma said with a sigh, a vine popped at Sora's forehead, Bulma was not like this, she has been hanging around Shiro a bit too much.

"Fine, I will let you date me." Sora said calmly, making Bulma laugh slightly that she defeated this prideful guy. but she froze after a moment, he said 'let', meaning he was allowing them to date... no, he was allowing her to date him, and him not dating her.

"wait," Bulma said in confusion, realizing something was off here. but before she could go on to say anything, Sora turned to leave while speaking.

"Tomorrow morning, I expect you to be on time," Sora said calmly, making Bulma stump her feet slightly. she didn't know why, but she felt like she lost. but how she got Sora to eat his words and go on a date... right?

the next day, Bulma arrived at Sora's mansion, and the two left on their little date. Bulma guessed right, she was sure Sora would have no plans made, she stayed up all night making plans. it's not like she couldn't sleep because this would be her friend's date and she was nervous... nope, not at all.

So, before they could eat, they needed to do something which would make them hungry. so they went out to an ice skating ring. She was sure Sora didn't know how to skate, she wanted to see this prideful man defeated.

but to her shock, Sora skated like a pro, leading everyone at the scaring ring clapping their hands in amazement once they shall his outstanding skills. unwilling to admit defeat, they went on to go to another spot, the arcade but Sora got perfect scores in everything.

they went to many places, surfing, hiking, and so on, in the end, it turned into night and Bulma couldn't go on anymore. Sora was just too perfect, so she gave up and took Sora to the restaurant where they were going to end their day at.

"What's with the downcast look?" Sora asked calmly, Bulma just snorted slightly and looked away, pocking her food. not bothering to eat even though she hasn't eaten a thing all day.

"... it was a wasn't a bad date. I have never been skating, to an arcade, or any of that stuff. so today was memorable." Sora said calmly, stunning Bulma slightly.

"you enjoyed it?" She asked with raised eyebrows, to which Sora went quiet for some time before slowly nodding.

"I guess I did, it has been so long since I did anything so childish and waste of time... it was a nice way to relax," Sora said calmly making Bulma smile, she won. although she didn't know what she won, she will count this as a win.

"... so, do you want to do this again?" She asked, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"once or twice a month doesn't sound bad," Sora said with a shrug, to which Bulma nodded happily.

"then we are dating?" She asked with a smile, to which Sora looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"Sure," Sora said with a nod, to which Bulma smiled happily and went on to eat her food while. Sora barely eats as he disdains such trash food, which Bulma understood so next time Sora would do the cocking.

so, the dating came to an end and Bulma went home. laying in her bed, she sat back and went through everything that happened today. She didn't notice it, but Sora seemed to have been enjoying himself, trying to break every high school he came across at the arcade, or doing things that others would think to be impossible, he was just too prideful to get anything but the first place. So, like that Bulma fell asleep.

from that day on, Bulma went on to spend most of her time at Sora's place, although Sora was not romantic at all. at times he came off as cute, which made Bulma grow fond of him. As for the dragon Radar, she fixed it long ago, she just didn't have time to tell Sora...

"Mysteries abound in this world that we will see. Foes all around well now we'll go fearless and free. I feel so strange that's how we'll win. Courage won't fail if you come with me, the enemies can tail the wind" Shiro sang while Sora calmly sat down before her, listening to her singing, but after some time he shook his head.

"Your Voice isn't perfect, do better," Sora said, making Shiro almost cry. this training was too hard on her voice. but it was training, and tried to correct her voice,

"We will fight for love and glory, we will love to tell a story. There is nothing we can live through nothing can ever die, we will fight again!" Shiro sang, to which Sora nodded slightly, but after a moment he shook his voice.

"your control isn't there yet, do better," Sora said calmly, making Shiro node slightly as she cough after a moment, and went on to try again. While Shiro sang, that moment far away, Goku and Piccolo stood against a man, who claimed to be Goku's elder brother.

The two worked together to fight him, but they were no match for him. it has been 5 years since The 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, currently, Goku had a power level of 416, and Piccolo had a power level of 408, but Goku's elder brother had a power level of 1,500

The battle was hard, and the only way they could win was thanks to Goku's son, Gohan whose strength increased to a shocking 1,307, landing a surprise attack on Goku's brother, this opened the chance for Goku to take hold of him.

Piccolo launched his ultimate technique, which hit the two brothers, leaving both of them in the blink of death.

"Holla?" Sora answered calmly as he picked up the phone which was ringing, once he picked up shock filled his eyes upon hearing Bulma panicked cries, as she informed Sora everything that just took place.

"What is it?" Shiro asked while drinking some water. it's hard to see Sora shocked, only Two Piece and Sakura Shippuden ever made sure to show huge emotions,

"Goku has died... let's go to the battlefield," Sora said before disappearing, followed by a Shiro. of course, Sora was shocked at the news, was Goku, not the MC? how can an MC Die?

"By the way, what was that job?" Shiro asked calmly, Sora shrugged slightly. that song was hidden deep in his memory, he didn't know where he got it, but he used to listen to it in his first life when working out. it always motivated him to do better.

They quickly arrived at where the battle flew took place, and looking around, Sora saw that the damage which took place there was not as huge as when Piccolo and Goku last fought. this showed better control of Ki, which meant the two had made a huge improvement in the past few years.

'A power level of around 1,500... and two power levels of around 400, how is this person with a power level of around 1,300?' Sora thought while sensing the energy left around the place before his eyes landed on a man with long black,

"the energy was too low for me to sense... how come you didn't sense a thing?" Sora asked with a frown while looking at Shiro, making Shiro's face turn dark. Who was putting her through hell?

"So, what's the plan now?" Sora asked while looking at Bulma, Krillin, and Master Roshi, who have came over.

"... we plan to gather the dragon balls and bring Goku back from the dead." Bulma went on to explain a few things, about what happened.

It turned out Goku was of a Saiyan race, one of the strongest races in the universe. sent to this world not too long after birth to slaughter all lifeforms. it turned out the Saiyan race send their infant to a weak planet like Earth to kill off all lifeforms, after which they take the planet and sell it off.

for stronger planets, the stronger adults take action. Goku seemed to not have done so because he hit his head as a kid, losing his memories and being someone pure of heart, and went on to call this planet his own.

Goku was dead, but now Piccolo took Goku's son off to train, but they were not strong enough to stop him. So, they wanted Sora to go save Gohan.

"Naw, I will not do that. with the traces of the battle which took place here, Goku's son has some talent, maybe more than his father. things are getting interesting," Sora said with a smile, everyone was shocked hearing Sora's words, but it only made them panic even more.

"You all overreact. Piccolo is acting out of character, for someone so evil to suddenly team up with Goku. It shows his will to survive. so after defeating Raditz only to find other stronger enemies were coming, he would do everything in his power to make Gohan stronger. plus, Kami might be dying soon, so it's understandable he wants to leave something behind." Sora said calmly leaving everyone stunned before their pupils shrink

"Kami is dying?" Master Roshi asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"the guy is old, and he isn't immortal. if he dies, Piccolo would follow. Piccolo should be able to sense that, so... well, you all get the point. see you all in a year." Sora calmly while he turned around and walked off, leaving the group stunned before they panicked, they needed to find the dragon balls quickly,

"Call me when you find the thing," Sora said making Bulma blush slightly, she found the dragon balls years ago. but she couldn't tell Sora that, or else he would be angry with her. it's crazy how they dated for 5 years yet haven't done anything like kissing.

"... wait, you have a power level of 1?" Bulma asked in shock while looking at Sora through a scouter over her left eye, which was reading Sora's power level.

"Oh? That can read someone's power level?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow, something like that was not in the cultivation world, they had things that you would have to attack to reach power levels, or those with high senses could just tell the power level of a person, although not pinpoint like this scouter.

"yeah, it says you have a power level of 1... Shiro has a power level 1 as well, but Krillion has a power level 206." Bulma said in confusion, but the Scouter suddenly began going crazy as Sora's power level began increasing,

10, 20, 100, 500, 1,000, and finally stopped at 2,750. this shocked Bulma, Sora could control the reading of the power, but what was going on? but forget that, what was up with Sora's power level, how could it be so high?

Sora Cultivation was currently at Level 7 Body Strengthening, normally the arriving person in this realm would have a power level of 275, but Sora had 10 times that. reaching a shocking 2,759

"You want to see more?" Sora asked with a smile, everyone's pupils shrink, this was not everything. indeed, this was only the tip of Sora's power. S0ra increased once more, causing the air around them to become chaotic, making them stumble backward.

"5,000... 10,000, and finally 27,500," Bulma said in shock and horror, just what was this level of power? Energy covered Sora, making it hard for anyone to even near him, and the sky above him was empty. Piccolo and everyone on the planet felt the monstrous level of power.

this was the only Ki control shown before everyone, but he could show even more power if he wished. Sora stopped showing off and went on to pick up Raditz's lifeless body.

"Shiro, I will meet you back home," Sora said calmly while waving goodbye to the group, but Shiro stopped him.

"Can I take part in the fights?" Shiro asked with pleading eyes, Sora frowned for a moment as he fell into deep thought, but shook his head in the end.

"no, stay out of it. leave it to Goku and his friends to deal with the matter, I can't wait to see how far he would improve. the improvement in the past 5 years has been disappointing, but I have a feeling I'm in for a treat." Sora said with a smile, making Bulma and the others sigh softly, martial arts of all kinds seek a challenge, something, or someone to push him.

"... Go and train, if your strength can reach 10,000, then I will think about it," Sora said calmly, Sora said seeing Shiro pointing at his answer. but hearing his reply she nodded with a smile and rushed off to do some training.

"Well, see you in a year," Sora said and with a flash, he disappeared, leaving the group looking at each other for a moment, before they rushed off. they had balls to collect and Goku's wife had to be told of what happened,