
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs


"So, Kami is something called a Guardian. A kind of lesser god who watches over a planet, Guardian. You rank above them, watching over the North Galaxy. but the North Galaxy isn't just one galaxy, but a huge collection of galaxies under you. There is a West, South, East, and North Kai like yourself, who watches over their area of the universe." Sora said calmly while King Kai nodded none stop,

"Above you is the Supreme kai, and above that is what is known as the God of Destruction... but that can be put aside. this universe alone is large." Sora said softly while crossing his arms, in deep thought about the size of this world.

The universe was endless, with its own Space-Time Continua which were endless, and with some which were more significant than infinity. The mortal realm was infinite, there was of course the afterlife split into heaven and earth, and of course, they were endless. there was the Kaio-Shin Realm which was 1/10 the size of the whole universe combined

There was Kaiou Realm which was bigger than Heaven and hell, the Enma Realm is also the same size as the Kaiou Realm, and there was also a demon realm which was also endless. with all of this in mind, there was still the Kaio-Shin realm which was 1/10 of all of these endless space-time Continua,

This was pretty much its mini multiverse, which was not bad. of course, Sora's past world was huge, infinitely larger than this world, but Sora was sure there must be more to this world, it was a gust feeling.

Anyways, through Kai Sora learned many things about this world and the many powerhouses which popped up over the many years since he has been the Kai. but what stood above all that was The God Destruction, the strongest person in the universe. He is holding absolute power and can do pretty much anything he wishes, but he has been asleep for countless years.

"Well, that was pretty much all I came to seek... before I leave, A small favor," Sora said calmly while looking at King Kai, confusing King Kai.

"W-what is it?" King Kai asked nervously, Sora smiled slightly, only making King Kai's face turn pale slightly as he felt even more fearful. after some time, a pained cry sounded shocking Yamach and the others who were outside, making them rush into the building to find King Kai looking at himself in shock,

"Thanks," Sora said while turning around and disappearing with great speed, leaving Yamach and the others even more confused about what was happening...

Sora had taken King Kai's bloodline, a huge amount of it, but he quickly healed the guy up, making him feel more alive than ever. King Kai was also immortal, which was something Sora of course gained.

returning to earth, Sora went on to spend his time busily at work, and thinking about how he should deal with Bulma and Sora. This was a delicate matter, and to be fully honest, he was not that interested in Bulma, so the best thing to do was to break up with her. but He didn't want to hurt her, so he went on to see Sora, she should know best about this childish stuff.

"Why are you crying?" Sora asked while entering his house just to find Shiro sitting on the couch, eating ice cream while listening to sad music. She had a blanket covering her, which was already filled with her tears.

"... you came back?" Shiro asked in disbelief seeing Sora had returned, but the next moment she disappeared and just hugged him deeply,

"I'm Sorry," She cried, it has been a long since Sora disappeared after she last spoke to him. It was not hard to guess that Sora's disappearance had something to do with her, which she deeply regretted. if she could take it all back she would, Sora was the most important thing in her life, she gave him up in the past just to make him hate her. She searched all over, but couldn't find Sora, not even a hint of him. so she did the best thing she could do...

roll up in a blanket, listen to sad music, eat ice cream, and let it all out.

"It has just been a few weeks, get off me. You making it sound like it's the end of the world or something." Sora said in annoyance, it was just a few weeks without connection, what was the big deal? back in, he went trillions of years without even any of his wives, children, and friends, yet she was here crying over a few weeks. the mind of a mortal is truly weak.

Shiro slowly calmed down seeing Sora was not angry with her or anything, once Shiro had calmed down completely, Sora went on to ask her for dating tips. what was the best way to break up with someone?

But Shiro shot this idea down quickly and asked Sora to at least try before backing out on this, and by then when he still isn't in love or thinks it can't work, he should be honest with her. Sora agreed, and give the relationship a year at most, to which Shiro agreed heavily.

So, with that, a few days went by. Sora and Bulma spent more time together the following days, with Sora trying to make things work. but nothing was working, you couldn't force love. but she was fun to hang out with, she was more of a friend than anything else.

Soon the dragon balls were recharged. The Namekain dragon ball could grant a total of 3 wishes, so they went on to make the wish to bring Krillin and Goku's souls to planet Earth, if they were to just bring Goku and Krillin to life, they would appear in outer space where Namek was destroyed, and they would die moments after coming back to life.

So, bringing their soul here would allow them to bring them back to life right here. but they found out that Goku was alive, as the dragon couldn't bring Goku Soul here. shocked, they quickly made the wish to bring Goku back to life, before trying to summon Goku here. but shockingly, Goku refused, saying he shall come at a later date

although disappointed, they had to make the other wish, so they brought Yamach back to life. time passed, and after giving the dragon ball some time to recharge, they made 3 more wishes, bringing Tien and Chiaotzu back to life.

as for the 3rd wish, the Namekain wished to be transferred to the new Namek, which shall be their new home.

time passed with everyone doing their things, Sora spent most of his time working on the future of the Dragon Ball he would create, or on Earth's development, there were many things to look at, which gave him little time to cultivate, it's not like he cared much about that, after knowing the monsters which existed out there in the universe,

"Sora did you sense that!" Shiro slammed the door right open and rushed in, horror written on her face. Sora calmly ignores her while slowly crafting out the shape of the dragon, down to the last hair, and atom.

"If your senses were sharper you would realize that there is something huge at play here," Sora said calmly, catching Shiro off guard. her senses were sharper than ever. it's been a year since her battle with Frieza, she was not the same weak form back then, although she made no breakthrough, her strength was still shocking. her had learned many modes within the past few months, and with great work managed to learn how to fuse the Lightning Mode with the Divine Mode, although that state wasn't mastered, it was still a huge boost of power.

With a power level of 19 million, she was the second strongest person, standing behind Sora. Her senses of course were shaper than ever, yet Sora was saying she was not focused a lot.

"You have your ways to go... let's go," Sora said calmly, and the two disappeared, appearing on a rocky land where Vegeta currently stood, along with the others. After everything that went by, Vegeta managed to stay although no one liked him. Using Bulma's bad spaceship, he stayed on Earth training hard for 130 days, before leaving after finding out Goku was alive, and was training somewhere in space.

By the time he returned, Sora asked Bulma to help him stay, as he felt something was off with the plot. but with this action, the plot seemed to have returned to normal, which left Sora in deep thought.

were Vegeta and Bulma going to be a thing? if that was the base, was he trying to give himself a Green Hat? Nope, hopefully, Bulma would dump him seeing she doesn't love him, at least that was the plan he had. Shiro caught on and didn't allow Sora to go through with such plans. leaving Sora helpless.

Anyways, everyone quickly showed up and awaited Frieza's arrival. they all turned to Sora, who was lazily eating popcorn while looking at the sky,

"You guys can stay back, I want to personally deal with Frieza... and by the looks of it, his dad," Sora said calmly, shocking everyone who heard his words. To talk about taking on someone like Frieza so calmly, was he crazy?

"Who are you?" Vegeta asked with a deep frown, he could tell Sora was some powerful warrior, but why had he never seen such a human? Sora shrugged slightly, he never bothered to show himself before Piccolo and the others, so this was the first time they shall him.

"This is my boyfriend, and he is going to Kick Frieza's butt," Bulma said as she walked up to Sora, pridefully showing Sora off. She was happy that Sora was finally going to take action, maybe today no one would have to die.

Sora didn't say anything and simply disappeared, everyone quickly looked around, before looking towards the spot where Frieza's ship would soon land, and saw Sora sitting on a rock, calmly waiting for the ship, with a sword stabbed into the ground.

'I wonder... would the guy from the future have stepped in, or would have Goku popped in?' Sora thought while within his mind, the image of many things appeared within, one a purple-haired man, and the second of Goku who was seriously sensing everything that was happening on earth currently. he had a slight smile, happy to finally be able to see Sora's strength.

'By Goku's breathing... can a Saiyn get sick? they could but the chances of it are year,' Sora thought in confusion while losing studying Goku, before shrugging and looking at Frieza's ship which was slowly touching down in front of him.

The door of the ship opened, and Frieza, along with a larger moment of the frost Giant stepped out, followed by a wave of soldiers. buy they all froze while looking at the average-looking young man who was in armor, resting upon a sword while eating popcorn, and sitting on a rock, calmly watching them stepping out.

Frieza's appearance has changed, due to the damage he suffered, his body was put together with some mechanical parts, so he was pretty much a cyborg at the moment.

"Who are you?" Frieza asked with a frown, not liking the feeling Sora gave off. Sora closed his eyes for a moment, before smiling.

"As expected, I can now act to kill you all." Sora slowly stood up, and at the same time, the rock he sat on disappeared under the pressure of his will, the soldiers around Frieza and his father dropped died on the ground, while the area around them shattered as if a huge battle had just taken place. while all of this took place, Sora's appearance transformed, returning to its true face.

Frieza, his father named King Cold, Shiro, Bulma, and the others who saw this scene was shocked, the show of might from Sora was a bit too overwhelming, anyone with a power level below, 100,000 dropped died, and those with a power level slightly higher would faint.

"Father, this one is interesting," Frieza said with narrowed eyes, while King Cold frowned slightly, with his years of experience, who could tell Sora was... a dangerous enemy.

"Well, I'm sure you can get a better look if you came closer. Who knows, you might be overwhelmed by what you see." Sora said with a smile, making Frieza's eyes narrow,

"You don't seem to know just who you are dealing with, do you not know I'm the strongest thing this universe has to offer?" Frieza asked with a smile,

"is that why you ran to Daddy after getting your ass kicked?" Sora asked with a smile, making a vein pop on Frieza's forehead.

"it's embarrassing. running around saying you're the strongest, just for the next moment to get your as handed to you and go running to your dad for help. personally, I would respect myself too much to act like that." Sora said with a shake of his head, making veins grow all over Frieza's head.

Enraged, Frieza pointed forward, launching a huge beam at Sora. Sora smiled while reaching a palm out, and with ease, he absorbed the incoming beam, and used all that energy to boost his cultivation,

Frieza had a shocking power level of 160 million, which put him above Goku of the past who only had a power level of 150 million. That attack was easily absorbed by Sora, shocking Frieza, and his father.

"you would be foolish to compare me to the likes of Goku... my capabilities transcend your ability to comprehend. Go on, tell your daddy to transform into his true form." Sora said with a cold smile while walking forward,

"Don't Get Cocky." Frieza roared before he shot forward, Sora moved dodging Frieza's fist, before slamming him in the stomach with his L bow, Frieza's eyes almost shot out open impact, leading him to drop to his knees while holding his stomach in pain.

From start to finish, Sora never showed a power level nearing Frieza's power level of 200 million, it stayed at 50 million. Sora's marital art skills have reached a state where so long as your strength and capability were within 10 times Sora's power level, Sora had enough skills to defeat you.

"Children can be troublesome at times... so you going to transform or something?" Sora asked calmly, King Cold's power level was at 150 million, slightly behind Frieza. yet with eh look in his eyes, Sora could tell that this guy might not be as strong as Frieza,

"my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined," Sora said softly, he thought he could get a good fight, but to think it was nothing special. Unleashing his full power, he pointed his sword at King Cold, leading to a beam shooting out. moving the sword, King Cold's body was cut clean through, and he dropped to the ground, unable to move his other body parts.

He looked at Sora in horror, but Sora didn't say anything, holding out a palm, he sent a bast that them, aiming to destroy them, but before the beam hit them, he simply held his breath, leading to stop freeze, and he went on to absorb,

'Now, how do I break through to the 4th Stage of cultivation without heaven and earth?' Sora thought calmly, he didn't refine the two, instead, he stored them within his body, and shall refine them later.

the two were more than enough for Sora to reach the 4th stage of cultivation, but there was a problem that to reach that stage, one needs a heavenly tribulation, but this world didn't have such a concept